Ref. Ares(2020)4517499 - 31/08/2020 D5.1 State of the Art Review of Agricultural Policy Assessment Models, Tools and Indicators Deliverable Number D5.1 Lead Beneficiary UNIPR Authors Bayaner, A., Çağatay, S., Koç, A. A., Uysal, P., Antonioli, F., Baranowski, P., Bojar, W., Donati, M., Chousou, C., Krzyszczak, J., Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska, R., Lamorski, K., Mattas, K., Nastis, S., Tsagris, M., Tsakiridou, E., Veneziani, M., Żarski, J., Żarski, W. Work package WP5 Delivery Date 12 Dissemination Level Public 1 AGRICORE – D5.1 State of the Art Review of Agricultural Policy Assessment Models, Tools and Indicators Document Information Project title Agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies Project acronym AGRICORE Project call H2020-RUR-04-2018-2019 Grant number 816078 Project duration 1.09.2019-31.8.2023 (48 months) Version History Version Description Organization Date 1.0 Template' structure UNIPR, IDE January 2020 1.1 Outline definition: policy impact assessment UNIPR, IDE, IAPAS, January - AUTH, AKD, UTP February 2020 1.2 Outline definition: socio-economic impacts of agriculture and UNIPR, IDE January - its integration in rural society February 2020 1.3 Outline definition: environmental and climatic impacts of UNIPR, IDE, IAPAS, UTP January - agriculture February 2020 1.4 Outline definition: ecosystem services UNIPR, IDE, IAPAS, UTP February 2020 1.5 Outline definition: agricultural output and input markets and UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH February 2020 their linkages 1.6 Outline definition: agricultural land markets UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH February 2020 1.7 First-round literature review by all partners UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH, February - UTP, IAPAS March 2020 1.8 Second-round letrature review by all partners considering UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH, March - May comments, integration required and clarifications UTP, IAPAS 2020 1.9 First-round contents' review by all partners UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH, May - June 2020 UTP, IAPAS 2.0 Second-round contents' review by all partners considering UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH, June - July 2020 comments, integration required and clarifications UTP, IAPAS 2.1 Internal reviewing of the deliverable UNIPR, IDE, AKD, AUTH, July - August UTP, IAPAS 2020 Table of Contents – 2 AGRICORE – D5.1 State of the Art Review of Agricultural Policy Assessment Models, Tools and Indicators Executive Summary Deliverable 5.1 presents a review of the extant theoretical and empirical literature on the issues associated with the development of the six modules, namely policy impact assessment, socio- economic impacts of agriculture and its integration in rural society, environmental and climatic impacts of agriculture, ecosystem services, agricultural output and input markets and their linkages, and agricultural land markets modules, which will be developed in Task 5.2 to 5.7 of the AGRICORE Project. The domains of analysis of these modules account for the many external factors which affect a farmer's decision-making process and which enrich the results of agricultural policy assessment by means of a farm-level Agent-Based Model like the one to be developed in the AGIRCORE Project. The review of this ample extant literature has highlighted the increased reliance on both farm- level (or highly disaggregated) data and models which allow for a more granular representation of farmers' behavior in response also to very targeted policy measures, such as those of Pillar II of the Common Agricultural Policy. The review has provided the AGRICORE partners involved in the development of the six modules interacting with the ABM model (WP3) with the information from the previous modeling efforts which will allow for exploring which gaps can be filled by an ambitious, yet realistic, endeavor. To reach the goal of functioning modules and suite, modelers will have to prioritize the avenues for development, while being conscious of the technical capability of the infrastructure the AGRICORE suite will run on. Table of Contents – 3 AGRICORE – D5.1 State of the Art Review of Agricultural Policy Assessment Models, Tools and Indicators Abbreviations Abbreviation Full name ABM(s) Agent-Based Model(s) AEM Agri-Environmental Measures AEI Agro-Ecological Indicators AES Agri-Environmental Schemes AESA Agro-Ecological System Attributes AgCFSR Agricultural Climate Forecast System Reanalysis AGMEMOD Agricultural Member State Modelling AgMERRA Agricultural Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process AR5-RCP IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) - Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios ARIES Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services AWU Annual Work Unit BDC Biodiversity Data Centre BIOMA Biophysical Model Applications BISE Biodiversity Information System for Europe BN Bayesian Networks BR Better Regulation C Carbon CA Counterfactual Analysis CaCO3 Calcium Carbonates CAP Common Agricultural Policy CAPRI Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact CAPRI-FT Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact System-Farm Type CAPSIM Common Agricultural Policy SIMulation CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis CBR Case-Based Reasoning CEA Cost-Effectiveness Analysis CEC Cation Exchange Capacity CENTURY Soil Organic Matter Model CFSR Climate Forecast System Reanalysis CGIAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research CH4 Methane CICES Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services CIRES Cooperative Institute For Research In Environmental Sciences CLC CORINE Land Cover CMEF Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework CO2 Carbon Dioxide CORINE Coordination of Information on the Environment CP Conditional Probabilities DDM Data-Driven Modeling DEA Data Envelopment Analysis DG AGRI Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development DG ENV Directorate-General for Environment DG SANTE Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety Table of Contents – 4 AGRICORE – D5.1 State of the Art Review of Agricultural Policy Assessment Models, Tools and Indicators DireDate Direct and Indirect Data Needs Linked to Farms for Agri-Environmental Indicators DOE U.S. Department of Energy DP Direct Payments DPSIR Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response Model EC European Commission ECA&D European Climate Assessment & Dataset ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts EEA European Environment Agency EFA Ecological Focus Area EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIP European Innovation Partnership ELECTRE ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité ELISA Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Agriculture EMA Environmental Management for Agriculture EMDS Ecosystem Management Decision Support EMODnet European Marine Observation and Data Network EMP Econometric Mathematical Programming EP Ecopoints EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency EPIC Environmental Policy Integrated Climate ERM Environmental Risk Mapping ES Ecosystem Services ESDAC European Soil Data Centre ESDB European Soil Database ESII Ecosystem Services Identification and Inventory ESIM European Simulation Model ESR Ecosystem Services Review for Impact Assessment ESV Ecosystem Services Valuation EU European Union EUMETNET European National Meteorological Services EUMON EU-wide monitoring methods and systems of surveillance for species and habitats of Community interest FADN Farm Accountancy Data Network FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FAPRI Food and Agricultural Research Institute FBI Farmland Birds Index FBP Frenchman Bay Partners FFI Family Farm Income FIA Forest Inventory and Analysis FNI Farm Net Income FNVA Farm Net Value Added FSI Farmer Sustainability Index FSS Farm Structure Survey FSSIM Farm System Simulator G8+5 International group that consisted of the leaders of the heads of government from the G8 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Russia), plus the heads of government of the five leading emerging economies (Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa) Table of Contents – 5 AGRICORE – D5.1 State of the Art Review of Agricultural Policy Assessment Models, Tools and Indicators GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility GCM General Circulation Model GDP Gross Domestic Product GE General Equilibrium GEASS Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEO BON Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographic Information System GMES Global Monitoring for Environment and Security GMM Generalized Method of Moments GORCAM Graz-Oak Ridge Carbon Accounting Model GP Goal Programming GREET Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation Model GTAP Global Trade Analysis Project GWP Global Warming Potential ha Hectares HLU Human Labor Unit IA Impact Assessment IAM Integrated Assessment and Modelling ICBM Introductory Carbon Balance Model IFS Indicators of Farm Sustainability IMAGE Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment IO Input-Output IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IRENA Indicator Reporting on the Integration of Environmental Concerns into Agricultural Policy IT Information Technology JMA Japan Meteorological Agency JRA-25 Japanese 25-Year Reanalysis JRC Joint Research Centre K Potassium KPI Key Performance Indicator LAG Local Action Group LCA Life Cycle Analysis LCAA LCA for Agriculture LCAE LCA for Environmental Farm Management LCIA Life Cycle Impact Assessment LCI Life Cycle Inventory LFA Less Favoured Areas LP Linear Programming LU Livestock Units LUCAS Land Use and Land Cover Survey LULC Land Use/Land
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