Index INDEX Committee of Management of A. A. Company, 68, 610, 611; for cost of convict wrongly sent to Port Stephens Note: References are to letter on Company estate, 40; Mr Dawson, 56, numbers not page numbers 61, 62, 611; Charles Goodluck, 402; Mr Hexham, 250; Francis Mitchell, 402; th 17 Regiment: and drunken soldiers, 344 newspaper, 12a, 15, 68, 184, 258, 265, 57th Regiment: and provision of guards 266, 302, 342, 358, 361; James Norton, for assigned convicts, 23 581; H. C. Sempill, 432; George M. Slade, 16, 22; Thomas Street, 3b; Mr Weaver, 135 A. A. Company: accounts, 63, 108, 109, 151; Annual Report of, 204a; accounts payable to A. A. Company: arrangements relating to lands granted James Bowman, 409; William Buchanan, to or leased by, including further 245; Colonial Committee of Management selection of land, 344a; further grant of A. A. Company, 611, 612; Colonial of land, 605, 621; outlay of, 536; Government, 26, 95, 115, 324, 423; population of estate of, 60; proposals Charles Cooper, 568; Thomas Cowper, re intended grant of land at Newcastle, 244; executors of late John Oxley, 243; 347a; relinquishment of part of estate A. C. Innes, 260; Lamb, Buchanan & of, 240; superintendence of accounts, Co., 315; H. H. McArthur, 408; John 469; see also Agricultural Department; Macarthur, 407; John Piper, 246; Mr Cattle Department; Coal Department; Street, 264; S. Terry, 311a; see also debts Colonial Committee of Management to A. A. Company of A. A. Company; Court of Directors; Achison or Atkinson, Thomas (convict): Court of Directors of A. A. Company; alteration of tickets of leave to Sydney, Department of Accounts; Department of 633 Manufactures (and of Works); Governors Adair, Mr: and appointment of clergyman and Directors of A. A. Company; Horse on Company estate, 343 and Cattle Department; shares in A. A. Adams, John (Carrington): agreement, Company; Sheep Department; stock of 212; request to be discharged, 332 A. A. Company; Stud Department Adrian: convicts on, 273 Aborigines: and assigned convicts for Coal Works, 217; and death of James advertisements; see under The Australian; Tongue, 165; as messengers, 232 Sydney Gazette; Sydney Herald accidental deaths: of assigned convicts, agent of A. A. Company in Sydney see 346; see also deaths Bunn, George Accountant to A. A. Company, 51; Agricultural Department, 497 absence of, 446, 447; announcement agricultural labourers: application for of appointment of, 556a; position of, assignment of, 19a, 67, 73, 199, 206, 447; see also Barton, William (Company 435, 488, 516, 613, 635 Accountant — Port Stephens); Allan, Colonel: and provision of guards Ebsworth, James Edward (Company for assigned convicts, 23 Accountant — Carrington, Port Allan, Nichol (Sydney): and George Stephens) Bunn, 437; and Henry Douglass, 434 accounts payable by A. A. Company: Allen, George: and removal of William William Barton, 135, 136; George Bunn, Barton’s furniture and other property 91, 117, 149, 212, 587, 593, 598, 608, from Company house, 458 622, 629; Mr Burnett, 135; Colonial page 423 In the service of the company Allen, Thomas (convict): non-arrival of, assigned convicts, see also shingle 273 splitters; admission of to General allowances in servants, produce or Hospital, Sydney, 78, 111, 200, 215, money, 107, 107a, 186, 259, 261, 268, 257, 403, 426, 466; application for, 19a, 390, 497, 509 59, 67, 73, 158, 189, 199, 206, 211, 212, 293, 389, 418, 435, 445, 448, 449, 450, America: convicts on, 273, 303, 389 462, 488, 501, 512, 516, 522, 530, 546, Anderson, Michael (alias Andrew Bell) 562, 579, 613, 635, 636; application (convict): non-arrival of, 303 for 25 from every convict ship, 213; angina pectoris, 590 arrival of, 103, 134, 146, 191, 207, Anley, Ferdinand (Newcastle): and 222; to be sent to Port Stephens when request for employment, 75, 96a apprehended, 154; Henry Blackford and, 358a; clothing, shoes, blankets Anly, Captain (Superintendent of Police, th etc. for, 94, 188, 217, 593, 598, 608, Maitland; Captain H.M. 17 Regiment): 622; for Coal Works, Newcastle, 217, and request for assistance in bringing 297; death of, 85, 165, 346, 439, 485, group of ten convicts to Port Stephens, 590, 591; entering homes of indentured 542 servants for the purpose of drinking, Ann and Amelia: convicts on, 514 236; escape of, 589, 592; exchange Annual Report: letters to proprietors of of, 380, 400, 427, 497, 545, 580, 586, stock in A. A. Company in respect of, 604, 607; group of ten, 514, 517, 542, 204a 546; information about ticket of leave Archdeacon of New South Wales, for, 153; inquiries re, 41; loan of, 512; the Venerable: and appointment of medical services for, 59, 60; mess clergyman on Company estate, 343; and utensils for, 382; native, 609, 634; non- spiritual welfare of Company at Port arrival of, 74, 273, 279, 303, 514, 517, Stephens, C, 167; see also Broughton, 589a; objection of Company Surgeon Venerable Archdeacon (Sydney) J. E. Stacy to attending convicts not assigned to A. A. Company, 605; Armstrong, John (surveyor): employment quantity of work to be expected of, of, 5; and establishment of Savings Bank 84, 130; rations for, 84; records of, 24; at Port Stephens, 247; and exchange request for information about, 174; of assigned convicts, 607; and free return of after punishment, 405; tobacco store at Port Stephens, 3a; and plans for, 229; transfer of, 318, 440; transport of buildings, 5; plans of men’s house at of to Port Stephens, 23; unauthorised Newcastle, 382; and report of survey, E employment of by Company employees, Arthur, Alexander (convict): to be sent to 176; wrongly assigned to Port Stephens, Port Stephens, 154; in General Hospital, 40; see also agricultural labourers; Sydney, 134 blacksmiths; Board for the Assignment Ascott, Thomas (Mr Langton’s, near of Servants; bricklayers; brickmakers; Barker’s Hill, Sydney): request for bullock drivers; carpenters; carters; employment, 10 clerks; coalminers; gardener’s boys; Asia, 68, 87; convicts on, 389, 501, 591; grooms; horse-shoers; indoor servants; passage of Mrs Stacey on, 69 joiners; labourers; mechanics; plasterers; Principal Superintendent of Convicts; Aspinall & Co. (soap manufacturers, sawyers; schoolmaster; seamen; Sydney): and kelp or barilla for shepherds; shoemakers; stable boys; manufacture of soap, 569 stone-cutters; stonemasons; waggoners; assault: of William Farrell by William watermen; wheelwrights Barton, 371, 374 page 424 Index Atkinson or Achison, Thomas (convict): barley, 27b, 598 alteration of tickets of leave to Sydney, Barnes, James (son of William Barnes): 633 request to be put in shoemaking Australia, 62, 173; wool transported on, business, 89 81, 82 Barnes, William: requests re employment The Australian: account, 12a, 15, 258, of sons, 89 302, 358; advertisements, 3, 15, 23, Barnes, William (son of William Barnes): 169, 269, 489b, 534a; delivery of to request to be put on salary, 89 Port Stephens, 3, 3b, 12a, 15, 117, 184, Barnett, Richard: complaint against for 283; duplicate numbers received, 533, false pretence of sickness, 80 537; notices, 68, 556a, 624a; share call advertisements, 42, 117, 616; see also Barrier Reef: chart of passages through, Hayes, A. E. 177 Australian Agricultural Company see A. Barrow, John (Secretary of the Admiralty, A. Company London): and extension of leave of absence of Sir Edward Parry, 490; and Australian Almanack: order of copies of, proposed Nautical Almanac for 1834, 544, 548 451 Avery, William (convict): request for barter transactions, 232, 288, 373; assignment of, 211 difficulties with, 444 Barton, William (Company Accountant bags for flour, 3b, 537, 538 — Port Stephens): account of, 135, Baker, John: and discharge from 136; and accounts of Mr Dawson, 61, indenture, 64 62; and accounts relating to boring ballast: dumping of by ships at for coal at Newcastle, 120; accusation Newcastle, 396, 441, 478, 495 of dishonesty against, 274/275, 285; and agreement of Adams, John, 212; Bank of Australia: arrangements with, and allowances in servants, produce 25, 43; financial transactions, 351, or money, 107a; announcement of 352, 430, 611; financial transactions replacement of as Company Accountant, with, 3, 23, 51, 68, 160, 170, 171, 219, 556a; arrangement of passage to 233, 292, 351, 352; and Port Stephens England for, 437, 443, 453; and Savings Bank, 483, 492; shares of Port arrangements between Company and Stephens Savings Bank in, 548; see also Bank of Australia, 446; and assault of McVitie [Macvitie], Thomas (Managing William Farrell, 371, 374; case of, 416; Director of Bank of Australia, Sydney); and casting of wheels for threshing Managing Director of Bank of Australia; machines, 225; and clerk, 110, 212; Spark, A. B. and Company accounts, 63, 108; and Bank of New South Wales: price of shares convict clerk, 113; and copy of letter to in, 568 Captain Moffatt, 413; correspondence, barilla: from mangroves for manufacture 143, 144; and correspondence, 70, of soap, 569–570 81; and Department of Manufactures bark see mimosa bark accounts, 109, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129; and dog-cart, 194; and Thomas Barker, Mr: and offer of land, 428 Lindsey Ebsworth, 124, 126, 127; Barker, Thomas: and market for coal for and establishment of Savings Bank at steam engines, 132 Port Stephens, 247, 263; and financial Barker, Thomas (Sydney): and market for matters, 5, 51, 61, 193, 197, 198; and coal for steam engines, 99 free store at Port Stephens, 3a; and page 425 In the service of the company general order relating to requisitions, blacksmiths: application for assignment 127, 128, 137; and information
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