I,- < i ~ ’" -\ti,M t ’“ *' 'i •■^ "■3 . i, - ✓ <9* »A<3)B Tnm rnr-FotjR iNanrtrriBtfjr 1E0ttittg Herald rabRlSD A APRIL •, 19B0 Average Dail> Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Rnding FereeMt' of 0. S. Weather Barcaa N o signifloaht weight diange And civil Charges growing out of ment He said the firm, will ahoNr April 4th. 1989 was reported b y ^ e M A T E S at RiTcrboat Skippers SEC Weighs his financial t^nsactlons. a BUbstantlal loss for 1988. The About Town their weekly msetlnjg last evening Sales Promotion chief cause, he said, Is liquidating /<;6ceaeional period* cf rain to­ Bon ArpL is in the midst of an a $600,000 loss in Christmas sten­ at the home of Joseph. Sullivan, Two Andover reeldent* quali­ 12,905 night and naturday. Low tonight ciling kite and writing off an ex­ K 'r t f Z li»e r Club wlU hoM • tet- 317 Spring St. Poster* ^ter* pre­ fied for the Andover Navy Sun­ Delisting of extensive''sales promotion which Member of the Aiidti pense $600,000 prepaid In a deal 40-48. High Saturday around 80. bsetc party for member* and pared and final plan* mcd^ for day by navigating a craft, down Included the introduction- of new Bureau of dreuhitioa to buy T V spot time. The SEC friends in the clubroome Satimlay the card party Friday, April it, at the Hop River from Bunker prt^ucts. A year-long observation Manchester— A City of VHinge Charm staillair ht 8:30 p.m. the Italian American Club. Prlbr Hill Rd. to Wllllmantlc In five Boh Ami Co. of the firm's 75th anniversary woe says the TV transaction was ar­ to adjournment at IC o'clock low and a half hours. launched in Mancheeter Tuesday ranged by Guterma. with a luncheon and a tour of the Shiller cbhtended Bon Ami (Cla»*lfled Auverttaing on Page 18) Ffe. Samuel J. Haugh, son of calorie refieehment* were served Stewart Hoielngton of An­ MANCHES'I'KR. CONN., FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 19.59 PRICE FIVE CENTO A decision on whether Bon Ami firm's plant on Hilliard St. could ask for relisting later, but VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 162 (TWKNTY PAGES) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Haugh, 71 by Host Sullivan. dover Center and Robert Fried­ C o .' should be delisted from the Moroslnl told ElEC Examiner Moroslnl argued that the earn­ Oaidsn S t, is home on leave from rich of Old State Rd. left Sun­ Robert Hislop during the hearing ings tests for relisting are atiffer r t Bragg, N. C., where he's a para­ The Rev. K EJnar Reak, pastor day mofhing in one of . the email N ew York Stock Exchange is now TOD than those permitting-firms to re­ trooper with the 82nd Airborne of the Covenant Congregational Bailing boats built two years in the hands of the S-member that .Bon Aral -now haa the pros­ Make Milk ^Sinful, pect of operating "near the break­ tain listing. 11 HOURS p^DNINTmUPTEO SERVICE Not Know DhrlatoD. Church, is a member of the panel ago by the Ngthan Hale Jay- Securities and Exchange Commis­ Did for the "Jinual Fourth District Cees for us on Mke Wanguni- even point." Moroslnl stressed that the Bon sion. Ami management has cooperated governor Sees Dairy Chief tJrges baug. Another trip Is planned “W e In present management Ralidt Jackson, 476H B. Middle Rally at the Haddam Neck Church A delisting hearing ended yes­ Sunday at 7 p.m. The subject Is in the future. would like to have an opportunity with the SEC in Its Investigation 9A.K4to8P.M. Teel Was Shot, Tpke., will become a member of terday after pleas from Bon Ami of showing what we can do,” he of Guterma's alleged failure to file Pittsburgh, April 10 (A’l “How Can We More Effeotlvely Vice President Emil Moroslnl that Tau Beta PI. the national honor­ added. reports with the SEC. Hubert Garrecht. prealdent of Japan Hails Use the Time Available to Further the SEC ask the Exchange to re­ ary engineering society, during Ini­ Evangelistic services will be Shiller countered that the firm’s Connie Claims the Milk Industry Foundation, the Kingdom of God? " consider Its plana to delist, the tiation ceremonies Sunday after­ held at the Church of the Naxar- financial- position has not changed .at “Savhtgg and'Loan* aay. dairymen might .sell more noon at the University of Con­ cleaner company. Toll Free Span ene Saturday night at 7:3p. Serv­ since the Exchange asked for de- / milk if a way could be found The Thomas Spencer Circle of Claims Violations Indianapolis, April 10 (/P)— necticut. Nelson la majoring in ices on Sunday, concluding the listing on the ground Bon Am i’s SAY "to make it a little more sin­ the South Methodist WSCS will Moroslnl was opposed by Irving 300 YEARS’ electrical engineering. series' of evangelistic services con­ Class A and Class B shares did Current Div. Rate 3Vi% Per Annum X ________ Minnie B. (Connie) Nicholas ful," hold a rummage sale In Wesley hall Shiller, attorney for the SEC’s ducted this week -by Evangelist not -have an aggregate market ARTHUR DRUG fold her murdei' trial .jury to­ "The trouble with milk la of the church Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Corporation Finapee Division. He PRESCRIPTION Hartford, April 10 (/P)— Gov. Abraham Ribicoff today re­ Mias Holiday Smith, daughter of Robert Woods and Douglas value of $2,000,000 and that the day .she left her fickle lover’s that it is too much taken for Rand or Mrs. Isabel Anderson may argued for delisting because of ■etneA>e4i»^ -ft -ft * Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Smith, 131 Peoples, will be at 10:45 a.m. and company was not earning $200,000 EXPERIENCE- ported progress in talk.* with state bond holders that could "granted. " Garrecht said last violations of SEC rules. OUR PHARMACISTS parked car without knowing Hartford Rd.. is co-manager of be called if pickup la desired. It 7 p.m. eventually make one or more of the Greater Hartford area night at a meeting of the Of Akihito, Michiko a year. will he an all-day meeting of the he had been shot while they; circulation for the 1959 yearbook The Exchange has asked for the Shows L o m In 1938 bridges toll free. The Governor has asked the bond hblders Greater Pittsburgh Dairy In- , group from 8:30 a.m. The Rev. The Manchester Cliild Study at Wellesley College, Wellesley, delisting, saying the company fails Moroslnl conceded Bon Ami does to allow the state to acquire the*---------------------- -------------------------- - .struggled. i dtisry Assn, It lacks the glam- i Charles Reynolds, associate pastor, group will meet Tuesday at 1 p.ni. Tire 44-year-old doirbte divorcee Mass. A senior at the college, she to meet its earnings and assets not meet the eaxnings test for etaaatiaa ektTtfTTiT bohds at par value. This would or of tobacco and alcohol." win speak In the afternoon. in the library of the Buckley Is majoring in Biblical history. tests for listing. The SEC la con­ listing, but Insisted business Is give the slate control of the said in her long-delayed te.stimony School. The speaker will be Dr. /0Or^44bim sidering dropping Bon Ami from looking up under the new manage­ Read Herald Advs. bridges and the right to lift tolls ^ Suburbia ’ aboirt the shooting last .Iirl.v 31 ' Thousands TThe W CTU will meet Tuesday at Mildred Stanton of the State De­ the “Big Board’* because some re­ on anj’ bridges it chose. Ribicoff that her little peari-handled 10:30 a.m. In the chapel of the partment of Education's Philolog­ ports were ngt filed after Alex­ wants to make one or more of the revolver went off while ^ e r ex- ; Mobs in Yemen South Methodist Church. Sewing ical Depar*rrcnl, who will speak ander L. Guterma became chair­ bridges toll free. In H era Id lover. Forrest' Teel, twisted her' Cheer Pair GENERAL work will be for the Newington and demonstrate the Binet Test. man of the firm. Hie Governor said a group of arm. i Hospital. Hostesses for the potiuck Bon Ami control has since Hartford insurance companies, "I didn't know Mr' Teel had ; Heed Nasser, TV SERVICE at noon will be Mrs. Ellen Stark­ The Mary Cushman Group of passed from Guterma's hands, and A r* Yours Whon You Shop who hold 85 per cent of 'the $30 Tomorrow been hit I would hot have left Days M A C 8 CaU weather, Mrs. Ralph Persson and the Second Congregational Church the new management has taken million in bonds outstanding, have him." she said. After Rites Nights w « w w Plus Parts Mrs. John McAllister. Mrs. Rich­ will meet at the home of Mrs. pains to disclaim any association been "most cooperajlve" in the di.s- She broke down in sobs and had Stone Russians ard Mather will ahow a film on Erling F. Larson, 46 Doane St., to­ with Guterma, international fi­ This month’s issue of Sub­ to he helped from the witness I T E U MI S-S482 euaslona. By J.AMEH CARV temperance. morrow night at 8 o'cloc'ii. nancier facing various criminal “The companies have indicated a urbia Today, which will ap­ stsnd when the court rece.s.sed jirsl j willingness to work out the prob­ pear with tomorrotv’s Herald, after .she told the details of the Cairo. Aiiril 10 (JP)— Moh.a Tokyo, April Hi (ff*)— Mil­ HALE’S lem," he said.
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