Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 5-12-1949 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1949). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 623. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/623 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. • H<>wdYt Future Frosh! Every spring· it is the custom fulfill most of your desires. l\'lany lighter side of college. in five' major sports: football, with a mixer every \Vednesday of most colleges to set aside a of you are anticipating college Our school offers a B.A. in ecl­ basketball, track, baseball ancl evening. day for the graduating· ltlgh very seriously and others are uca.tion and arts and sciences, an tennis. Central competes in the Sweecy is well-known for its school seniors to view their cam­ looking forward to the good M.A. in .education and many pre­ Evergreen League, which is made friendliness. We do not have puses! This Friday is the day times in store for you. Some of professional courses. A · recent up of -small colleges throughout fraternities or sqrorities. The that Sweecy has opened its doors you may have the same slogan legislation enables Central to the state. only organi_zed units are the liv- to you prospective freshman. We Robert Benchley had when he train high school teachers also. Extra-curricular activities in- ing groups. The sidewalk in front hope that you consider Central planned his college career. He On page two is a' list showing elude the band and choir for of the Administration Building with an open mind and then said in ''What College Did to Me/' the estimated cost of one year of music students, the Campus is known as the "Hello Wa.lk" for take it to your heart as we have. "My college education was no sch90lillg' at C~ntral, the Univer­ Crier and Hyakem for journal- it is customary to greet everyone As editor of the Crier I will tell haphaza.rd affair. My courses sity and at a private school. From ists and photographers. · Many • you pass there. you some of the things you will were all selected with a definite these figUres you may see how clubs are organized to promote I hope that this editorial has discover· for yourself if you come aim in view, with a serious pur­ Sweecy compares with other interest in the major· fields of given -you a little clearer picture here next year. pose in mind-no classes before schools in cost. study. 1 of life on the campus. But you It is difficult for anyone to tell eleven in the morning or a.fter One outstanding feature of Our social calenilar is arrang·ed w i l l find a clearer picture about Central in an unbiased two-thirty in the afternoon, and our school is its active student · and directed by the vice presi- through actual observation. manner. Affer going to school nothing on Saturday at all. Tlut government. This organization dent of the S.G.A. The tradi- After your day's visit, we hope here you too will see why this is was my slogan, On that rock was is representative · of the entire tional affairs are Homecoming, that you will have enjoyed your­ true and why we are proud of our my education built." It is be­ student body and governes in a the Colonial Ball, Cupid's Infor- st:lf and will plan to enter Sweecy school. · ' leived that your slogan concerning democratic method. · , mal, the May Prom, Sweecy Day next fa.ll. Central is a wonderful Everyone g·oes to college for a 'college will differ from Mr. In athletics, the student gov­ and Mothers' Da.y. Many dances place to build Y-OUR educational different reason. But we hope- to Benchley's but it illustrates the ernment sponsors a varsity squad are held throughout the year, foundation. -Dick Norman . ... CENTRAL WASHlNGTON COLLEGE THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1949 ELLENSBURG'. Alpha Phi Omega WALNUT DORMS PLAN Hy::e:,:~!~~~o~PP:!~q~:::: B. S. Seniors Converg~ To Be Formally FRIDAY 13TH DANGE r:~s ::;~;~1 ::~~0;h:is~5~e~~ On CalDpas Tomorrow 1.nstalled May 15 Walnut street will "come back on ters of qualifications must he I • mbmitted to Glenn Hog-u,e, Th h d d · C l" e h h h I Alpha Phi Omega, Central's newly to the campus" Friday, May 13 with annual a dvisor. ree un re prospective entra 1tes l"r0l11 senior ig SC 00 S a dance held in the New Gym and all over the State will converge on the campus tomorrow to participate organized national service frater­ ' h JI f th There a,re no restrictions for sponsor e d b Y the a s o e up9er I in the annual Senior Day festivities, Pat Donahue, general d1airman, has nity, will be officially installed in a " 'alnut st t the position. All applicants , formal ceremony Sunday, May 15 by vv ree area. reported. A five dQJm committee was put are judg·ed on past experience _ . An all day program has been planned for the hibo-h school seniors the University of Washington chap­ in charge of the event. With P at and ability. , · ter. A banquet will precede the in­ Lane of Kennedy, chairman, the After the applications ha,ve with everything from films, p lays and tours to dancing and open house stallation. committee members include; Chuck been submitted they will be in the dormitories. Working since early last fall, the Lucas and Jim Stidham, Alford; Jim imssed upon )Jy Mr. Hogue and The original idea for the Senior Day was to set aside one day a :5tudents who or.ganized the group Wilcox and P at Romines, Munro; the SGA council. l I year for seniors to visit the College and find out for themselves what have finally enrolled 26 members Jim Scott, Carmody; Harold Miller ::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;:=:=:=:=::;:::=:=:=~-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=i0 Central has to offer them and to and have completed all of the re­ Montgomery; Laura Alm and Joye~ I i be familiar with the Campus and quirements necessary for the instal­ Leyden Kennedy, I Social And Assembly. Calendar the policies of the Student Govern- lation. The theme of the dance will be ment Association, the sponsoring carried out in the superstitious Sig- MAY 13-FRIDAY- body. The group's charter must tie_ ap- nificance attached to the whole day All Campus Dance-14th and Walnut St., Dorms 8:30 Fliday's progrnm• will get under proved by a unanimous vote of the of the •13 th day of the month when Senior Day for High Schools way at 10 a. m. in the College audi­ already existing chapters througi1- it falls on a Friday. Although speci­ MAY 14-SATURDAY- torium on last year's Sweecy D ay out the entire nat10n. Only three fie details as as yet unreleased for Priva.te Formal-Kamola torium with a film on last year's other brother organizations exist ! publication the result of decorations S.G.A. Movie, 8 to I? Sweecy Day festivities, a one-act in this State: University of Wash- a door prize, refreshments and ~ 'play, invitational ,addresses, musical ington, Washington State College good imagination should be worth Elwood Pdvate Fireside , entertainment and instructions for and Eastern Washington College. seeing. c . MAY 15-Sunday- · A,C.E. llfay Breakfast the remainder of t.lie day. Before becoming a full-fledged Music for the occasion will be fur- At eleven o'clock the Intercolle­ Sophomore Picnic member, each pledge must serve a nished by a very new combination. fgiate Knights will conduct a tour of term of ,apprenticeship during Cn:ganizect by Don Hartzell, this Kennedy P1ivate Fireside the entire campus, pointing out which tim~ he is familiarized with group made its campus debut at t he MAY ZO-~RIDAY- points of interest and especially the the organization. He must also par - Jaber sponsored pre-election mixer. 1 .S.G.A~ Movie-Tentative new science building and Kennedy ticipate actively in some scheduled Guests on. the campus for the day, Private Fireside-Munson Hall, new girl's dormitory. service project to the college or the high school seniors, will also be Junior-Senior Picnic-Tentative After lunch has been served, the community. When all his require- present to see how a college dance W.R.A. Camping Tr}p IK's will continue on their tours ments are fulfilled he is installed t~kes place-and it is hoped they about the grounds so that the high as a reo·uJar member will also see how to take part. I MAY 21-SATURDAY­ lUay Prom .. school students will become quite Admission will be 35c per person " · I I S.G.A. Movie (Tentative) familiar with the lay of the land. ' The fraternity has already made and 5-0c a copule. -Dancing will be W.R.A. ,Camping Trip An informal reception is scheduled itself known to some people around from 8:30 till 11:30. ' for mid-afternoon from 2 to 4 p. m. the campus by pre-installation ser- --------------·----'==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::' This will give the seniors a chan~ to vice projects. It has actively organ- _Newly Formed Alpha Phi Omega's Officers. meet the College faculty, the mem­ ized a "big-brother" outfit to the · bers of the SGA and the honor coun­ school boy patrol of the College Ele­ cil.
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