-' O •••-•- 1 / ' 1 3 •i . «««'v£ 4&W,ife« gS§^^ T^yv^tyQ *^^v^^ • -- —.—'-. ~. - - v ^ TOrmT&inrarAgHfri&IWAY v RBbtf&^nr?Wwg*^We mcro^T^- TheForenSst^etai-WeeH^y o off Two Two; Gcmntiea; Gommea—- .'WPCgM -*FRO B j,™ U-S^i^^* We Do Our Part ^y/AT NlGKTf 3 -1^ »** IfCT THE PAST WE FACE TO-DAY ' * • " I ,£&£* >..^. M 111, Ml. i sav*.sacrum: m PACWI EABWAY. N.-fc-fRIBAY, NOVEMBER-3rl933 gotm MSCTioa.iu-30 Rutgers-Kidnapping" Fake G%VMercliants Need _^L^Honored by Loan. Causes State-Wide Alarm Begin to Prepare Nov. 3~A "fake'' kidnapping ForMAtfarade ppg Many School Needs Citedin 95-Page Report Presented Sirotiiers of Sidney Mar- Tus, Rutgers ywversity senior, when they "ab;- Cliy Be Decorated to board of Education by-Superintendent of iaete night: For Event: Plan Another. ._—r-Schools-Eerry;-Urge8JRpo8evelt Addition cordon Of police to be~ThroWn about the Meeting MplgayZ The need for more school jpace, particularly in Merck & Co. Adds 154 Em- Quinn and Boden Explain ^ ^jrversity-aection-and a state-wide police "teletype additions to, Roosevelt^ schdbT anfl tfie high "school, alarm to be Droadcast YETERANS WILL ACT ployees and $220,000 Failure to Fly Blue AS DIVISION CHIEFS more teachers, more equipment and a revival of the to Annual Payroll Eagle Insignia " MargoKiw, however, was returned to the fra- special subjects eliminated as an economy measure^ With hearty co-operation in the are tJhe main points stressed by department heads NRA CHEMICAL CODS RENTER'S NRA CODE city-wide NRA Bur Now parade and school principals in the "95-pag95-pa e annual report NOT YET APPROVED NOT YET COMPLETED UV W fieJ4_«1day H6- which Superintendent of Schooloois Arthur L. .Ferry -.writer of a gossip column for the Targum, universi^ vember 10. evident on every side. In order to comply in spirit The position of Quir.n & Boden submitted to the Board of Education at its meeting o., Rahway book manufacturers, merchants of the city yesterday and fact with the National Re- began detailed preparation for in-Rahway-high^sehooli-Tuesday nigh covery Administration,. 154 em- In his portion of the report* ' ;-£, ployees, representing a yearly :overy Administration, was ex- the Intensive "Buy Now" camsummarlzirf- i reports of the de- lained, yesterday by John J. paign to be conducted Saturday, also stressed* the overcrowding in payroll increase b* $220,000, have South Amboy Man Dies at 101 partment heads and school prin- the high school which he says auinn, president of the company. Monday and Tuesday. November been added ic the several plants While complying 100 percent 11. 12 and 13. cipals. Superintendent • Perry needs a lunchroom, new class-' Sooth Amboy, Nov. 3—Hezekiah E. Johnson, stressed in particular the need pi Merck & Co., Inc., manufac- spirit and fact-with the-ad-- Enthusiasm for the parade and rooms and study halls. turing chemists, George W. Merck, who would have been 101 years old this Christmas, r an addition to Roosevelt He pointed to the reorganiza- ministration, the company is not w , entire ''Buy Now" campaign was school. president, announced yesterday. et entitled to fly the blue eagle. OUR BOARDING HOUSE d t ffiji ^^ k Sh A expressed by more than TO rep- tion of the high school curricula was dead at rk. South Am- ^hlch-haa placed it la tlie- list ol AlBEBT F. KIRSTE3N. SR. This increase was made between :t is this fact which has been y.iving are the city's <indut- uestioned by many local persons oy, d trlal. business, civic and frater- nine In Uus school xn not get-accredited secondary schools of June 17 an* October 17 of this 4 d Prominent Kahway merchant •ear. and whichwasexplainedin ao ao ONE. childrenchildren.. 15 ugreat-grandchildren, 16 great- nal-organizations during a meet- ting th; proper educational op- the Middle States Association of who was elected president of the portunity because olL.overcrowc-, Colleges—and—Secondary—Schools -Cftfaens-BinWlng and ^ot-ih grandchildrerdchil i and one great-great-great-gran ing in Rahway Jjigh school Wed- 1 R N A CLEVER i THKT WAKES nesday evening. ing and that one-fifth of theand the list ot. the New Jersey sociation for the 18th consecn- in number of employees andi pay- tail by Mr. Quinn. -BURGLAR ALARN*. SYSTEM) UP EVERYBODY ATPAR«njlS TrVCT VWUUD SHOOT Final details for the mammoth normal program of that schoo' has State Department of Public In- Uve time by the shareholders roll was made in the Rahway In brief, the local book manu- ers I/J parade will be made during a had to be eliminated because of struction. last night. plants, offices and warehouses. facturers cannot fly the NRA in- les IW OWN MAVCIK6? ^ "BUT YOU Q iformatory Inmate Pardoned mass'meeting of citizens and or-lack of -eachtTs and classrooms. Elementary Schools ^ Adequate The remaining 10 percent increase signia because the_ graphic^ arts evUle ganization representatives to beHe claimed that some persons, With lincotn School Excepted was made in the Merck organiza- code has not yet been approved . Uat. TrentoBt Nor. 3—Application of Mrs. Harriet who do not own their own homes, tions- in _New York City, St. by the administration. Quinn & held in the high school next Mon- With Vat exception of th< Louis and Philadelphia. a clever Evans, serving a life term for murder at the Clinton day evening. All 'citizens are have moved from Rahway<*3 other "antiquated." Lincoln school, the Citizens Loan Has Boden Co. is however, in full ac- t their urged to be present at this im- niunlcipaUtle5~ irtJBre^^their' -chil- report stated that the populations A large majority - of the - em- cord with the "proposed-graphje " Reformatory for Women, for a pardon has been de- dren in this,age,group can secure ilant ..were Rahway cmfwypaoin portant gathering, vi -^ • in the elementary schools are not arts code. -,-..., .,.-..; - . -pied by theState Board of Pardons. ThisTiathe first The entire "cRy wiH assume a more rounded education. ployees added at the Rahway Explaining . the matter yester- application made by Mrs. Evans since the-courts gala attire for the parade acd Superintendent Ferry's report Please Turn-to Page Two plant were Rahway persons, Mr. lay, Mr. Quinn said that on July All Officers Re-elected at Merck pointed out. 14. 15 ami-16~ representatives "of commuted her sentence of death in the electric chairJ^BuyJ*Now" "campaign! As is the case. with_marye_rof the bbokbiDding industry met in in October, 1931. Mrs. Evans was convicted of theW. Ward. Bloomfield. Shareholders Meeting the larger industries in the coun- Back Hill Falls, at which time a murder of her husband, Robert, and a companion, rate the-stores and shops of theBoy Scout Drive Mrs. Little Urges Last Night try, the gereral chemical, code (/ode for the industry was drawn proposed by the Chemical Alli- Tip and signed by the representa- Albert Duffy, in Lakehurst, in 1930. Lester Under- Uon U obtained will nlfjo,deco-- ancer^has-notryet~been-approved rate the streets. Merchants will tives. Mr. Quinn was.thennamed " down, a Lakehurst marine, was convicted with her i Openslfere Today Referenda Support tral avenue, was elected presi- by the recovery administration. to the executive committee of do everything in their power to Manji details of this code are er and sentenced to death, but was later granted a newmake the affair A cuceeu. dent of the Citizens Building and the group. is a com P_. R. Forman, County Rahway Woman Makes still being thrashed out.^—It rwas- .-This code was submitted to the trial. The jury found him guilty and recommended Mayor Alfred C. Brooks vffl be Loan association for the 18thexplained yesterday, however^ and her so asked to declare a general holi- President, Heads Cam- ' Plea for Education at consecuttive year at the 19th an- ;overnment on July 26, at which The Soli i a life sentence. that Merck & Co. have signed~the- time'"'tn'e" manufacturers were day after 5 p. m. on the day of paign in T^ig Gty^_, P.-T. A. Convention ual meeting; of the shareholders of an The Board of Pardons heard 551 applications for thi parade, which will start at 7 by. complimented on their work, it of the. association last night. so doing are even now living up -a f HAW—WHEN [ clemency and granted 189 paroles involving prisoners p. m. sharp.-Seven dlviikms will Ao educational folder depicting " "The—greatest.: investment—the being explained that the code The ad ~ Other officers named were: to the specifications contained i aYthe state prison, Rahway Reformatory, Clinton be Included- in the parade.,mem- the work of the Union County state can make Is education, for was the second submitted for ap- when a bers of the Amertcao Legion and vice president, the Rev. Chester therein. This does not, however, proval. The .manufacturers were O A CONTACT Bay, Scout its returns will' decide the future entitle Merck; &; Co. to display plot Reformatory, and the Mercer and Hudson county Veterans of - Foreiga- War*, rt Coancfl^jra* maOed M., Davis; treasurer, James Mc- also assured* that approval t . ( SETTING, today: the_blue/ eagle, and for thls/rea- Would be^gjyen _withln i;or- fhff "local-chemfcal^companjr two weeks. canrot fly the blue eagle even Any prnwtv desiring n yesterday:' afternoon in Lillian carlson; secretary, Abe However, other graphic arts in- U^ri 21 years, breaking luid entering; Jo- today and will contirae. until Weitz. All were re-elected1. though it has complied in every dustries began submitting- codes Two ou Uon regarding the' parade OT^ urging the passage of both refer- detail with the provisions of the , beg seph Mullener, Union county, 3 years, false pretense; in arranging a float mar be-'as- Kovember 13..' The campaign Directors earned for three year until it was found that it was show fea budget for 19M is $13,000, one- enda on the ballots at the coming' code.
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