Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15545-8 - What Shall I Read Next? A Personal Selection of Twentieth Century English Books F. Seymour Smith Index More information INDEX OF AUTHORS AND EDITORS Where authors are referred to in a note the page number is followed by 'n.' Abbott, Edwin A., 29 Baskerville, Geoffrey, 114 Abraham, J. J., 181 Bates, H. E., 16, 52 n., 53, 66, 171, 182 Ackerley, J. R., 170, 181 Bates, Ralph, 66 Ackland, Rodney, 171, 179 n. Bateson, F. W., 30 Adams, Henry, 113 Batho, E. C., 26 n. Adams, J. Q., 21 Baty, R. R. du, see Du Baty Adams, J. T., 113 Bax, Clifford, I, 171 Addison, William, 113 Baynes, Norman H., 114 Agar, Herbert, 113 Beachcroft, T. 0., 53 Agate, James, 1 Beard, C. A. and M. R., 114 A1dington, Richard, 19 n., 29, 50 (ed.), 64, Beebe, William, 182 154 Beerbohm, Max, 30, 31, 66 Alexander, Samuel, 143 Bell, Adrian, 50 (ed.), 66 Allen, Beverley S., 29 Bell, Clive, 31, 114 Allen, C. K., 114 Bell, H. C. F., 20 Allen, G. C. (joint author), see Ashley, Bell, Quentin, 31 William Bellamy, H. S., 144 Allen, Hervey, 20 Belloc, Hilaire, 20 n., 31, 53, 115, 155, 182 Allen, Walter, 30 Benedict, Ruth, 31 Allingham, Margery, 64 Bennett, Arnold (joint author), see Knob- Anderson, J. R.. 154 lock, Edward Anthony, Katherine, 19 n., 114 Bennett, H. S., 115 Archer, William, 171 Bennett, Joan, 16 n Armstrong, Anthony, 171 Benns, F. L., 115 Armstrong, Martin, 50 (ed.), 53, 155 Benson, Theodora, 53 Arnold, Thomas, 114 Bentley, E. C., 66 Ashford, Daisy, 64 Bentley, Eric, 22 Ashley, William, 114 Bentley, Phyllis, 66 Ashton, Helen, 64 Berkeley, Anthony, 67 Ashton, T. S., 114 Berkeley, Reginald, 171 Auden, W. H., 155 Berners, Lord, 1 Austin, F. Britten, 65 Berney, William (joint author), see Ayer, A. J., 143 Richardson, Howard Ayscough, Florence, 181 Besier, Rudolf, 171 Betjeman, John, 155 B.B., see Watkins-Pitchford Bevan, E. R., 115 (ed.) Bagnold, Enid, 65, 171, 179 n. Bibesco, Elizabeth, 53 Bailey, Cyril, 114 (ed.) Billany, Dan, 67 Bailey, H. c., 65 Birkett, Norman, 31 Baker, Denys Val, 52 (ed.) Birmingham, George, 67 Baker, Elizabeth, 171 Birrell, Francis, 17 Baker, R. St Barbe, 182 Black, J. B., see Oxford History, 130 Balchin, Nigel, 65 Blackwood, Algernon, 54, 67 Balderston, J. L., 171 Blake, George, 67 Bancroft, G. B., 171 Blake, Nicholas, 67 Barfield, Owen, 30 Bliss, Trndy, 14 (ed.) Barker, A. L., 53 Blixen, Karen, 54 Barker, Ernest, 114, 114 (ed.), 143 Blunden, Edmund, 17 n., 23, 32, 115, 155 Barker, George, 65, 155 Boden, F. C., 67 Barnes, Djuna, 65 Bodkin, Maud, 32 Barnes, E. W., 144 Boland, Bridget, 179 n. Baron, Alexander, 65 Bon, G. Le, see Le Bon Barton, Margaret (joint editor), see Sitwell, Bone, David W., 54 Osbert Bone, James, 182 201 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15545-8 - What Shall I Read Next? A Personal Selection of Twentieth Century English Books F. Seymour Smith Index More information INDEX OF AUTHORS AND EDITORS Bottome, Phyllis, 54, 67 Carr, Emily, 2 Bottomley, Gordon, 155, 156 Carr, John Dickson, 70 Bottrall. Ronald, 156 Carrington, C. E., 117 Bowen, Elizabeth, 32, 54, 68 Carswell, Catherine, 13, 19 Bowen, Marjorie, 68 Carter, Reginald, 70 Bowers, C. G., 115 Cartwright, H. A. (joint author), see Bowie, John, 115 Harrison, M. C. C. Bowman, Archibald, 144 Cary, Joyce, 70, 71 Boyd, Martin, 68 Caudwell, Christopher, 144 Bozman, M. M. (joint ed.), see Church, R. Cecil, Algernon, 33 Bradbrook, M. c., 32 Cecil, Lord David, 15, 17, 19,27, 33 Bradby, E. D., 115 Chair, S. de, see Somerset de Chair Bradley, Kenneth, 183 Chambers, E. K., 15 n., 21 Brailsford, H. N., 25 Chandler, Raymond, 71 Brewster, Ralph H., 183 Chaplin, Sid, 54, 71 Bridge, Ann, 68 Chapman, C. M., 2 Bridie, James, 171 Chapman, F. Spencer, 117, 183 Brier, Royce, 69 Chapman, Guy, 12, 117 (ed.), 144 Briffault, Robert, 144 Chapman, R. W., 12 Brinton, Crane, 115 Charlesworth, M. P., 117, 121 Bromfield, Louis, 69 Chase, Stuart, 33 Brooke, Jocelyn, I, 10 n. Cherry-Garrard, A., 183 Brooks, H. (joint author), see Malleson, Cheyney, Peter, 52 (ed.) Miles Child, Harold H., 33 Brooks, Van Wyck, 32 Childe, V. G., 117 Brophy, John, 69 Chrimes, S. B., 117 Broster, D. K., 69 Christie, Agatha, 71 Brown, Hilton, 54 (ed.) Christie, D. and C" 179 n. Brown, Ivor, 21, 32, 69, 183 Church, Richard, 71, 156, 167 (ed.) Brown, John, 144 Churchill, Winston S., 2, 19, 33, 118 Brown, P. Hume, 116 Clapham, J. H., 118 Browne, Wynward, 179 n. Clark, G. N., 118; see also Oxford History, Bryant, Arthur, 20, 116 130 Buck, Pearl, 69 Clark, Grahame, 118 Bullett, Gerald, 16, 24 n., 54, 69, 156 Clarke, Austin, 156 Burdett, Osbert, 13 Clements, Rex, 183 Burke, Thomas, 54, 116 Clewes, Howard, 71 Burkitt, M. c., 116 Cloete, Stuart, 71 Burlinghame, Roger, 116 Clunn, H. P., 184 Burnett, I. Compton-, see Compton-Burnett Coffee, Lenore, 179 n. Burnett, W. R., 70 Coghill, Nevill, 14 Butler, E. M., 144 Cohen, M. R., 145 Butterfield, Herbert, 116 Cohen-Portheim, Paul, 184 Colbonrne, Maurice, 22 Cabell, J. B., 70 Cole, G. D. H., 119 Cable, Mildred, 183 Collier, John, 71 Cain, J. M., 70 Collingwood, R. G. see Oxford History, 130 Calder-Marshall, A., 70 Collins, Norman, 71 Caldwell, Thomas, 167 (ed.) Collis, J. S., 33, 172 Cambridge, Elizabeth, 70 Collis, Maurice, 25 Cameron, Norman, 156. See also Hodge, Colson, F. H., 119 Alan Colum, Padraic, 156 Campbell, Reginald, 183 Comfort, Alex, 33, 72, 156 Campbell, Roy, 156 Commager, H. S. (joint author), ue Campion, Sarah, 15 Morison, S. E. Canfield, Dorothy, 70 Compton-Burnett, I., 72 Cannan, Gilbert, 70 Connelly, Marc, 172 Cardus, Neville, 2, 33 Connolly, Cyril. 33, 34, 55 (ed.l, 72 Carey, G. V., 117 Converse, Florence, 72 Carleton, Patrick, 117 Conway, W. Martin, 184 Carr, Cecil (joint author), see TIbert, Charles Cooper, Duff, 24 Carr, E. H., 117 Cooper, William, 72 202 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15545-8 - What Shall I Read Next? A Personal Selection of Twentieth Century English Books F. Seymour Smith Index More information INDEX OF AUTHORS AND EDITORS Coppard, A. E., 55 Duggan, Eileen, 157 Corbett, Jim, 184 Duguid, Julian, 74, 185 Coulton, G. G., 119 (ed.) Dukes, Ashley, 172 Coupland, Reginald, 19, 25 Duncan, Ronald, 157 Cowan, W. J. (joint author), see Coffee, L. Dunne, J. W., 146 Coward, Noel, 2, 55, 172, 179 n. Durant, Will, 146 Cowell, F. R., 119 Durrell, Lawrence, 157 Cranage, D. H. S., 119 Dyment, Clifford, 157 Crawshay-Williams, R., 145 Creston, Dormer, 13 n., 119 Eaton, Evelyn, 185 Crockford, 145 Eberhart, Richard, 157 Croft, Andrew, 184 Eddington, Sir Arthur, 146 Crofts, Freeman Wills, 72 Edman, Irwin, 146 Cronin, A. J., 72 Edwards, Hugh, 74 Crump, C. G. (ed.), 119 Egan, Michael, 172 Cummings, E. E., 119, 156 Eliot, T. S., 35, 158 Curtis, Brian, 34 Elton, Lord, 35 Curtis, James, 73 Elwin, Malcolm, 15 D., 19, 35 Curtis, Lionel, 145 Elwin, Verrier, 185 Empson, William, 35, 158 Dane, Clemence, 73, 156, 172 English Association, 50 (ed.), 55, 167 Darling, F. Fraser, 184 Ensor, R. C. K., see Oxford History, 130 Darwin, Bernard) 34 Ertz, Susan, 74 Darwin, F. D. S., 145 Ervine, St John, 172 David-Neel, A., 184 Evans, A. J., 120 Davidson. W. L., 119 Evans, Bergen, 35 Davies, Godfrey, see Ox/ord History, 130 Evans, H. Muir, 185 Davies, Rhys, 73 Evans, Joan, 35, 146 Daviot, Gordon, 172 Davison, John, 172 Farjeon, Eleanor, 2, 74 Dawson, Christopher, 145 Farjeon, J. J., 74 De Chair, Somerset, 120 Farleigh, John, 36 De Hartog, Jan, 179 n. Farnol, Jeffrey, 75 De la Mare, Walter, 34, 55, 73, 157 Farrell, James, 75 De Selincourt, Ernest, 25 D. Faulkner, William, 75 De Selincourt, Hu~, 73 Fausset, Hugh I'Anson, 2, 15, 24 n. Deeping, Warwick, 73 Fawcett, Douglas, 146 Delderfield, R. F., 179 n. Fay, C. R., 120 Dennis, Geoffrey, 34, 73 Fedden, Robin, 120 Dent, E. J., 17 Feiling, Keith, 27. 120, 121 Derry, T. K., 120 Fellows, Arnold, 185 Dewey, John, 145 Ferguson, Rachel. 75 Dibdin. Lewis, T., 145 Fergusson, Bernard, 121 Dickinson, G. Lowes, 120 Fermor, Patrick Leigh, 186 Dickinson, Patrie, 157 Firbank, Thomas, 186 Dighton, John, 179 n. Fitzgerald, B. Vesey-, see Vesey-Fitzgerald, Dillon, Myles, 120 B. Dinner, William, 179 n. Fleming, Peter, 186 Dixon, W. Macneile, 145 Fletcher, Lucille (joint author), see Ullman, Dobree, Bonamy, 29 n., 34; (joint editor), Allan see Read, Herbert (ed.) F1eure, H. J. (joint author), see Peake, H. Dodd, C. H., 146 Flower, Newman, 17 n. Doherty, Brian, 179 n. Flower, Robin (trans.), see O'Crohan, T. Dos Passos, John, 73 Forester, C. S., 75, 76 Douglas, David, 27 Forster, E. M., 36, 55, 76 Douglas, Keith, 157 Fortescue, John, 186 Douglas, Norman, 74, 185 Fothergill, John, 36 Doyle, Lynn, 55 Fowler, W. Warde, 121 Drew, Elizabeth, 14, 16 n. Fox, Cyril, 121 Druten, J. Van, see Van Druten, J. Fraser, Ronald, 76 Du Baty, R. R., 185 Freeman, H. W., 76 Du Maurier, Daphne, 74 Freeman, R. Austin, 56 203 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15545-8 - What Shall I Read Next? A Personal Selection of Twentieth Century English Books F. Seymour Smith Index More information INDEX OF AUTHORS AND EDITORS French, Francesca (joint author), see Grey, lloyd E., 20 Cable, Mildred Grierson, Herbert, 37 Frost, Robert, 158 Grigson, Geoffrey (167 ed.) Fry, Christopher, 158 Grinnell-Milne, Duncan, 123 (ed.) Fulford, Roger, 121 Grose-Hodge, Humfrey, 123 Fuller, Roy, 158 Grove, Victor, 37 Guillaume, A.
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