xii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 3D Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous BPMB Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd 9MP Ninth Malaysia Plan BR base rate 10MP Tenth Malaysia Plan BR1M Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia 11MP Eleventh Malaysia Plan BRT Bus Rapid Transit 1M4U 1Malaysia for Youth BSAS Bursa Suq Al-Sila’ 1MS4HW 1Malaysia Support for Housewives BSN Bank Simpanan Nasional 1MYC 1Malaysia Youth City CAP Cebu Action Plan ABIF ASEAN Banking Integration Framework CBD Central Business District ABMI Asian Bond Markets Initiative CCTV Closed-Circuit Television ACCA Association of Chartered Certified CET1 common equity tier 1 Accountants ACMF ASEAN Capital Market Forum CMIM Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation ADB Asian Development Bank CPI Consumer Price Index ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line CPO crude palm oil AEC ASEAN Economic Community CSR Corporate Social Responsibility AFAS ASEAN Framework Agreement on DE development expenditure Services DFI development financial institution AFMGM ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Joint Meeting DISF Domestic Investment Strategic Fund AIF ASEAN Infrastructure Fund DOE Department of Environment AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank DOSM Department of Statistics, Malaysia AIM Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia DUKE Duta-Ulu Kelang Expressway AIRM ASEAN Insurance Regulators’ Meeting E&E Electrical and Electronics AMRO ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research ECB European Central Bank Office AMS ASEAN Member States ECER East Coast Economic Region AoA Articles of Agreement ECF equity crowdfunding framework APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ECOTECH economic and technical cooperation APMM Malaysian Maritime Enforcement EDTP Electrified Double-Tracking Project Agency EFTA European Free Trade Association ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations EKUINAS Ekuiti Nasional Bhd ASW ASEAN Single Window EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery ATM Malaysian Armed Forces EPA economic partnership agreement AUM assets under management EPF Employees Provident Fund AUV average unit value EPP Entry Point Project B40 Bottom 40% households ESD Expatriate Service Division Bank Rakyat Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Bhd ESSCOM Eastern Sabah Security Command BB1M 1Malaysia Book Voucher ESSZONE Eastern Sabah Security Zone BBGP Broadband to General Population ETBS Exchange Traded Bond & Sukuk BET Bus Expressway Transit ETF Exchange traded fund BIS Bank for International Settlements ETP Economic Transformation Programme BLR base lending rate ETS Electric Train Service BMD Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Bhd EU European Union BNM Bank Negara Malaysia EXIM Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Bhd BOP balance of payments FAMA Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority bpd barrels per day Acronyms 2015.indd 12 10/15/15 10:52 PM xiii FBM KLCI FTSE Bursa Malaysia Kuala Lumpur ICT Information and Communication Composite Index Technology FCPO crude palm oil futures IDB Islamic Development Bank FDI Foreign direct investment IEA International Energy Agency Fed US Federal Reserve IKBN National Youth Skills Institutes FELCRA Federal Land Consolidation and I-KeuNITA Woman Entrepreneurship Incubator Rehabilitation Authority I-KIT Single Mothers Skill Incubator FELDA Federal Land Development Authority ILJTM Manpower Department Training Centre FGLD gold futures ILP Industrial Training Institute FKB3 3-Month Kuala Lumpur interbank offered rate future IMF International Monetary Fund FKLI FBM KLCI futures INSKEN National Entrepreneurship Institute FLNG Floating Liquefied Natural Gas IPR Intellectual Property Right FOB Free on Board IPTA public higher education institutes FPC Fiscal Policy Committee IPTS private higher education institutes FPOL RBD palm olein futures IPO initial public offering FSB Financial Services Board IPG Rubber Production Incentive FTA free trade agreement ISM Institute for Supply Management FTP Fiscal Transformation Programme IT information technology FTSE Financial Times Stock Exchange JPN National Housing Department FWA Flexible Work Arrangements JTM Manpower Department FY financial year kg kilogramme G20 Group of 20 KLCC-GT Kuala Lumpur City Centre-Golden GDP Gross Domestic Product Triangle km kilometre GEMS Graduate Employability Management Scheme KR1M Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia GFCF Gross Fixed Capital Formation KTMB Keretapi Tanah Melayu Bhd GIF Global Investment Facility KTW1M Kampung Tanpa Wayar 1Malaysia GII Government Investment Issues kWh kilowatt-hours GLCs government-linked companies LCR Liquidity coverage ratio GNI Gross National Income LFPR Labour Force Participation Rate GNS Gross National Savings LNG Natural Gas GST Goods and Services Tax LPG liquefied petroleum gas GTP Government Transformation Programme LPPSA Public Sector Home Financing Board HES Household Expenditure Survey M40 Middle 40% households HEARTS Housewives’ Enhancement and Reactivate Talent Scheme M&E machinery and equipment HIES Household Income and Expenditure MaGIC Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Survey Centre HLF Housing Loan Fund MATRADE Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation HRDF Human Resources Development Fund MDB Multilateral Development Bank HSBB High-Speed Broadband MEEPA Malaysia-EFTA Economic Partnership HSDPA High-Speed Downlink Packet Access Agreement MEM Malaysia Economic Monitor IAP Investment Account Platform MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome i-BR1M Group Takaful Insurance MGS Malaysian Government Securities IBIs Islamic banking institutions MGII Malaysian Government Investment ICM Islamic Capital Market Issues Acronyms 2015.indd 13 10/15/15 10:52 PM xiv MHPI Malaysian House Price Index OE operating expenditure MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conventions OGE Oil, Gas and Energy and Exhibitions OKLI options on FKLI MIDA Malaysian Investment Development Authority OPEC Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting MITB Malaysian Islamic Treasury Bills Countries OPR Overnight Policy Rate MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry PADU Projek Angkat dan Upaya mld million litres per day PAPN Pusat Anak Permata Negara mmBtu million British thermal unit PAWE Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas mmscfd million standard cubic feet per day pb per barrel MNCs multinational companies PCAP Price Control and Anti-Profiteering MOF Ministry of Finance PDT Pengerang Deepwater Terminal MoU Memorandum of Understanding PGA General Operations Force mbpd million barrels per day PIC Pengerang Integrated Complex MRT Mass Rapid Transit PIPC Pengerang Integrated Petroleum MRT Corp Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Complex Bhd PLKN National Service Training Programme MRT Line 1 Sungai Buloh - Kajang Line PPH Price Monitoring Officers MRT Line 2 Sungai Buloh - Serdang - Putrajaya Line PBO purpose-built offices MSSB Malaysia Sovereign Sukuk Bhd PBOC People’s Bank of China MTB Malaysian Treasury Bills PBO-RI Purpose-Built Office Rent Index Wilayah MTFF Medium-Term Fiscal Framework WPKL Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur PDRM Royal Malaysia Police MyFEST Malaysia Year of Festivals PDS private debt securities MyTID Malaysian Talent Identification Programme PETRONAS Petroliam Nasional Bhd MYXpats Malaysia Expatriate Talent Service Centre Centre PFI private finance initiatives NAV net asset value PI1M Pusat Internet 1Malaysia NBI National Broadband Initiative PLF-ASW Protocol on the Legal Framework to Implement the ASEAN Single Window NBOS National Blue Ocean Strategy PLUS Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan NCER Northern Corridor Economic Region PLC Petronas LNG Complex NDSP National Dengue Strategic Plan PITA petroleum income tax NEC National Export Council PMI Purchasing Managers Index NEP New Economic Policy PPI Producer Price Index NFPCS Non-Financial Public Corporations PPP public-private partnership NGO non-governmental organisation PPR People’s Housing Programme NKEA National Key Economic Area PPRN Public-Private Research Network NKRA National Key Result Area PR1MA Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia NRW Non-Revenue Water Corporation psf per square foot NTB non-tariff barrier PTP Port of Tanjung Pelepas NTP National Transformation Policy R&D research and development O&G Oil and gas R&D&C research, development and OBB Outcome-Based Budgeting commercialisation OCPO options on FCPO RAPID Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation REIT Real Estate Investment Trust and Development OER oil extraction rate REP Returning Expert Programme Acronyms 2015.indd 14 10/15/15 10:52 PM xv RELA The People’s Volunteer Corps SRO self-regulatory organisation RIR Rumah Idaman Rakyat SRR Statutory Reserve Requirement RIA-Fin Roadmap for Monetary and Financial SST Sales Tax and Service Tax Integration of ASEAN STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and RISDA Rubber Industry Smallholders Mathematics Development Authority SUPERB Bumiputera Entrepreneurs’ Startup RISE Research Incentive Scheme for Scheme Enterprises TA Technical assistance RM ringgit Malaysia TAF Technology Acquisition Fund RMM Rumah Mampu Milik TADAT Tax Administration Diagnostic RMR Rumah Mesra Rakyat Assessment Tool ROK Republic of Korea Tadawul Saudi Stock Exchange RPGT Real Property Gains tax TalentCorp Talent Corporation Malaysia Bhd RTC Rural Transformation Centre TBSPK Skim Tanam Baharu Sawit Pekebun Kecil SAC Shariah Advisory Council TBTSG Rubber New Planting and Replanting SAMUR Sabah Ammonia-Urea Plant TEKUN Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga Nasional SBST Stage Bus Services Transformation TERAJU Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera SEF Services Export Fund TeraS High-Performing Bumiputera Companies SC Securities Commission Malaysia TEU twenty-foot equivalent unit SCORE Sarawak Corridor of Renewable
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