AnnualAnnual ReportReport 20152015 MassachusettsMassachusetts DivisionDivision ofof FisheriesFisheries && WildlifeWildlife 109 Annual Report 2015 Massachusetts Division of fisheries & WilDlife Wayne MacCallum (partial year) Jack Buckley (partial year) Director Susan Sacco Assistant to the Director Jack Buckley (partial year) Rob Deblinger, Ph.D. (partial year) Deputy Director Deputy Director Administration Field Operations Jim Burnham Debbie McGrath Administrative Assistant to the Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Director, Administration Deputy Director, Field Operations Blank Page Inside Title Page>>> 4 Table of Contents The Board Reports .............................................................................................6 Fisheries ...........................................................................................................16 Wildlife .............................................................................................................30 Private Lands Habitat Management ................................................................47 Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program .........................................50 Information & Education ................................................................................61 Hunter Education ............................................................................................71 District Reports ................................................................................................73 Wildlife Lands ..................................................................................................88 Federal Aid Program ........................................................................................95 Maintenance and Development .......................................................................97 Legislative Report ............................................................................................98 Personnel Report..............................................................................................99 Financial Report ............................................................................................101 DFW Organizational Chart ............................................................................106 About the Cover: Controlled burn on Penikese Island, to improve grassland habitat and nesting habitat for nesting terns. Photo © by Kimberley Justham, MassWildlife. All photos © by MassWildlife unless otherwise credited. Printed on Recycled Paper 5 The Board reporTs George Darey Chairman Overview Administrative Matters The Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board Conflict of Interest Disclosure consists of seven people appointed by the Governor to Director Wayne MacCallum reported at the July meet- 5-year terms. By law, the individuals appointed to the ing of the Board that Department Counsel Rich Lehan Board are volunteers, receiving no remuneration for had recommended he make some disclosures to the their service to the Commonwealth. Five of the seven Board regarding certain activities he was engaged in are selected on a regional basis, with one member, by as the Director of the DFW. statute, representing agricultural interests. The two remaining seats are held by a professional wildlife biol- Director MacCallum explained that the Director of the ogist or wildlife manager, and one representative with DFW is the Clerk of the Massachusetts Outdoor Heritage a specific interest in the management and restoration Foundation (MOHF) by its bylaws, and that, because of wildlife populations not classified as game species. the Board is his hiring authority, he must make this The Board oversees operations of the Division of Fish- disclosure to the Board. He elaborated that the MOHF eries and Wildlife, reviews the agency’s programs, and was founded 14 years previously specifically to support sets policy and regulations pertinent to wildlife in the the activities of the DFW by accepting funds for proj- Commonwealth. ects and creating educational materials, and that the formation of the MOHF was approved through to the The Board has continued its tradition this year of Governor’s office and by the State Ethics Commission. holding monthly meetings at locations around the Director MacCallum explained that Counsel has said that state, holding public hearings on proposed regulatory there is an obscure provision in the conflict of interest changes, and addressing many issues of specific concern. law that indicates his role may compromise him in his While many different matters and issues are brought dual roles, hence the disclosure. before the Board each year, most of its meeting time is spent in review and scrutiny of proposals for regulatory The Director continued his disclosure by saying that the changes and of agency programs. Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Junior Conservation Camp (MSJCC), founded by the Division in 1949, is a co-ed The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife began a new camp to introduce young people to outdoor activities. chapter toward the end of FY 15 with the retirement As that camp has matured, the Director explained, it of longtime Director Wayne MacCallum in March and evolved into a 501(c)(3) to accept donations. There is the appointment of Deputy Director Jack Buckley as now an MOU between the Division and the board of the Acting Director, effective Mr. MacCallum’s retirement. camp; the Director and the Chief of I&E sit on that board. The Board members each voiced their gratitude to the Director MacCallum stated that Counsel has advised outgoing Director and expressed their admiration for his that the two staff members disclose that relationship, many accomplishments during 25 years in the position. and the appropriate disclosure forms were included in Dr. Larson headed the committee charged by the the Board’s meeting packets. Chairman to examine applications, conduct interviews, Hyannis Ponds WMA Bike Path and make a recommendation to the Board for the per- In August, Chief of Wildlife Lands Craig MacDonnell manent appointment of a Director. Dr. Larson reported explained that he was requesting a Board vote to approve to the May meeting that the committee unanimously a bike path easement along the northern edge of the recommended Jack Buckley, and the Board unanimously Hyannis Ponds WMA property. He showed the Board appointed him as the Division’s new Director, effective a number of maps to provide the context and explain immediately. All the Board members offered their con- the details of the proposed transaction, stated that the gratulations to Director Buckley and expressed their Division was being given the Bridge Creek Conservation excitement at being able to continue to work with him Area as a mitigation parcel by the Town of Barnstable, in his new capacity. and that overall the exchange was very favorable to the Division. In response to a question from the Board, Chief MacDonnell reported that town conservation lands are currently open to hunting in Barnstable. He added that this project would add a level of perpetuity to that access. The Board voted unanimously in favor of approving the easement as requested. 6 Fiscal Year 2015 Spending Plan Review 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan Update Also in August, Deputy Director Buckley reported Assistant Director for Wildlife John O’Leary reported to the Board on the DFW’s FY 2015 spending plan, at the June meeting that the State Wildlife Action Plan detailing the revenues expected and the breakdown of (SWAP; originally called the Comprehensive Wildlife how the money would be spent. He reported that there Conservation Strategy when adopted in 2005) has to be would be $3,085,000 in available monies, and that the renewed after 10 years, and that he and Habitat Protec- total of new costs against those monies was going to tion Specialist Lynn Harper were coordinating the work be $2,985,000, leaving a balance of $100,000. Secretary of all the biologists to update and present the SWAP to Roche commented that, with the completion of the new the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its approval by Field Headquarters, the additional resources would the September 2015 deadline, and it was time to put advance the mission of the agency substantially. the draft SWAP out for public comment. Election of Officers Assistant Director O’Leary stated that there are eight Board Secretary Michael Roche presided over the required elements to the SWAP: Board’s annual election of officers at the October meet- 1. Information on the distribution and abun- ing. In a series of unanimous votes, the Board members dance of the key species and their reelected George Darey as Chairman, John Creedon as habitats Vice Chair, and Michael Roche as Secretary. 2. Descriptions, locations, and relative Reorganization Proposal condition of key habitats and communi- ty types essential to the conservation of At the other end of the fiscal year, then-acting Director key species Buckley responded in April to a mandate from the Board 3. Descriptions of the problems affecting the with a reorganization plan for the agency. The main key species differences from the old plan were the elimination of 4. Descriptions of conservation actions one of the Deputy Director positions and the creation proposed to conserve key species and of a new Assistant Director for Operations in charge habitats of the Districts and permit issuance. Chairman Darey 5. Descriptions of procedures for monitor- noted that Dr. Larson, Dr. Van Roo, and he had worked ing key species and habitats for plan with
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