THE PEOPLE'S STRUGGLE AGAINST FASCISM IN BRAZIL BY MARINA LOPES HE economic and political situa- Dois Rios. Moreover, a wave of popu- Ttion in Brazil became increasingly lar sentiment for a return to a consti- acute towards the end of 1931 and tutional government once again rose throughout 1932. Evidences of resis- above the seething surface of Brazilian tance against the employers' offensive life. manifested themselves among the The main centers of unrest were Sao workers. A wave of strikes swept the Paulo, Rio, and Pernambuco. An country, particularly in Sao Paulo and armed struggle broke out aginst Var- Rio de Janeiro. In the main these gas in Sao Paulo that same year. strikes took the form of protests against It was in this very period that re- wage cuts, increase of working hours, action rallied to the banner of the and fines. Some of these strikes, how- Integralistas. Characteristically the ever, affected important and basic sinister portent of the movement was industries, such as meat-packing, rail- underestimated by the public which road, textile and printing. This mood regarded it merely as a group of mal- of resistance gradually developed into contents and petty adventurers. But a struggle for improved economic con- the chief aim of the Integralistas, as ditions which in some instances as- of all fascist organizations, was to sumed political significance. smash the growing national and pro- Deep discontent also prevailed in gressive movement of the people. They the countryside. Hatred flared up were organized to stem the tide of against the feudal and pre-capitalist the people's demand for democratic forms of exploitation, found even in rights. It may not be amiss here to the most advanced and developed recall to the reader that these very plantations in Rio and Sao Paulo. rights which the people so passionately Even less hopeful were the conditions desired had been promised to them of large sections of the middle classes, prior to 1930 and still remained un- staggering under the load of taxes, fulfilled. high cost of living and widespread Notwithstanding the fact that the unemployment. The Brazilian people Integralistas were the first fascist party were indignant at the numerous ar- organized on a national scale, it is rests of strikers who were deported to worth noting that attempts to create the Island of Porcos and Colonia de fascist cells can be traced back long 513 PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 5*4 THE COMMUNIST before the birth of the Integralistas. who control a chain of 85 enterprises, Fascism in Brazil found fertile soil they chose for their emblem the Greek first among the Italian inhabitants. For mathematical sign integral, and for example, the Fascio de Combate do the color of their uniform green—a Rio de Janeiro had its inception as "patriotic" gesture to the Brazilian far back as 1923. It was, however, only flag. after the 1930 revolution* that these Their platform professes allegiance fascist seedlings developed and took to a triple conception: God, Father- definitive form among the Brazilian land and Family. These catchwords, people. Even then their growth was according to fascist intellectuals, are forced in an atmosphere of muddled romantically and abstractly interpre- fascist propaganda. It held itself out ted to mean: Good, Beautiful and as a method of coping with the True. Forming the base of their plat- increasing revolutionary movement. form, these abstractions serve to con- Government officials hailed the fascist ceal integral aims. Under the slogan creation as a means of protecting the "God, Fatherland and Family" the fas- "fruits of the 1930 revolution." cists disseminate a brand of religious These nascent fascist organizations mysticism and hypocritical anti-im- aped the Italian pattern. Their major perialism and anti-capitalism—coated attention was given to organizational with anti-Semitism. In practice this forms; legions, centurions, decuries, results in a brutal and terroristic as- uniforms and so forth. Newspapers sault on the well-being and the inter- printed instructions regarding the for- ests of the Brazilian nalion. mation of legions, Preeminent among Fascism in Brazil has utilized and the sponsors of these legions were combined in a very efficient mannet Oswaldo Aranha, present Minister for the different characteristics of Italian Foreign Affairs, and Francisco Campo, and German fascism. This applies to present Minister of Justice, then lead- doctrinaire questions as well as to er of the Legion 3 de Outubro. methods and forms of organization. These fascist groupings did not im- In transplanting these forms the Bra- mediately succeed. They failed to zilian fascists have also craftly consid- wring any response from the people. ered the social traditions and the They were ridiculed out of existence, economic set-up of the country. They or were not robust enough to stand assert that they stand for an integral the light of day. But this did not mean Brazil, a strong Brazil, a new Brazil, that the fascists threw up the sponge. a corporative Brazil, a totalitarian They learned from their defeats and Brazil. The term "corporative Brazil" were able to stage a successful come- is intended to appease the Italian im- back under the name of Accao Intcg- migrants, who still retain close ties ralista Brasileira. Backed and blessed with their homeland, and to satisfy by the largest foreign capitalists, prin- Italian fascism. The term "totalitarian cipally Crespi and Count Matarazzo, Brazil" caters to the ambitions of Ger- many and the Nazi organizations with- * The revolution led by the Alianca Lib- in the country. Integral Brazil and a eral, in which Vargas took power, deposing President Washington Lniz. "new, strong Brazil" are phrases cal- PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED THE STRUGGLE AGAINST FASCISM IN BRAZIL 515 culated to arouse the healthy national impoverished population. Very often aspirations of the Brazilians. In brief, they themselves are victimized by these they are all things to all men. Incon- same miserable conditions. sistencies are immaterial. The object These circumstances necessarily in- is to catch the chauvinistic emotions fluence their approach to religion and of different groups with the handiest politics. Many of these priest have bait. therefore become liberal and progres- In the words of Gustavo Barroso, sive. But some elements within the one of the leaders of the Integralistas, upper hierarchy of the Church pre- "the integral nation stands on two tend to speak for all Catholics and to pillars: nationalism and corporativ- shepherd all of the vast and divergent ism." Other definitions of the fascist flock into the fold of the reactionaries. state run as follows: To achieve this purpose reaction formed the Accao Catholica (Catholic "Integralism, as the very name of the movement implies, wants the cooperation of Action) in 1936. all forces for the realization of the integral It is also important to keep in mind state, which is the state identified with the that while Brazil is one of the riches': nation, as a synthesis of its highest spiritual countries in the world, its population and material values." (A Offensiva, January suffers profound poverty. Education is 25. 1937) extremely limited. The people are de- A proclamation of the fascist faith prived of the most elementary eco- declares: nomic and civic rights. The comforts "Integralismo combats all the parties, does of religious faith are the only conso- not recognize classes and wants a united lation abundantly available to them. nation, a national state, a strong state, a heroic state. The government must no longer Fascism attacks the most progressive be elected by the parties which divide the elements within the Church. Father nation, but by the totalitarian nation, by Manuel do Nascimento together with the means of corporations." (Ibid.) several others were arrested for ex- Fascism takes cognizance of the con- pressing democratic and humane be- ditions and sentiments of the people liefs. Simultaneously, fascism seeks an in order to canalize the latter in its alliance with the Accao Catholica. In own reactionary direction. An interest- his book. Why I Am an Integralista, ing aspect in this connection is the In- A. Pompeu, preaching the alliance tegralista attitude toward the Church. with the Accao Catholica, says: To understand the significance of this "The fact that the two great forces- problem one or two facts must be Catholicism and Integralism—travel along borne in mind. The Roman Catholic parallel roads and combat a common enemy Church has, economically speaking, does not alter the thesis that the second har- one of its most precious strongholds bors all the spiritualists." in Brazil; great latifundias and real Concerning the underprivileged properties. The upper hierarchy of masses, fascism sheds the following the Church is predominant in Rio, words of light: Sao Paulo and Minas. In the North- "Just as the Church convinced man that east a very large section of representa- he must content himself with his lot on tives of the Church officiate amidst an earth, in (he same way. She can orientate the PRODUCED 2005 BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED 5i6 THE COMMUNIST associations of class, in the opposite direction The development of propaganda of revolt and violence. This was admirably against the class struggle and for class understood by fascism." (A. Pompeu, The Defense of Brazil.) collaboration comprises one of their main objectives. In order to make this In this way Integralism endeavors idea palatable to the downtrodden to exploit religion to promote fascist and embittered people they spice it aims. with "anti-capitalist" sauce: Integralism tries to present itself as "protector of the Church" in order to "Integralism is against communism which provokes the class struggle, ... is against appear before the masses as a pure, the enslavement of man to capital, to the moral and respectable movement.
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