A N E W S B U L L E T I N p u b l i s h e d q u a r t e r l y b y t h e NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY THE NEW ENDEAVOUR Flying the New Zealand flag, H.M.N.Z.S. Endeavour off Hawaii during her voyage to New Zealand to begin Antarctic supply work this summer. Official U.S. Navy Photograph. Vol. 3, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1962 AUSTRALIA Winter and Summer bases Scott / W/ ' S u t n m e r b a s e o n l y t S k y - H i Jointly operated base H.illett NEW ZEALAND (Hi N2) Transferred base Wilkes Ui fcAust TASMANIA Temporarilyiion-operation.il *Syowa , Campbell |, (HI) t Micauanc I, lAuit) ^>' \" ^allefr(i/.i..#. Wilkes— (7 x\\ \ \ a ■■. >VUiHIoRixlfoi ' \ / h m * l/.S.ft»(u5f.\ \\ i>. 1 x**r 77° ""•> A>\ ,*"l.-Hur.W'/ * ^Amundsen-Scott (U5J . ;i_ 4*-i A N T A R DaviOwA <* M*w*tfn\ \ . { ( U . K . ) / x V i x - *''<? Maud A > < « f V, < < V W -*j8^ * T" ■ Marlon I. U.AJ DRAWN BY DEPARTMENT OF LANDS 1 SURVEY WELLINGTON. NEW ZEALAND, SEP I9fcl (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") Vol. 3, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1962 Editor: L. B. Quartennain, M.A., 1 Ariki Road, Wellington, E.2, New Zealand. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary. New Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110. Wellington. N.Z. R.G.S. AWARD The Cuthbert Peck Grant ol the SUBSCRIPTION TO Royal Geographical Society lor 1962 "ANTARCTIC " has been awarded to Captain P. J. Hunt, R.E.. leader of New Zealand's southern field party in 1960-61, "for ing costs it has become neces his contribution to Antarctic survey sary to increase the subscrip and his qualities of leadership in tion rate for all readers who the held." are not members of the New THE TWO ENDEAVOURS Zealand Antarctic Society. The New Zealand Antarctic Society From the beginning of April, n-oposes to present to the new 1963, the annual subscri"*; H.M.N.Z.S. "Endeavour" a painting for this journal will be £1. mv of the old "Endeavour" by a dis charge for single copies will be tinguished New Zealand artist as a 5/- in all cases. gilt from Society members. Contri butions lor this purpose will be wel comed, and should be addressed to the Treasurer, N.Z. Antarctic Society, INDEX P.O. Box 2110, Wellington. We regret that owing to unfore " ANTARCTIC WEEK " seen circumstances the completion The Christchurch Branch ol the of the index which is being prepared N.Z. Antarctic Society staged an An for volume 2 of "Antarctic" has been tarctic Exhibition in connection with delayed. Every effort is being made the Antarctic Week in September, to expedite the preparation of the organised bv the Christchurch City index, and we apologise to readers Council with the co-operation of U.S. who may have been inconvenienced Operation Deep Freeze and the by the unavoidable delays. Society. We hope to publish an ac count of this very successful effort VETERAN in our next issue. Visiting the Antarctic to examine " DISCOVERY " the operation of the current scien A coloured photograph ol the tific programme in November was statue of Captain Scott in Christ Dr. Laurence M. ("Larry") Gould, church, New Zealand, has been pre Chairman of the Polar Research. sented by a Christchurch citizen, Mr. Committee of the U.S. National F. N. Dephoff. under arrangements Academy of Sciences. Dr. Gould made by the Mayor and Council of was making his fourth visit to An the city, for the wardroom of the tarctica. He was Chief Scientist and " Discovery," Scott's old ship, which Second in Command of Byrd's first is moored" on the Thames in London expedition in 1928, and led one of as a permanent memorial to Scott. the most outstanding dog-sledge The Christchurch statue, which journeys in Antarctic history. He was carved by Lady Scott, was pur returned in 1956 and 1957 as head chased by public subscription and of the U.S. scientific effort during unveiled on February 9, 1917. the I.G.Y. December. 1962 TWO NEW ZEALAND SLEDGING PARTIES IN DIFFICULT AREA ^ Two teams of New Zealand surveyors and geologists with their field assistants are this summer working in an area which has long resisted human penetration. This is the notorious Terra Nova lessor David's manuscript diary, now Bay—Wood Bay region, that part of in the archives of the University of the Victoria Land coast and its hin- Sydney. terland which lies between 74°S and RECCE 76°S, approximately 150 miles north , .. , of Ross Island, or half-way between A preliminary air reconnaissance Scott<srv\tt BaseRn.-U and nnH Hallett u„u.., Station.c. .• TiThe ol summerTme general A morearea wasdetailed made survey last six-man Northern Party of Scott's from the air was made on October Last Expedition under Victor Camp- 16 this year, when Roberts and Tin- bell wintered on this coast in 1912 ker (Scott Base leaders 1962 and huddled in an ice-cave which they J96p accompanied by the team had excavated in a drift at Evans oSfe? L*?e w" and, Gm')' To-"n' ^Hs^ssss^s^si 75°s' ^&Sr^3^i£rS^ ti I fh n rS tH PCT P^teau to the west. On their return Kfidnart? j£r ff&l\ffie?edgion?n SiSSS" I Th? ■£?Iy "leyS described^1 StS^iSSftS? the country in which ^ Magnetic Pole party, David, Maw- operate as challenging . ?°iL«&nd,1907-09 Mackay,"Nimrod") of Shackleton'sexpedition. In SOUTHERN PARTY one of the most famous of Antarctic journeys this team, after man-haul- Firsl of the New Zealand teams ing their sledges all the way up the into the field was the Southern parly coast from McMurdo Sound, struck comprising R. W. Hewson (leader) Terr", lwT £ Southern end of who was a member of last summer's SS^toJStfw^ffi.'SS! *°rthera field Pa^ and who has ed the then site of the Magnetic wintered over at Scott Base, M. R. Pole and sledged back to Relief Inlet J- Forcl (surveyor), D. N. B. Skinner (in Terra Nova Bay) where thev (.geologist, who was in the northern were picked up by" the "Nimrod" nc,d parlv in 196°-61) and J. F. Ric- The only later party to operate any- 5er (Canadian geologist who has where near this area was the "One Antarctic held work with an Northern Party of the Trans-Antarc- American expedition). Hewson's tic Expedition under Lt-Cdr F R team ,oft Sc°tt Base on October 18 Brooke. The northern limit of this w.iln \wo clog-sledges, each drawn by party's sphere of operations how- nine huskies. This is the earliest ever, was the Mawson Glacier 150 date on which a sledge party has miles south of Terra Nova Bay' sct oul ,rom Sc°tt Base since the The New Zealand team operating preliminary sorties before the coin- in this area during the 1962-63 sum- mencement ol the Trans-Antarctic mer will have with them not only journey of 1957-58. the published narratives of these Ford, who will be wintering over parties, but a photostat copy of Pro- at Scott Base, will be replaced for December, 1962 the second phase of the season's By the end of October the com field work by I. Cave, also to be a bined dog and motor parties had winter-party man. reached the Nordenskjold Ice Travelling with Hewson's party in Tongue north of Tripp Bay. the early stages was another four-' Here they crossed the Oates Pied man team comprising W. R. Louie mont Glacier, striking inland from (leader), P. M. Otway (surveyor), K. the Ross Ice Shelf, made a difficult A. J. Wise and B. R. Wilkes (New crossing of the Mawson Glacier, and Zealand entomologists working for camped at the head of the Davis the Bishop Museum, Honolulu). Ot Glacier in 75° 50'S; 160° 40'E. way was a member of the Southern From here the dog-team parties field party last year and has winter were to carry out survey work and ed at Scott Base. Wise and Logic the toboggan men to be air-lifted have also had considerable previous back to base. Antarctic experience. NORTHERN PARTY MOTOR TOBOGGANS Meanwhile the less experienced This team is trying out two newly Northern Party, comprising Gair, acquired American-made motor to Pain (who had wintered at Scott boggans which, if they prove satis Base) Tobin and Sheehan, had been factory at high altitudes, may "indoctrinated" in a series of experi eventually partially replace dogs for mental sledging trips in the vicinity most New Zealand field work in the of Scott Base. One such training Antarctic. The motor vehicles were run was to Black Island and White to be tested in company with the Island from October 23 to October dog teams at sea level, up the 26 when the party was accompanied coast from McMurdo Sound to the by Billing, Public Relations Officer David Glacier, and up the glacier it at the Base. High winds on the 25th self. They were then to be air-lifted made for unpleasant conditions. back to base. The team was flown to its actual The day after the toboggans left field of operations on November 3 base their drive belts broke as a by two Dakota aircraft of the U.S. result of extremely low temperatures and had to be replaced; spare belts VX-6 Squadron.
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