The Way The FREE newspaper of the Church in Cumbria, Summer 2017 Individual faith stories Champing it take to the airwaves up this summer PAGE 3 PAGE 5 REACHING OUT TO EVERYONE “CAN we do this every Sunday?” That was just one n Carlisle Cathedral opened of the comments from the children and young people up to new people in new ways who attended the first ever ecumenical Messy Cathedral Inside you’ll find articles – discover the latest news event – held recently at which are centred around the about next year’s Moving God for All strategy and vision Mountains mission when Carlisle Cathedral. – that by 2020 everyone in visiting teams of senior For an afternoon this ancient Cumbria has had an opportu- ecumenical leaders join forces and spiritual place was opened nity to discover more of God with local churches to grow up in new ways and to new and God’s purpose for their God’s Kingdom in Cumbria. people – children, parents and lives. l And we may feel organisers all had an uplifting Our prayer is that, through challenged in our faith – what time. reading the following content... can we do to help reach out to You can read more about it l We may feel inspired to those on the fringe and beyond inside this second edition on move out of our comfort zones via a pioneering Text-a-Prayer The Way to be printed since – find out how you could share project? our re-launch. Thank you for your faith story with a Our thanks go to those whose the positive feedback received Cumbria-wide audience via stories we have featured, and so far and we’d welcome any BBC Radio Cumbria. may we wish you all a relaxing more comments you may have. l We may feel empowered and restful summer! Look what I’ve made! Five-year-old Reuben Wilson is one of those helping to get things messy at Carlisle Cathedral JENNY WOOLGAR PHOTOGRAPHY 2 The Way, Summer 2017 www.carlislediocese.org.uk INSIDE EVENTS AT Conversations focus CARLISLE THIS CATHEDRAL EDITION on making the most JULY Open guided tours: Tuesdays and Thursdays in July and August* ROB & TRACEY (2-3pm on Tuesdays and Foster of Moving Mountains 11am-12noon on Thursdays). Please book with Wendy Murrell on couple’s 01228 548071 or email her at ‘new hope’ n Church folk want to [email protected] * Not Tuesday July 18 or Thursday enable others to July 20 PAGE 4 Fri 7 - 7.30pm, Music from the discover more of God British choral tradition. A concert performed by the cathedral boys, MAGGIE PATCHETT By Rev Mike Talbot, girls, and layclerks with the Youth Evangelism Enabler Choir. Tickets on the door. Tourism Sun 16 - 3pm, Evensong with the gets its own “WHAT about a community Old Choristers chaplain litter pick?” “Can we run our Sat 29 - 12.45pm, Lunchtime recital Messy Church that weekend?” by Altrincham Choral Society “Could we hold an event in one Mon 31 to Thurs 3 August - Royal PAGE 11 School of Church Music choir in of the village pubs?” residence In a collection of small villages somewhere in Cumbria, a group of church folk had gathered together FRAN PARKINSON AUGUST to explore how they could make the most of the opportunity that Fri 4 - 5.30pm, Evensong sung by One of first Moving Mountains offers – and Morland Chorister Camp Text-a-Prayer ideas were bubbling to the surface. Sat 5 - 5.30pm, Evensong sung by Friends of Morland Chorister volunteers The underlying questions they were addressing were: What would Camp be of interest and relevance to the Sun 6 - 10.30am, Eucharist sung PAGE 12 wider community? And what are by Royal School of Church Music we already doing that we can natu- choir in residence CONTACT US rally build on to provide a chance Fri 18 to Sat 19 - 5.30pm, for others to discover Jesus? Preparing: Mike Talbot at Penrith Auction Mart, the venue Evensong sung by the choir of St EDITOR: That conversation is being for next March’s commissioning event DAVE ROBERTS Paul’s Church Bedford Dave Roberts repeated across the county in rural and urban areas, small and large Tel: 07469 153658 churches, among young and old SEPTEMBER Email: communications@ people. MESSAGE FROM ARCHBISHOP Fri 8 to Sun 17 - C-Art in the south carlislediocese.org.uk Underlying it all is the desire to aisle enable others to discover more of Sat 9 - Heritage Open Day AD MANAGER: God and his purpose for their lives, OF YORK, DR JOHN SENTAMU Steven Bowditch Sat 9 - 5.30pm, Evensong sung by and so become followers of Jesus. the choir of Bury Parish Church Tel: 01228 530159 Dear Christians in Cumbria, I am so looking forward to being with you in Tues 12 - 12.45pm, Musiclive@lunchtime series begins. The Way is the newspaper of the Church Cumbria in this wonderful mission to herald the in Cumbria. It is produced in partnership love of God in Jesus Christ! I am so looking All concerts are held on a Tuesday between the Church of England Diocese of in the Cathedral, start at 12.45pm Carlisle, the Methodist District of Cumbria, forward to joining with my fellow ecumenical the United Reformed Church in Cumbria church leaders. We pray for mountains to be and last 45 minutes. Admission £5, and Churches Together in Cumbria. moved as we proclaim that God is for all! £4 for members of Carlisle Festival, Through Churches Together in Cumbria, £2.50 students and under-18s. we ensure coverage of and distribution to Jesus invites us to an ever-deepening faith. the Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, Faith might begin tentatively and small but it Season ticket, £40. Quakers and independent churches. The can grow and blossom to bear fruit, which Sun 17 - 3pm, Battle of Britain editorial team is made up of representa- tives from across the denominations. transforms local communities and our own lives with the life and Service. Preacher, Canon Michael The purpose of The Way is to reflect the peace of God. Manley Church in Cumbria to itself and to our Moving Mountains is one mission among many. I have Thurs 28 - 10.30am, tenth communities more widely. We do not seek While the focus of Moving to promote any particular theological accompanied bishops and church leaders in Sheffield, Blackburn and anniversary service for the viewpoint, but rather aim to stimulate Mountains is on March 8-11, 2018, Durham. In March we come to Cumbria and then move on to University of Cumbria debate by featuring writers from a variety of people are also aware that it is not Newcastle and Liverpool. They all have one life-changing invitation: church traditions and from society more widely. While we are happy to consider simply a one-off event; it is part of a come to know Jesus more and more. Each mission has had great unsolicited submissions, we operate much larger movement, at the heart encouragements: many people have come to faith and those of us OCTOBER largely on a system of commissions and do of the God for All strategy, which who have been in church for years have grown in faith. It is not just not guarantee to publish any materials has already started and will keep on about the four days in March. It’s about journeying with people in their Sat 7 - Borderlines Book Festival received. Events (see programme) The views and opinions of contributors going long after next March. first steps of faith through Moving Mountains. and advertisers do not necessarily reflect Having said that, March sees the I hope you will join in with the services and events through Sat 7 - 5pm, Royal School of the views and opinions of the partners. Church Music festival evensong The publisher takes no responsibility arrival of some 35 senior leaders Cumbria. I hope you will join with all your local churches in Moving for losses arising from information in (bishops, Methodist district chairs, Mountains. And I hope that you will invite your family, friends and Sat 14 - 5.30pm, Evensong sung advertisements in The Way. URC moderators, Salvation Army neighbours to come with you. The Good News of Jesus Christ is not by Keswick Choral Society divisional commanders) from just for ourselves, it is for everyone and we are empowered by the Sun 22 - 10.30am, Eucharist sung across the country, each bringing a Holy Spirit to be witnesses. by the Carliol Choir small team with them. +SENTAMU EBORACENSIS Sat 28 - 10am-4pm, Tower Open The Way Starting on the Thursday Day lunchtime with a commissioning Sat 28 -7.30pm, Show of Hands help people discover who Jesus is. If you are not sure what is being Concert event in the auction mart in While there is no central ‘final planned in your own area, have a Newspaper of Penrith – which will offer a taste event’ – for Moving Mountains word with your minister, visit the of Cumbrian life – teams will doesn’t finish – we have been Moving Mountains pages at the Church then spread out across the invited to hold a massive Messy www.godforall.org.uk or, if you NOVEMBER county, joining local churches as Church day at Rheged near Penrith are in a vacancy, drop me an email – Sun 12 - 10am, Remembrance in Cumbria they connect with schools, on the Sunday. This will hopefully [email protected]. Service. Preacher, the Dean running Messy Church, inviting connect with the hundreds who It would be great to hear from you.
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