Indeed, Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O People of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification. (Sôrah al-Aúzób 33:33) The most authoritative books on ¶adòth and Tafsòr (Qur'ónic exegesis), amongst both Sunnò and Shò`ah sources, cite Prophetic traditions that confirm verse 33:33 as being exclusively revealed in relation to the five who were ãcovered by the Cloakå; namely Muúammad, `Alò, F ùimah, al-¶asan, and al-¶usayn, (peace be upon them), to whom the term ãAhl al-Baytå (People of the House) is specifically attributed. For instance, refer to the following reference books: IN THE NAME OF ALLAH , (1) Aúmad ibn ¶anbal (d. 241 AH), al-Musnad , 1:331; 4:107; 6:292, THE ALL -BENEFICENT , THE ALL -MERCIFUL 304. (2) •aúòú Muslim (d. 261 AH), 7:130. (3) Al-Tirmidhò (d. 279 AH), Sunan , 5:361 et al. (4) Al-Dôlóbò (d. 310 AH), al-Dhurriyyah al-ßóhirah al-Nabawiyyah , p. 108. (5) Al-Nassa'ò (d. 303 AH), al- Sunan al-Kubró 5:108, 113. (6) al-¶ókim al-Naysóbôrò (d. 405 AH), al-Mustadrak `aló al-•aúòúayn 2:416, 3:133, 146, 147. (7) al-Zarkashò (d. 794 AH), al-Burhón , pp. 197. (8) Ibn ¶ajar al-`Asqalónò (d. 852), Fatú al-Barò Sharú S aúòú al-Bukhórò , 7:104. (9) Al-Kulaynò (d. 328 AH), Uõôl al-Kófò , 1:287. (10) Ibn Bóbawayh (d. 329 AH), al- Imómah waål-Tabõirah , pp. 47, H. 29. (11) Al-Maghribò (d. 363 AH) Da`ó'im al-Islóm , pp. 35, 37. (12) Al-•adôq (d. 381 AH) al-Khiõól , pp. 403, 550. (13) Al-ßôsò (d. 460 AH) al-Amólò , H. 438, 482, 783. For more details, refer to the exegesis of the holy verse involved in the following reference books of tafsòr : (1) Al-ßabarò (d. 310 AH), Book of Tafsòr . (2) Al-Jaõõóõ (d. 370 AH), Aúkóm al-Qur'ón . (3) Al- Wóúidò (d. 468 AH), Asbób an-Nuzôl. (4) Ibn al-Jawzò (d. 597 AH), Zód al-Masòr . (5) Al-Qurùubò (d. 671 AH), al-Jómò` li-Aúkóm al- Quråón . (6) Ibn Kathòr (d. 774 AH), Book of Tafsòr . (7) Al-Tha`labò (d. 825 AH), Book of Tafsòr . (8) Al-Suyôùò (d. 911 AH), al-Durr al- Manthôr . (9) Al-Shawkónò (d. 1250 AH), Fatú al-Qadòr . (10) Al- `Ayyóshò (d. 320 AH), Book of Tafsòr . (11) Al-Qummò (d. 329 AH), Book of Tafsòr. (12) Furóù al-Kôfò (d. 352 AH), Book of Tafsòr ; in the margin of the exegesis of verse 4:59. (13) Al-ßabrisò (d. 560 AH), Majma` al-Bayón . : : 3 !" # !$ ª!& '() !*+!, Ë. !/0 : .12!3 !+ !4*!5 6!7 8*9!5 !" :!, ª; <!&) =<>!& 2?@ !":& The Messenger of Allah (õ) said: çVerily, I am leaving among you two precious things [thaqalayn ]: The Book of Allah and my progeny [ ãitrah ], the members of my Household [ Ahl al-Bayt ]. If you hold fast to them, you shall never go astray. These two will never separate from each other until they meet me at the Pond [ úawö ] (of Kawthar ).é This holy tradition has been narrated, with different paraphrases, by numerous Sunnò and Shò`ah sources: Al£¶ókim al£Naysóbôrò, Al£Mustadrak `aló al-•aúòúayn (Beirut), vol. 3, pp. 109-110, 148, 533. Muslim, al-•aúòú, (English translation), book 31, úadòths 5920-3. Al£Tirmidhò, al-•aúòú, vol. 5, pp. 621-2, úadòths 3786, 3788; vol. 2, p. 219. Al-Nassóåò, Khaõó'iõ ãAlò ibn Abò-ßólib , úadòth 79. Aúmad ibn ¶anbal, al-Musnad , vol. 3, pp. 14, 17, 26; vol. 3, pp. 26, 59; vol. 4, p. 371; vol. 5, pp. 181-182, 189-190. Ibn al£Athòr, Jómi` al£Uõôl , vol. 1, p. 277. Ibn Kathòr, al£Bidóyah waål£Nihóyah , vol. 5, p. 209. Ibn Kathòr, Tafsòr al-Quråón al-`Aûòm , vol. 6, p. 199. Nóõir al-Dòn al-Albanò, Silsilat al-Aúódòth al-•aúòúah (Kuwait: Al-Dór al- Salafiyyah), vol. 4, pp. 355-8. THE VERSE OF PURIFICATION A STUDY OF ITS INTELLECTUAL AND LEGISLATIVE ASPECTS THE VERSE OF PURIFICATION : A STUDY OF ITS INTELLECTUAL AND : & " # $% : ! LEGISLATIVE ASPECTS ) *& : ! '(" The Verse of Purification Ayatullah Muhammad Mahdi Asify Author: Ayatullah Muhammad Mahdi al-Asify Translator: 'Abdullah Ahmad Zango Prepared by : Cultural and Translation Section of The Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly. Editors: Sayyid Abbas Husayni, Dr. Mahmud Farrokhpey, Mustafa Muhammadi, Dr. Sajjad Jiyad. Proofreader : Muhammad Mahdi Baghi Publisher : Printing Center of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) Translator: World Assembly 'Abdullah Ahmad Zango First Edition -2012 Printed by: Mojab Copies Printed: 5000 © The Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) World Assembly www.ahl-ul-bayt.org [email protected] ISBN : 978-964-529-753-2 All rights reserved Cultural Affairs Department Ahl al-Bayt (‘a ) World Assembly 8 THE INFALLIBLES " —76 "T O KEEP AWAY UNCLEANNESS FROM YOU " —80 Contents AHL AL -BAYT OF THE PROPHET —82 Who are the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)? —82 PREFACE —11 OPPOSING NARRATIONS —88 1. The Narration of 'Ikrama and Muqatil —89 FOREWORD —13 2. The narration of Ibn 'Abbas —94 3. The narration of Wathilat ibn al-Asqa' —97 PUBLISHER’S INTRODUCTION —17 4. The Narration of Umm Salama —102 AUTHOR’S PREFACE —21 5. The Narration of Ibn Hajar Haythami —104 THE WORDS "A L"AND "A HL "AND THEIR LITERAL MEANING AND PREFACE TO THE VERSE OF PURIFICATION —23 THEIR MEANING IN THE HADITH —105 THE TRADITION OF THE HOLY PROPHET (S UNNA ) —24 THE CONTEXT OF THE HOLY VERSE IN THE QUR 'ANIC CHAPTER OF THREE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TADITION OF THE PROPHET "A HZAB " —109 (S UNNA ) —25 "A ND TO PURIFY YOU A THOROUGH PURIFICATION " —114 First: The Obstacles on the Way to the Tradition of the Prophet — 1. The Caliphate and Imamate of Amir al- Mu'minin after the Prophet 26 (s). —116 Second: How the Muslims Pave the way to Islamic legislation —45 'Ali's Caliphate in the Narrations of "Ahl al-Bayt" (‘a) —118 Thirdly: Has Islam opened a way for the succeeding generations to 2. The Continuty of Caliphate and Imamate among the Ahl al-Bayt get access to the prophetic traditions? —46 (‘a) after 'Ali (‘a) —122 THE IMAMATE (L EADERSHIP ) OF AHL AL -BAYT (‘ A) —48 The Twelve Caliphs in the Prophetic Traditions —125 1.The tradition of the two weighty things (hadith thaqalayn) —48 The Authority of the Traditions of Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) —127 2.The Tradition of the Ark —52 Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) school of thought —129 3.The tradition of the city of knowledge —54 4.Other traditions —57 THE VERSE OF PURIFICATION IN THE PREPARING ‘A LI (‘ A) FOR THE IMAMATE —58 "SHIAH ," MASANID "AND " TAFASIR " CONTINUATION OF PROPAGATION ISLAMIC INJUNCTIONS AFTER THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY —157 THE DEMISE OF THE PROPHET (S) —64 When the Prophet (s) Saw the Blessing Descending —157 THE VERSE OF PERFECTION —65 THE TYPE OF KISA (G ARMENT ) —158 INFALLIBILITY OF THE AHL AL -BAYT AND NEGATING IJTIHAD A: The Account of Umml Mu'minin A'isha —158 (I NDEPENDENT JUDGMENT ) FROM THEM —66 B. Umm Salama’s Account —159 THE MANNER IN WHICH AHL AL -BAYT (‘ A) SAT UNDER THE "THE VERSE OF PURIFICATION" "K ISA " —159 THE WORD "INNAMA " (I.E. ONLY ) —69 A. 'Umar ibn Abi Salama’s Account —159 RAZI 'S EXPLANATION OF THE HOLY VERSE —70 B. The Tradition of Wathilat Ibn al-Asqa’ and Umm Salama —160 LLAH ESIRES "A D " —73 THE PLACE WHERE THE AHL AL -BAYT WERE GATHERING —..... 161 THE IMPOSSIBLITY OF THE DIVERSION OF OBJECT FROM ALLAH 'S A.The Tradition of Abu Sa'id KhudriKhudri —161 DESIRE —75 B. The Tradition of Umm Salama —161 "T HE GROUNDLESS ALLEGATION OF NEGATING FREE WILL FROM 9 WHO WERE IN THE HOUSE AT THE TIME OF REVELATION OF THE HOLY VERSE OF PURIFICATION ? —163 HOW WERE AHL AL -BAYT AT THE TIME OF THE REVELATION OF THE VERSE —163 EXPLAINING THE MEANING OF THE WORD OF THE HOLY VERSE —164 A COMMENTARY ON THE VERSE IN THE "M A'THUR " —166 WHAT DID THE PROPHET (S) DO AFTER THE REVELATION OF THE VERSE ? —168 THOSE WHO ESTABLISH THE VIRTUES OF AHL AL -BAYT (‘ A) THROUGH THE HOLY VERSE —170 A. al-Hasan ibn 'Ali (‘a) —170 B. Umm Salama —171 C. Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas —172 D. Ibn 'Abbas —173 E. Wasila ibn al-Asqa' —174 F. 'Ali ibn al-Husayn al-Sajjad —175 SUMMARY OF THE AFOREMENTIONED A NARRATIONS —178 A BILBIOGRAPHY OF THE CHAPER ON THE VERS OF PURIFICATION IN THE SIHAH , MASANID AND TAFASIR —183 ACHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF THE REFERENCES AND THEIR AUTHORS —188 AL-MUSTADRAK (I NDEX ) OF REFERNCES —190 12 THE VERSE OF PURIFICATION sublime school of thought through divine blessing. PREFACE The Assembly is also engaged in editing and publishing valuable works by leading Sh 'ah scholars of earlier ages to The invaluable legacy of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (May assist the seekers of the truth in discovering the truths which the peace be upon them all), as preserved by their followers, is a School of the Prophet's Ahl al-Bayt (a) has offered to the entire comprehensive school of thought that embraces all branches of world. Islamic knowledge. This school has produced many brilliant scholars who have drawn inspiration from this rich and pure The Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly looks forward to benefit from resource. It has provided the Muslim ummah with many the opinions of the readers and their suggestions and scholars whom, following in the footsteps of Imams of the constructive criticism in this area.
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