Arctoa (2011) 20: 153-174 RARE SPECIES AND PRELIMINARY LIST OF MOSSES OF THE ANABAR PLATEAU (SUBARCTIC SIBERIA) РЕДКИЕ ВИДЫ И ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНЫЙ СПИСОК МХОВ АНАБАРСКОГО ПЛАТО (СИБИРСКАЯ СУБАРКТИКА) V.E. F EDOSOV1, E.A. IGNATOVA1, M.S. IGNATOV2 & A.I. MAKSIMOV3 В.Э. ФЕДОСОВ1, Е.А. ИГНАТОВА1, М.С. ИГНАТОВ2, А.И. МАКСИМОВ3 Abstract A preliminaty list of mosses of Anabar Plateau and nearby areas (70-73°N and 100-111°E) includes 520 species. Rare species are highlighted and briefly discussed. With a mix of arctic, boreal, xeric, and even suboceanic species, the area is excep- tionally rich for subarctic Siberia. The occurrence of numerous calciphytes, includ- ing 11 species of Seligeria, ultra-acidophytes such as Tetrodontium brownianum, and “metallophytes” in the genera Mielichhoferia and Coscinodon, can be explained by the complex bedrock geology. Резюме Рассмотрены редкие виды мхов Анабарского плато и сопредельных терри- торий, обсуждаются основные закономерности их распространения в регионе. Бриофлора территории необычно богата для континентальной части Азиатской Субарктики, характеризуясь высокой представленностью арктических, боре- альных, аридных и даже субокеанических видов. Сложное геологическое строе- ние региона обуславливает значительное число кальцефилов, в том числе один- надцать видов рода Seligeria, ультраацидофилов, например Tetrodontium browni- anum, а также металлофитов Mielichhoferia и Coscinodon и т.д. Приводится предварительный список бриофлоры Анабарского плато и сопредельных тер- риторий, включающий характеристику встречаемости видов и их распростра- нения по основным типам макроландшафтов региона; он включает 520 видов. KEYWORDS: Taimyr, Anabar Plateau, moss flora, rare species, Taimyrsky State Reserve INTRODUCTION in a generally xeric condition, and lack of an- This paper considers mosses of the Anabar thropogenic influence, as it remains totally un- Plateau and some lowlands around it in the south- populated. eastern part of Taimyr Municipal District, 70- Until recently, only one locality of Ary-Mas 73°N and 100-111°E, (Figs. 1-2), occupying an (Fig. 1) at the plateau foothill was studied for its area ca. 100 000 km2. The area has a great diver- forest, the northernmost in the world. Afonina sity of moss habitats due to its position at border (1978) published its moss flora of 140 species, of arctic and boreal zones, complex geology, di- partially revised and supplemented recently by versity of landscapes, numerous microclimates Fedosov & Afonina (2009). Otherwise only scat- 1 – Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Geobotany Dept., Moscow 119991 Russia – Россия 119991, Москва, Московский университет, Биологический факультет, каф. геоботаники; [email protected] & [email protected] 2 – Main Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya 4, Moscow 127276 Russia – 127276 Москва, Ботаническая, 4, Главный ботанический сад РАН, e-mail: [email protected] 3 – Institute of Biology of Karelian Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya str. 11, Petrozavodsk, 185910 Russia – Россия 185910 Петрозаводск, ул. Пушкинская 11, Институт биологии КарНЦ РАН; e-mail: [email protected] 154 V.E. FEDOSOV, E.A. IGNATOVA, M.S. IGNATOV & A.I. MAKSIMOV Fig. 1. Map showing bedrock types in the studied localities, grouped in four geologo-physiographic entities: 1. Anabar Crystalline Shield (gneiss, granite, quartzite sandstone, quartzite, schist, anorthosite, dolerite); 2. Calcareous NW Anabar Plateau periphery (dolomite, limestone, marble, argillite, dolerite); 3. Kotuyskoe Pla- teau (basalt, andesite, dolerite, trachydolerite, pycrite, sienite, ijolite, dunite, pyroxenite, calcareous sandstone, coal, salted loams etc.); 4. North-Siberian Lowland (quaternary sediments with rare outcrops of Jurassic clay). Fig. 2.SpaceGoogle map,showinglimestone(white), andgneisscrystalline schist(grey)areas. Popigay Khatanga listofmossestheAnabarPlateau speciesandpreliminary Rare Novaya Ary-Mas Forest Fomich Khatanga Khatanga as Range Rassoha Settlement Longdoko Mt. Khara-T Kotuy * Afanasievskie . Lakes Ereechka Glinsky Maimecha Anabar Intrusive * Odikhincha Mt. Crystallic Massive Shield Chopko Kotuykan Merkyu 155 156 V.E. FEDOSOV, E.A. IGNATOVA, M.S. IGNATOV & A.I. MAKSIMOV tered data were published by Alexandrova (1937) where Gulinsky, Odikhincha and others massifs in the tundra vegetation description, where 9 occur. These ultrabasite intrusions are composed common mosses are mentioned, and Afonina & of many types of rocks, including dunite, peridot- Andreeva (1993), who reported Lyellia aspera ite, pyroxenite, carbonatite (Gulinsky massif), ijo- in the lower course of Kotuy River. The explora- lite, sienite (Odikhincha Mt.). In the lower cours- tion of moss flora of the plateau itself started since es of Khatanga River tributaries, i.e. still north- 2003 by expeditions organized by the Taimyrsky ward from basalt area, the Ordovician to Carbon- State Reserve; some results were published by iferous limestone and sandstone are exposed. Fedosov (2006, 2007a,b, 2008a,b,c, 2009a,b, The northwestern edge of the Anabar Plateau 2010), Fedosov & Ignatova (2006, 2008, 2009), is bordered by Khara-Tas Ridge, which is formed Fedosov & Zolotov (2008), Fedosov et al. (2009). by extensive dolerite and trachydolerite intrusions However within a rather short period of time, (the highest one is Longdoko Mt., 524 m) with considering also a short time when the field work table-like tops, elevated over dolomite plateau. is possible, the moss flora of 520 species has been Northward and northwestward Khara-Tas Ridge revealed, becoming thus the richest in Asiatic gently descends to the North-Siberian Lowland. Subarctic, as well as in Asiatic Russia as a whole. In its northern part, the Anabar Plateau adjoins Although numerous additions made in all last with Popigajskaya astrobleme, a cryptoexplosion field trips indicate that the present knowledge of structure formed as a result of a giant meteorite this moss flora is still incomplete, at least the fall. Here, in the valley of Rossokha River, exten- main its features can be overviewed; they are dis- sive motley conglomerates are exposed. The north- cussed in the present paper. ern and northwestern edge of mountainous terrain, STUDY AREA, GEOLOGY at the border with the North-Siberian Lowland, is The Anabar Plateau represents an elevated, covered by moraine and sandy glacio-fluvial sed- 400-600(-905) m a.s.l., denudated plain with ir- iments with locally exposed Jurassic clays. regular geomorphological structure, exhibiting Numerous rock outcrops, rock-fields and mainly concentric trends (Fig. 2). Its central part screes, with rock pieces from few meter to sever- is formed by the Anabar Crystalline Shield, which al centimeter, are widespread throughout the ter- is composed of the exposed Archaean crystalline ritory. bedrock mainly of gneiss and crystalline schist CLIMATE with local deposits of quartzite, ferriferous schist, The region is characterized by continental marble and granitoid intrusions. climate with annual precipitation 251 mm, mean A number of different series of bedrocks were annual temperature –14°C, mean of January t= explored during the expeditions. The transect –34°С (tmin=-60°С), mean of July t=+12°С from the Anabar Crystalline Shield to the west (tmax=+38.3°С); the data are from Khatanga me- was along Kotuykan Rivers (Figs. 1-2). In this teorological station, 25 m a. s. l., the closest one direction the immediate periphery of the crystal- to Anabar Plateau. There are no other meteoro- line massif is bordered by quartzite sandstones logical data from the area, but obviously micro- that form table-like mountains surrounding the climates in different places are very diverse both Anabar Crystalline Shield by a belt of ca. 30 km in precipitation and temperature. The period with in width. Further to the west, the Proterozoic and average daily temperature less than 0°C amounts Cambrian limestone, dolomites and argillites, in- to 260 days per year. Snow cover forms in Sep- terrupted at places by abundant dolerite intru- tember-October and melts in June, while late sions, form a flattened plateau at 280-350(-400) snow beds remain up to August and do not dis- m elev.; the plateau is dissected by river valleys appear every year. Permanent snow beds are abun- enclosed in canyons. Still westward of this cal- dant above 500 m elev. and in the deep valleys. careous massif, the Kotuy Plateau (Parmuzin, Summer is generally cool, however some peri- 1964) is situated. It is formed by basalts with ods of certain years may be very hot, with day- andesite layers. Its borders however have com- time temperature over +35°С. The second half plicated geology due to ultrabasite intrusions, of summer is usually rainy. Rare species and preliminary list of mosses of the Anabar Plateau 157 VEGETATION currence of as much as 12 species of Tortula in All vegetation types are underlaid by perma- the Anabar Plateau is especially noteworthy, frost. Most of the territory belongs to the sub- moreover 3 of them were never found in any oth- zone of northern taiga open forests (Yurtsev, er arctic and subarctic region of Russia. 1966; Pospelova & Pospelov, 2007). The north- The diversity of Encalypta, 12 species, is ern border of the study area roughly corresponds higher than in any other regional flora of Rus- to the border between northern taiga and tundra. sia. This is attributable the high diversity of Larix gmelinii stands occur largely on valley basic, ultrabasic and calcareous rocks, as well
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