, COMPACT J/fHE ACADIAN" 1963 MODELS CONTACT ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1963 Water St. Elizab'eth Ave. 9·4171 Nova Motors ltd. SEVEN CENTS VOL. 70. NO. 53 16 PAGES '\i II ,· 'r I' • ti · ! I I!, II! •• _~ J "il 'I GEMENl 'I'\ :;- · ! 1 ' Avalanche :I I i i , I: " f Destroys , ! vt. Troops : , ! ! 60 Homes , . LIMA-Police said Sunday that all villagers' , ! II Revolt at Pampallacta in the Andes escape,d from a weekend avalanche that roared down on their, ' homes. " The announcement came after reports that Mpukus several hundred persons were . feared dead when the slide struclt Pampallactc" 3DO,:mites By DENNIS NEELD southeast of Lima. : ~NKWANGA, The Congo AP-Central The civil guard at Abancay near Pampal. troopS have beaten down a seces­ lacta reported by telephone: levol t by the Mpuku tribe, the "rat "The report that ,there was a disaster Is a of South Kasai, but violence remains a false alarm." Ihreat in this diamond-rich province, The 5lide crashed down after camp north of Oroya In the me rebellion left in its wake a string of heavy rains. Two survivors eastern, Andes. villaces, roadside graves, ruined crops were reported to have said that Three thousand persons ,were, OJ • more than 300 persons were killed in January, 1962, whim, ~. of rebel cannibalism. missing and 60 homes destroyed "huayco" _ a\'alanche - thun·. dcred down on the mountain. tOO,noll :\('gn'('~' 0 cJ wr3pOll~. by the slide, m ern automatic town o[ Ranharica, some 200 ~l1d l'hihlrcn -. ~Iost ~re armed with sllears, But communication, with the Pampailacta area were cut and miles northeast of Limp at the " In thr hllsh. ~Iln· m~chetc~ and home·made guns. foot of Mount Huascara, Peru's I, rfilll'll hillllr. ~lllre. "0111' IIatl'015 report lhat some there was no official confirma­ SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic--Members of unruly crowd carry Dominican flag as they ride tion of the'rcports. highest peak. are hril1~ [I'll h;', ileuple arc rlrifting back 10 their Close to 6,000 persons died in I.: .nd ri'Ot('~t<1I1t: I'i!lages," rackham said: "But atop car on inaugural parade review route, while in background the U.S. aircraft carrier "Boxer" is A year ngo, 41 persons. is­ i dllrling ~t lent 22 children. were Decemher 1941, when a similar .: I the rebels al'e tryinll to slop anchored in bay Feb. 27th. Anti-Amcrican riots Il1f\1Tcd celcbl·al.i()n~ as Juan Bosch became the i killed when :I landslide buried 1I nisastr.r wrecked Huaraz, about , " COI1I\\ h,,~ hr,,"· them wilh s:lI'a!!c intimidation, Dominican Republic's first constitutional President in 34 ycal's.-( UP! Radiotelepholo). 20 miles from Ranharica, '10:' whn dird in Ihe' fiost~ges are takcn and villa· i hydro-electric project workp.rs' r"'fr! ~1.'lghlrn'd in' ~el's furced to JlJ'ol'itlc rood. If raid! lil' rlln~lllese: thcy don't, the hostages arc : killcd." . , ' , . I1riti,h hrad! Packham saId a prisoner reo France Close 10 Storm i !Students , ~a'icn~ ril'iliml oper·i-rlOrted the rebels were living ~!!ai. e;tim;!t~s 300 or ~ off stolen cattie and human \I:f~, .\mrl'ic'lI\ mis·' flesh. Another Negro, he said. the rleath toll as alleged that his wife and chil· Govt. Makes Effort ISettlement !Tower Of London dren were kill e d and then i NEW YORK (,\PI- Newspa- : LONDON <Reuters) - The ton truck was driven through' AT [.ARGE cooked and eaten in front of per publishers and printers; imprei:nable Tower of Lon· the main gate follo\ved by troops arc hunt· Ihim. \ went into negotiations again I don, home of Britain's crown hundreds of howling students. still at lar~e. A central government soldier I Sunday and were described hy \ jewels, was caplured Saturday The Beefeaters on duty Strike were swept aside-pushed inte pri,nnm have who was taken prisoner and To' End Coal ! Mayor Roberl Wagner as ctoser -by 1.00ll university student om to the centrai subsequently escaped claimed the ticket office. By BASIL CIIAPMAN i tioning as infringing the right uds" un del' discussion. I 10 seltlement than they, have commandos, he had been forced 10 cat the al'f~ The guardsmen, on' lentry­ 'PARIS me ute l' s) :- The I to strike, saying "the govern- '_Saturday nigh(, the . Cummll-\ been (h;ring the city's 86,day 'lotd""'eporf~rs' 'flesh 'o(,'ciJileag'iies kllled' by the duty ignored the commotion. French government used' a mlx- ment bil(itlistake-, nist·led CGT trade union an-I' stl'ike '. The Union Jack slithered to ~/ insurgrnts have rebels. hasmad~a the ground after a 30·minute Other students stormed a ture o( reason and strollg'arm [or it will have no ef(ect among nounccd its determin'ation to' • I gatc near the River Thames tactics Sunday in an effort to the miners." "continue the struggle until ?ur But Wagner quickly added I defence bv Beefeaters, mili· tary guards and policmen. and put other Beefeaters iute , end a nat Ion a I coal miners' The Roman Catholic tl'l'.de wage claims are satisfied." ithat the negotiators "still, havc , ' The defenders were over· a hut. strike while leaders of Ihe 240" union federatio~ said the g~v.! Requisit!oll notices we~t up in i good ay to go" and said he . whelmed and lost the fight. They took over th~ Whit • Persons. Die 000, miners prepared [or a tri~l ernment's action would '10' I the coalfields, but thell' effect i a, w Tower and then made their ir But they finally won the war of strength. crease the miners', angel'" and \' will not \be fully known for 3n· i dId not expect settlement in tactical error of hauling down A decree "requisitioninif' all added that "resistance meth- other 48 hours. ' I "3 short number oC hours. ' -with words. The slorming force was or­ the Union Jack. miners and surface workers (If ---- dered to leave immediately on 'PUT IT BACK' Plane Crash the state·run coal industry ap- i the grounds that their action Angry o££icers appeared at PM S dB' P [- windows shouting "put the peared in Sunday's official gao was a contravention of the ta n' S Y' 0 ley flag back." lAP) _ Gro'md iast fail as elementary school zelte. Pre sid e n t de Gaulle . - Official Secrets Act. Smoke bombs and fireworks Sundal' reached the I teachers signed it Saturday. .. The students marched out whistling and so ended one of were exploded. d a Philippines air· If hoth are dead, It raises to' The. mea,sure th~eate~s min, 0' M I'm Three guardsmen pushed rs the most spectacular events ' trashed ~II ~lillda· six Ihe number of Corps volun. 7 With fmes or Imprisonment n ue e' a r ,ea~ no ns their way into the White ill Londoll University's fund· With 21 persons teers who have died overseas. If they do not r~~ort for dl~ty r Tower and the stu den t s T!.ey reported no sur· Two were killed in a Colombian and, the authorities sa~, I~- raising stunt week, , ' plane crash, one lost his life in volves the same" penaltJe~, If By JAMES NELSON vention here Saturday night lhnt i He spoke mainly Oil agricul- WELL·PLANNED trooped out. Il:i:u nf twn 11l11t~d I a car accident In Brazil and one then }urn u~, but" go slow. .. PRINCE ALBERT (CI') - there is "no purpose" in con-, turc, resources development and The capture o[ the tower A tower official said: "The /rote Cnrps 1~'llinlecl's, died of nalural" causes In The A go·slow or fold~ arms Prime Minister Die[enbaker tinuing large expenditures on; social securit~'. He said he was well·planned. students left under the tbreat Irst. I Philippines movement has been discussed does not intend to, have Canada nuclear weapons delivery sys- would make another statement of the Official Secrets Act. but , learn which 'as possible answer to the used as a storage dump for rlU- items "for the sake being con· on defence policy but not First there was a fifth-col·, a 01 woul~ umn o[ students who paid (or that was really a bit of, a red on a requisitioning, but new calls clear weapons in peacetime but· sislent," unless they are to be pursue the arms Issue herring. Official secrets bave ~! wretka~e. nllcl~ar admission, . , ~~ south of Mala. went out to the strikers to defy will continue negotiations with effective. once he has set It out, Then minutes later. a three- nothing to do with us." plane, a DC.3 had SIOgn' Pact the order to work. the United States to have them At pre~ent, iiiI'. Diefenbaker MUST BE EFFETIVE tr/ts. ' In a communique, the social- made readily available in 1m said the Bomarc is being reo "They asked me to take a tarrying 2~ passen. 1st force Ouvriere Miners Fed· emergency. garded more and more as mef· sta~d." he ~aid. :'1 t,ake a stand ~r!e crew members By ADAM KELLETT.LONG eratlon condemned the requisi· He told his nominating con· Cective against the kind o[ at· which I beheve IS n~ht, honest ; - flight across the PEKING (Reuters) _ Com. tack Canada and the United' and ~roper.. ~here IS no pu~· hea\'iiy-wooded munlst China and Pakistan D l States might have to face by pose 10 contmumg vast ~xpendl' Peruvian Junta ,- from Cota.
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