May 30, 1961 W. J. WILSON ETA 2,986,451 METHOD OF PREPARING ELEMENTAL SILICON , Filed April 30 1959 LLJLL JJJ LL LL AA LAL TT LLLLLLJLLLLLAALLLLLLLLL LLL LLLLLLLALA LALL0LL ?? S AS SYYYYYXXYSSYSS - - - - - 2,986,451 United States Patent Office Patiented May 30, 1961 2 for preparing elemental silicon by thermal decomposi 2,986,451 tion of a silicon compound on a heated quartz surface; METHOD OF PREPARING ELEMENTAL the provision of methods of the character described where SLICON in the deposit of elemental silicon formed on the quartz Wilbur J. Wilson, Columbus, Ohio, and William A. Small, surface is dense but easily separated from its quartz base; Ferguson, and William B. Burford, I, Webster and the provision of methods of the character described Groves, Mo, assignors, by direct and mesme assigar which are simpler and more economical than the methods memaís, to Mailinckrodit Chemica WWorks, St. Louis, heretofore available. Other objects and features of the Mio., a corporation of Missori invention will be in part apparent and in part pointed out O hereinafter. Filed Apr. 30, 1959, Ser. No. 809,962 The invention accordingly comprises the methods here 4 Claims. (C. 23-223.5) inafter described, the scope of the invention being in dicated in the following claims. The present invention is directed to an improved In the accompanying drawing, in which one form of method of preparing ultrapure elemental silicon suitable 15 apparatus, and a variant, useful in carrying out the inven for use as a semiconductor base material. More par tion is shown, ticularly it relates to an improved method of preparing Fig. 1 is a view in section of the apparatus; a non-adherent deposit of elemental silicon on a quartz Fig. 2 is a fragmentary section of a variant; and surface by thermally decomposing a gaseous silicon com Fig. 3 is a section taken on line 3-3 in Fig. 2. pound. 20 Corresponding reference characters indicate corre Briefly, the method of the present invention prepares sponding parts throughout the drawing. elemental silicon by passing the vapor of a thermally de Referring now to the drawing, which illustrates ap composable silicon compound over a quartz surface paratus particularly useful for decomposing silicon tetra which is provided with a frangible coating of fritted silica iodide, all parts of the apparatus which come in con and which is heated to not less than the decomposition 25 tact with silicon iodide or elemental silicon are made temperature of the silicon compound but below the soften from quartz. Reactor tube i, the interior of which is ing point of the quartz surface, whereby a substantially lined with a coating of fritted silica 2 applied as described non-adherent deposit of pure elemental silicon is formed hereinafter, is joined by means of a quartz tube 3 to a on the quartz surface. flask 5 which serves as a boiler for the silicon tetraiodide The preparation of elemental silicon by thermally de 30 starting material 7. Tube 3 is provided with a side arm composing a gaseous silicon compound on a heated fila 9 to which may be attached either a manometer or a ment of tantalum or other inert metal is known in the source of inert gas. The side arm may also be used as art. To avoid the problems and complications associated an inlet for charging silicon tetraiodide into the boiler. with the use of a heated filament which, with its necessary Suitable gas-tight fittings may also be provided at con electrical connections and leads, must be enclosed within 35 venient locations to facilitate assembling and disconnect a gas-tight quartz envelope, it has previously been pro ing the various parts of the apparatus. Heat for melting posed to use the inner wall of the envelope itself as the and vaporizing the silicon tetraiodide is provided by an reaction surface. În that case the reactor can be nothing electric mantle i.1, the temperature of which can be con more than a quartz tube, heated by an external furnace, trolled by means of a variable resistance. The mantle one end of which serves as an inlet for the gaseous starting 40 should be of a size and capacity sufficient to heat the material and the other end as the outlet for the gaseous silicon tetraiodide charge up to a temperature of about reaction products. Elemental silicon is deposited on the 300° C. An orifice tube i3 is vertically supported in inner wails of the tube. When the starting material is side tube 3 by means of a ring seal 5. The purpose of silicon tetraiodide, the gaseous reaction products are ele the orifice is to maintain a somewhat lower pressure in mental iodine along with some unreacted silicon iodide. the reactor than in the boiler. Heat for the reactor is Because molten silicon reacts with most oxygen-con provided by a heavy duty electric furnace 17 capable of taining materials and readily picks up certain impurities, heating the reactor to a temperature of at least 1150 C. particularly boron, significant amounts of which are The gaseous products of the decomposition reaction, present in even the purest commerically available quartz, principally elemental iodine along with unreacted silicon the reaction is preferably carried out at a temperature 50 tetraiodide, are condensed and collected in a two-necked below the melting point of silicon. Unfortunately, even condenser flask 9, one neck of which is connected to at these temperatures the results have usually been un the outlet end of the reactor by means of tube 21 and satisfactory. If the reaction temperature is above 1150 the other to a vacuum pump. The condenser is cooled C., the silicon is deposited in a voluminous dendritic by immersing it in a low-temperature cooling mixture 23, form. If the temperature is below 1150 C. the de 55 e.g., a mixture of Dry Ice and trichloroethylene. posit is dense but normally adheres so strongly to the The lining of fritted silica 2 inside the reactor tube , quartz surface that the two cannot be separated without which serves as a frangible barrier between the silicon great difficulty and considerable danger of contaminating deposit and the quartz tube, may be applied in various the silicon. ways. For example, the inside of the tube may be coated Among the objects of the present invention are the 60 with an aqueous suspension of particulate silica, e.g. 200 provision of improved methods for preparing elemental mesh or finer, which is dried and then partially sintered silicon suitable for use in the manufacture of semi-con to a coherent frit. More particularly, after the mold has ductor base materials; the provision of improved methods been coated with this suspension, the water is removed 2,986,451. 3 by evacuating or heating the tube or a combination of ously to the quartz that the two virtually defy mechanical both. The dried tube is then placed in a furnace at separation. a temperature and for a length of time sufficient to form Referring now to Figs. 2 and 3, an alternative form of a fritted coating, but insufficient to fuse the silica to a apparatus is shown in part. In this form the portion of clear glass. Other volatile liquids may of course be used the reactor tube within furnace 17 contains a quartz to prepare the silica suspension for coating the tube. tube 25 split longitudinally in half which serves as the Alternatively, the frangible coating can also be ap deposition surface. The fritted silica coating 2 lines tube plied without the use of water, as by rotating fine silica 25 in this embodiment and need not be applied to tube 1. sand inside the tube at a temperature sufficiently high A non-adherent metal deposit is formed on the split to cause the sand to stick to the side of the tube. There O quartz liner as described above, and the liner is subse after the sintering process is completed as described quently lifted away. If care is taken to avoid cracking the above. liner, it may be recovered for reuse. The coating should desirably be of a thickness and Substantial deposition outside the liner is suppressed by uniformity sufficient to insure substantially complete and injecting the reaction materials through orifice 13 beyond continuous coverage of the quartz reaction surface. The 5 the point where the liner opening rests within reactor tube exact thickness of the coating is, however, not critical. and continuing the liner into a cool area beyond the Sufficiency of the coating can usually be determined by deposition zone. An inert purge gas may be introduced visual inspection of the quartz and more exact measure through a side arm 27 between the reactor tube and the ment is not necessary. In general, coatings which are liner to isolate this area from the reactants. about 0.002 to 0.02 in. thick have been found satisfac 20 Numerous modifications may be made in the design tory. Noncontinuous coatings, which may for example and operation of the apparatus. For example, instead result if there is dirt or grease on the quartz surface being of heating the reactor to substantially the same temper coated, are likely to result in the silicon deposit adhering ature throughout its length, the furnace may be so de to the quartz reaction tube. It is therefore desirable to signed that the temperature gradually increases from the insure a clean surface by rinsing the quartz first with 25 inlet towards the outlet. The increase in temperature dilute hydrofluoric acid (e.g. about 2%) and then with with its concomitant increase in the rate of reaction tends distilled or deionized water before applying the fritted to offset the effect of decreasing vapor pressure of sili coating.
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