Appendix E Biological Resources Technical Data Table E-1. Special-Status Plants Documented or Identified as Having the Potential to Occur at the Project Site Page 1 of 5 StatusA Distribution in California and Identification Occurrence at Species Fed/State/CRPR Habitats Monterey County Period Project Site Allium hickmanii --/--/1B.2 Closed-cone conifer forest, Central Coastal California in April-May None chaparral, and grasslands Monterey and San Luis Obispo Hickman's onion Counties; Monterey Peninsula and near Jolon, Monterey County Arctostaphylos edmundsii var. --/--/1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub and chaparral Coastal Monterey County Year round None edmundsii Little Sur manzanita Arctostaphylos edmundsii var. --/R/1B.2 Chaparral Coastal Monterey County Year round None parvifolia Hanging gardens manzanita Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. --/--/1B.2 Chaparral, closed-cone Coastal Monterey and Santa Cruz Feb-May None hookeri coniferous forest, and coastal Counties scrub Hooker's manzanita Arctostaphylos montereyensis --/--/1B.2 Chaparral, oak woodland, and Monterey and San Luis Obispo Year round None coastal scrub Counties Toro manzanita Arctostaphylos pajaroensis --/--/1B.1 Sandy hills in chaparral Monterey County Year round None Pajaro manzanita Arctostaphylos pumila --/--/1B.2 Closed-cone conifer forest, About Monterey Bay Year round None coastal scrub, and coastal dunes Sandmat manzanita Chorizanthe pungens var. T/--/1B.2 Maritime chaparral, cismontane Monterey Peninsula and coastal north Apr-Jun None pungens woodland, coastal dunes, coastal Monterey County scrub, valley and foothill Monterey spineflower grassland, sandy soils Chorizanthe rectispina --/--/1B.3 Chaparral, oak woodland, and Coast Ranges of Monterey and San Jun-Jul None grassland Luis Obispo Counties Straight-awned spineflower Clarkia jolonensis --/--/1B.2 Coastal scrub, chaparral, oak Central Coastal California, South April-June None woodland, riparian woodland Coast Ranges; Monterey Peninsula, Jolon clarkia Point Lobos Table E-1. Special-Status Plants Documented or Identified as Having the Potential to Occur at the Project Site Page 2 of 5 StatusA Distribution in California and Identification Occurrence at Species Fed/State/CRPR Habitats Monterey County Period Project Site Collinsia multicolor --/--/1B.2 Dry, stony and grassy slopes in San Francisco County to Monterey Mar-May None coastal scrub and closed-cone County; Pacific Grove San Francisco collinsia coniferous forest Cordylanthus rigidus spp. --/E/1B.1 Coastal scrub, closed-cone Coast Ranges of Monterey and Santa May-Sep None littoralis conifer forest, oak woodland, Barbara Counties; Seaside, former and chaparral on dry, sandy soils Fort ord Seaside bird's-beak below 3,000 feet Delphinium californicus subsp. --/--/1B.2 Moist ravines and slopes in Eastern San Francisco Bay Area, April-June None interius woodlands; blooms March-May northern South Coast Range; Carmel Valley Hospital Canyon larkspur Ericameria fasciculata --/--/1B.1 Closed-cone conifer forest, Monterey and Carmel Bays; SBF Jul-Oct None chaparral, and coastal scrub Morse Preserve Eastwood's goldenbush Eriogonum butterworthianum --/R/1B.3 Chaparral Monterey County; Santa Lucia Jun-Jul None Mountains Butterworth's buckwheat Eriogonum nortonii --/--/1B.3 sandy soils in chaparral, valley Monterey and San Benito Counties; May-Jun None and foothill grassland, often on Carmel Highlands Pinnacles buckwheat recent burns Hesperocyparis (Cupressus) T/--/1B.2 Closed-cone coniferous forest, Monterey County; Del Monte Forest, Year round None goveniana maritime chaparral Point Lobos Gowen Cypress Hesperocyparis (Cupressus) --/--/1B.2 Closed-cone coniferous forest Monterey County; only remaining Year round None macrocarpa native stands at Cypress Point, Point Lobos Monterey cypress Horkelia cuneata subsp. --/--/1B.1 Sandy and gravelly places in Along the coast from Sonoma Apr-Sept None sericea coastal scrub and closed-cone County to Santa Barbara County; coniferous forest Monterey peninsula, former Fort Ord Kellogg’s horkelia Table E-1. Special-Status Plants Documented or Identified as Having the Potential to Occur at the Project Site Page 3 of 5 StatusA Distribution in California and Identification Occurrence at Species Fed/State/CRPR Habitats Monterey County Period Project Site Layia jonesii --/--/1B.2 Chaparral and grassland San Luis Obispo Counties Mar-May None Jones's layia Malacothamnus palmeri var. --/--/1B.2 Chaparral Monterey and San Luis Obispo May - Jul None palmeri Counties; Monterey Peninsula Santa Lucia bush mallow Microseris paludosa --/--/1B.2 Grassland, coastal scrub, closed- Coastal California from Mendocino April-July None cone-coniferous forest, County to San Luis Obispo County; Marsh microseris cismontane woodland Monterey Peninsula, Point Lobos Pinus radiata --/--/1B.1 Closed-cone coniferous forest, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Luis Year round Occurs on cismontane woodland Obispo, and San Mateo Counties, project site Monterey Pine Baja California, GU Piperia yadonii E/--/1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub, closed-cone Endemic to Monterey County, May-Aug None coniferous forest, maritime primarily in Del Monte Forest Yadon’s piperia chaparral, on sandy soils Plagiobothrys uncinatus --/--/1B.2 Chaparral and possibly grassland Monterey and San Benito Counties Apr-May None and cismontane woodland Hooked popcornflower Potentilla hickmanii E/E/1B.1 Scrub, closed-cone coniferous Known from only two occurrences Apr-Aug None forest and vernally mesic sites on the Monterey Peninsula; Indian Hickman’s cinquefoil Village Rosa pinetorum --/--/1B.2 Pine woodlands and canyons Central coast, San Francisco Bay and May-Jul None Southern Coast Range; Del Monte Pine rose Forest, Point Lobos, Santa Lucia Mountains Sidalcea hickmanii subsp. --/--/1B.3 Hillsides in chaparral Monterey County Jun-Jul None hickmanii Hickman’s checkerbloom Table E-1. Special-Status Plants Documented or Identified as Having the Potential to Occur at the Project Site Page 4 of 5 StatusA Distribution in California and Identification Occurrence at Species Fed/State/CRPR Habitats Monterey County Period Project Site Stebbinsoseris decipiens --/--/1B.2 Open areas in broad-leaved Monterey, Marin and Santa Cruz Apr-May None upland forest, closed-cone Counties Santa Cruz microseris coniferous forest, chaparral, coastal prairie, and coastal scrub, sometimes serpentinite Tortula californica --/--/1B.2 Sandy soils in various habitats Widely scattered locations in None California; Garrapata State park California screw moss Trifolium buckwestiorum --/--/1B.1 Moist grassy areas on margins of Coastal California from Monterey to May-Oct None broad-leaved upland forest, Sonoma County; Monterey, former Santa Cruz clover cismontane woodland, and Fort Ord coastal prairie, sometimes in disturbed areas, 200-1,800' Trifolium polyodon --/R/1B.1 Closed-cone coniferous forest, Endemic to the Monterey Peninsula; Apr-Jun None coastal prairie, meadow Indian Village Pacific Grove clover Trifolium trichocalyx E/E/1B.1 Closed-cone coniferous forest, Monterey County Jun-Nov None openings, burned areas Monterey clover Notes: Additional “watch list” plants (CRPR 3 and 4) have been documented in the Del Monte Forest but are not evaluated in this EIR because they do not fit the definition of special-status species and more importantly, they occur largely within open space areas. A Status Definitions – = no listing. Federal E = listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. T = listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. State E = listed as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act. Table E-1. Special-Status Plants Documented or Identified as Having the Potential to Occur at the Project Site Page 5 of 5 StatusA Distribution in California and Identification Occurrence at Species Fed/State/CRPR Habitats Monterey County Period Project Site R = listed as rare under the Cal. Native Plant Protection Act. This category is no longer used for newly listed plants, but some plants previously listed as rare retain this designation. California Rare Plant Rank 1B = rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere. 0.1 = Seriously threatened in California (over 80% of occurrences threatened/ high degree and immediacy of threat) 0.2 = Moderately threatened in California (20-80% of occurrences threatened/ moderate degree and immediacy of threat) 0.3 = Not very threatened in California (less than 20% of occurrences threatened/ low degree and immediacy of threat or no current threats known) CNPS 2014, CNDDB 2014, Calfora 2014, Baldwin et al. 2012 Table E-2. Special-Status Wildlife Species Documented or Identified as Having Potential to Occur at the Project Site Page 1 of 8 Statusa Species State/Fed Habitats California Distribution Occurrence at Project Site Invertebrates Globose dune beetle --/-- Sporadically distributed from central Foredunes and sand hummocks, None and southern California and the burrows beneath sand surface under Coelus globosus Channel Islands; from Bodega Bay, shrubs or herbaceous plants Sonoma County, south to Ensenada, Baja California Monarch Butterfly (wintering --/-- Winter roosts in wind protected tree Marin County south to Baja No aggregations were observed, but sites) groves with nectar and water sources California. did see individual butterflies nearby. throughout the Del Monte Forest Danaus plexippus (DMF) area during surveys in 1993 and 1994. Suitable habitat does not occur within the project site (Zander 2001). Smith’s Blue Butterfly --/E Coastal dunes and hillsides
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