* TODAY: MINISTRY TAKES OVER NATIONAL 11 * NUNW CAUTIONS GOVT * MERCEDES ROW IN ZAMBIA ' Bringing AWca South Vol.3 No.S6 R1.00 (GST Inc.) Friday January 22 1993 • • • 10 lac Shut down radio, demand pay hike JOSEF MOTINGA MAKE SURE your copy of today's THE Police yes terday stormed the Final Control Room lit t he Nile in Windhoek The Namibian contains West and arrested three technical operator ~ who hijacked the radio service and brought its FREE Weekender edition. broadcasts to a halt. The three locked !.rem­ "bOut \, hat ..:h:uge\ selves into the key op­ would be 1;lId. WhIl e In Dierks prepared eration room and held Olher pan!'> of tht' world the NBC hostage. refus­ Ihis kind (I f ofeen.,:e 1\ ing 10 budge until their regarded :lS sabot: l g~·. to lay charges demands for a pay hike Namitaan b w 110\\ <lp­ had been me!. p:lftntly make!,> no pto­ OWEN LlSTER After attemptS to reach vision ror such a charge. a solution failed. the There is speculation TO the annoyance of many Namibians, the of· police were caIJed in and that they could face fensiveswastika -symbol of the Nazi era· is still the three arrested. charges unck=r the Intimi­ on sale in this country in various forms. At the time of going dation Act. Onc polit i­ Onc person in particular. who is even prepared 10 10 press, the identity of cal analyst noted th:\I lay charges in te rms of the Racial Discrimination Ihe men could not be unde rthe 'old laws'. the Prohibition Ac t 26 of 199 1, is deputy Transport disclosed as they h:ld nOI thrcecould have f:lced a minister, Klaus Dierks. yet bee n ch:lrged. maximUIH scntcrll:e of On n recent visit 10 Swakopmund, Dierks was LOl le r yeste rday the the death pc lwh y or .. angered to sec the Na7j symbol displayed 011 a beer three wcre repo rt edly minimum .~e men ce of mug in 3 local pub. released on the ir own nve years in jail. A brief investi gation reve al ed that sticke rs de­ cognisance. They afC Yesterday polLce pub­ picting the swastika emblem are on sale at a expected 10 appear in lic relati ons o ffi cer. number o r outlets throughout Namibia, panicu­ coun today. Inspector Scan Geyser. larly gift shops and book sbops. and one shop COPS CRASH CORPORA nON ... NBC staff members look on as the . There was some con­ described the incident as police prepare 10 move in and afrt:st the three staff members who fusion during the coursc Continued on page 2 yesterday held the corporation to ransom. of yesterday afternoon To paJ::e.2 I Namsea closing gap DTA sacks stalwarts rnnge ments had been made for Ihe workcn> con­ NAMSEA ChaJlenger, ERICH BOOIS Namibia's first inte ma­ cerned to be Ir:lns ferred 10 other jobs elsewhere. tional racing yacht , was Asked whether Ihey would be Ir:Hls fcrred to IN TH ..: aftermath of las. year' s local and re­ ycstenL'lY closing the g:lp Olth:lve r and List, M:ltj il:l replied Wllh an em­ on the rront-runner in gional elections, the DTA has sacked some of its ph:ll ic: "Yes" the presti gious Cape-to­ party stili wa rts, nU egedJy without pension bene­ When info nned by Ihis re porte r Ihat II,e ITappll ­ fits. Rio mee. AI lu nCh time calions to Olthaver and Lisl had bcen tunlec! down. Amid rumours and allegations th:llthe pan }' has - yestcrday, cheerful skip- he vowed: "They arc de finite ly goi ng to he t'1ll­ pe r Padda Kutlcl re­ :l lso fired its o rganiscT!'> , had to rcpos!'>ess ve hicles ployed somewhere e lse." poned on the rudi o Ihat rrom lie Id worke rs 10 sell :lIld has closed down Maljil:l s:lid the DTA still had 10 decide \\ lI al he and anothe r boat had vari OIlS of ils Windhoek offices. Ihe re is specula. pe ns ion benc fi t!'> had :lccnled 10 its offi ce workers tion that this is all :I prelude to the evelllual closed lhe gap 0 11 the a ~ the party ha !'> no pe nsion scheme. leading Y:lcht from 180 dep:lnure from pOlitics of DTA mastemlind Dirk There have also been rcpon!'> th;lIthc !,:'In )' pl;!OS sea miles to onl y 100 Mudge. At le:lst five office workers, some o f to move ils sccrctari;1I from KenY;I HOllse. whIch sea miles ( 185 kilom­ whom have clocked up more than 10 years service during colonial limes hc l()fIge<..ito the p:lny.to an wil h parly. have bee n told to pack their bags and etres). as yet unknown deslination. In re\.'('11I )'l';lrS Ilk' Yesterday lunchtime leave by February I Ihis year. pany has renled onc noor in Ihe huild/ne the three leading boats They include Esther Slamel ( 13 ye:lTS of serv ­ Some sources wilhinth(, DTA have d ainll'd 111:11 were re.'\diog toward<; tre ice). EngeJ:l Motonane (lOyrs) and Niklaas lhe p:lny int ended to movc the rcmairKll'r of 11 .\ Mokomelo. :l driver. who has reponedly worked I i!'> laOO Hha da Trinidade sec re tariat 10 Ihe John M c iT1 e r lsf[k m {~r:tli\.' ~-k ­ ready ro r the final run of ror the p:u-ty since 197 8. AJlthese workers h:lve di:l Holding complex in S Hi t-.c1 Sl reet ..... hr: rl· tll\.· 782 nautical miles ( I 448 bee n told that lhe DTA pays no pension. group's newsp:l pcrs are housed. Appro:lched fo r commelll on Ihis and Olhe r is­ kilometres) 10 Rio de However. Ihis was appartnlJy shoo down Ix' , Janeiro. The leading sues yesterd:ly. lhc OTA 's AOOrcw M:llji la said of C:luse oflhe acute ly neg31i vc implic:llions it "Hulll yacht is Broomstick Ihe pension is,sue: "This is news to me." hold for the DTA-linked nc wsp;lpcrs. S}\fLING UP ASTORM ... Namibia's Rio hOI>e, Afte r apP:lrentl y checking whal was h:lppcning Now Ihe party is said IQ he interested in a h OW"l' iht, NlIIll .~ bl .. wilh party adminislTaIOrS, Maljila Imc r said ar- To '2 III Pasteur Slrec l. WimU10c k W C.~ L " It ..'t"\I,', 2 Friday January 22 1993 Swastika rage The'''''''fi, Nazi "" en '00" under ,ohm", Adolf Namsea UpS challenge Hit ler was notorious for illl From p age 1 hatred of Jews and blacks. I I Kultel said he hoped 10 do bener Ihan th enl. On PQlice deny Dierks recounted chll F .-o m p age 1 round the island eady this Wednesday the wind W!\S ftppro~chet! informed a re· when he visi ted morning and to reach the guslingto 30 knots. Kunel porter he had none in stock Swakopmund recently, he wh.ich was set to round thc fmish line en Monday or told repoJ1ers on the guard. Nolte charge as the swastikas had been was furious 10 sce lhe ~ w u- islaml ycsterday afternoon, 1'llcsday next week. Btoom- ship on the radio: "We've 'sold out'. tik adispl aycd on a beer mug followed by Parker Pcn !!lick and possibly the other got 25 knots at the mo­ '11e authOfll of the Racial in the Adtnirars Pu b in Ihal skippered by Bruce Ted- twoleadersaresellobreak ment. It 's like our own THElnvestlgatJngoffieerlnwhBthas heenmeknown Discrimination Prohibition town. The pub i~ the prop- der. Close behind that and the 1976 record of 17 days private breeze and we're us the Swakopmund bungalow murder, ye!lIerd:IY Act, obviously had the erly of the Municipality of battling for second place is nnd five hours. The three running square with the denied allegations by the accused, Sehnlk Nolle, that ~ wastika and other such rae· Swakoprnund . ~ nd Dierks Namibia', boat. N~msea front-runners have a good ~pinnaker. TIle winds were the police had III-trealed him during his detention. i,t symbol5 in mind whcn hu wtinen 10 the new Challenger, owned and lend on the rest although 11 lot lighter in previous Nolle Is ac.c.used of hSlvlng silot and killed his they drew up clause II of by fiShing mag- tlte fourth-placed boat, South Atlantic races but girlfriend, Beatrlx Hendrlna SWart, en Aprll191ast the Act, which reads as fol· ~~~e:~ tlt~:'d~;I~;n~;o;~: ~ lcip pered •• swaslika and requeu i1$ nate Kuttel. Morning Glory. is favourite this is fantastic." year, aner an argument In the munh:lpal hungalows · lows: "(1) No person .hall publicly l.I$e any language removal. Dierk s added Ihal Sailing conditions from for the main trophy which He addcd: '"It's been a at Swakopmund. Nolte has pleaded not guUty and j or publish or distribute any if required, he was prepared loday were a mystery for iuwarded after handicaps real gentleman's race" but has clolmed that there have been many Irregularities • wrillen maner or display to 11)1 ch.rges personally if the three leading boats, as are taken into accouJII. would not comment on the In his case. He claimed that some of his documents re­ the offensive item WIIS not by lur-chtime ye~erdny they .On Wednesday Namsea fmish: ''1'11 let you know questing a lawyer had been torn up by the Investlgat_ j any article or do any act or • thing wilh intent to: • (I> removed.
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