arianas %riet.r,:;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ews et's hep Governor stresses 'equality' among SPC member countries By Mar-Vic C. Munar Variety News Staff LARGE countries and small is­ lands should work together as part­ ners in setting direction and en­ suring a "long-tenn" success for the South Pacific Commission, Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio said yes­ terday. Lt. Gov. Jesus Borja, for his part, said the CNMI and other states of similar political status should not forego the opportunity to make their voices heard. SPC, he said, is one venue where small states can ".speak out and make decision for ourselves and make positive contributions to others." Tenorio and Borja keynoted the opening ceremony for the 36th South Pacific Conference. The Conference proper with some 140 participants from 26 member countries and territories and representatives from other regional organizations, wi II be GOV. Froilan C. Tenorio (from left) Lt. Gov. Jesus Borja and wife Mary Anne Borja, Senate President Jesus Sablan, Speaker Diego Benavente, SPC Sec. Gen. held at the Diamond Hotel. Ses­ Robert Dun, SPC Director of Program Jimi Rodgers and Director of Services Lourdes Pangelinan lead yesterday's official oopening of the 36th South Pacific sions officially start today. Conference. The ceremony was held at the American Memorial Park amphitheater. (More photos on page 3) Photo by Mar-Vic c. Munar Stressing the spirit af "equal­ ity," Tenorio suggested lhat ··smaller members .. refrain from Tenorio: 'I supported· Man missing off making themselves financiallyde­ pendent on "larger members.'' ··we should resist the Larry in '93 election' Forbidden Island temptation ... to shift an even By Zaldy Dandan last night said. greater burden offunding the com­ Variety News Staff "I campaigned for Larry and. Noted US dentist [eared to have drowned mission to our larger members," FORMER governor Pedro P. you can (even) checkoutwith By Ferdie de la Torre School of Dentistry. Tenorio said addressing the del­ · "Teno" Tenorio yesterday de- the party chainnan because I Variety News Staff Acting Public Safety Informa­ egates who gathered at the Ameri­ nied rumors he suppo1ted the went out every night to cam- A MAN who is believed to have tion Officer Sgt. Franklin Babauta can Memorial Park. Democratic Party's candidates paign." drowned at Forbidden Island said search and rescue operations "If the commission is of benefit in the 1993 gubernatorial elec- Teno, who was governor Tuesday morning has been iden­ were conducted yesterday by per­ to its members," Tenorio added. tion which saw his fellow Re- from 1982 to 1990, is running tified as a well-known pediatric sonnel from different government "and I be! ieve it is, we shou Id be publican Lorenzo I.D.L. against Guerrero, governor dentist and lecturer from Califor- and private agencies. wiling to pay for it. and each ofus Guerrero losing in his bid for a from 1990 to 1994, in the Nov. 111a. Babauta said the CNMI Chal­ should contribute what we can second te1m. 9 Republican primary that will The Variety learned that the lenger, two DPS rescue boats, and afford." It was the first public state- choose the party's gubernato- missing man was 51-year-old Dr. personnel from Emergency Man­ He warned that if smaller mem­ ment from Teno on the issue of rial candidate for the 1997 elec- Wilfred Nation, chairman of the agement Office participated the ber entities accept a greater share his supposed "defection" in tion. of funding from the large coun­ 1993. Asked if he believes Department of Pediatric Dentistry search operations. at the Loma Linda University "How do (they) know I didn't Guerrero would support him in Contmuecf on page 27 Continued on page 27 supportLarry(Gueirero'snick- 1997 if he (Teno) wins in the name)," Teno in an interview Continued on page 27 Katie Williams wins Miss International Friendship By Ferdie de la Torre pan. Variety News Staff Edwina Menzies and Tanya CNMI Miss Interr:iational Belyeu won the Miss Friendship Kathleen "Katie" N. Williams in the same competition in 1992 won the Miss Friendship title and 1993 respectively. during the annual Miss Interna­ "I am more than happy,•· Will­ tional beauty pageant held Sun­ iams told the Variety. "I did not day in Kanazawa, Tokyo. expect to get the title. I was just Williams, 19, is the third being myself....friendly and nice." .••.•-I CNMI beauty titlist who She said the pageant was very .r •. ,. :.i..··, brought honor and prestige to exciting as they were able to tour ,I,.. )'. , •. ': ' the Commonwealth by bagging different places and met the Gov­ Larry I. Guerrero the Miss Friendship title in Ja- Katie Williams with her PedroP. Tenorio Continued on page 27 Miss Friendship trophy ,, ____ ,, .•.. <-•%•.---· .. ··- ·-·····. ·- , .... '·····-··· H-. ··~~ ..~.-~ .. ~-.-,.,~,,·"·~~~~b··-·-~. I 'p)fC}JEWSPAPER S'[AC~ ...I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1996-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY- OCTOBER 31; 1996 Syria: Israel bracing for war SPC opening sidelights DAMASCUS, Syria ( AP) -Syria pare for a limited war. stand and to look for new alterna­ peace with the Arabs, the Israeli worry about continued move­ accused Israel of bracing itself for "The Israeli government is pre­ tives." army's logistical preparedness ment of Syrian troops from the war Tuesday and warned Arabs it paring the region for a new war as The newspaper said Arabs must has suffered. region around Beirut to the was time to consider options other an alternative to peace and is beat­ move quickly to face the current There have also been new Is­ Bekaa Valley in east Lebanon. than the peace process. ing the dmms of war," the Al­ circumstances and to protect raeli accusations that Syria • Syri~n-Israeli peace talks The accusations, in an editorial B;ath editorial said. their interests and rights. might undertake military action stalled last February. .,, Syria has rejected Israeli in Al-Baath, owned by the rnling "The Arabs have submitted "For the Israelis, the peace in hopes of stimulating negotia­ L party of President Hafez Assad, for peace everything which is process is actually over," said tions toward an Israeli with­ Prime Minister Benjamin came in response to. an Israeli demanded from them," said the Al-Baath. drawal from the Golan Heights, Netanyahu 's overtures to re­ newspaper report Sunday that the newspaper. "But now, it is high Israel's Haaretz newspaper re­ captured from Syria during the sume them without preconditions, Israeli army is asking for 3.5 bil­ time for them to deal with Israel ported Sunday that because of 1967 Middle East war. insisting Israel accept the prin­ lion shekels($ 1.1 billion) to pre- in the only style it can under- recent years' progress toward Israel has also expressed ciple of a pullout from the Golan. Doctor says Yeltsin could Federal court· declares curfew. have surgery next week law in D.C. is 'unconstitutional' most comprehensive and valued· surgery as early as next week, a con­ By BRIAN WITTE "I regret that the US. District liberty interests afforded citizens sulting American doctor said Tues­ WASHINGTON (AP) • A fed­ Court did. not agree and that the Court has given a thumbs down to · ofa civilized society - the cher­ day. eral court declared a curfew law in a well-thought-out effort to com- ished freedom of movement," Dr. Michael DeBakey told The the U.S. capital unconstitutional, Sullivan wrote . Associated Press that he would travel ruling it violated the rights of mi­ . batcrimeinthedistrict;"Barrysaid Spitzer said evecybody might to Russia this weekend to consult nors and parents. in a statement, adding that the city IJe. better off at home•past mid­ with Yeltsin 's doctors. No date has The decision came in a case corporation counsel win study the A glimpse of opening day night, but minors and parents been set, but "we hope to go ahead brought by the American Civil decision for a possible appeal; should make the decisions - not with it next week," DeBakey said Liberties UnionlastNovemberon The ruling calls into question By Mar-Vic C. Munar Tonga's delegate Lousean behalf of a group of eight teen­ one of the proposals of President the district council. and Rick Alberto 'Ofa was curious. from Houston. The curfew violates minors' He said Yeltsin 's condition has agers, four parents and a local Clinton,· who has recommended Variety News Staff "What does Keke mean?" she rights to free movement and par­ been improving, and that doctors had business. that cities enact curfews to keep RAIN disrnpted what was other­ asked. ents' rights to exercise parental made progress in treating Yeltsin 's U.S. District .Court Judge youths under 18 off the streets after wise a smooth and well-prepared Mr. Keke laughed, but refused discretion and control, said severe anemia and a thyroid dysfunc­ I Emmet Sullivan on Tuesday is- 8 p.m. on school nights, 9 p.m. in ceremony for the official open­ to answer. Sullivan. The law is too broad and tion. Those problems, he said, appear • sued an order rejecting the District the summer and 11 p.m. on week­ ing of the 36th South Pacific Con­ Ms. Ofareallywanted to know, vague and is a violation of mi­ to have been "pretty well corrected." ofColumbia'sargumentthatchil­ ends. ference held yesterday afternoon so I whispered it to her. nors' rights tobefreefromunrea­ Bor;s Yelts;n Ix!Bakey said Yeltsin needed a dren were protected by the cur­ Republican presidential candi­ at the American Memorial Park. She laughed. few, which took effect Sept. 20, date Bob Dole has also .spoken sonable searches and seizures, he South Pacific Commission Lone head of state By CANDICE HUGHES triple or quadruple coronary artery 1995.
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