Burma's Lost Kingdoms - AMELA GUTMAN otography by Zaw Mix yu This thorough introduction to the history, art, architecture and culture of Arakan, an ancient state located along Burma' s northwest coast, explains and illustrates how Southeast Asia from the beginning of the first millennium AD absorbed and reinterpreted the influences of many cultures. It was written by a noted scholar who has conducted research in the area for over twentv years. 1 ALONG THE BAY OF BENh PAMELA GUTMAN was first sent to in the northwest corner of Burma 1 Arakan in 1972 hv G.H. Luce, the noted spendid capital c ities of ancient Ara historian of Burma, to decipher its Dhanvawadi, Vcsali, the cities of the ancient Sanskrit inscriptions. She took Lemro valley and Mrauk-U (Myoha her Ph.D. from the Australian National Mentioned in Ptolemy's Geography University for her thesis on the cultural the 2nd century AD. Arakan was frc history of Arakan before the 1 1th J earliest times a cosmopolitan state a century, and her love Of Burma's art and vigorous and complex culture. Indi; history have drawn her back to that Brahmins conducted the roval country numerous times. Both Asia s past ceremonial, Buddhist monks spread and present have claimed her interest: she teaching, traders came by land and s has been involved in formulating and artists and architects used India: Australian policy on Asia and was Adviser Southeast Asian models for inspirati on Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister. Through Buddhism, Arakan came in She has published widely on aspects of contact with other remote countries Southeast Asian history and culture, and including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet an today is a Member of the Refugee Re\ lew China. "Io the east were the many ea Tribunal and an Honorary Associate empires of Southeast Asia: Mon, Khi Fellow of the University of Sydney. Burman and Siamese, and to the we; Hindu empires were replaced by the ZAW MIN YU comes from a family Islamic courts of Bengal and Delhi. famous for its photographers and film This is the first comprehensive study makers and today is one of Burma's the history and civilization of Arakan foremost photographers. His work is serves as an excellent introduction ti well-known in Europe and in Asia, where hitherto almost unknown schools of he has specialised in historical sites. He is sculpture and architecture. currently producing a series ot television documentaries on Burma. Pkivtfd IN T1 1 All WD ) BURMA'S LOST KINGDOMS: SPLENDOURS OF ARAKAN PAMELA GUTMAN PHOTOGRAPHY BY ZAWMIN YU g; cost 3S | : QmmsaS $1 Orchid Press •Oa^WOCp (ao^icoecocS ) Bangkok 2001 <f 2544 Buddhist Era »$c$-9 jOW€>Vi&j|(j )co«tt Pamela Gutman Burma's Lost Kingdoms: Splendours of Arakan First published 2001 Published by Orchid Press P. O. Box 19, Yuttitham Post Office Bangkok 10907, Thailand Copyright © 2001 Orchid Press, Bangkok Distributed in Australia and New Zealand by: Allen & Unwin Pty Limited 83 Alexander Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 http://www.allcnandunwin This book is printed on acid-free long-life paper which meets the specifications of ISO 9706 / 1994. ISBN 974-8304-98-1 1 CONTENTS List of Illustrations, Maps ix Acknowledgments xii PART I THE SETTING Introduction 3 Historical Overview 5 PART II CITIES, SHRINES AND SCULPTURES 1 DHANYAWADI 25 - The Mahamuni Tradition - Sculptures 2VESALI 41 - The Candra Kings - Architecture and Sculpture 3 CITIES OF THE LE-MRO VALLEY 6 - The Buddha image and other sculpture 4 MRAUK-U 73 - The City and its Defences - The Palace Site - Shrines -The First Phase 1404-1531 -The Middle Phase 1531-c. 1600 -The Late Phase c. 1600-1784 - The Foreign Enclave - Sculpture -Stone -Bronze -Crowned Buddha images and Sino-Tibetan influence -Composite images -Sri Lankan influence -Divergent iconography -Bronze Votive Stupas - Ceramics 5 NATS AND NAT SHRINES 163 NOTE ON THE PHOTOGRAPHY 1 69 TIME CHART 170 India - Sri Lanka - Arakan - Burma - Other Southeast Asia BIBLIOGRAPHY 172 GLOSSARY 173 INDEX 174 ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND THE PHOTOGRAPHER 176 Plate 45 Hanging Lamp with birds in flight from LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Vesali. Bronze. Plate 46 Standing image ofVisnu from Phara-baw monastery. Sandstone, upper arms broken, figure Cover Shit-thaung shrine, platform and attributes now limed and painted. H. 0.4m. Plate Abhiseka Mrauk-U Museum. 25 plaque. Steatite. 0.0 17x0.0 1 7m. Frontispiece Andaw-thein Mrauk-U Museum. Plate 47 The Le-mro valley. 1'laie 1 Shit-thaung pillar. Red sandstone. H. 3.3m. Plate 26 Vesali. Remains of a monastery and Inscribed in h Plate 48 Le-mro-style Buddha seated in Sanskrit on three sides in the 6*. 8' ordination hall. h bhumisparsa and I P centuries. mttdra. The usnisa ends in a knob, and Plate 27 Head ofa deva from Vesali. Red sandstone. the hair is separated from the face by a narrow band. Plate Mahamuni 2 shrine, southern platform. The H. 0.26m. Mrauk-U Museum. From Ratana-bon shrine, Mrauk-U. H. 0.47m. Buddha and his 500 disciples arriving in Arakan. Mrauk-U Museum. Plate Painted concrete and iron. Installed l"980s. 28 Coins of the Candra dynasty, from Vesali. Mrauk-U Museum. Plate 49 Le-mro style Buddha seated in bhumisparsa Plate 3 Intaglio depicting a man carrying a vase(?) mttdra. Flames burst from the apex of the usnisa. found at Vesali. Blue gemstone. Plate 29 Lintel fragment with Surya, from the Ni- U Oo Tha Tun Found at Htiak-wa-pyin village. I I. 0.45m. Mrauk- collection. buza excavations. 'Red sandstone. H. 0.25m. W. U Museum. 0.48m. Mrauk-U Museum. Plate 4 Orange gemstone inscribed in southern Plate 50 Sandstone image from Launggret in the Indian script of about the Plate 30 Engaged pillar from Tezarama 4th century AD, found monastery, entrance hall of the Shit-thaung shrine. Possibly at Vesali. Diam. Mrauk-U. Sandstone. 0.01m. U Oo Tha Tun collection. H. 1.2m. Mrauk-U 13th century. H. 1.65m. Base 0 74m. Muse tun. Plate 5 Torso of a Bodhisattva found near the Plate 5 1 The Pizi-phara said to have been erected Mahamuni shrine. Plate 31 Side view of engaged pillar. Red sandstone. H. 0.8m. by King Kawlia (1 133-1 153). Plate 6 Plate 32 Lintel in the 7'* century Mahamuni shrine. Bodhisattva. Red pre-Atigkorian Plate 52 Image in a shrineon the road from Mrauk- sandstone. H.l.lm. style at Mingalamaung monastery, Mrauk-U. Grey U to Launggtet, attributed to King Nangyagri who sandstone. H. 0.22m. L. 1.445m. ruled Launggret in the second half oftlic Plate 7 Moat to the east of Vesali 13th ,h century. Restored and Plate 33 Lintel in the 7 century pre-Angkorian painted. Plate 8 Red stone engraved with a bull, now style on the hill behind the Laung-pan-prauk, Plate 53 Le-mro period inserted in a silver crowned Buddha image ring. Diam. 0.018m. Vesali. U Mrauk-U. Grey sandstone. H. 0.35m. 1.. 1.5m. from a ruined stupa east Oo Tha Tun collection. of Thinkyitaw, Vesali. Bronze. H. 0.42m. Plate 34 Image shed at Vesali. Mrauk-U Museum. Plate 9 Head ofVisnu from Vesali. Red sandstone. Plate 54 Lower half of a seated Buddha image H. 0.286m. Circa 6* century. Mraufc-U Museum. Plate 35 Enlightenment of the Buddha, from in stucco on a terracotta base. Extant Selagiri stupa. Red sandstone. H. circa 0.60m. W. H. 0.23m. Plate Votive Mahamuni 10 tablet from the Nibuza excavations. circa 0.40m. Mahamuni Museum. Museum. Terracotta with traccsof gilding and lacquer, fabric Plate 55 Avalokitesvara, perhaps imported from impression on the reverse. H. 0.09m. 10th- 11th Plate 36 The Pirsr Sermon, from Selagiri stupa. Red Bengal. Bronze. H. 0.09m. centuries. Mrauk-U Museum. sandstone. II. circa 0.60m. W. circa 0.40m. U Oo Tha Tun Mahamuni Museum. Collecrion. Plate 11 1 123 AD inscription of King Kawlia, Plate 56 Le-mro period votive plaque from Taung-maw hill, Launggret. Plate 37 The Paranirvana, from Selagiri stupa. Red Saw- nan-min-phyu pagoda. Terracotta.H.0.09m. sandstone. H. circa 0.60m. W. circa 0.40m. Plate 12 The Bandel or foreign settlement at Mahamuni Museum. Mrauk-U Museum. Mrauk-U. From Schoutcn, Voyages (1676). Plate 57 Right-scene plaque, steatite. H. Plate 38 Bodhisattva, from Selagiri stupa. Red 0.2m. U Plate 13 Coins of the Mrauk-U Oo Tha Tun Collection. period. sandstone. H. circa 0.60m. W. circa 0.40m. Mahamuni Museum. Plate 14 The Hmvaw-taw-mu "Awaitine" pacoda. Plate 58 Visnu and Ltksmi in the Ix-mro style from ' bib- 1641 Selagiri. H. 0.52m. Mahamuni Plate 39 Seated Buddha performing vitarltamudra. Museum. Bronze, covered with a green protective glaze. H. Plate 1 5 Urinating pagoda. Plate 59 Bronze reliquary in the form of a stupa with base 0.185m. l.et-kauk-z.av monastery, from Pyinsa. Hollow cast, gilded, traces of red Plate 16 Three Buddha images Mrauk-U. in a ruined stupa laquer inside. H. 0.180. Mrauk-U Museum. east of the I.e-myet-hna. Late 17'h century. Plate 40 Standing Buddha in abayamudra. Bronze, Plate 60 The Ko-nawin, "Pagoda of the Nine Plate l7Se!agirihill. originally covered with a protective glaze. H. Elements" from the southwest. 0.375m. Base restored and inscribed. Ixt-kauk-zay Plate 18 Mahamuni shrine. Central image. monastery, Mrauk-U. Plate 6 1 view of Mrauk-U. Plate 19 Caitya arch, S^-fr*' centuries A.D.. fed Plate Plate 4 1 Standing Buddha under the Bodhi tree.
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