Hoag Ct Sons' Book Bindery Sprin?port, Mich. No. 81 — No. 48 Colorna, Michigan, Thursday, June 2, 1966 Ten Cent® 1966 Coloma Graduates /'i./y 5. ,v: ^ ,\ • > • •.•• • l' c,Jr-- ner 6 3000 at Memorial LIONS MAY CLOSE e seniors - top news this week Day parade A cold northwest wind was BRIDGE LEADING , Jukka Hats, Kathleen Quigley, Patricia the only unpleasant factor for the Annual Memorial Day Henke William Rondell, Cheryl TO PARK ;ht, Wanda parade sponsored by the Ameri- Because of continued vandal- Otis Hiler, Bernard Richardson, Karen can Legion. About 3000 people ism, the foct bridge at Llona Mollis, Donna Robinson, Diana lined the streets and attended k, Kathleen Park may be closed, according Hutchinson, Kelleen Saad, Eliane the exercises at Oolcma ceme- , Patricia tery. to Bud Reinhardt. chairman of Hayhurst, Patricia Schaaf, Steven the park committee. James Leading the parade was the Since the foot bridge was re» I, Starr Imlcv, Willie Fay Scheuer, Elizabeth American Legion Color Guard, built three weeks ago, vandal* Jennings, Bruce with Bill Coleman, Joe Reikes, burn, Larry Schultz, Katherine have almost completely Jennings, Daniel Hank Kuelbs, George Nelson, , William Shankland, Lynann wrecked it, tearing off the raiV and Carroll Kiiebes. Johnson, Phillip ings and part of the under- jut, Jerrold Sims, Jack Next in line was the drill Kaiser, Judith structure. r, Larry Sirk, Richard team with Don Soper, Ky Dol- Karony, Walter It is only thru permission of ezan, C. Saltzman and Ed Wal- t, Carolyn Kelley Bernard Siver, Valarie the Berrien County Packing ther. Accompanying them were a, Jeffrey Kimbrough, Phyllis Company that the Lions have Sonnenberg, David sergeants at arms Bob Dense Barbara the right to use the parking Kipp, Ronald Stainbrook, Sherry and Harry Defielda and Chap- lot beside the I&M station.. , Ronald Knuth, Jack Steinhaus, Raymond lain Joe Malone. If residents in the park are* •ro, Kjcll Kolberg, Robert Steinhaus, Sally The high school band follow- know who the vandals are, it z, Milton Kreitner, Linda Sundman, Christine ed the Legion groups and pre- will be greatly appreciated if d, Sandra Kuehn, Angelica ceded the cars carrying Mayor Sutton, Stuart the word is passed on to Bud s, Priscilla Larsen, Robert and Mrs. Randall; guest speak- Turner, Linda Reinhart or the Courier. er Ralph Slauterback and Mrs. , Steven Loider, Kathleen Vitalo, Frank Closing of the bridge would Slauterback; and World War I ig, Larry Lenz, Susan Walls, Daniel make the parking lot useless, Veterans Roy Leedy, Joe Hew- Jesse Letsch, Rainer Walton, Linda and the only access would thea itt, Charles Coleman. Nurse Patricia Lorenz, John Watts, Herman be the stairs on the east ade Marie Furman. John Quigley, , David Magee, Wayne of the park. Weber, Donald Irving Gale, Howard Wooley, th, Sally Marquart, Nancy White, Eugene ig, Patricia and Lynn Arent. The latter is Marshall, James Wildt, Catherine formerly from Coloma, now of ENDS SATI RDAY cks, Connie McCabe, Richard Wilkens, Steven Chicago. Saturday night ends the IGA Patricia McCarthy, Victoria Williams, Joyce Unifomed Scout troops and Boys' contest in which three , Karen McDaniel, Gail Williams, Mary their leaders added much to the beys will get a free trip to CaU art, Susan Molter, Gary Willmeng, Judi parade. Troops included were— ifornia. ond, Gary Nichols, Shelia Wood, Joan Cub Pack 10, Coloma township; The five leaders with just three days to go arc — Chuck , Janice Nitz, Deborah Woodward, Fred Brownie Troop 353, Coloma Seherer. 110.042; A 11 an An- i, Ursula Oilinsaari, Pirkko Woodward, Timothy Township; Girl Scout troops 38 aaul 179 of Ooloma Township; drews, 77,013; Tim Stowers, an, Carole Paul, George Yeske, Susan 73.517; Tom Koshar. 66,142; an, Patrick Pearson. Dvanna Zuhl, Gerald —Continued on page 16 and Gus Scheffler, 47,44L A.. i no Loloma L'ourier, Coloma, Michigan Thursday, June 2, lj ursday, June 2, 1966 Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan Page Three COLOMA METHODIST er, vice president; Mrs. J.j CHURCH Willmeng, secretary; Mrs, ry Eckoff, treasurer. v Mrs. Roger Carter was hos- # ' ' #v - tess at last week s meeting of ON CAMPING TRIP the Methodist WSCS. Mrs. Lige Mr. and Mrs. Charles A J, Sirk gave the devotionala. and family enjoyed the loi Shingle Diggins A summary of the past year Memorial day weekend on 4 • was given by the president, camping and canoe trip n By MIKE QUIGLET Mrs. Howard Elliott. Other re- Baldwin. ports were given by Meadames f.eon Andrews. Doyle Pethlck. Jack Willmeng. Lige Sirk. and VanZant Heatii floger Carter. Oil • Gas June 2 — The first railroad was signed on. This is the biith- All officers who hnd served Furnaces • Space Hen} Mn ran from Providence to day of Gordon Warm an, Mr. f [ r the past year were re-elect- a Where Quality Counh jJoston in 1835, and the first and Mrs. Leo McQueen, Aubrey • h and are: Mrs. Howard El- • 24 Hour Service lewspaper in Idaho was pub- Arndt, Mrs. Lowell Siver, Mrs, Uott. president; Mrs. Carl Mos- IIO 8-6326 lished at Lewiston in 1862. Connie Bergin, Marilyn KcU;'. fhis will be the birthday of James Adams and Roslyn Han- ..eona Bachman, Mary Alyce sen. f h ? lettig and .Mrs. Bertha Van • • • )rasck. The reason that gossip Is Fainners - Orchardists - Gardeners • • • popular Is that so many The Old Timer was tell- enjoy spreading it around, AGRICO t SACCO FERTILIZERS ing us there are so many • • • labor-saving devices on the June 5 — Benjamin Franklin In hug or bulk — Bulk Sprvaders Available market today that a man Identified electrcty with light- has to work all life to pay E-Z-FLO, ORTHO, NIAGARA ft GENERAL ning on this day in 1752, This for them, Is the birthday of Patricia ("hrmiriil Sprays Materials — Garden Sprays and Duhts • • • Spauldlng. Francta Bachmm Negrren - 45% Nltrogm — Nutrilrne Liquid FerUlfarrr| June 3 — The railroad be- and James E. Jarvis, The first veen Cincinnati and St, Louis state legislature convened in ORTIIO is-u-io. 16-16-18, ia-:o-to pened on this day In 1857, and Wisconsin on this day in 1848. THE OLD LOVELY LODGE — has to use it as a boarding huse. The he modern overhead trolley • • • been been purchased by Mr. and Woodwards also built the Woodwad ne started as a comercial en- The average fellow Is not Mrs. Andrew Kucinsky, owners of Pavillion and the large hotel on the CORN — CLOVER — ALFALFA — LAWN SEED rprise In Richmond, Va., this looking for u man he can the Lake Shore. It will be torn down bluff across the road overlooking the y In 1888. This Is the blrth- trust but a man who will lake. The properly also has three cot- uy of Thomas Hembree, Jr., sometime this fall according to Kuc- trust him. insky. The structure is 80 years old, ttages, one of which is being remod- — filers. Flies, llors, Rskm, Forks, Shovels — Irs, Harold McKie, Walter wift and Mrs. Margaret Zech. • • • built in 1896. It was formerly a farm- eled and fixed up for use this year. The property was purchased from — i'ninlnj; Shears and Sans — si. On this day in 1942 the June 6 — On this day in 1944 house built by Mr. and Mrs. Orrin apanese air force bombed the biggest invasion of all his- W. Woodward, who added on to it the Kaplan estate. (Courier photo) utch Harbor in Alaska, tory tok place when allied for- lishing the patron system in tween Russia and Japan on this CHLOCIDE und BOCK SALT FOR WATER SOFTENKR.^ • • • ces invaded Normandy in FIRESIDE FORUM France. An armada of hundreds New Netherland was granted day In 1905, and Congress au- It would pay to learn of sh ips was escorted by 4.000 on this day in 1629, and t^e thorized penny postcards this The Fireside Forum will something new every day planes. This is Uie birthday of site of Indianapolis was chosen day in 1872, The Dutch bought meet th s Saturday night at Charles Wells gets If a bad memory didn't gum Joe N. Wells, Carolyn Hazen tills day in 1820, This Is the Indian land to establish a Fort the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- things up. and William Powell. This Is birthday of Mrs, Joseph Con- at Hartford, Conn., this day in old Warriner for a cooerative MSU honor Ctirfer's iormsfs Sunply also the birthday of patriot way, Mrs, Karl Kettelhut and 1633. This is the birthday of supper, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth • • • Glenn Yund, Rush Clark, Mrs. Wood will be assisting hosts. Charles C. Wells, son of Mr. Nathan Hale, Mary Fitch, •THE FARMERS DEPARTMENT STORE" June 4 — On th:s day In 1805 M. D. Grant, Miss Kathryn and Mrs. Joe E. Wells, has bct-n • • • • • • :ie treaty of peace between the Stoffle, Edward Thompson and ATTEND GRADUATION named a member of the Mich- Phone KO £-4281 - Red Arrow Highway, tnited States and Tripolis was If Patrick Henry thought The girl who has an hour- Don L. Smith. PARTY igan State Univeraty "66 club. igned and this ended the war that taxation without rep- glass figure eventually rea- The 66 Club is composed of dth the Barbary Pirates, A resentation was bad, he lises that Mauds of times Mr. and Mrs. D:nald Hafer the top 66 seniors gradual: ng COLOMA PUBLIC LIBRARY jsit to Boston the USS Con- should see It now with all must shift. and fam ly and Mrs.Elsie Haf- from Michigan State this year. HOURS tltutlon is located in the Bos- this modern day represen- er will attend a graduation It will serve as the core for • • • >n Naval Yard will Include a tation.
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