The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Volume IV 1960-1961 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so. “ L. RON HUBBARD L. Ron Hubbard Founder of Dianetics and Scientology EDITORS’ NOTE “A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods.” —L. Ron Hubbard The first eight volumes of the Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology contain, exclusively, issues written by L. Ron Hubbard, thus providing a chronological time track of the development of Dianetics and Scientology. Volume IX, The Auditing Series, and Volume X, The Case Supervisor Series, contain Board Technical Bulletins that are part of the series. They are LRH data even though compiled or written by another. So that the time track of the subject may be studied in its entirety, all HCO Bs have been included, excluding only those upper level materials which will be found on courses to which they apply. If an issue has been revised, replaced, or cancelled, this has been indicated in the upper right-hand corner along with the page number of the issue which should be referred to. The points at which Ron gave tape recorded lectures have been indicated as they occurred. Where they were given as part of an event or course, information is given on that event or course on the page in the chronological volumes which corresponds to the date. The symbol “**” preceding a tape title means that copies are available from both Publications Organizations. A tape preceded by “*” means that it will soon be available. No asterisk (*) means that neither Publications Organization nor Flag has a master copy of that lecture. If you have, or know anyone who has, copies of these tapes, please contact the Flag Audio Chief, P.O. Box 23751, Tampa, Florida, 33623, U.S.A. The number in the tape title is a code for the date; example: 5505C07—55 = year, 1955; 05 = month, May; C = copy; 07 = day, 7th; 7 May 1955. The abbreviation tells what group the tape is a part of. For an explanation of the abbreviations see Volume X, page 539. At the back of this volume is a Subject Index covering only the material in this volume. Use the index to locate the LRH source material in context, don’t just get data from the index. This index has been combined with indexes from other volumes to form the Cumulative Index which is in Volume X, starting on page 287. i TECHNICAL BULLETINS 1960-1961 CONTENTS 1960 Jan. Administrative Procedure for Reducing Overts (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—514 2 Jan. HAS Certificates Jan. State of Man Congress Lectures (1 Jan.—3 Jan. ) 3 Jan. A Third Dynamic for Scientology 2 4 Jan. Hubbard Clearing Scientologist Course Lectures (4 Jan.—8 Jan.) 3 7 Jan. The Unmoving Case 4 8 Jan. OT Procedures for HCS/BScn Courses 6 14 Jan. The Black Case 9 19 Jan. Tapes for Sale 10 19 Jan. Casualties 11 21 Jan. Justification 12 21 Jan. Responsibility 14 24 Jan. OT Procedure 15 25 Jan. OT-3 Procedure—HGC Allowed Processes 16 28 Jan. The Key to All Cases—Responsibility 18 2 Feb. The Co-Audit Team 21 3 Feb. Security Check 23 4 Feb. Theory of Responsibility Processing 24 4 Feb. Overt Manifestations on a Low Toned Case 26 8 Feb. Honest People Have Rights, Too 27 8 Feb. The Reputation of Saint Hill 29 8 Feb. Security Checks 30 9 Feb. Cancellation of Certificates 30 9 Feb. Research Advances 31 10 Feb. British E-Meter Operation 32 10 Feb. Restoration of Certificates 34 11 Feb. Create and Confront 35 18 Feb. How to Run O/W and Responsibility 37 23 Feb. HPA Course Change Proposal to London 40 25 Feb. The Model Session 41 25 Feb. Scientology Can Have a Group Win 45 Mar. Have You Lived Before This Life? 47 Mar. HPA Course Change Proposal to London see— 40 ii 1960 (cont.) 3 Mar. OT-3A Procedure—HGC Allowed Processes (cancelled—see 325) 48 9 Mar. Expansion of OT-3A Procedure, Step Two—HGC Allowed Processes 51 17 Mar. Standardized Sessions 53 21 Mar. Research Project 55 24 Mar. Goals in the Rudiments 56 30 Mar. Interrogation 59 31 Mar. The Present Time Problem 61 7 Apr. A New Summary of Auditing 64 7 Apr. Check Sheet for HGC 68 11 Apr. New Training Schedule 69 14 Apr. New PE Data 70 21 Apr. Pre-session Processes 72 24 Apr. Concerning the Campaign for Presidency 76 25 Apr. Send Your Clipping Files 77 28 Apr. Books Are Dissemination 78 29 Apr. The Scientific Treatment of the Insane 82 4 May Association Secretary Letter—Tapes 84 5 May Help 85 10 May Our Technical Programme 89 12 May Help Processing 92 19 May How Help Became Betrayal 94 22 May De-certification, How You Should Support It 96 26 May Security Checks 97 27 May Dear Scientologist 99 28 May By Their Actions . 101 9 June The Basic Assumptions of Scientology Versus Overts 102 10 June What We Expect of a Scientologist 106 10 June HGC Preclear Assessment 108 16 June Hints on Running Cases with Help 109 23 June Special Zone Plan—The Scientologist’s Role in Life 111 23 June London Open Evening Lectures (23 June—7 July) 115 30 June Create Again 116 6 July Making Clears and Picking Up HGC Quality 117 7 July The Assessment of Help 119 14 July Current Rundown—Concept Help 121 21 July Some Help Terminals 124 27 July Double Action Cycles 126 4 Aug. Regimen 1 128 7 Aug. London Congress on Dissemination and Help Lectures (6 Aug.—7 Aug.) 130 11 Aug. The Laws of Assessment 131 iii 1960 (cont.) 18 Aug. Vital Information 133 25 Aug. Powerful Presession Additions 134 25 Aug. New Definition of Psychosis 136 26 Aug. Regimen Two 137 29 Aug. 1st Saint Hill Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (8 Aug.—16 Sept.) 138 Sept. Presession Two 139 8 Sept. The Presessions of the 1st Saint Hill ACC 142 15 Sept. The Tone Arm 144 17 Sept. Giving the Pc Full Hours (HCO PL) 145 19 Sept. Captive Brains 146 19 Sept. ACC Lecture Tapes 149 22 Sept. Announcing New Technology 150 23 Sept. Order of Test of Havingness and Confront Commands 151 28 Sept. Tips on How to Crack an HGC Case 154 29 Sept. Havingness and Duplication 155 6 Oct. Thirty-Six New Presessions (revised 8 May 1974) 156 10 Oct. Current News 161 13 Oct. Script of a Model Session (cancelled—see 220) 163 18 Oct. Terminal Stable Data 165 20 Oct. Theory 67 166 27 Oct. Revised Case Entrance 167 3 Nov. Failed Help 170 10 Nov. Formula 13 171 11 Nov. Change on Model Session 172 12 Nov. Clearing Routine 173 17 Nov. Starting Cases 175 18 Nov. Preclear Assessment Sheet see footnote—401 19 Nov. Pc Scheduling (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—117 20 Nov. HAS Co-Audit Ended 176 24 Nov. The Unmoving Case 178 Dec. New Formulas 179 8 Dec. Clearing Routine see—173 15 Dec. Presession 37 180 19 Dec. PE Change 182 21 Dec. Curriculum for ACCs (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—355 22 Dec. HAS Co-Audit Resumed 185 22 Dec. O-W A Limited Theory 186 29 Dec. The New PE and the New HAS Co-Audit 188 31 Dec. Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress Lectures (31 Dec.—1 Jan. 1961) 190 iv 1961 2 Jan. 22nd American Advanced Clinical Course Lectures (2 Jan.—10 Feb.) 190 5 Jan. O-W A Limited Theory see—186 10 Jan. A Brief Outline of an HGC as Currently Done (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—518 12 Jan. New Help Data 191 19 Jan. Additional HAS Processes 192 21 Jan. Anatomy Congress—South Africa Lectures (21 Jan.—22 Jan.) 193 23 Jan. 3rd South African Advanced Clinical Course Lectures 23 Jan.—17 Feb.) 193 25 Jan. Handling of Rudiments 194 26 Jan. The “Ultimate” Processes 195 28 Jan. New Assessment Scale 197 30 Jan. Case Files (HCO PL) OEC Vol. 4—117 2 Feb. Command Sheet—Pre-Havingness Scale 199 2 Feb. UK Cases Different 202 ca. Feb. Personal Integrity (Ability 125) 203 9 Feb. New Presession Data and Script Change 204 16 Feb. Formula 19 205 18 Feb. S.O.P. Goals—Marvellous New Breakthrough—Be-Do-Have Coordinated 206 20 Feb. Important Data on Goals S.O.P. 209 23 Feb. PT Problem and Goals 210 2 Mar. New Pre-Hav Command 211 2 Mar. Use of S.O.P. Goals Procedure 212 2 Mar. Formula 20 213 9 Mar. New Assessment Scale see—197 9 Mar. Command Sheet—Pre-Havingness Scale see—199 20 Mar. Basic Staff Auditor’s Hat (HCO PL) 214 21 Mar. Script of a Model Session (cancelled—see 453) 220 23 Mar. S.O.P. Goals 224 24 Mar.
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