Report Set for See Story Below Snow Expected Fair, cold today. Heavy mow; FINAL expected tonight. Clearing, Bank, Fmfeg* f cold tomorrow and Saturday. EDITION (See Details Page t) J REGISTER Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93 NO. 131 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31,1970 16 PAGES TEN CENTS USSR Commutes Sentences MOSCOW (AP) - The Rus- ingrad Jews told newsmen in 13 years to 10, and Anatoly defendants are Jewish and or- most unaware of the hijack sian Supreme Court today front of the Supreme Court Altaian's from 12 years to 10. ganized the aborted hijack case and' the considerable at- commuted the death sen- building they were sure the Defense lawyers appealed plot last June after authorities tention it has received in the tences of two Jews convicted- Soviet authorities were influ- yesterday for "milder punish- rejected their applications to rest of the world. Moscow of treason in the I^ningrad hi- enced by Franco's clemency. ment" for the two Jews sen- emigrate to Israel. newspapers have carried no jack plot and gave them 15- The defendants included tenced to death in the Lenin- Sakharov's appearance out- word on the arrests or trial year labor camp sentences. nine Jews trying to emigrate grad hijack case. side the courthouse after pro- and Soviet radio and televi- Labor camp sentences given ,to Israel and to Gentles. Prosecution lawyers were ceedings ended late in the aft- sion broadcasts have ignored three other defendants were They were arrested last June scheduled to present their ar- ernoon came as a surprise to the case. reduced, while the sentences as they prepared to board a guments this morning before the small knot of sympathiz- Kuznetsov and Dymshits of confinement for six other small Soviet airliner which the Supreme Court of the Rus- ers and correspondents who were sentenced to death by a defendants were upheld. they admitted planning to hi- l sian Federation. were barred from the hearing Leningrad city court last jack and take to Sweden. The The Soviet clemency came 1 Soviet physicist Andrei D. and kept a vigil in the falling Thursday and the other de- less than 24 hours after Ge- Jews said that was the only Sakharov told sympathizers snow outside. fendants—seven of them also way they could get to Israel, neralissimo Francisco Franco gathered outside the court- Jews—received labor camp " of Spain commuted the death • the Soviet government having house that defense lawyers in- The eminent physicist and developer of the Soviet hydro- terms ranging from 4 to 15 sentences given six Basque refused to let them emigrate. voked Article 43 of the Rus- years. All admitted they con- nationalists for a political Mark Dymshits, who was to sian criminal code which •pro- gen bomb has become a hero to the small dissident com- spired to commandeer the murder. The sentences in both " fly the plane, and Edward vided for "assignment of mild- small Aeroflot plane so the the Soviet and Spanish trials Kuznetsov were given the er punishment" if there are munity for his outspoken criti- > cism of some Soviet policies, Jews could emigrate to Israel. had touched off protest dem- death sentences as leaders of - "exceptional circumstances" But they denied their actions onstrations in many foreign the plot. in the case. » and they were unaware he was in the courtroom. constituted treason. countries and appeals for The court reduced the labor 'Exceptional Circumstances' clemency from many foreign camp sentence given Iosif The "exceptional circum- •> Muscovites hurried along Relatives who attended the " governments and leaders. Mendelyevich from 15 years stances" in this case are the the busy street outside the appeals hearing were not opti- Sympathizers with the Len- to 12, that of Ari Khnokh from fact that 9 of the 11 convicted courthouse near Red Square, mistic about the outcome. Congress Battling to Year's End WASHINGTON (AP) - An Senate session Saturday—just 50-50 chance of compromise to to adjournment, but Sen. food stamps to mothers and about 6 per cent, effective old Congress is about to wea- a day before the time the Con- settle that issue today. George S. McGovern, D-S.D., children if a father, even an Jan. 1. That would cost the rily welcome a New Year, stitution sets for expiration of The Senate originally voted said he had decided against older brother or sister, re- government some $2 billion. still waging the battles of 1970 the current Congress. to stop spending for the SS£; trying to defeat them because fused a job. The measure gives the pres- on the eve of 1971. Another potential complica- the House voted $290 million there isn't time to draft a new The Senate passed 40 to 35 ident authority Jo increase Senate-House negotiators tion: the possibility President for the project, and a compro- version. and sent to the House a bill pay of federal workers to keep 'were making another attempt Nixon might choose to pocket mise bill offering $210 million Nonetheless, McGovern de- that could give nearly 4 mil- pace with salaries in private to settle the stalemate over veto legislation sent to the produced a filibuster in the scribed the work rule as serf- lion federal employes, in and employment. subsidies for the supersonic White House on Dec. 22. Senate. dom, saying it would cut off out of uniform, a pay raise of (See Congress, Page 3) HIJACK SENTENCE PROTEST - An elderly woman in a transport airplane. A pocket veto kills a tall if It was rejected in favor of " wheel chair holds a placard during rally in front of And there was a cross-Cap- the President does not sign it new negotiations, which began Toronto city hall yesterday to protest penalties im- itol dispute over the fate of a within 10 days after receiving Wednesday night. The confer-, posed on 11 persons'convicted of conspiracy to hijack bill to increase Social Security it—if Congress is not in ses- ence was informal, since the benefits. House has not yet gone a plane from the Soviet Union. More than 1,000 per- sion when that time expires. But the stack of legislation Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, through the process of naming sons attended the rally during which speakers de- confronting the waning Con- D-Mass., said Nixon has 22 its conferees again. nounced Soviet anti-semitism. Of the 11 sentenced gress was dwindling. unsigned bills, some of which The House passed Wednes- 10 are Jews. (CP Wirephoto) "I wish I could give more could die by pocket veto if day night and sent to the Sen- encouraging news on the SST, Congress is in adjournment ate a compromise three-year which may well be the final Saturday. >-, extension of the food stamp roadblock to adjournment," program which subsidizes .gro- said Senate Democratic Lead- Transit Bill Stalls' " cery purchases of the poor, Management Report er Mike Mansfield. But the more immediate sticking by a disputed require- Sen. Hugh Scott, the Repub- problem was at the Capitol, in ment that recipients accept al- lican leader, said he hopes the the form of a $2.5-billion most any job offered. Hearings Open Soon 9lst Congress will call it quits transportation appropriations The bill authorizes $1.75 bik by tonight. bill stalled in the SST contro- lion for the food stamp pro- versy. TRENTON (AP) —Theleg- implement those things that Odds Against Quitting gram during the current fiscal islative committee looking are reasonable and can be But the odds appeared to be Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- year. into the report of the Gover- done without legislation or ex- against it Wash., a chief promoter of the The compromise terms had nor's management Commis- ecutive order. Some depart- Mansfield said he expects a SST measure, said he sees a loomed as a potential barrier sion on Jan. 13 will begin pub- ments have already begun to lic hearings that could contin- doit. ue until June. Beadleston, the assistant Sen. Alfred N. Beadleston, Senate Majority leader, said R-Monmouth, who heads the that he was most concerned SST Issue Is Handed bi-partisan four-member com- about recommendations that mittee, said at a brief news would have to be enacted by conference here yesterday the legislature. that the group wants to hear And while he said he had from all departments affected To 2nd Congress Group not definite conclusions about by the recommendation. the report, he said there were The commission, made up By LAWRENCE L. KNUT- , A decision to fund the SST until Congress adjourns finally some recommendations that of executives from business SON project through the first three at noon Sunday. probably won't stand much of firms, reported in November WASHINGTON (AP) - months of 1971 at least would a chance. SST backers say the high- that the state could save as Adding another twist to its allow the 91st Congress to ad- speed plane is needed for the much as $85 million a year by 'Servicing Public' tortuous trail through Con- journ without holding up a United States to maintain consolidating some depart- "I think that a man in busi- gress, the supersonic trans- host of other transportation dominance of the world avia- ments, abolishing others, and ness has more freedom than a port project has been handed projects and blocking paydays tion- market. Opponents say streamlining the bureaucracy. man in government," he said. to a second House-Senate con- tor thousands of government the money is needed else- Implementation Ordered A businessman is reponsible ference which may pass the workers.
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