Action on Safety steps being .*>•*•> By RON HUARD mine if posting a speed limit in the- area would:' *( fsfJia|tpening albng^thLG_-, e area in* que'stibn.-. Clinton News' Publisher be beneficial. In addition.highwa^crffwsarepoke^; .'. ,Co\ufty'/Sheriff j'Pwcy Patterson stated tliatViii "' J : A rash of accidents along an estimated 800 in'readiness to spread a-new. edit qf sealaijtt. \ '.;the fcerifcd; ex&hdujg^ f rom April go through Nov; . foot .stretch of Francis Road has brought about, gravel "along the road, as soon as .weather ber-' 4* ; .lV£f this; year J*'.tfiere' have been seven accidents."/Y a surge- of interest from residents In the area' mits and'scraping of'the road surface has: b'6en./ '-^reirorted.Ih thVt'.&cinlty.Threeof these accld|njs _/>;/ as well as comments from persons who regularly, accomplished. _ „ ,< '•'•*' • •* Y* ; v ' r f ;/-lja^e"^yolve,4 ^r^perty. damage only wl^e >the/.Vf' v -travel the road. Conflicting opinions gap the chasm The; questionable 'area of Franbis" RbaU lies.. ;/0^er^V^ve' 'ac^punTed for* three fatalities 'aipngv'.*1>'-;* of uncertainty which deters a firm explanation for ' in an 800 foot span between. M-2l,artd Toy/nieridi wlth"'#ih§persiDr&i-injurie's. "vv/'i"' '••. the influx of accidents, but behind the wave of _' Road.. Within this stretbh are'seVerafspqt^tahlchV , figures of ia different, nature are presented . , concern lies a general desire to halt the climbing' because of traffic and "bleeding" conditions; hafve .' • by ^resUiehts-$f ;the- area...Mrs. Alden,Knight, ', .^htfse.Vamyy. Resides on Townsend Road, can count toll. -, ' , . Related* story on page 13"Ai ' -..;•:.•; Public' concern reached its greatest proportions, '•^eig^t'aQcidents since, early;October an*d!is-"fa)rly v."! following a tragic accident Oct. 22 which claimed become^ void of surface stone. Highway .Englnee'r-' " '/ certain.at a Jtotaf'bf ,14jbr'15,staae'earlyispringj.,v /.and she 'gives ;misl'humber- as a'coWerya'tivVr the lives of a 28-year old mother and two sons; Manager Donald Haske explained theUeedingprbc-' . : and one resident of the area can recall "at ess as one which exists when road;asptialt b6*f" 'estimate.' ; ,'r^" ' ,'• '. * . least eight accidents" since that time. w«»comes- £oft««,, «allowin WX»gB ^»»«.««pebbles.and. w*-«—*««crysh'edCrobk.' . ./ v • $&"!•• dah* Walk aloni foe-road there antf-fliid;' along, the • road surface to sink. The af'Sehee'wf .'/ /. /-windshield glass anda^kindsof parisfrom'cars,'* " The subsequent mishaps have only leant mo- Mrs mentum to growing anxieties, and recently rumors' these pibces of s'tdrte. int'reases'xbad sntoptir"*- ••"-'' >' KnWh* sairi wifh f^miir* rpforonpp tr^or-iinn* spread that a number of county citizens were Haske'.'and Clerk Robert feTdridge sponsoring the preparation of a petition urging phasized'ttiat conditions aloiigf the questtpnabl the county road commission "to do something." stretch, are no better or ^d'rse than bt*" -'-•''•"••—v Knowledge of the petition, however, was denied roads, "in fact," Eldridge 'comjnent'ea>; by all residents of the area contacted and these, several others^ in worse . condition."" L„ ^_. .. ->•-,«.• same people indicated belief that the highway The'-pair cited the element o# cotacfefe^-'7-'• . "t^rs .Raymond, pope1 refrained from estimating ; 1 5 mmb ot County Roa^-£6m'missivbn official s point to the difference \r\ commission and staff is not remiss or indif­ as a" factor in the rising numb^.'6f' miShapV fy** ' & accidents but;did;,state..that '-The., ferent to suggestions. along With the suggestton-^ai speedj-too, bfteK ,• V-; lasi.cpuple 6f years^.there seems.to have been. highway surfdce^Y^ughti.ciWOt by "bleeding " conditions. Engineer- Attesting to this general consideration are the can.be\a'&ritributmg^^ '' ' *'Ji ' '•* :' ;':;- '"• ". Monager^ponaid.Hqske^Jfefr) directs attention" to a smooth area where actions already taken by the commission to cur­ "Ndbbdy has any 'ctocVe^pyc^6s^s^':Erd^': '^^: ;;;" Ndt^dire'eUy^rcontributing to-accidents, '^but • "" '' K ->*••*r re • - "'with them are .trees 'aldrig . Sut-fg^e.sroriehds^isappfear.pd.iCj'e^ Robert Eldridge points to a tail further accident possibilities. According to ridge commented.- *-''*- ' • •• *' -'< • '- ^"-v*V'*-'^- \-- • * ««enyy.,,inyq*'^^r „«., ».^».. «*= ,..*=«> <««»& officials,, a reques, t has been submitted to state . Whether' it's speed,.'Toad'• cpnditWc^i^Y 'Fj^cifi?-HiAd; AaSke cited the mention of trees'^ confrastjhg ekarrt^.1 e* where hardly any surface roughness has been lost. police headquarters for a traffic survey to deter-, cldence, there can belittle, deniat tttat So^B^i^gi;.^?^';-'^/. -^'? jstoi^'coiiUhued on page 12-A) On the inside The new bridge on Tallman Road over the Pag e6-A Maple River is just about ready to open. Pictures and story describe the old and new, bridges. A St. Johns man has traced his family tree Page 10-A through France to about'-1630, just shy of.', the time of the Pilgrims in America. He can.> trace seven generations. A Perrlnton woman has a lot to^e thank­ Page 1-B ful for, she says, after recalling a summer trip to tense Czechoslovakia. v * ,'l News to switch 113th Year, Ho, 31 ST. JOftNS, MICHIGAN — THURSDAY .NON/EMBE8 28, J?68 2 SECTIONS — 26 PAGES 15 Cents publication date •ect to honor opens to ne 4-H leaders &zr:.. The first change in the formal, publication date of the '••• Over 2oo Clinton.;pou'nty',^,fH';••• Clinton County News in nearlyacenturywilltake effect next week, leaders' and guests are expepte'd with a Wednesday dateline appearing on pages of .the paper. •to- attend ,a;.leader precognition! • Publisher Ron Huard said the change is being made to speed .'banquet at Smith' Hall in.sb Johhs- delivery of the newspaper to mail subscribers and to provide ad­ , next Monday evening, Dec. 2;"- •- ^ su joHns'area, .ChrlstT/by' arrival ;oi Santa, luncheons through Dec. 23. Regular hours vertising customers with an earlier outlet for their "announce­ Y Leaders with threi^ five, 10, .mas seasonj will.be 'Officially \ with Santa, Special kiddie movies will be observed on Saturdays, ments. ,15, 20 and 25 years of 4-H lead- bperied Friday . night .witn".th*e vand-other .related activities de- According to Leon, the tree Mail subscribers will be affected the most by the new pub­ ership service will be singledout .'traaitional 'tree" lighting^cere-"; signed'to commemorate the holi- lighting ceremonies will be high­ lication date. Beginning with this issue the Clinton County News for honors, and special, tribute m6ny- on. the. court hdustf.lawn., day periocL ':':': '" lighted by the singing of Christ­ will be delivered by mail on Wednesdays, 24 hours earlier than -Will be paid to a "friend of 4-H," According to,'General Chairman . 'Most-, retail .stores" will bb- mas carols, and choirs from ; the papers have been delivered in recent years. 'and 4-H'Key Club Members. ;Jlm '^eotf, ^His'. opening ..eyent" ser\|!V'pim;;cios"ingiimes -be- several churches in the area are The Clinton County News will be available on some 75 news-, The Key Club Award, presented, -will, pe "followed" byet the, weeks , ginning;--E>ida;y..,aiid running (Story continued on Page 2-A) stands around the county and-area on Wednesday morning, a half- ^ 'byStrouse.OIlCo. ofSt. Jphns,is • ; - •; 'i; •';/.-. •'p.'"}'lJrff 'J~'^Y;'"f:'f."Y .' ".. — day ahead.of the current schedule. f designed to' encourage young 4- - ;• *'r ' • ;. "*•] * •*.''*'!* 'T' "^"'V ."•'.[<•$'•• * Y' "The change is being effected primarily for the benefit of • •H'ers to "build a good all-arbund'_ . •• mr r .*. .''^i..% Y'.^'.f; A-V',—'^* ''-•'-•^t^, •. our advertisers," Publisher Huard said. *We have received a program. Reclplents;Oftheaward' ~^~ ^ ' ' "' "",J" number of requests for earlier publication so that the advertisers* next Monday will be KathySchaef- messages can be In the hands of the readers a little farther ahead er, Larry B or ton, Dana Sue of the big weekend business days of Friday and Saturday. Haale, Louise Green, Dlaha Jones, LoisMiIler,KathyNichols - "AFTER GIVING considerable thought to the'pros and cons ahd Kathy Davis. of such a move, w(ehave decidedtomove our publication date from Terms of Emily Davis,.Diane Thursday to Wednesday. This will enable us to satisfy these re­ Hazle-, George Hazle arid Mar- t.'Mr.s*Sharon?Stone .,of': 810.E. quests." garet Schaefer on theJClinton Bald^lh.'St^eet,; St: Johns, has' The new publication date will require somewhat correspond­ Courity 4-H'.Council-expire this beeiv riame^th^'^^ciplent-^ot^ ing changes in news and advertising deadlines. ,^'ear, and lekder's attending the first* C6nim^u^ty^emcevA\^ard','"' ^Advertising deadlines for both classified' and display ads banqiietrwillelectfoiir newcoun- ' ' '' '"'' '—"-'*"• Will noyr be noonijn Monday. ; 'fell member's, for -three-year The final deadline for news copy will be 5 p.m. Monday. 'terms. " . ; Whenever news items are desired for particular pages, however, • earlier deadlines wiU be in effect. Farm page items must be sub­ mitted by Thursday noon, and the same deadline applies for wed­ ding stories and pictures. Teenpage articles must be in by Thurs­ day at 5 p.m.,'.along with special articles for the church pages: Letters to .tye editor must be submitted by Thursday at''5 p.m. ^Pictures contributed for publication must be received by Monday noon. Earlier submission of news and advertising fcopy will be " greatly appreciated by the newspaper staff, with the result that more careful attention can be given to them. Items Received after the deadline will be used only if time and space are* available^ As in the past, requests for pictures to be taken should be made as soon as^possible and not less than 24 hours before the picture time v : The hew publication date revises the County News staff's Work schedule, necessitating the changes in deadlines.
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