Paci c Army Week SPECIALSee pp. EDITIONA-3 - A-6. VOL. 42 NO. 24 | JUNE 21, 2013 Soldiers from 2nd Sqdn., 6th Cav. Regt., 25th CAB, 25th ID, load an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior into an Air Force C-17 Globemaster III during a static load training session, June 7. (Photo has been altered from their original form; background elements have been removed.) Cav. loads Kiowa Warriors aboard C-17 Globemaster Story and photo by “ e training educated Soldiers on vi- how the Kiowa (Warrior) is prepped and e Soldiers gained a better under- SGT. DANIEL SCHROEDER tal tasks they will use down the road,” said loaded,” Nefe said. “It also provided the op- standing of the loading process by observ- 25th Combat Aviation Brigade Public A airs Sta Sgt. Aaron Nefe, platoon sergeant, portunity for both branches to learn about ing their peers. 25th Infantry Division Troop A. the other’s aircraft. ey also got to experi- “When I was loading the aircraft, I was JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR HICK- Soldiers from each troop attended aca- ence what it is like to work with the other focused on doing my job and staying safe,” AM — Soldiers from 2nd Squadron, 6th demic classes on Wheeler Army Air eld branches.” said Verden. “I did not fully understand Cavalry Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation to familiarize themselves with the proper Each group of Soldiers learned to load why the commands were given, when they Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, conducted procedures for transporting an aircraft. the OH-58D nose rst and tail rst to allow were, until I saw it from afar. Now I under- static load training with loadmasters of e next phase of training allowed Soldiers for exibility when loading multiple heli- stand why everyone was where they were 535th Airlift Squadron, 15th Air Wing, here. to rehearse preparing the aircraft for trans- copters in a xed wing aircraft. during the process.” Soldiers and aviators practiced loading port. “ is training was realistic by work- e training allows the unit to rapidly an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior rotary wing air- Phase three brought the Soldiers here to ing with the Air Force,” said Pfc. Nathan deploy to any location. craft in a C-17 Globemaster III xed wing conduct hands-on training with Air Force Verden, an OH-58D crew chief assigned to e next step for the Soldiers is learning aircraft in preparation for contingency op- C-17 loadmasters. Troop C. “It was great to see how the C-17 to load multiple aircraft. e C-17 Globe- erations in the U.S. Paci c Command area “Integrating the training with the Air operates and how the Kiowa (Warrior) ts master III is capable of carrying six OH- of responsibility, if needed. Force allowed the Soldiers to see rsthand in the C-17.” 58Ds. Pearl-Hickam no longer to issue DOD vehicle decals JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR- of base entry and access control. e HICKAM — E ective July 1, Joint vehicle rental contract will su ce Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam will no as proof of valid registration and longer issue or require Department insurance for base access. of Defense decals for privately owned Military and civilian motorcycle vehicles. operators entering the base will also As a result, the DOD vehicle decal comply with the policy, as well as all sticker will not be required for access Navy tra c safety requirements. to JBPHH installations and annexes Contractors are required to on Oahu. continue to apply for temporary Instead, currently approved passes for one day visits or register credentials, such as the Common under the Navy Commercial Access Access Card, and other like Control System, which provides identi cation, will be the single background checks and periodic source used to allow access to JBPHH. reviews so a contractor on o cial Persons using privately owned business may be issued an annual vehicles are still required by state law credential for access to Navy HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE — A group of Soldiers with the 8th Special Troops Battalion, 8th and DOD regulations to maintain installations. eater Sustainment Command, load a generator onto a C17, here, Oct. 22, 2012. is load was proof of insurance, registration and Parking placards for individuals one of several exercises the 8th TSC conducted in the past year in order to make itself more safety inspection documents. ese in the ranks of E-9, O-6 and above expeditionary. (Photo by Sgt. Ti any Fudge, 8th eater Sustainment Command Public A airs) items are subject to inspection and will be issued by Pass and ID upon must be readily available. veri cation of rank. Parking placards e elimination of the decal will not be allowed as sole means 8th STB preps for emergencies sticker is directed by Commander, for base access and will not act as a Navy Installations Command (CNIC). substitute for authorized base access STAFF SGT. GAELEN LOWERS so we have people or equipment traveling Until July 1, current requirements credential. 8th eater Sustainment Command Public A airs o the island or in transport about six will remain in e ect. Current decals FORT SHAFTER — More than 200 months out of the year.” may be left on the vehicle until the Soldiers from the 8th Special Troops e synchronized e orts required expiration date for ease of access to Battalion, 8th eater Sustainment everyone to be on the same page at the other installations requiring decals. Resource Command, participated in an emergency same time. In addition, all personnel must Call Pass and ID at 471-2131 or deployment readiness exercise (EDRE), “We went through the processes of register their vehicles at the Pass and see “Useful Information” on the June 10-12, in preparation to take the lead in preparing Soldiers to deploy on short ID O ce upon a permanent change new vehicle decal at www.cnic.navy. future expeditionary missions throughout notice,” said Numbers. “ at included of station transfer. mil/pearlharbor hickam or www. the Paci c. the alert and military decision making Rental vehicles will be treated as cnic.navy.mil/hawaii. It’s a shift in the Soldiers’ and units’ processes; the (8th STB) then mobilized the privately owned vehicles for purposes way of thinking, said Col. Glenn Grothe, pack-out teams, and nally prepared the chief of sta for the 8th TSC. As the equipment and 40 personnel to be loaded Army, speci cally the Paci c area of up on the C17s.” operations, moves away from scheduled e personnel form an assessment deployment rotations and becomes a more team tasked to leave within 48-hours of expeditionary element ready to respond notice. After 30 days, an additional 180 at any moment, exercises like this one are personnel will travel to the location and set critical, he said. up a forward command post, while the unit e 72-hour EDRE ensured that 8th continues operations at its main command TSC is able to provide support capabilities post in Hawaii. for deployment readiness, humanitarian e exercise was a major step toward the assistance and disaster relief e orts while unit’s goal of becoming more expeditionary. still maintaining its role in other logistical “Every time we do one of these exercises, operations in the region. we get better and faster,“ said Numbers. “If we are called upon, we are able “ is exercise was de nitely a success, and to execute any mission that the Paci c I am proud of all the Soldiers involved. ey Command or U.S. Army-Paci c Command are the ones that made all of this possible.” asks us to do at that time,” said Capt. Derrick e forward command post will continue Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam will no longer require, nor issue, Department of Numbers, commander of the Headquarters to develop at future training exercises, Defense decals for privately owned vehicles, as of July 1, meaning the DOD vehicle and Headquarters Company, 8th STB. “We such as the annual Korean exercise Ulchi decal sticker will no longer be required for access to JBPHH installations and an- conduct two to three major exercises a year, Freedom Guardian in August. nexes. (Photo by U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Gustavo Gonzalez) A-2 | JUNE 21, 2013 HAWAII ARMY WEEKLY NEWS & COMMENTARY The HAW is an authorized Let’s get basics in leadership development newspaper, produced in the in- terest of the U.S. Army commu- nity in Hawaii by the U.S. Army- Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs B2B ensures versatility tors and coaches. tunity provided mentoring for Soldiers The Army Mentorship Program was Office. Contents of the HAW are Be, know and do by senior leaders in the section, direc- created in 2005 to encourage Soldiers not necessarily the official views MASTER SGT. LAVAUGHN BROWN are critical parts torate or work area. This mentoring al- to engage in mentoring activities be- of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Gov- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion of the leadership lows subject matter experts to engage yond the chain of command. The men- ernment or the Department of U.S. Army-Pacific development the Soldier at the grassroots level, to torship program is voluntary and serves the Army. The HAW is printed by the Leadership is an important part to the process to be dis- teach methods and means to accom- to promote learning and development Honolulu Star-Advertiser, a pri- Army’s success, and its impact cannot be played at all times plish missions, and to become more pro- among the Army’s future leaders. vate firm in no way connected overstated.
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