Jürgen Graf Hoax or Holocaust The Arguments AAARGH [Source of the text: www.ety.com] For Germar Rudolf, Ingrid Weckert, Udo Walendy and Herbert Verbeke TABLE OF CONTENTS The author's biography! Foreword Revisionism and pluralism: an Introduction by Mario Consoli The throttling of pluralism The crisis and Man and the State The criminalization of Fascism and National Socialism The role of the Official Version of History Some standard criticisms of Revisionism At the crossroads: terror or dialogue? CHAPTER I THE ACCUSATION Holocaust beliefs since 1945 Compared to the Holocaust, all other "Nazi crimes" pale into insignificance! "The 3 million non-Jewish Poles" "The 500,000 gypsies" Medical experiments on human beings Euthanasia The Holocaust as a religion Why nearly everybody believes in the Holocaust CHAPTER II THE FUNCTION OF THE HOLOCAUST IN THE WORLD SINCE 1945 Founding of the state of Israel and the violation of the rights of Palestinians Immunity of Jews from criticism Covering up Allied atrocities in WW II Creating contempt for the German people Rendering impossible all objective discussion of National Socialism Creating contempt for all forms of nationalism except for Jewish nationalism 2 CHAPTER III THE REVISIONISTS The claims of the revisionists A former concentration camp inmate as revisionist pioneer: Paul Rassinier The media campaign against revisionism State prosecutors and judges as watch dogs for the official version of history The Waterloo of the official version of history CHAPTER IV WHAT IF THE REVISIONISTS ARE RIGHT? What really happened? Up to 1941: The Reich's government demands Jewish emigration After 1941: The mass deportation into camps and ghettos The death rate in the camps and its causes The shootings on the Eastern front CHAPTER V OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE... The number of Auschwitz victims "Soap of human fat" Potpourri of Nazi extermination methods a) Pneumatic hammers b) Electric baths c) Electrical assembly line killing d) Atomic bombs e) Burning alive f) Steam chambers g) Suffocation by pumping all the air out of the death chambers h) Quicklime trains i) Chambers with submergible, electrified flooring j) Blood poisoning k) Drowning l) Chlorine gas, assembly-line shootings, boiling water, acid The location of the gas chambers Phase I (from 1946: almost every camp had one or more gas chamber(s) Phase II (from August 1960): no gas chambers in the Old Reich Phase III (from 1983): Return of the gas chambers in the West The gas chambers existed; oh no, they didn't; oh yes, they did 3 CHAPTER VI IS TODAY'S VERSION OF THE HOLOCAUST ANY MORE BELIEVABLE THAN THOSE OF THE PAST? Claims made by standard literature a) The extermination programme b) Implementation of the execution programme c) The secrecy of the extermination programme d) The six "extermination camps" e) The murder weapon f) The number of victims and operating periods of the "extermination camps" g) The destruction of the corpses CHAPTER VII PHYSICAL PROOFS OF THE HOLOCAUST Are the claims made by standard literature believable? CHAPTER VIII DOCUMENTARY PROOFS OF THE HOLOCAUST Raul Hilberg, Danuta Czech, Jean-Claude Pressac: Three "experts" dip into their bag of tricks a) Professor Hilberg scrapes the bottom of the barrel for proof, but finds none b) How Danuta Czech's Kalendarium came to her conclusions as to the number of the gassed c) Jean-Claude Pressac's "criminal traces" "The Germans destroyed all the documents" Conjuring up "proof" Falsified documents a) The Wannsee-Protocoll b) The document of 28 June 1943 on the capacity of the crematoria of Auschwitz Documents of dubious authenticity a) The Goebbels-Diary passages of 27 March 1942 b) The two Himmler speeches of October 1943 c) The business letter relating to the ordering of "gas testers" Undoubtedly genuine but falsely interpreted documents a) The passage on the "Hebraic Race Perverters" from Mein Kampf 4 b) Documents on the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" c) Documents on "Special Actions", etc. d) The Korherr Report: masterpiece of misinterpretation Documents which contradict the extermination theory CHAPTER IX EYEWITNESSES TO THE GAS CHAMBERS AT AUSCHWITZ A few of the technical and scientific impossibilities in the eyewitness reports a) Blue vapour floating over the bodies of the victims b) Bluish discoloration of the bodies c) Impossibly large numbers of people per square metre crammed together in the gas chambers d) Flames shooting out of the chimneys e) Impossibly great numbers of bodies per muffle in the crematory ovens f) Cremation of bodies without fuel g) Burning of bodies in ditches h) Use of human fat flowing down off the bodies as fuel during cremations i) Use of methanol as fuel Four central impossibilities of the eyewitness testimonies a) Impossibly short cremation times per corpse b) Introduction of Zyklon B through non-existent openings c) Opening the gas chamber doors and removing the bodies after impossibly short ventilation times d) Removal of bodies without gas masks e) Sonderkommandos working in clouds of cyanide gas CHAPTER X THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AUSCHWITZ LEGEND How the eyewitness reports were coordinated How the courts faked "evidence" of the Holocaust A perfect example: Dr J.P. Kremer The Father of the Auschwitz Lie The "murder weapon" Zyklon B: refutation of the lie CHAPTER XI AUSCHWITZ: SCIENTIFIC STUDIES OF THE CRIME SCENE The Leuchter report The Rudolf Report Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana: the crematoria John Ball and the air-photo evidence 5 CHAPTER XII THE OTHER "EXTERMINATION CAMPS" Preliminary remarks Majdanek Chelmno Sobibor Belzec Treblinka The scientific studies a) Friedrich Paul Berg's study of the "murder weapon" b) Arnulf Neumaier's study of the cremations What were the "pure extermination camps" really? CHAPTER XIII THE GAS VANS AND MASS SHOOTINGS "A pure product of fantasy" The Einsatzgruppen and the "Massacre of Babi Yar" CHAPTER XIV SIX MILLION MIRACLES "A unique mass murder" A stroll through the "free press" of the world A few examples Elie Wiesel's miraculous escapes How Jewish Holocaust "survivors" cheated death CHAPTER XV WHERE DID THEY GO? The origins of the mythical Six Million figure Wolfgang Benz and Walter Sanning Carl Nording's research The exemplary case of one "gassing victim": Jenny Spritzer 300,000 "Holocaust survivors" in Israel in 1996 Questions still open CHAPTER XVI THE INVISIBLE ELEPHANT 6 CHAPTER XVII THE NESSUS SHIRT The Revenge of the Centaur The refusal of the exterminationists to retreat one single inch The Garaudy case The confession of an orthodox historian Korzec and Goldhagen: a new version of the lie The evolution of the Holocaust Lie: A summary CONCLUSIONS THE TRIAL OF GRAF INQUISITION, PART 1 THE TRIAL OF GRAF INQUISITION, PART 2 REVISIONIST BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 The author's biography Jürgen Graf, a true Swiss hero, a multitalented intellectual. A Swiss school teacher and language genius. Graf speaks seventeen languages fluently, among them the most exotic ones such as Russian, Chinese. He is also one of the most successful authors of revisionism. His most popular book The Holocaust under the Scanner has been translated into Russian, Bulgarian, Italian, Romanian, Danish, English, French, Spanish and Swedish. He has been charged, tried and convicted in Switzerland. He has been dismissed for the second time from his teaching post. He went recently to Russia where he researched Russian archives for months. The Swiss government, under pressure, charged, tried and convicted Graf in September 1998 to 15 months in jail under the new anti-racism law. His German-born, 80-year-old wheel chair-bound publisher, Gerhard Förster, was likewise dragged into court and convicted to 1 year in prison. Four weeks after the sentence was pronounced, Mr. Förster died. 8 Foreword In the spring of 1993, a thin book authored by myself and entitled The Holocaust under the Scanner, was published by the Guideon Burg Verlag (Postfach 52, 4009 Basel). At that time, the book represented the very first attempt to summarize the principle arguments of the Holocaust revisionists. The book met with a warm reception which has confirmed its usefulness. It has since been translated into French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Arabic, as well as Italian (in a somewhat abridged form). Today -- only four years later -- the Scanner is outdated, for the following reasons: - Revisionist research has made major progress since early 1993. Any book attempting to present the major findings of revisionist research today must at least mention trail-blazing publications such as the Rudolf Report, the Ball Report, Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana's study of the crematoria at Auschwitz, or Arnulf Neumeier's research on the technical problems of the Treblinka case. There is an urgent need to discuss Jean-Claude Pressac's second book (The Crematoria of Auschwitz) -- hailed by the media as the refutation of revisionism -- as well as the new, "improved" version of the Holocaust now acquiring concrete shape with Daniel Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners. This "new, improved" version is apparently intended to replace the version which has so far placed the central emphasis on the gas chambers as the instrument in the mass extermination of the Jews; - The Scanner was unable to meet strict standards of scientific proof, and not merely because it contained a few errors which were inevitable at that time (for example, relating to the crematory capacity at Auschwitz). There were not enough references; the bibliography was rather slim. In view of the implacable censureship now in force in the "democratic" countries -- which has, in some countries, taken on the form of brutal police-state repression -- the Internet is acquiring increased significance in the spreading of revisionism. People have repeatedly asked us to make the Scanner available on the Internet, but have preferred to distance ourselves from the book for the reasons mentioned above.
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