Wagner SUA101345UA10134 The Fabulous Shirley Bassey (No. 2) MERCURY Operatic Overtures to 'Tannhauser', 'Die'Die SEG8068 ESG7840 British Band Classics (No.(No. 4) XEP9058 SEX15009SEXI5009 Meistersinger', 'TheThe Flying Dutchman'. 'Tristan'Tristan With GeoffGeoff Love andand hishis Orchestra. Frederick FenncllFennell and Eastman Symphonic Wind and Isolde'.Isolde'. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.Orchestra. The JohnJohn Barry SoundSound SEG8069 Ensemble. Conductor Franz Konwitschny. John Barry Seven.Seven. Percy Grainger—AGrainger -A Lincolnshire Posy XEP9059 French Horn Recital SUH20003 Songs You Love ESL6274 SEX15010SEXIS010 Sainl-SacnsSaint -Saens :: Romance, Op. 36.36. Glazunov : Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano), Gerald Moore Frederick Fennell and Eastman SymphonicSymphonic Wind Reverie, Op. 24. Dukas : Villanclla.Villanella. Schumann : (piano). Ensemble. Adagio andand Allegro, Op. 70. MozartMozart : Concert Schubert—MomentsSchubert- Moments Musicaux, D780 SEL1680SELI680 Music of Leroy Anderson (No. 5) XEP9060XEI'9060 Rondo inin E flatflat major, K.371.K.371. JosefJosef HobikHobik No. I1 inin CC: : No. 22 inin A flat. No. 3 in F SEX 15011 (horn), Kamil Pavlik (piano),(piano), Josef Hala (piano). minor. Claudio Arrau (piano). ESL6285 Irish Suite excerpts.excerpts. Frederick Fennell and Recital of Ancient Music SUF20050 Eastman-RochesterEastman- Rochester "Pops''Pops' Orchestra. Landino :: Madrigal,Madrigal. de PrestPrest :: Canon.Canon. Pales- DECCA Fiddle Faddle SEZI9007SEZ19007 trina :: Due Ricercari. Jarzebski :: Tamburita. Pierre ChalletChallet and hishis Orchestra. Mozart :: NottumoNotturno inin D major forfor Four Purcell ;: FantasyFantasy Upon One Note.Note. OttoOtto :: Prague : Orchestra, K.286 CEP687 SEC5068 Misirlou ; Jan August (piano)(piano) ZEP10094 Renaissance Dances.Dances. Molzelius :: Suite.Suite. Vejanov- : Peter Maag conductingconducting thethe London SymphonySymphony Mule Skinner Blues : Rusty Draper ZEP1009SZEI'10095 sky :: Balclli.Baletti. Pro ArleArte Antiqua Ensemble. Pete Rugolo LeadsLeads Diamonds ZEPZEP10097 10097 Music'Musica Nova Orchestra. Wolf-Ferrari—SelectionWolf- Ferrari -Selection CEP688 SEC5080 TheDie bestbest thingsthings inin life areare free SEZ19012SEZI9012 Haba :: NonetNonet No. 3,3, Op. 82 Vol. 11 NclioNello SantiSanti conducting thethe Paris Conservatoire Novak :: BallctliBalletti for Nonet SUA10031SUA1003I Czech Nonet.Nonet. Orchestra. M.G.M. : CEP689 Vycpalek ;: Sonata inin D 'In'In Praise ofof thethe Brahms : Recital Noche De Flamenco (No.(No. 2)2) MGMMGM-EP-743 -EP-743 Violin', Op. 19. Vol. 22 WilhclmWilhelm Kempff.Kempff. MGM -ESES-3509 -3509 Pauer:Pauer : Sonatina for Violin and Piano SUA10044SUAI0044 The Songs ofof IrelandIreland DFE6659 Jose Greco. ManuclaManuela de Jerez (vocal). Spytihnev SormSorm (violin), SonaSona CervenaCervena (mezzo-(mezzo - Kenneth McKellar.McKellar. Maurice Chevalier Sings Broadway (No.(No. 2)2) soprano), Alfred Holecek (piano).(piano). MGf11MGM-EP-744 -EP -744 MGM-ES-3510MGM -ES -3510 Osser. Hanus :: ConcertantcConcertante Symphony for Organ, Arranged and conducted by Glenn Osscr. DURIUM MGM -EP -745 Harp, TimpaniTimpani and Strings, Op. 31. Vol. 33 SongsSongs of Days Gone By U20068 Jimmy •Handyman*'Handyman' JonesJones MGM-EP-74S SUA10046 Aurelio Ficrro.Fierro. Arranged and conducted by Robert Mersey. Jiri ReinbcrgcrReinberger (organ), Bedrich Dobrodinsky Sister RoseltaRosetta Tharpe MGM-EP-746MGM -EP -746 (harp), Robert Mach (timpani). CzechCzech Philhar-Philhar- Walk all over God's Heaven. monic Orchestra Conductor Karel Ancerl. FONTANA Suchon :: Balladic SuiteSuite forfor Large Orchestra, Jimmy Blair ScottishScottish DanceDance Band TFE173I0TFE17310 ORIOLE Op. 9.9. Czech PhilharmonicPhilharmonic Orchestra. Con- Songs of IsraelIsrael TFE17328TFE17328 ORIOLE Tova-Bcn-Tsvi.Tova- Ben -Tsvi. Caribbean Honeymoon EP7043 ductor VaclavVaclav Jiracek.Jiracek. Frank Weir andand hishis Orchestra. HlobilHiobil :: Vol.Vol. 4 SUA10049 Maverick !! TFETFE17325 17325 Quartet forfor Harpsichord. Violin, Viola andand Johnny Gregory OrchestraOrchestra and Michael SammesSammes 'Cello, Op.Op. 23. Zuzana Ruzickova (harpsichord).(harpsichord). Singers. PARLOPHONE Vlach Four Show Hits TFE173I7TFEI7317 Members of thethe Vlach Quartet,Quartet. Four Fiesta inin Chile !! GEP882IGEP8821 KaprKapr: : SiringString Quartet No.No. 3.3. SmetanaSmetana Quartet. Johnny Malhis.Mathis. Silvia Infantas YY Los Baqueanos. Feld :: Vol. 5 SUA10055SUA10055 It's Love!Love ! TFE17319TFE17319 Songs for Swingin*Swingin' SellersSellers (No. I)1) GEP8822 Concerto forfor Flute andand Orchestra.Orchestra. Jean-PierreJean- Pierre Johnny Mathis. SGE2013 Rampal (flute).(flute). CzechCzech PhilharmonicPhilharmonic Orchestra.Orchestra. Strollin*Strollin' Blues TFE17326 Peter Sellers with Fred Flange. Conductor Vaclav Jiracek. Terry GilkysonGilkyson and DieThe Easy Riders. Dance with Jimmy Shand (No.(No. 2) GEP8823 SommerSommer: : AntigoneAntigone (Prelude(Prelude to Sophocles' Jimmy ShandShand andand his Band. Tragedy). PraguePrague SymphonySymphony Orchestra. Con- Vaclav H.M.V. ductor Vaclav Smetacek.Smetacek. DieThe Desert Song—ExcerptsSong -Excerpts 7EG8636 GES581SGES5815 SokoiaSokola :: Vol. 6 SUAI0056SUA10056 Edmund Hockridge, June Bronhill,Bronhill, BruceBruce PHILIPS Variations onon a ThemeTheme byby Kapralova. Prague EllingtoniaEllingtonia—Vol. -Vol. 2—The2 -The Thirties'Thirties BBE12404 Forsyth,Forsylh, The Williams Singers.Singers. Michael Collins Orchestra. National TheatreTheatre Orchestra. Conductor Jaroslav and hishis Orchestra. Duke Ellington andand hishis Orchestra. Piano Music 1 Krombholc. Song ofof Norway—ExcerptsNorway- Excerpts 7EG8637 GESS8I6GES5816 The World's Favourite Piano Music—No.-No. 1 Slavicky :t RhapsodicRhapsodic Variations forfor Orchestra.Orchestra. Victoria Elliott, ThomasThomas Round.Round, Geoffrey 6ßE12409BBEI2409 SBBE9027 Czech PhilharmonicPhilharmonic Orchestra.Orchestra. ConductorConductor Karel Michael Collins Rawicz andand Landauer with thethe Sinfonia ofof Webb, TheThe WilliamsWilliams Singers.Singers. Michael Collins Fis - Ancerl. and hishis Orchestra.Orchestra. London Orchestra conductedconducted byby Anatole Fis- Marching with thethe RoyalRoyal Marines (No.(No. 1)1) toulari. TOP RANK Marching Harmonica MagicMagic BBE12413 SBBE9030 7EG86387EG8638 GES5817 with Wally Stott and his Honky Tonk GuitarGuitar 35-10135 -101 Band ofof H.M. Royal Marines Tommy Reilly with Wally Stoll and his Bert Weedon.Weedon. Orchestra. Swinging withwith Ella 7EG8639 BBE12414 SBBE9031 Happy BeatBeat forfor Happy Feet 35-10235-102 Ella Fitzgerald. Arrangements andand orchestraorchestra Let's Make Love BBEI2414 SBBE9031 Eric Winstone Orchestra. conducted by Paich, supervised by A JerryJerry Wald Production.Production. conducted by MarlyMarty Paich, supervised by Give MyMy Regards toto Broadway BBE124I5BBE12415 Norman Granz. and his Trio WARNER BROS. Buddy De FrancoFranco PlaysPlays Artie Shaw 7EG8640 Andre PrcvinPrevin and his Trio Party Time—No.Time-No. 11 BBEI2416BBE12416 How toto get thethe most outout ofof your StereoStereo WS8024WS8024 Supervised by NormanNorman Granz. Bertie's Banjo Band. StanStan GetzGetz and thethe Oscar Peterson TrioTrio (No.(No. 2) Burlington Bertie's Banjo Band. 7EG8641 Davis Cup BBE12418 ★ ★* ★* ByeByc Bye Blackbird; Dear OldOld Stockholm.Stockholm. Miles * SupervisedSupervised by NormanNorman Granz. Davis Quintet. Handel :: Honour and armsarms (from 'Samson')'Samson') EPs—MonoEPs -Mono andand StereoStereo Handel :: Bacchus everever fairfair andand young (from(from 'Alexander's'Alexander's Feast').Feast'). 7EP7I037EP7103 PES5262PES5262 R.C.A. CAPITOL Owen Brannigan (bass).(bass). PhilomusicaPhilomusica ofof London.London. Benny Goodman and Ella FitzgeraldFitzgerald RCX1059 London. 1I Dig Chicks !! EAP1-1I93EAPI -1193 SEP1-1193SEP1-1193 Benny Goodman andand hishis Orchestra withwith Ella JonahJonah JonesJones Quartet. R. 1.I. MayreMayre :: SuiteSuite inin FF 7EP71077EP7107 Fitzgerald. No One CaresCares SEP1221 llolborneHolborne :t The Cradle;Cradle; TheThe New Year's GiftGift Country Guitar.Guitar, Vol. XIII RCX19IRCX191 Frank Sinatra.Sinatra. PES5267 Jimmie Driftwood. Anonymous : Almaine; Scots Marche. Carl Dinah, Yes IndeedIndeed !! EAP1-I247EAPI -1247 SEPI-1247SEPT -1247 Anonymous : Almaine; Scots Marchc. Carl Fiedlers All TimeTime Favourites, Vol. 11 RCX192RCX 192 Dinah Shore.Shore. DolmctschDolmetsch (descant(descant recorder)recorder) andand the Dolmetsch SRC7038 Wheel ofof FortuneFortune EAP1-20063EAP1 -20063 Consort. Arthur Fiedler conducting thethe Boston Pops Kay Starr.Starr. Chabrier—EspanaChabrier- Espina Rhapsody 7EP71097EP7109 Orchestra. RealReal GoneGone EAP-20066EAJ' -20066 Chabrier—F6teChabrier -Fite PolonaisePolonaise PES5268 Nellie Lutcher',inciter andand herher Rhythm. Charles Mackerras and PhilharmoniaI'hilharmonia Orchestra. Anticipation BluesBlues EAPi-20067EAPI -20067 Rimsky-KorsakovRimsky -Korsakov :: RES4280 STARLITE Tennessee Ernie Ford.Ford. ProcessionProcession ofof thethe NoblesNobles fromfrom 'Mlada'.'Mlada'. The HappyHappy Wanderers playplay Christmas Carols SomeSome EnchantedEnchanted EveningEvening EAP1-20068EAPI -20068 Tchaikovsky :: Marche miniatureminiature fromfrom SuiteSuite STEP15STEP 15 Gordon Macrae.Macrae. No. 1.1. Inkas TheThe Ramferinkas—TheRamferinkas -The Prehistoric Dove Relaxin*Relaxin' with Dean Martin EAP1-20072 Glinka :: ValseValse fantaisie. AnatolcAnatole Fistoulari andand STEPSTEP16 16 Dean Martin. Royal PhilharmonicPhilharmonic Orchestra. Children's fantasyfantasy dramatised,dramatised, withwith descriptive
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