"Iowa's alternative Weather newspaper" If you liked yesterday, IItick II'OIIMI IcIr today. Hlgba In the ... maybe. UD­ der clear skIee with no predpitMioD. And if you like today. jUll wait uatll you_ tomorrow. Vol. 108, No. 155 Tuesday, February 24, 1976 Senate ineffe~ti.,e, ~Iaim ~andidate. Housing a priority to VI senate hopefuls Coofldence ill ·the p.... Student CAROLE BlAIR, AI, tl8A. 1) I don't Unloo 1174-75. the student government here at Iowa for !leB8te1 has been the questionable Senate aJIIIWI to be low amona the caD­ think that Student Senate II, by III I am not singIlnc out tbeIe IfOUPI S) The main prIoriliee for Student the same reasons that the majority 01. siphoning of fundi to members of the . cldates running Iftlelllte'ulectiGo 1bW'. nature. Ineffective. I merely think that It aICIIe. I lIimpIy think they Ierve U ex· Senate: students have not been involved in the executive throotIh Herd book and allay for the 13 off~ Beats. is presently Ineffective. There are cellent prototype groupe. all of them I--Increuedltudent iDput to Mnate pall. It is simply a matter of feeliDi that "reeearch" aCCOlaltl. To maintain Ita In questlomaires distributed by The eeveral reuona I believe tbla. First. [ having very eueUent PJ'Oll'll'dl for ·a) town meetInp between aenaton your student needs are not being met and credibility the new aenate must IUbject Dally Iowan. many of the oIf-campus went through the ~tes of the put studeotI. I alao thIiIt that a day care cen­ and their constituencies beId bimonthly acted upon. AlrMst all d. the people CIl IUCh lntemaIly ·allocated monies to III candidates referred to the "cll'Cll8" at· year's senate rneetInp (thoee that couJd ter should be establlabed and funded to . b) students (IIIJHefI8tors) on _nate the UNICO ticket are involved with or even higher IICrutInizatJon than any IIXlIphere they said prevalled at senate be found). and [ real.iIed that lelllte ac· increase the plUnUal of parenll to 10 to committees lead student OrpnizatiOlll. In other wor· «hers. meetingl, oompllshed almoet notbIrIi this year. school and to increaIe students' ability to c) lncreaaed Dally Iowan coverage of ds we care about this campus environ­ 2) [ am seeking a senate Beat from a Houalng was lilted J1lOIt often u one of That is not just the rhetoric of a can· become more Involwd in the unlvenity If eenate committee meetlnp ment and would Hke to focus lOIne im­ tenured experience in student govern­ the main priorities senate should pUJ'lue. didate. It Is the truth. and· I would en­ they have ~ children. II-Restoring respectabillty to aenate pact and improve it In any way we can. ment. I have been a member of the UISA There are 54 candidates running for the OOW'age people to look at the minutes of via conferences between student lovem­ 3) The main priority this year should Activities Board for over one year and 21 senate seats. The candidates are run­ thole meetinp tbemIelves. The evidence RICH BRAND, At, 8CA.l) No. I would ment execuUves. dninlatraton. city of· be in establlab1ng a broader com­ the chairperson d. this body for ap­ ning AI independeris or under the banner Is there - the old lelllte created It them­ spur more COIUct with President Boyd. ftdalI and 10cal publicaUOIII editors rmnication with the student body by not proximately the past five months. I will ci cne of the four parties. whldl are: lelves. the regenll. the Itate leIIIlature. the CIty ID--5peciflc Propoeals: jr. accepting the air of student apathy be resigning as the ActIvitlel Board Students'· CoalItion for Action (SCA) , One of the problems lies in the way Council and with the real world Student , a) student priority In reeervlng but rather, by goina out and digglna for chairpef8Cl1 Wecmesday. Feb. 25, in or­ UNlCO, Onion of Student ActIvists Iell8te meetinp ha,,, been conducted. Senate II now a clOled world of Utlle athletic courtI in the Recreation Center student feedback on what concerns them der to seek a senate seat without conflict (USA) and Happy Days. summed up quite aptly by the phrase, leaIIlators who play out their parJiamen. andtheFieldHOUIe; . and what they want done. I beUeve d.lnterest. EIghteen off<ampus candidates retW'­ "circus · atmollphere." Senate needs a tarian and powerplay fantasies with 110 b) changing the tJnlon to a more students really are ooncemed and quite S) The projects I wish to pursue u .. ned questionnaires to The DI, and thoee finn exeeutive who does not hesitate to regard for studenta. student oriented place with all student frustrated. senator are outgrowths of my term as an results are being published today. The DI adhere strictIy to . parl1amentary 2) Personally, I wish to continue to cqanizatlOlll operatIOIII bued in the 4) Recently-there _1111 to be a trend ActIvities Board member and are thoee will publish the answers 11 the dor- ' proeedure. 1bIa aounds fairly Incoo· revive the student Rightl and Freedoms UnIon if poealble; among organizations towards seIf-euf­ which I feel should receive senate mltory, Greek and married-student sequential, but If you have nothing but Committee of whldI I have been chair· c) coffee aOO or IIlICk machlnel in flciency. 1t seel11l to instill creativity and priorities. lxlwIing candidates Wednesday, U well disorder at meetings. you can accom­ person for a 1JlOIib..and..a.JWf. BeI1des the library with dealgnated room for con­ provide that overall good fHlJng of I want to _ a comprehensive as interviews with the three presidential plish absolutely nothing. And the record fllling a vacancy on aenate ·this IclIooI unption of IUCb Items; and aelf-maintenanceandaccountabillty.l'm prograrnmlng policy developed for tbla candidates. speaks for Itself. year, I am a member of the Union Ad­ d) removinl Lecture Committee and aware that some IJ'OUPI are not u campus. I helped reviae our current The questiOllll asked of each candidate 2) There are many reuons why I want visory Committee aDd the Liberal Arts Commissioo for UnIversity Entertain· capable as others to provide their own policy in A\I8UIld.1I7S. It was during my were: 1) Do you think Student Senate II to be a senator. The firIt and moat Impor. Student AIaoclatioo. ment from 8ellll1e auspices 10 avoid fmding and 'in many cases a loan or tenn as Activities Board chalrperaoo effective? Why or why not? 2) Why are tant is that I want to make the 8ellllte a ·3) Although people lived in tents and political melees which hamper effective grant should be given in order to set a that the recent HECISPIRG dispute was you seeking this cifice? What previolll more effective and more prograrn-orien­ dormitory lounges for the fint moothI of 8clleduling. group started. But 011 the year'l end lI!Wed and brought the enltre program. experience have you had working in ted group. In other words. I want senate acmol. Student Senate found money for 4) Student Senate d. course would vary record If the service Ian't JUItifled or the mIng iuue to a head. It II now apparent lltudent govenunent? 3) What, in your to involve itself in projecta that are tenn1s court liahtl and now for a tennis funding period to fundlng period. Any organization falls to jump to III own two that what is needed will take direct ae­ qllnion. should be the main priorities for aimed -at the student population. And [ pro shop. I would Hke to see eenate put lltuclent organization (non-academlc) fe« then let's elther give the money back tiCll by senate and possible constitutional this year's Student Senate? 4} What don't mean programs like the computer lltudents up In the pro shop or alleviate with feuible and worthwhile programs. to the students or find a better use for It. amendments. groups or organizatiCllS do you think dating service, I mean more programs the houalng lIhortaae throuIh other STEVE MUNZENMAIER, 1M. ID­ My aecond pursuit will be toward a should receive senate funding? like the Rights Une (which Itself should avenues. LEE DORLAND, G, HIppy 0.)'1, 1) clepeadeat. 1) The UISA Senate can be an revitaliza~iOR or reorganization d. be expanded and better publicized.) 4) Student SeRate should give \Ill. \Ie eevera! commiSliOlll ci the UISA. The responses of the off-campus can­ Student Senate 11 fairly effecti in that it effective voice d. the entire student body I prejudiced consideration to the requests brinp isIues 4) I have no preconceived funding didates are as follows : Another reaaon want to run II that local to the- attention of If the upcoming elected representatives senate needs new blood more than filed by all student organizations. · Fun­ IIOII'le studenll. However, the bulk d. the take a realistic account of both Its powers priorities. Ali requests should be heard ding will be based on the relative merit of and processed equally. I would Illteto see ERIC BERGAN, 83, USA. 1) I don·t anything else, I have spoken infonnally «udent body does not seem to recognlz.e and limitations and seriously address with a couple of candidates from other the programa being prqlOled. The senate the Importance d the Issues or Iefl8te It· themselves to both 11 senate's ongoing a greater effort by senate to encourage believe one could say Student Senate has parties who are preIeIltly senators. 1beir IJIISt take the I'eIpOIIIiblUty for COIlSOlidation of slmillar programs by been completely ineffective in the past aeIl. Many of tbeIe Issues affect the dally tasks; the internal task of building of bet· objection to our party was that nooe of us clarifying what II expected of the Uves of students, and thus senators must ter structure for student government, student organizatiOllll, with limited fundi but I believe one could go 110 far as to say organlzatiOlll before they make their available it's almoet certain that all it hun't been nearly as effective as It had ever been in 8ellllte.
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