IKSR CIPR No frontiers for the Rhine ICBR Inventory 2004 in the Rhine river basin Co-ordinating Committee RHINE INVENTORY ALONG THE RHINE CHANCES OFFERED BY AN EU DIRECTIVE the European Union aim at water Reduce pollution protection at a high level, no matter, whether groundwater, The status of waters may not dete- rivers, lakes or coastal waters are riorate under any circumstances. concerned. The EU Member States must take appropriate measures to improve waters which are expected to The target probably not meet the environ- is the good status mental objectives by 2015. All uses must be taken into account By 2015, rivers, lakes, coastal which directly or indirectly affect waters and groundwater are to the state of waters, no matter Photo: Stanko Petek, www.luftbild.com The Falls of the Rhine at Schaffhausen have reached a good status. The whether industry, navigation, the reference is the natural state of use of hydroelectric power or water bodies with their variety of agriculture is concerned. A central In 2004, a large scale inventory of plants and animals, an unaltered task in the Rhine river basin will be form and water regime and the to reduce polluting agents and to the Rhine and the waters in its natural quality of surface waters keep dangerous substances away catchment was concluded. Nine and groundwater. Distinctions are from waters. Apart from that the states were involved in this work made between: to which the European Water - the good ecological and chemical status for surface Framework Directive had given waters (rivers, lakes, transitional rise. This directive modernises and and coastal waters). standardizes European water law - the good chemical and quantity status for groundwater. and requires transboundary ma- nagement of waters in river basin districts. The target for all waters is to achieve a good status. By Photo: A. Schmitt The Rhine as an experience of nature 2015 they are not only to be clean, but ecologically intact. The implementation of this directive introduces a new era in water protection – in future there will be closer co-operation throughout Europe. Uniform European law on water Water is vital for man, animals and plants. Therefore, it must be placed under particular protection. With the Water Framework Directi- map: European Rivers Network (ERN) map: European ve (WFD), the member states of European river districts 2 character of the river banks and its bottom, the interaction between the river and its alluvial area and free fish migration are seriously af- fected along the Rhine and its tri- butaries and need to be impro- ved. Protection beyond frontiers Photo: Pro Natur GmbH Photo: Pro One of the greatest chances and Implementation phases of the WFD challenges of the WFD is the obli- gation to manage waters across Implementation Public involvement the frontiers: River basins are natu- schedule ral entities, from their source to Water protection can only be their outlet into the sea: they do The implementation follows successful, if the public is informed not only comprise the main stream, precise guidelines and schedules: and involved. Interest groups play but also its catchment, that is the According to the risk assessed a key role, since they represent the entire above and underground within the inventory, waters are entire range of pressures on water drainage area. under targeted surveillance. By bodies, no matter whether econo- 2009, management plans must mic uses, nature protection or have been drawn up for all Euro- leisure uses are concerned. Water protection pean river systems. The measures must pay fixed in these plans must take effect by 2012 at latest. Another new aspect is that, in order to reach the environmental River water uses along the R. Main objectives, economic principles, such as recovery of costs for drin- king water supply and waste water discharge have for the first time been integrated into an EU-directi- ve. The most cost efficient measu- res targeted at improving the water bodies will be chosen on the basis Photo: Pro Natur GmbH Photo: Pro of cost-benefit analyses. Photo: Saumon-Rhin Photo: Saumon-Rhin Salmon patrons in France Doller near Schweighouse in Alsace 3 THE RHINE AND ITS CATCHMENT A NETWORK The Rhine is the only river to The Rhine from connect the Alps with the North source to estuary Sea. It represents the most impor- The Rhine has its source in the tant cultural and trade axis in Cen- Sankt-Gotthard massif, as Alp tral Europe. Some 58 million peo- Rhine it runs through the Sargans valley before flowing into Lake ple live in its catchment. Together Constance. Between the falls of with its tributaries, innumerable Schaffhausen and Basel the High brooks, lakes and wetlands it con- Rhine constitutes the frontier Delta Rhine Photo: www.beeldbankvenw.nlle between Switzerland and Germa- Living between stitutes a highly branched net- the dike and the sea ny. North of Basel it turns into the work of waters. Rivers give a final Upper Rhine flowing through the touch to the landscape, but land- lowlands of the Upper Rhine. As Middle Rhine it continues from scapes also lend their character to Bingen to Bonn where the Lower their rivers. The groundwater, too, Rhine enters the bay of the Lower is part of this natural system Rhine. Beyond the frontier bet- ween Germany and the Nether- lands it splits into several arms and, together with the Meuse, it Moselle-Sarre Photo: Pro Natur GmbH Photo: Pro Dammed up rivers between forms a gigantic delta. The Rhine the vineyards flows into the North Sea some 1320 kilometres downstream its source. Data on the Rhine river basin Surface ca. 200 000 km2 Inhabitants ca. 58 million Important uses Navigation, use of hydroelectric power, industry, agriculture, drinking water supply, flood protection, local recreation Middle Rhine Photo: LfD Rheinland-Pfalz The romantic Rhine – Main stream (length) Rhine (1320 km) UNESCO cultural heritage Important rivers Rhine (Alp Rhine, High Rhine, Upper Rhine, Middle Rhine, Lower Rhine, Delta Rhine), Aare, Ill, Neckar, Main, Moselle, Sarre, Nahe, Lahn, Sieg, Ruhr, Lippe, Vechte Important lakes Lake Constance, IJsselsea Countries concerned EU members (7): Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium, Netherlands Others (2): Liechtenstein, Switzerland Photo: LMZ-BW/Wischer Upper Rhine Streams (of goods) connect Co-ordinating the WFD Co-ordinating Committee Rhine in co-opera- industrial sites implementation tion with the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) 4 Sub basins and their The many faces natural borders of the good status Hydrological and natural characte- When assessing the status of a ristics were applied when splitting water body, the first step is to fix the Rhine river basin district into its good status. The great variety nine mainly international sub ba- of water bodies between the Alps sins where the different countries and the North Sea brings about and German Länder involved or great differences: in size, oxygen the regions concerned will agree and nutrient content as well as in upon all questions relating to the characteristics of its banks and Lower Rhine water management. bottom. A bubbling mountainous Water, an economic factor stream will be clearly different from a lazily flowing river. We di- spose of a description of the ideal status, generally reflecting a histo- ric status for each type of water. The good status is obtained, once the present situation of a water Photo: Stefan Arendt, MZ Rheinland Photo: Stefan Arendt, body only slightly differs from this description of the ideal status. Main Densely settled area and federal waterway Aschaffenburg Poto: WWA Neckar Much industry and agriculture Photo: ICPR Co-ordinating Committee Rhine, 2003 Vaduz (Liechtenstein) Co-ordination in the Council of Nine Photo: UVM Baden-Württemberg Within the Co-ordinating Commit- High Rhine tee, representatives of nine states Converting the river take the decisions required for the into electricity implementation of the WFD in the Rhine basin. They closely co- operate with the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) and fall back on its many years of experience. In Photo: UVM Baden-Württemberg 1950, the five Rhine bordering countries Switzerland, France, Luxemburg, Germany and the Netherlands founded the ICPR. Thanks to its activities, the state of the Rhine and its floodplain has improved. This also applies to the The nine sub basins in the Rhine river basin. international co-operation on the The Rhine and its tributaries form the main Alp Rhine / Lake Constance Alp Rhine, Lake Constance, the streaks in a dense network of waters, as Between glacier and lake Photo: Stanko Petek, www.luftbild.com shown on the example of the R. Main. Moselle and the Sarre. 5 RIVERS, LAKES AND THE COAST INTENSIVELY USED HABITAT Today, the Rhine figures among state of the Rhine and its tributa- Diffuse water pollution through Europe’s most intensively used ries – to the benefit of man and the air or the soil continues to be problematic. rivers. The former natural river has nature protection. Nitrate washed out from agri- turned into a cultural river. With a cultural surfaces and reaching view to serving navigation, rivers and lakes through the soil Water bodies on the hydroelectric power generation way towards their good and flood protection it was forced status? into a fixed river bed interrupted Unfortunately, the Rhine, its tribu- by transversal structures. Right up taries and the North Sea coast to the 1980ies the river was so have lost much of their natural heavily polluted with wastewater character – river valleys and coasts are much appreciated as settle- Photo: www.beeldbankvenw.nl that it was generally called the se- ment areas, and this has a variety Dutch Wadden Sea wer of Europe. Already before, but of consequences for the water and ground-water is a classical in particular after the chemical bodies.
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