If, THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC ELEVEN Picture Classification Wi ns Mexican Award Sister Mary, Mercy member of St. James' Parish for I^HR the past 25 pears, was formerly;» Mil bf Hm National Legion of Decency Nun, Buried Monday treasurer of the Society of St. Vin- H^ rooont /Itau lifted her*. Tho elasti/leation of cent de Paul there and active in lo*o»or, will U gladly fivon to tho$o who inquirt mm Requiem Mass was offered Mon- the affairs of the society. iSkm* court 066*. day morning in the chapel of Mount Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florence C. Kiernan; four daugh- mi dotiring to roooioo tho weekly roport of the Mercy Convent, Fifth Ave., for Sis-1 of Deeeney may order it from tho keadquartor» ter Mary (Boggs), a member of ters, Mrs. Mary A. Duffy, Mrs. Xorn nrk Ci*V* Tho ohargo io $$.60 pgr yomr. ' the Sisters of Mercy for the past Elizabeth Polinsky, Catherine Kier- 12 years, who died last Friday in nan and Mrs. Florence Kirk; four Three Men in Whit« sons, John F., Charles A., Lieut. Trail to Gunsight Mercy Hospital in the 17th year Trigger Law of her religious life. Rev. William Arthur F., and Pvt. Kyran J., both Trigger Trail Shaughnessy, chaplain at the con- serving overseas; two sisters, Sis- Trooadero ter M. Cecilia, I.H.M, stationed at Tucson Raiders vent, was celebrant of the Mass, Tunisian Victory and a number of priests assisted in Willow Grove, Philadelphia, and ¿f Mark Twala Twilight*on The Prairie Mrs. Katherine K. Podall; one Two Girls & A Sailor the sanctuary. Burial was in the Two Man Submarine Sisters' cemetery at St. Xavier's brother, Leo J. Kiernan, of Norris- lilTuuQf»IM B »i Troubi « Utah Kid. The town, and several grandchildren. Academy, Latrobe. IflÁl Vigilantes of Dodge City He was also a brother of the late J** »rota Vigilantes Ride, The Bom in Pittsburgh, Sister Mary W¿»ra Sfcies Week-end Pass attended St. James' School, Wil- Rev. John F. Kiernan, of the Phil- ilSfw West of the Rio Grand« adelphia Archdiocese, and of Mary Westward Bound kinsburg. She entered the novitiate When the Lights Go On Agnia at the Convent of Mercy on July A. Kiernan, of Norristown, who Wilson 2, 1928, and made her religious died the morning of Mr. Kiernan's H White Cliffs of Dover funeral. Tellow Rose of Texas profession on Jan. 3, 1931, in the Yellow Canary mm presence of Bishop Hugh C. Boyle. CLASS A-n Joee Sanchez Vlllaaenor, of Mex- Her religious life had been spent Mrs. Catherine T. Sohl ico, a Jesuit student of theology at in teaching at Mount Mercy Col- Unobjectionable for Adidta; West Baden College, West Baden lege, St. Paul's Cathedral High Solemn Requiem Mass was cele- Not Suitable for Children Springs, Ind., has been declared School, Mount Mercy Academy and brated in St. Lawrence's Church, Abroad with Two Yanks ti>e first winner of the Justo Sierra St. Xavier's Academy. East End, on Tuesday morning for Alaska Allergic to Love Award for the best doctorate thesis Surviving are her parents, Mr. Mrs. Catherine Tobert Sohl, aged The Amazing Mr. Forest at the National University of Mex- and Mrs. James S. Boggs, of East 80, who died last Thursday even- Appointment In Berlin ico. He wrote on Jose Ortega y Arsenic and Old Lace End Ave.; one brother, William E. ing .Burial was in St. Mary's Ce- Atlantic City (•asset, modern Spanish philoso- Boggs, of Dormont, and three sis- metery. Bathing Beauty pher. The award was founded last ters, Helen and Elizabeth, at home, Between Two Worlds Mrs. Sohl, the widow of Frank Black Magic year .by Mexico City's "El Univer- and Sister Rose Irene, of 'the Sis- H. Sohl, is survived by one son, Block Busters sal.'» (N.C.W.C) ters of Charity of Seton Hill, Joseph S. Sohl; two daughters. Sis- Bowery Champs , Green sburg. Bride by Mistake ter M. Annunciata, of St. Mary's Bridge of San Luis Rey Underground Guerillas School, Sharpsburg, and Sister M. Call of The Jungle Uncensored Eustace, of St. Lawrence's School, Call of The South Seas Under Secret Orders Nun, Born in Parnassus, Col Hag Doctor Death Unwritten Code, The and three grandchildren: Sister Candlelight in Algeria Up In Arms Diet in New Haven, Conn. Paul Marie, D.P., at Toner Insti- Carolina Blues Very Thought of You, Th« tut; Sgt. Regis Sohl, en route Cheyenne Wildcat Voice in the Wind Sister Concepta (Costanso), who Christmas Holiday Voodoo Man, The had been a member of the Sisters overseas, and Lt. Eugene Sohl, gun- Climax. The Wac, A Wave, A Marine, A ery instructor at Fort Sill, Ok la. Cobra Woman Waterfront Zelatrices of the Sacred Heart for Code of the Prairie Weird Woman the past 17 years, died last Sunday Conflict What a Woman Mrs. Sarah Lyden Continental Bxpreso When Strangers Marry at New Haven, where the mother- Cover Girl Where Are Your Children? house of her community is located, Dark Mountain Whispering Footsteps and will be buried Saturday in Solemn Requiem Mass was of- Days of Glory Whistler. The fered in St. Anselm's Church, Delinquent Daughters Wing snd A Prayer New Kensington, following Solemn Detective Kitty O'Day Woman of the Town Requiem Mass in St. Peter's Swissvale, on Monday morning for Double Indemnity Youth Runs Wild Mrs. Sarah Petty Lyden, who died Dragon Seed Church, there, at 10:00 o'clock. She Escape to Danger GLASS B was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in her home, 7417 Church Ave., M Secret End of The Road Frank Costanzo, of 335 Sixth Ave., Thursday evening. Burial was in Enemy of Women Objectionable in Part the Braddock Catholic Cemetery. Falcon in Mexico, Tho Address Unknown Parnassus, and burial will be in Falcon Out West And the Angels Sing their family lot. Born in Port Perry, Pa., Mrs. Find the Blackmailer Are These Our Parents? Lyden moved to Swissvale about Flesh and Fantasy Rev. Nicola Fusco, pastor of St. Outlaws Ave Sin Nido J 30 years ago. She is survived by Writ Follow the Boys Barbary Coast Gent Peter's, will be celebrant of the Follow the Leader four daughters: Kathryn and Fran- Best Foot Forward Solemn Mass. Low «Masses will be 48 Hours Black Parachute ces Lyden, at home; Mrs. Mer- Four Jills in a Jeep Broadway Rhythm offered simultaneously at the four 91M 'cedes L Murphy, of Westfield, N. Gambler's Choice Career Girl other altars in the church. Gang's All Here. The Casanova in Burlesque J., and Mrs. Lois L Zord, Pitts- Gaslight Born Jan. 29, 1911, Sister Con- Cry of the Werewolf burgh; two sisters, Mrs, Anna O'- IrUir HpM Girl Who Dared, The Constant Nymph. cepta entered the convent on Dec. AmWMwmer. Goln' to Town Cross of Lorraine Reilly and Mary B. Petty, and a 27, 1927. She was a graduate of m Unuh Trail Good-night Sweetheart Delinquent Parents brother, Albert L. Petty, all of »MttftftteOotlawa Government Girl., Desert Song, The Yale University and had also earn- HarwM, The Goyescas (Spanish) Doughgtrls, The Swissvale, and seven grandchildren. Greenwich Village Objection: Reflects the acceptability ed academic degrees at Fordham li MnBij£% Gung Ho of divorce. University, Albertus Magnus Col- Guy Named Joe. A Eve of St. Mark. The lege and St. Louis University. She Mrs. Loretta Ott Hall The Conqering Hero Fired Wife , Curto Hairy Ape. The For Whom The Bell ToAs was in charge of studies in her Firebrand Heavenly Body Frenchman's Creek community at the time of her Mother of Priest » Trisco, Th« Henry Aid rich Plays Cupid Objection: Condones marital irre- death. With her son, Rev. Francis M. Rriiara if Higher and Higher sponsibility. Ott, assistant at St. George's im -im • Home in Indiana Ghost Ship, The The remains were sent to New al Qua «moke Gildersleeve's Ghost Church, South Side, as celebrant, Hot Rhythm Kensington yesterday, following _JI mm- Kmrni Impatient Years Gone With the Wind Solemn Requiem Mass will be of- te W» Bobby Socks Impostor. The Heat's On Solemn Requiem Mass in St. Mich- fered this morning in St. Philip's *m* 1U Sea In the Meantime, Darling Hitler Gang, The ael's Church, New Haven. They are Jack London The Hour Before Dawn Church, Crafton, for Mrs. Loretta expected to arrive this morning, Jam Session I Love A Soldier McCrickert Ott, who died Monday; mu flan To War Janle Invisible Man's Revenge and will lie in state in the Chapel IfM" la_ Vemont Jeannle Johnny Doesn't Live Here Any More in Mercy Hospital. Burial will be of the Seven Sacraments at St. 0- Kansas City Kitty Jungle Woman in St. George's Cemetery. raí* Kismet Klondike Kate Peter's Church, until the funeral liww« Knickerbocker Holiday Lady In The Dark Saturday. Mrs. Ott is survived by her hus- Ladies Courageous Make Your Own Bed band, Edward S. Ott, and by four 13th Qooot Ladies in Washington Merry Monahans, The Dance Lady and The MonsUr Objection: Reflects the acceptability children: Father Ott, Elizabeth M., Lady in the Death House of divorce. Scottish Bishop Dies Cpl. Edward M. and Nancy Ott. fr Heut» Were Young ft Gay Last Ride, The Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The Leave It to the Irish The Monster Maker ¿^»Wtm Lodger, The Moon Over Las Vegas London, Oct. 13 (Cable) (10 — "1 I&lfe^P®® Mademoiselle FiA North Star Most Rev. James Maguire, 62-year Maisie Goes to Reno Old Acquaintance old Coadjutor Bishop of Dunkeld, mWW • Marriage is a Private Affair O My Darling Clementine Marshal of Reno Passage to Marseille Scotland, died there Tuesday.
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