Richmond's Bay Trail Completed Planned Bay Trail Connector Trail Richmond Bay Trail Mid Year 2010 Report RICHMOND STANDS OUT FOR HAVING 26 MILES OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY TRAIL COMPLETED, more than any other city on this planned 500 mile hiking and biking trail encircling San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. Assuming timely cooperation by planned 3-mile loop of the Bay Trail Breuner Restoration & Public Access: Contra Costa County, an additional encircling the former landfill. To be 2.6 miles should be built by year end EBRPD signed a $576,385 contract completed in 2010, this loop will pro- with completion of the Landfill Loop with Richmond’s Questa Engineer- vide dramatic vistas overlooking San trail plus a connection to Wildcat ing Corp. to conduct field investiga- Pablo Bay as well as the delta of San Creek Regional Trail. This will leave tions, prepare preliminary design and Pablo Creek. 12.4 miles of planned Bay Trail yet to an EIR for an integrated natural habi- be built in Richmond. tat restoration and public access plan Readers of this report get credit for on the former Breuner property Landfill Loop Trail funding the public agency trail plan- south of Point Pinole Regional ning, design and construction proj- Shoreline. An important objective of ects described below by voting for this project is to enhance pedestrian East Bay Regional Park District and bicyclist access to Point Pinole (EBRPD) Measures CC(2004) & Regional Shoreline by linking it with WW(2008) and statewide parks bond the San Francisco Bay Trail system. propositions 40(2002) & 84(2006). The District is working to assemble More than half of the $3.35 million in funds to complete this expected $7 competitive grant funds TRAC ob- million project in stages during the tained for City of Richmond Bay 2013–2015 period. Trail projects during the last ten years came from the state park bonds, and Landfill Loop: EBRPD used Measure CC & WW Currently there is a 1.4-mile scenic funds as leverage to obtain additional trail along the border of Wildcat grants for Bay Trail projects in Rich- Marsh on the south side of the closed mond. West County Landfill. After delays caused by the prolonged rainy season, Bay’s Best Bike Ride: Republic Services was able to begin Northern California Editor’s Picks construction for completing the in the June issue of Sunset magazine extolled Richmond’s “Bay Trail with shimmering views to the San Fran- cisco skyline ... skirts neighborhoods, parks and a marina filled with sail- boats” headlining The Bay’s Best Bike Ride Just Got Better with the new menu at the BoilerHouse Restaurant. Wildcat Creek to San Pablo Creek: of the Shipyard 3 Bay Trail. EBRPD completed construction documents for a 1.1-mile Bay Trail Point Richmond to Point Molate: link connecting the Wildcat Creek Efforts continued toward closing Regional Trail with San Pablo Creek the dangerous gap in the Bay Trail on and the Landfill Loop trail. Thanks to the south side of I-580 between cooperation by West County Waste- Tewksbury Ave. and the Rich- water District, this scenic connector mond/San Rafael Bridge toll plaza trail will be completed in 2010 if a where an existing trail goes under the hand next year enabling completion timely right of way agreement can be bridge toward Point Molate. The City of the project in 2012. obtained from Contra Costa County. of Richmond retained Questa Engi- neering to work with Caltrans and Marina Bay Trail Upgrades: Kaiser Shipyard 3: Chevron in preparing needed studies Portions of the Bay Trail connect- and construction documents at a cost The Port of Richmond advertised ing Jay & Barbara Vincent Park with of about $1.6 million. In addition to for bids to construct the 2.4-mile Kai- Meeker Slough and Marina Bay Parkway conducting field reconnaissance ser Shipyard 3 Bay Trail out Canal were built before the San Francisco Bay along the trail corridor and scoping Blvd. from Seacliff Drive and around Trail was authorized by state legislation meetings with stakeholders and sub- Point Potrero Marine Terminal to the in 1987. These older, narrower trail sec- consultants, Questa continued to Whirley Crane and SS Red Oak Vic- tions are being widened, repaved and en- gather information regarding oppor- tory. Part of the trail and hanced with new landscaping and tunities, constraints and design crite- the staging area at the his- lighting as a project of Richmond Com- ria. The Questa team will use toric Kaiser cafeteria is munity Redevelopment Agency. Rich- information gathered to prepare a being built as part of the mond’s Questa Engineering Corp. has Caltrans Project Study Report and Honda Port of Entry Pro- completed design and construction Preliminary Environmental Analysis ject. This Bay Trail proj- documents, and Agency staff expect to Report, which will identify and select ect should be completed initiate trail improvements later this year. the apparently viable trail route link- by Spring 2011 with en- ing Point Richmond and Point Mo- gaging exhibits about his- Thank you for supporting completion of late by the end of this year. The goal is toric Kaiser Shipyard 3 as the Bay Trail in Richmond. Please share to complete construction design with part of the Rosie The this report with your friends and neighbors, cost estimates, comply with CEQA & Riveter/World War II encouraging them to join the Richmond NEPA and obtain the necessary ease- Home Front National Historical Bay Trail Network at no cost by e-mailing ments from Chevron & Caltrans by Park. [email protected]. For maps and early 2012. This will provide a basis other information about the Bay Trail in for seeking funds to cover the ex- Shipyard 3 to Ferry Point: Richmond, please visit http://pointrich- pected $15 million cost of construc- mond.com/baytrail/ The San Francisco Bay Trail Pro- tion. As part of a utility tax settlement ject awarded a $150,000 grant to the with the City of Richmond, Chevron City of Richmond for a new shoreline reaffirmed its commitment to pro- trail linking the Shipyard 3 Bay Trail vide a trail easement and invest up to with Brickyard Cove. Combined $2 million for security enhancements with a $300,000 local grant from related to the trail. EBRPD Measure WW, funds are in Steering Committee place to close two Bay Trail gaps be- Atlas Road Entry to Point Pinole tween Shipyard 3 and Ferry Point. Regional Shoreline: Donald Bastin The City’s Engineering Services Depart- Bruce Beyaert Under contract to EBRPD, Mark ment will begin construction design Bruce Brubaker Thomas & Company is designing a Jay Corey with comple- bridge over the UP rail tracks for ac- Whitney Dotson tion of these cess to Point Pinole Regional Shore- Jerry Rasmussen trails expected line from the end of Atlas Road. This Nancy Strauch Spring 2011 will provide a new park entry from to coincide the existing Class I trail along Atlas ERFECT with opening AGE Road. Plans and permits should be in DESKTOP Design by Perfect Page Desktop Publishing PUBLISHING.
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