Books. I '.rnfiiCv. , ljr.'- - fire Net to be Taken Prom The ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Library without permission. Any L-r- of offense, Oi"i vJ rj'i.lty such will rw liable to prosecution. ASiOUIA; OKEGON. FBI DAY MORNING. 8KPTEMUEK b 1899 KO. 8 MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S SHOES rejecting docl.lv. .vdenc which Col sessed by virtue of the London conven- ENTERS ON ocel Bchwarskoppen and Panlsurdl WILL STRIKE tion of lht or by virtue of Interna- EARLYM0VE would havt given In bit favor. Antl tional law. Tbe Transvaal still hopes these declaration will lead to a Dreyfusardi, on th. other hand. x- - that good understanding a solution of Our nw tin, CrouM A Drandtg Our Fail and Wlntr itock of th plain todsy't rullnc on the (round and FINAL STAGE THE BLOW the existing difference." IS PROBABLE mak., ha bn Mlotd not only with vry Ut mak. and vry tyl that th. judge recognise that the evi- latt dence) of th. two military attache. With, regard to th question of ft vlw to th desirability of th tyl havt been and for low prion suzerainty, government rolvd would b worthies., because tber would the Transvaal ftlM account of to 1891, and nature but en nd txo.ll.nt valu.i cannot bt quald, bt morally bound to ear. their agent refers the dispatch of April It, unnecessary repeat superior wearing qualltl. Verdict la Dreyfus Case Will Be at any cost Tbe Boers Are Ccrct on and consider It to Campaign la Pbillppfaes Win ntratlre dispatch. pro tbe From a popular potnt of view, that Tbt reply then th. say: Delivered Monday. cent In the court room when Colonel The Border. ceed to Be Commenced at Once. government al Jjuanst. deliver. Judgment will be 'The Tranavaal has x ready made known British agent dives'. 1 of Its moat tensatlonal feature, to the Com. 4 12lb Streets, pro STOKES. owing to th. abaeara of th. central Its objection to accepting the PHIL posals In high commis BOTH SIDLS ARE COnFIDtlU, "rur. Captain Dreyfu. will be taken EXCITEMENT IN THE RAAD contained th OFFICIALS LAYING PLAKS mi... i m v t, suggest to an adjaexnt room when the Judge. sioner's telegram of August delegate to retire to con.lder tti.lr rerdict The ing the appointment of public will thui b. fobbed of th. rpeo draw up a report on the last electoral law voted by the volksraad. If tbe on CONDEriNoo. Evidence and i ot n .motion which art bound J)ONT Cxcladt Rave Fitry Spccctei ftti Kmcc r Ur-- to the Hew Troota Will March Arabia hit to pt or IM moat prjrouna wnetner tne $i sided examination referred in a- . ev ' Reached Concluilo- Forma derree aenda him ta the arm. of hit cei Moderttloa-- Ro Actio a lart British dispatch should how that ftebcla of Lazoi-Ar- and AU itool ranges locauM family or back to penal tattlement tbt existing electoral law can be made you unfortunately of the Verdict. Tikta-W- ar frepartloaa. govern fivy ta Cooperate. Th. verdict may bt condemnation, un- more efficient, the Transvaal bought a cheap one. Buy a . I ready make proposal to ... equivocal acquittal or a form of ac- ment to a object. It Is ' quittal that would bt equivalent to the th volksraad with thl ''SUPERIOR" proven." also disposed to furnish all tbe Infor- flEN.N'tfl, Sept. cam. tbt ftcotcb verdict "not The U.t CAPE TOWN, Midnight. gepL T. Th mation possible, but Is of the opinion WASHINGTON. Sept 7.-- Tht activ in halnnln of lh n. nt Will bt CU. If !tht Judge ShOtlld They are warranted every particular, by a h. IWu, tht Boers, It I stated positively, con o office) agalmK art that tbe result of such an Inquiry, ity of th war department and trial. With .peech of govern-- 1 pronounce im by a ott of firm 62 yean in the luahiowi tht tht centrating on th border. far aa regard a useful appreciation of the close figuring that la being done re m.nt eommloary, Major Carrlere, to three. Thai In, would bt thei'nur bt. law, will be of little value. Never- garding th available fore In the Phil" entered upon the final atag. freed tvtn thougb ?lht Judgea In hi tht cat. of EXCITEMENT IN THE RAAD. theless, the government to very de Ipplnes Indicate an early movement. pleading, and a verdict will bt dellv-- 'avor ahould bt in ht minority. But y sirous of satisfying Great Britain In It has been known that a forward .red Monday. Ther. la talk to- thii naturally would be very unMtla-factor- Chamberlain Charged With Trying to Ecijpse tv.n tbe matter of electoral law and tbe movement wa contemplated In No night of the ending tomorrow by aa he would bear tht itigma Get Poasetlon of trial th Transvaal. representation of the mining district." vember, but there are Indication that holding an extra aranlon for U. Laborl'. for the rat of bla day. -. The reply then refer to Mr. Cham tht campaign may begin at least a and deliberation of Captain Dreyfua tnua baa fivt cbano-(- PRETORIA. Sept here wa ,Hordworo Co. tht th. berlain' proposals respecting a Joint month earlier if there ahould be fay lh agalnal tht proeecutlon'. three. Tht great excitement In th first raad to Judge Inquiry and aay: orabJe weather condition. Thla, however, la cooaldercd unlikely unanimity, all to one, flvt to two. day on Mr. Coetxer Interpellation of Considering that by these proposal By October L General Otis will tav .BOB BOND aa the government la anxlou to have four to three, or tbret to four, will aet the government regarding the presence STREET Great Britain doe not aim at any In- an army of 11,900 effective fighting roes. the Judgment wlthhnld over Sunday him at liberty, while tht unanimity. of British troop on th border and the terference In the affair ot the Trans-ri- al With the arrival at Manila of other In orUvr to j lx to ont or flvt to two will convict (toppsge of ammunition consigned to avert the dcraon.tratlon and that th action would not be troop now being raised. It Is suggested nlm. convicted, tht Judgment will tht Trans vaaL which would prvbably divert bloodihed If regarded a a precedent, but haa solely there may be formed another oorpa dny wh-- n j to th military court of President Kruger, member of the on a workmen are free. Th bt carried tor It object to ascertain whether tbe for the purpose of pursuing the FlLlpl- - I 1 will fee formal matter. executive council and most of not only fearful ivgard-- peal, which a th. tht fulfill IU purpose. The nos In other part of th Island Books... principal official franchise law tome I con- - .peclal court Will only aquaah the were present Ing Kenne. but particularly Th Transvaal government will await the of Ltuon. In thl connection It la and order a retrial tr ti Coetxer and other member mad vio Blank and cerned regarding Tarl and other large Indictment ulterior proposal of Great Britain a known that many officer look with Mtabllshed that the present lent speeches, declaring that they could town whert the paaalona have bttn hould bt to the eventual constitution of such a favor upon the suggestion that an army Miscellaneous. In the matter not understand Sir Alfred Mllner re- healed and a verdict, whenever It I courtmartlal haa trred commission a well aa th place and should be landed at Llngayen and I to- - Thl la In the hlghret ply, which said that troop were mass given, practically certain glvt of procedure. time ot meeting." move down the Dagupan railway, thus I The court of cassa- ed on the the border to protect British rise to trouble. It undentood that degret Improbable.; Tbe Transvaal government further taking the army of Agulnaldo In th de-- Ir right to order a Interest, since the Transvaal had nev Paper... the government ha Intimated It tion will alo bavt th propose at an early date to tend rear. Thla will necessitate tbe mar- I the only loophole for er threatened th English colon lea. to tht president of the court retrial. Thl fresh reply to the letter of July V, and of the navy, and officials of tht . I Extraordinary meaaurea la time," exclaimed New Crape and tial, Colunel Jouan.te, and there Dreyfua. "It Coetxer. 'for Great Bri navy department have consulted with away expresses satisfaction that no reaon to believe that h will not hav been taken to spirit Dreyfua tbt Transvaal also to prepare for even- nego- Type-wrltln- ?. has declared a readiness to tht war department a to what can bt acqultUd or recondemned. tualities." tain fall In with their view. whether on the question of a court of ar done to, advantage In thl direction. One member said: tiate Colonel Jouan.t thl morning took bitration. It ay It would like to The navy ho offered to tend a squad- WA8 FIRE, "England' action Is like putting a th moat Important dectaton yet taken, 8HAFTER I'NDErt learn, however, whether the free tate ron to Llngayen bay, subdue tht Waterman Fountain Pens revolver In man' fact." and took It entirely upon hla own burgher would be admitted to such a town and occupy It thus making ft He Writes a Letter to Thank a Clergy- Another concluded a war like haran- although he la undoubted- court and what would be the acope of safe binding for' the army should a.
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