—• "^-•*£±?Jf*->~-*r~:i. -/-*• ^>t>--\ X •- r W^V' <#. CRANFORD, N. J.; THURSDAY, DECEMBER J. 1932 FIVE CENTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY MILDRED DREYER WINS Community Chb Assigns Stage Successful P. B.A. Dance \'i TO GET INDIAN .RELICS P. B. A. BEAUTY CONTEST Groups Urg^d To Check 60 of 110 Certificates Specimens Unearthed on Site of Indian Elluhrlh Pyl*. Tltrlma Iniac VUlate Here to Be Donated Place; Man Ttian 4W Allrat H Christmas Basket Lists by Z. K. Adams. Several Organizations Indorse ^ Comnuttce Asks New Group's Proposal to More than 400 perwna atomtNt aw- Several specimens' of arrowheads, dance and^, beauty contest In Roi^v^et*. >ration ol QuHs; Conditions Take Over Ownership of axes and a stone'eorn mill unearthed School VtMnesday nUh.t ur.dtr the *.t- on the site now occupied by the River- splcej ot Cranlord Local Nj Ji pa- • ™P«>ve Here m November, Casino. side, but which was once an Indian trolmen's B.erH»-olrr.t'Awyutti>a Village, will be donated to tht. Cran- Miss Mildred Drt->iT o,( 9"W Spr^it- •Uyii t3irrt-,»ill no.riupHcd- ford Historical Society scon by E\ it. More than 60 of the 110 participating fteld avtnue was aaardrci cnt pr'j» te ii no irtvdy Iain:hr« u-lli be Adams; who is now in possession of the iCrtlflcatcs in the new Cranford Com- the beauty contest. S3-.*r t^ceutd i »i^. ft ol the Eli»-ri:<'lH-y He- Indian relics. ' ' : munity Club, organized recently to take niond ring. Seci>nd pnx« *i»ni..to yrs- iisvc aiki'd nil Cn»nl')rd over the ownership of the Casino, have The specimens were uriearthed by Jo Elizabeth l-yle of Bronlulili-* pLu;». ut' l...1-w:iBi t'Ti^nniriillim* and In- been assigned thus far this week, ac-seph Cavalier, a workman employed by lliird prlie tn.Mrs. Theuua.lrvi3ii.-cf :ra.t f.ikn :to tii.itnbule cording to Mrs. Frederick s. Franklin, Sylvester Cahtll. Jr., once owner of the Lonj Wjnd Clly. i v.-wcyi.1 ui'.usr. Un- list of who Is in charge '"of Interesting the land. Several pieces also were found Judges In the contest were Wv«t*Y » AU-jfjUjj't j t'-O ttlld llt'rcly lilul- \anous groups in the new project. by school boys about the, year 1873,. ac- Etanner, Willtam. Ikiriin. A.'A.*Snu£.' The proposal to -take over the Casino cording to Mr. Adams.'. Robert Neidrach. .Mayor. Dayut J H r. AU- la^ci t-tH Uli' llbl r*n»- ' ttiLS discussed and approved by the According to tradition handed down NWrray and IHjUce'Ciimrnlaiianitr Jote i*e Harliff <iinunlttw.havr bitn presidents and officers of several clubs to John D. Miller, who died at the age : ' •'••• : • : .»'."••• ' *' }•-••'.- ' Pholo lij John T. k d. Orlndlay. both of Oansowi, iml S«- U-d *nd lound to t»« worthy of - at a meeting Monday night at theof SO years, about 1880, the Indian vil- .tcont Patrick Kelly, ot-Summit. "Kit r Ujlipss'ftu:h tivillv iiludl or lage was formerly sltuatcd.'pn what was Here -are the members of the committee that last Wednesday night put on a successful dance and beauty contest in ' hofhc of Mrs* Franklin. Many of the the Roosevelt School for the benefit of the Cranford Police Benevolent Association. They are, left to right, (front tlnal Judging w&4 by pouular i^pptAuftf rt.k« Uie jiamcs pt tiiUt\Uluaiii organizations are expected to purchase later known tts the Sylvester Cahlll after the judges- had 'previous? «fliE- ti»JAcU *rV hctiU it to probable property 'and homestead. • The village row) Harry. Craig, police Commissioner James O. Beggs, Township Corhmltteeman FYanlc McCullough, j'ohu J. Mc- additional certificates this week? • * Nerney, Antoh Kovacs andHoward Mullen; New York City enUrtauwr;.(back rowi Prank Carujo; WII1IMV Slm- liiateo all but three ot the t«rrnl> cue'' r Jtmjllcft-will ltH-t'lvt' r*o or Participating certificates bought by was on the bank of the Raltway river^ ^r ottierV will noi rpcelv"c any, about 200 feet northwest of Prospect nions, chairman of th« committee; Oeorge Rosendsle, Klward Gilvln and William Outrnan. .#.* "'.•'-''•* • a club will give the members of the Howard Miillen of 'New YocV CKy tJ UM* cuimnit^'-f* [K>int[o<l out. : avenue. The tradition appears to be. veteran night/club en NovrjnU-r n*iieUlly *,'f Ul« Ad- '--elolKinemhershlp to-thatne«. organiza- V*jkHSb"*fci!iii; tion, and will provide ft home' for the j TRINITY^ master- of • ceremonies and meetings and activities of the club The arrowheads and weapons of flint and sale of certificates to individuals will stone Were later unearthed at the. spot TO MEET DECEMBER 8 John Ju«eph M^Herney r««tveii K- 'vVitrnef' g\\e them a life membcrsnip and mem- Sylvester Cahlll, If., anephew, ;had applauee /or -lus-'"cWe walk." sina, 1-. TalboU'Harry "It's a long. Long. Way to bership for his or her family, Mrs. a fine collection of arrowheads and Badio ArU»U WUl Enlcrtaio. Orogp »t other weapons found upon the site, but AIO. 'for . danc-liig. «n » adusafnllty of rent- — Franklin stated at the meeting Mon- Opefett^'TrialByJury" Monthly Meeting In Pmr- Presents 20 Questions when the Cahlll mansion was.burned, Daiiny Heybiirn'is' orchestra of : ^vr- Cnuiiord 'J'heaLiT UK Uie *pur- '. day night that certificates have been - , '. Isk Oeose. th« whole collection was lost. (ord. ' .: ' . it ^pgciMMinc a .show to raUo purchased by the follwoing clubs and Show la Well Receivedi Neta Township Committee Asked that many interested people have sig- • The- Trinity - Men's .Club will be to State Reasons for Vari- lur TvUcf from Jiuiuoxy nified their Intention of taking certi- ' $250. for Scholarship Fund treated to a special.program at the De- ous Expenditures 'Appear- 1.1«Q lo Juiuir>' 1. IUJ:I. will be about ficates Wednesday Morning Club, 11 Betty Barringer To Play and Emergency Relief. cember entertainment meeting at 8:15 rickets rVrc On Sale taj«lfl, wlurii tv hi Aw rcimlil by tho, certificates; Garden Club, 1; Women's o'clock Thursday evening, December 8 ing in Last Year's Budget.'. T<m-*n%iip ovtfr tui ritflu yvur period Republican Club, 3, and the Choral ot In the Parish House, according to Jules More than 500 persons attended the »:•* ISIMIM. >t tix IRT cent, making Cranford. 1: Additional certificates, Leading Role In Picture DuBarry, chairman of the committee At' the meeting of Uie Township For Glee Cinb Concert >£* uaul COM t'jr S'.r.a murly IW.000. numbering about fifty, have been operetta, "Trial By Jury," presented in charge. .ter !u!Ml» Qi»i mJiy Uc' rnlM'd now will - : Committee Tuesday night-the Taxpay- pledged by Individuals. Saturday night ln Roosevelt Schooll Headllners on the programs-include Association submitted a' list of Wesleynn University Club 2&H <uaiy i^duc*. lite principal'but will. Although holders of certificates will Charles Griffiths to Have Oth- auditorium under the auspices ot the Stacyand Faye, popular R- twenty questions regarding various tiir Uae ijajrinaiit - ol lntrreal by Uie not pay any annual dues, those wish- er jprincipal^ Part in '"Ro- ^^ The pi«eeds,\£&?%^ Items appearing In the Township bud- Sing Here Dec. 20; ing to Join the club will "pay a stated get for 1S3J. The Association also stat- FroccetU Will Be Used for «-tprn<1l1uTM for the month -of amount. So far the amount' has been mance of Cranford." ~' "amountlngto about $250Twint>e used duVhereroeorge ed" that a mceting^wouldTrTre.ld-De-- tentatively set at 115 for a man and to establish a scholarship fund, and to also an R. K. BUI cember 14 and asked that a member or Relief Purposes. u iUtt)Uy under the October' Ills family Including his children under Miss Betty Barringer, a Junior in the aid the needy of the town, according Preety, baritone artist appearing members of the Township Committee IMOK flitunich an inciTuc wa* noted with the.PauMjholr, and Al Beringer, Flrit reports ori the adr«ne» sajr cl| twenty-pne; and women will pay $7 50 Cranford' high school, has been selected to. Mrs. Donald McQInnb, treasurer ot be present and that a representative ol itY-&c-tuel, medical and a year. With the $11,000 to be raised to play the leading feminine role in kown to those who have the Taxpayers' Association sit in attickets for the Weslernn UfitrtnUj IIOBS. •. -•; - - • • • l 1 theorganuaOon. '-i , " - - ' by the"sairo'f ih eTcerHIRatcV'aB«"thej-%i^ -club'entertainments. meetings of -the Townahlp Committee Oleo Club concert and dnhcCw * whtefe .Ttjie Koi-ember report Indicates; an annual dues, the club can pay off allfilmed and.which will be shown at the «U» bud ; Alljwew will bo held In Roosevelt School si*U- inBrovraoent Iccilly in cohdlllons. Tho debts and have a fund'available for Cranford Theatre Christmas week. though the majority ot the audience Hel^bnce each month by the club. referred to Committee ot, the wnoH^ These meetings are open not only to currant expenses. Charles. Griffiths, well-known high did not appreciate-the comedy of the Samuel S.Ferstcr of Adams avenue startlng at B:lfl o'clock, Indtatt* u»i|>.-ii cowliuosji, lave ckwKued flftMn members:but to guests. All members this year's altnir will be evm mar* m«- Many of the organizations have school football and basketball player, songs, presented before the curtain —' told the Township Committee of trou- the IMI two moiiUa. ^voiced the need of a meeting place and are urged to attend the December bles In that section where many hoiuw- cissful than u limllar conttrt hoi 5«: ii tUtUil ttpendlturc* In last weekwaa chosen to take thc-other meeting and bring at least one guest by.v.Uie'.cp lle(te,.Mr4^era The^affitt- s.- home-for their~ac9vitles, and leading part In the production, accord- rioldersdurrtp their garbage promlteu- 1 er lithe CasUm is not the most Pass By," given by Marian Bird Refreshments and smokes will be served ouily ,,oa,vacant, property and .otben under the susplca of UwMoi* Ctck ing to Daniel Dorn, who is fllmlngihe foUownw theprogramr*— " ' " of Trinity EplseopsI cnurcn and Uir ~" tafcyJw toeaUM la ex- ; i : ; and Charles H/Messerve,* brought partly'bury same op Uwlr'own proper- joowd, trytortlng UdUoo for children In play" ••^'•^^<^wr*' ''"' ^ ^""''F^''" ^n^ much applause.
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