H11998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 5, 2000 PINE RIVER TRANSPORT, LTD., Thank you, for the opportunity to provide (Mr. EHRLICH addressed the House. Long Lake, WI, November 30, 2000. these comments. His remarks will appear hereafter in Inventoried Roadless Area in Florence Coun- Sincerely, the Extensions of Remarks.) ty DAVID S. MAJEWSKI. The 18,000 acre closure to timber cutting f when coupled to all the other forest service GOODMAN FOREST INDUSTRIES, LTD., The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a set asides is going to further exacerbate the Long Lake, WI, December 1, 2000. previous order of the House, the gen- rapid drop in volume harvested from the Re Florence County Roadless Area tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is Nicolet National Forest. I attended a meeting today of the MI±WI This in addition to the new Administration Timber Producers Association and found recognized for 5 minutes. Rules on hours and the 95% reduction in the that the 18,000 acre ``Roadless'' area in Flor- (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed amount of sulfur in diesel fuel will make the ence County has been heavily logged in re- the House. His remarks will appear continued operation of this trucking com- cent years and is well roaded. hereafter in the Extensions of Re- pany very questionable, as fuel costs will Who is the Forest Service trying to fool on marks.) soar. this? We in the industry believe in ``multiple Good management of our National Forests use'' of our forest lands, however we can not f can provide all the multiple use benefits that tolerate any more ``lockout'' set asides to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a we all value so highly. At the present time occur. Stumpage prices are already sky- previous order of the House, the gen- ``Mother Nature'' in the form of fire, wind rocketing because of the fact the Forest tleman from Washington (Mr. and disease has taken over the management Service is not even offering 50% of its oper- METCALF) is recognized for 5 minutes. of the forests from the Forest Service. ating plan on the Nicolet National Forest. It is my understanding that the so called Please let me know if you think Congress (Mr. METCALF addressed the House. ``Roadless Area'' in Florence County is actu- can intervene. If not, then industry will have His remarks will appear hereafter in ally fully roaded and is far from the inacces- no choice but to take the U.S. Forest Service the Extensions of Remarks.) sible pristine areas referred to by Chief to court to stop this ridiculous set asides for- f Dombeck. mation. We need some sort of common sense re- Sincerely, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a stored versus this high handed rule making RICHARD KRAWZE. previous order of the House, the gen- of the Clinton-Gore administration. tleman from Arizona (Mr. SALMON) is Sincerely, SHAWANO, WI, November 29, 2000. recognized for 5 minutes. RICHARD CONNOR, Jr. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE MARK GREEN: I have (Mr. SALMON addressed the House. been reading, with growing concern, about FLORENCE COUNTY FORESTRY AND His remarks will appear hereafter in the Administration's efforts to restrict the the Extensions of Remarks.) PARKS, NATURAL RESOURCES CEN- use of our public lands and waterways. While TER, I applaud the government's desire to ensure f Florence, WI, November 30, 2000. that our natural resources are there for fu- To: Representative Mark Green. ture generations to enjoy, unilaterally cut- TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF FORMER From: David S. Majewski, Administrator, ting off access to these lands is misguided, CONGRESSMAN HENRY B. GON- Florence County Forestry & Parks, Flor- wrong and in some cases, dangerous. ZALEZ ence, Wisconsin. For example, if the goal of the Forest Serv- Subject: Federal Roadless Initiative. ice Roadless Initiative is to preserve these The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under As I understand there is a need to com- lands for our children and grandchildren to the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- ment on the proposed ``Roadless Initiative'' enjoy by not building roads and trails into uary 6, 1999, the gentleman from Texas and send the comments to your office. these areas, how can they be expected to (Mr. RODRIGUEZ) is recognized for 60 The present Administration is trying to enjoy them when they cannot get to them? minutes as the designee of the minor- ram through an effort on behalf of the ``pres- By definition, the lands and adjacent wa- ervationists'' that will affect many people ity leader. terways maintained by the federal land man- Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, on and communities. Most of the people in this agement agencies are public lands. They are group live far away from the lands that are maintained with funds provided by tax dol- Saturday, I paid my last respects to a proposed in this effort and it does not impact lars as well as entrance and user fees. Yet, man that I knew since the age of 12, a their day to day lives or affect their liveli- the public, as well as Congress, governors, man that I respected and admired im- hood. local land managers and fire and rescue per- mensely, Henry B. Gonzalez. I have This proposal is a smokescreen, to create sonnel, were not involved in the creation of more wilderness in the very near future. It is called this special order so that we these policies. Much of the Forest Service an attempt to stop timber management in may honor Henry B., a friend and a land has been statutorily designated as mul- these areas. It will affect the economy of former colleague. many communities surrounding these Na- tiple-use land. By cutting off access to large I would like to express my condo- tional Forests. It will also cause many seri- portions of the land in its care, the Forest Service is defying a decades old congres- lences to his wife, Senora Gonzalez; my ous problems for forest protection, which in- good friend and colleague, the gen- clude control of insects, disease, and fire. sional mandate. tleman from Texas (Mr. CHARLES GON- The proposal is not good for the health of Further, this type of thinking, returning the forests, the economy of the areas, or the our natural areas to what is being described ZALEZ); and the entire Gonzalez family. many recreational opportunities that are as a pre-European state is very dangerous. My heart and prayers are with them in presently available when the forests are As you know, much of our forest land in the this time of sorrow. managed for multiple use. It is also not good western United States is burning out of con- Henry B. was one of the hardest stewardship of the land. trol (in part as a result of other poorly de- working men I have ever known. My fa- signed policies). Without roads and The Public Forests in the Lake States ther often referred to him as ``El have been managed very conservatively firebreaks, the already difficult jobs of fire- since the early 1900's, the ``Early Logging fighters and other rescue personnel would be Compadre,'' the godfather. He was a Era''. Keeping healthy diverse aged forests is made even more difficult, if not impossible. true friend to all San Antonions and all better for our environment than over-aged I do not believe that all public lands should Texans and throughout the country. unhealthy forests. The Forests are used by a be available for all uses. We all share a re- From my father's radio I grew up lis- wide variety of recreation users and the cur- sponsibility to treat our natural areas care- tening to the words of Henry B. My rent management provides for a sustained fully and safely. However, if we all work to- dad's Compadre was famous for his economy for these rural communities and gether we can create a policy regarding our public lands and waterways that is fair, rea- blazing honesty, strong convictions, the Nation. The current multiple use man- compelling oratory, and undying dedi- agement also provides for healthy forests sonable and physically and environmentally and very good habitat for a wide variety of safe. cation to public service. wildlife. Many of the present wildlife species Please help us achieve this balance for this Long hours working at a Southside could not exist without it. generation and those to come. San Antonio gas station as a young This initiative will: restrict if not elimi- Sincerely. man gave me the opportunity to meet nate timber management, cause deteriora- KEVIN KING. dozens of people every day when I used tion of health forests, constrict all rec- f to fill gas tanks. When I worked at the reational opportunities, and inhibit habitat The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. gas station and people came by, I for the majority of the present wildlife. This initiative will not preserve these Forests for LAHOOD). Under a previous order of the checked their oil and washed their win- future generations but will cause more envi- House, the gentleman from Maryland dows. I still vividly recall the day al- ronmental damage when insects, diseases, (Mr. EHRLICH) is recognized for 5 min- most 40 years ago when I was working and fires rage through these areas. utes. there at that gas station on Pleasanton December 5, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H11999 Road and a special customer drove up Henry B. dedicated his life to public publicity when he voted against additional and asked me to fill up his tank. When service and we have all benefitted from appropriations for the House Committee on I realized that it was Henry B.
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