MERRY CHRISTMAS PEACE ON EARTN AOESCE pioeLis TV RECORD INSIDE FOR COMPLETE CABLE & CHANNEL LISTINGS "FOR UNTO US A child is boRN." 25$ COLOMA * HARTFORD * WATERVLIET 4 THE TRI-CITY RECORD Vol. 103 THE WATER VLIET r Santa Claus tradition is centuries old -3 PlOZf^DGSTYOM K^RJSTOYYM Buon NaLaLe Hei By Lynn Attlla X wealthy parents In the town of Sometime toward the end of died around 343 AD, his death LU November, usually around Patros, a city In the Asia Minor. greatly Increased his fame as a >- Nicholas grew to be a holy o 1 Thanksgiving time, that bright, miracle worker. jolly, old, elf-we affectionately and spirltually-devote man, Some six hundred years after refer to as 'Santa' makes his an- greatly troubled by his parents' the death of Nicholas, Vladimir nual appearance, marking the extreme wealth. As soon as of Russia came to Constantino- onset of the Christmas season. both parents died, he made a ple for baptism and brought Santa's timely arrival spurs vow to secretly share his money back to his homeland the great shopkeepers on to display the with those in need. tales of Nicholas, "The bestower 'Christmas Spirit' In a Legend had It Nicholas heard of gifts." financially-rewarding manner. of a man who had three mar- From Russia, the name and His omnipresent self en- riageable daughters but was deeds of Nicholas spread to the courages youngsters to discern worried because he had no Lapps and Samoyids, the people between what Is 'naughty and dowry for them. One night, famous for the reindeer sleds. It nice.' And his representation of Nicholas stole quietly to the Is believed the modern Santa tradition drives the average home of the poor father and stories, complete with "A sled mother to the brink of lunacy as dropped a bag of gold through and eight tiny reindeer," came she attempts to pull off a tradi- the chimney. The eldest directly from these people. tional, down-home Christmas in daughter was married soon The tales about Saint after. Nicholas repeated the pro- Nicholas varied much over the the midst of a face-paced, Of) space-aged, commercial world. cedure for the second and the centuries. Some perceived him Santa seems to be every- third daughters until all were as a totally virtuous character, where at the same time, causing happily married. giving presents to everyone, the brightest of toddlers to A variation of this folklore young and old, rich and poor. question, "How, Why and How tells of a maiden, expecting the Others believed he served a come?" These queries allow us delivery of a bag of gold down dual role. He was depicted as the chimney, who placed a carrying not only a bag of Marion Leedy parents the opportunity to Ginny Phillips stocking In the fireplace In order presents but also a bundle of Terl S. Voogd weave our own strands of fan- Tenia Boothe to catch It as It fell. birch rods. He was expected to Phyllss Buechner tasy into a Christmas myth that Bonnie Bannen Nicholas became famous for reward good children and Lynn Attlla has survived the generations. Amy Bayer being a godly man, spreading punish naughty ones. Linda Wlnans It seems, many Christmases Sylvia Prager his wealth and good cheer Among other peoples. Saint Anne Bayer ago, sometime during the se- Roy (Bud) Davis wherever he went. He was also Nicholas was accompanied by a Karl Bayer cond or third century, Santa Mike Lelth credited for the performance of Bob Lohr Claus, or St. Nicholas as he was Danny Gray many miracles. Although he See SANTA on page 6 MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ed King originally known, was born to Grandpa Palmer However you say it, we wish you the best! Carole Kleman Gillian Bayer Justin Bayer FOR THE RECORD... Tri-City Record and Staff Zaiig Kerstfmf Prcttigc Kerstdagen JoyEux NOEI tLBKLBt THE TRI-CITY RECORD OFFICE « CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS W First United Methodist EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY $ Church of Watervliet Invites the News and advertising copy for j* community to its 7:30 p.m. the next issue of The Record * Christmas Eve Service. Children may be left in the mail slot « will especially enjoy the 'do-it- next to the front door. The Sj yourself nativity that will be part New Year's edition of The J* of the telling of the Christmas story. The Lord's Supper, open Record will be published and » to all, and carols by candlelight mailed December 30. The 1? will conclude this famlly- deadline for news and adver- orlentated service. tising for that issue" is Mon- 8 day, December 28. 8 ST. JOSEPH THIRD-GRADERS are (lefft to right): Jody Mahen GET TOYS FOR TOTS!... Carmella Scaccla (a third-grade Mrs. Cindy Balrd's third-graders parent); Mrs. Balrd; Cassle sold baked goods In December Bauer and Tom Scaccla (stu- to earn more than $237.00 dents). Mrs. Balrd has done this toward the purchase off toys ffor project with her children ffor the ^ area children. Pictured here at past two years. {^CHRISTMAS GIVING... wreath to the village's residents. The school's Student Council presented Christmas gifts to members had earlier sold two community agencies last Christmas tags and wrapping 8 week. Along with the Council's paper to ffund the gifft-givlng pro- advisor, Mrs. Earlene Whorlon, ject. 1 student representatives gave Front, lefft to right: Jennlffer two children's games to Com- Amt, Mrs. Francis Nelson (Trl Ci- munity Hospital's pediatrics ty Village Director) and Scott £ward . The group also shared the Hobson; Rear, lefft to right: Mrs. CAROLING...membeTs of Besides singing at holiday spirit with the Trl City Whorton and Jency Naka. Watervliet and Coloma Girl businesses and homes, the girts £Villag e by presenting a large Scout and Brownie troops sang also performed at Trl City rmvKi Christmas carols in Watervliet Village and at Community Hospital. A Monday evening. FOOD DRIVE COLOMA lefft to right: Kim Jackson HIGH... (Treasurer), Chandler Ricks The Student Council members (President), Tony Gage (Vice conducted a food drive ffor President) and Jenny Turner needy ffamllles. Getting ready to (Secretary). load some off the ffood are ffrom § SHOPPING SPREE...McGruffff, at store. The shopping spree the crime-fflghting dog, helped Is provided by Kmart and Kmart serve a snack at the Benton Har- employees. This year local Hospital Administrator), Missy bor Kmatt last week to 25 members off the Michigan Na-J^ L6ft to Right: Mr. Steven H. Hobson, Todd Blanchard, Mrs. youngsters enjoying a tlonal Guard unit Co. A 1st 248thgj Spencer (Watervliet Community Whorton and Libby Calvert. Santa Claus visited Trl City Village last Friday ffor an early Christmas Armor assisted In the program, it visit. Christmas shopping spree at PAGE TWO TRICITY RECORD DECEMBER 23.1987 suspect that the product may RECALL No other potpourri burner Is In- tlon. flare up when used with the volved In the recall. Dear Editor, Sincerely, In a recent drive, the Coloma wrong-sized candle. We sincerely apologize for the QLD GP.AMDPA PALAAEPvAfuD The manufacturer has urged Pam Plerson Choir had occasion to sell one Inconvenience, but we know P.S. When you return the Item Item called the 'Country Goose us to have you return the Item as that you would want to be In- HIS BARNYA^O FRIEHD^ soon as possible for a full re- you will receive a rain check and Potpourri Burner.' formed about this possible pro- then the manufacturer will give WISH E VERVOrv/E A VERY We have just heard from the fund or exchange for a new pot- blem. pourri pot of a different design. us the purchase cost to return to supplier of the Item that the Thank you for your coopera- you. CHRiST/^AS manufacturer has Initiated an If you were a purchaser of the Immediate recall of the Item. item, please return It to the The manufacturer has reason to place where you purchased It. The Back Fencei BY TIM I JKEFCH.L By Anne Bayer SI Well, we all arrived home and their tree was so perfect :safely from our trip to Dryden that he thought It was artificial this past weekend and all had a and once he went over and felt great time to boot. 1 am proud to the tree he realized It was a real say that I got all of the one. <3e,Aci0PA^^e.fjo Christmas hugs that 1 deserve During the day, as you can and gave as much as I got. tell, I have been thinking about The nicest part of our trip was his comments about our tree the fact that we were all and I began wondering what or- together and when a family naments he would like us to starts to split up and go In all dif- take off. Should we remove his ferent the holidays can be so first-grade decoration with his much nicer. picture on It, or the Santa's Once In the house last night reindeer that he made In we all began to organize all the ceramics class In the fourth- things we had taken on the trip. grade? It was so funny to see everyone The rest of the things have up for midnight Mass. We have KEECH AT RAKUYAJI TEMPLE loft), on one of his temple visits, This Kolumn Is a repeat of one busy at work. I collected the been made by the other no visions of sugar plums; AT KOKA-CHO... Is pictured with Mr. Jlbu, the I wrote a couple of years ago.
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