Table of Contents PREFACE ......................................................................................4 ECOWAS .......................................................................................5 MANO RIVER UNION ................................................................6 UNOWA .........................................................................................7 CADHP ..........................................................................................8 OHCHR / WARO .........................................................................9 UNODC ....................................................................................... 10 OCHA .......................................................................................... 11 WFP/PAM ................................................................................... 12 3 UNICEF / WCARO ................................................................... 13 UNDP .......................................................................................... 14 IOM .............................................................................................. 15 UNHCR ....................................................................................... 16 UNWOMEN ............................................................................... 17 UNFPA ......................................................................................... 18 FAO .............................................................................................. 19 BENIN .......................................................................................... 20 BURKINA FASO ....................................................................... 22 CAP VERT .................................................................................. 23 CÔTE D’IVOIRE ........................................................................ 24 GAMBIA ...................................................................................... 30 GHANA ....................................................................................... 31 GUINEA ...................................................................................... 38 GUINEA - BISSAU ................................................................... 42 LIBERIA ....................................................................................... 43 MALI ............................................................................................ 46 MAURITANIA ............................................................................. 49 NIGER .......................................................................................... 51 NIGERIA ...................................................................................... 52 SENEGAL ................................................................................... 57 SIERRA LEONE ........................................................................ 82 TOGO .......................................................................................... 84 Lot 14-Ouest Almadies, Dakar, Sénégal DCAF ........................................................................................... 86 P.O.Box : 23857 Dakar-Ponty Tel:+221 33 869 85 85/Fax: +221 33 820 46 38 Working Group ......................................................................... 87 • Directory of Institutions Working en Peace and Security in West Africa Working Group on Women, Peace and Security in West Africa • Preface ECOWAS ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC) Complexe Sicap Point E, immeuble C, fter 10 years of existence of 1er étage, P.O.Box : 5802, Dakar-Fann, Sénégal the United Nations Resolutions Tel: +221 33 867 29 36/+221 33 867 46 42 A1325 and 1820 in the West Afri- Fax:+221 33 867 29 37 can region, the results of implementa- [email protected] / [email protected] tion of the resolutions in the West Afri- [email protected] can region leave a lot to be desired. The 4 regional forum on 1325 + 10 organised 5 by UNOWA in September 2010, in colla- Presentation boration with its partners including Afri- can Union (AU), the Economic Commu- Established in 2003, EGDC is an ECOWAS specialized agency entrusted with the nity of West African States (ECOWAS), The present directory is therefore in- mandate of building basic knowledge the Mano River Union (MRU), the Uni- tended to bring together, in an easily capacity, transferring knowledge and ted Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), accessible form, cross sectoral actors, competence, and conducting programs on the United Nations Fund for Women institutions, organisations and agencies gender equality and its mainstreaming in (UNWOMEN), UN-INSTRAW, the Of- that are working, directly or indirectly, to ECOWAS programmes intended for women fice of the United Nations High Com- facilitate sustainable peace and security from private and public sectors. missioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in the West African region. As women the United Nations Development Pro- are at the heart of the implementation gramme (UNDP), United Nations High of the resolutions 1325 and 1820, this Mandat Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), directory has intentionally, privileged Focal Point and the United Nations Children Fund organisations with a gender mandate. 1. Contribute to the attainment of gender (UNICEF) identified several obstacles to It is our hope that through this tool, all Aminata Dibba equity and equality; its effective implementation. In its search Director actors working in the region will find a 2. Ensure gender mainstreaming in all ECO- for solution towards a more effective im- ✆ : +221 33 82503 27 niche in their mandates to network with WAS programmes; plementation, the Forum advocated for gender and human rights focused orga- +221 33 825 03 33 more effective partnership, across insti- nisations to work towards engendered Fax :+221 33 825 03 30 3. Contribute to the abrogation of discrimi- tutions, and across sectors. peace and security in the region. [email protected] natory laws against women; [email protected] On this note, I urge all institutions and 4. Build women and girls’ capacity for Effective partnership development on organizations not listed in this directory [email protected] the issues of women, peace and se- their mainstreaming in decision-making to join in by getting in touch with UNO- bodies; curity in the West African region will go WA’s Human Rights and Gender Sec- beyond listing institutions and organiza- tion. Together, we can make women 5. Facilitatethe participation of all stake- tions within the region, and will include count for peace in West Africa. holders in conflict management and friends of West Africa as well as friends resolution, and in peace consolidation of 1325 across the globe. In the area of Saïd Djinnit processes. cross sectoral partnership, stakeholders Under Secretary-General and actors in security sector and judicial Special Representative of the Secreta- sector reforms can no longer be kept on ry-General for West Africa the periphery. • Directory of Institutions Working en Peace and Security in West Africa Working Group on Women, Peace and Security in West Africa • PREFACE MANO RIVER UNION UNOWA Union du Fleuve MANO Mano River Union (MRU) United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) Delco House, 12 Lightfoot Boston Street, Lot 14-Ouest Almadies, Dakar, Sénégal Freetown-Sierra Leone, West Africa, PM Bag 133 P.O.Box : 23857 Dakar-Ponty Tel: +232-22-223834/+232-22-223834 / Fax: +232-22-226883 Tel:+221 33 869 85 85/Fax: +221 33 820 46 38 www.manoriverunion.org 6 7 Presentation Presentation MRU is a sub-regional organisation en- UNOWA was established in Dakar (Senegal) compassing Sierra Leone, Guinea Co- in order to further enhance the contribution nakry, Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire. It is of the United Nations priorities in the area of headquartered in Freetown. It aims to peace and security in West Africa. UNOWA create fair conditions for trade liberaliza- has substantive sections and advisors tion, and economic development, and in such fi elds as political affairs, military, to conduct peace building, security, and security sector reform, mediation, public stability policies at the sub-regional level. information, human rights and gender, supported by an administrative and fi nancial unit. UNOWA plays an important role in the Focal Point Focal Points implementation and monitoring of Security Council resolutions in West Africa, including Mandat Ambassador Patrice Vahard the field of human righs and gender. 1. Promote peace and security in Mano El Hadj Thierno H. Diallo Chief, Human rights River Union area; and Gender Section Mandate General secretary Tel :+221 33 869 85 52 [email protected] 1. Implement UNSCR 1325 & 1820 in West 2. Promote women’s development in [email protected] West Africa. Laurence Gérard Africa; Chief of Communica- 2. Coordinate all Women’s rights promotion tion section and protection activities in West Africa; ✆ :+221 33 869 85 60 3. Support efforts by governments, ECO- [email protected] WAS, MRU and West African civil society organisations regarding human rights and gender issues. • Directory of Institutions Working en Peace and Security in West Africa Working Group on Women, Peace and Security in West Africa • ACHPR OHCHR / WARO African Commission on Human & Office of the High-Commissioner for Human Rights Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) West Africa Regional Office (OHCHR/WARO) 48, Kairaba Avenue, P.O.Box : 673, Banjul- Gambia HCDH, Immeuble SOUMEX, Tel: +220 4392 962 / Fax: +220 4390 764 1er étage Mamelles/Almadie,
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