100 E. Main St. [email protected] Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 653-0323 x 320 QUARTERLY JOURNAL SUBJECT INDEX About the Index The index to Quarterly subjects represents journals published from 1955 to 2000. Fully capitalized access terms are from Library of Congress Subject Headings. For further information, contact the Librarian. Subject to availability, some back issues of the Quarterly may be ordered by contacting the Museum Store: 805-653-0323 x 316. A AB 218 (Assembly Bill 218), 17/3:1-29, 21 ill.; 30/4:8 AB 442 (Assembly Bill 442), 17/1:2-15 Abadie, (Señor) Domingo, 1/4:3, 8n3; 17/2:ABA Abadie, William, 17/2:ABA Abbott, Perry, 8/2:23 Abella, (Fray) Ramon, 22/2:7 Ablett, Charles E., 10/3:4; 25/1:5 Absco see RAILROADS, Stations Abplanalp, Edward "Ed," 4/2:17; 23/4:49 ill. Abraham, J., 23/4:13 Abu, 10/1:21-23, 24; 26/2:21 Adams, (rented from Juan Camarillo, 1911), 14/1:48 Adams, (Dr.), 4/3:17, 19 Adams, Alpha, 4/1:12, 13 ph. Adams, Asa, 21/3:49; 21/4:2 map Adams, (Mrs.) Asa (Siren), 21/3:49 Adams Canyon, 1/3:16, 5/3:11, 18-20; 17/2:ADA Adams, Eber, 21/3:49 Adams, (Mrs.) Eber (Freelove), 21/3:49 Adams, George F., 9/4:13, 14 Adams, J. H., 4/3:9, 11 Adams, Joachim, 26/1:13 Adams, (Mrs.) Mable Langevin, 14/1:1, 4 ph., 5 Adams, Olen, 29/3:25 Adams, W. G., 22/3:24 Adams, (Mrs.) W. G., 24/2:22, ill 5/12/2011 Museum of Ventura County Quarterly Subject Index 2 Adams, William G., 17/2:ADA, THA Adeniran, Dixie, 28/2:bc ph. Adney, [Henry], 24/2:14 ill. Adobe Hill, 17/2:ADO Adobe Homes of Olden Days in San Buenaventura, by E. M. Sheridan, 27/3:2 ADOBES Adobe Viejo, El, 27/3:8 ph. Arenas, Francisco, 27/3:9, 20 Arnaz, (Don) José, (San Antonio Creek), 10/2:19; 15/4:8; 23/1:20; 27/3:3 Arnaz, (Don) José, (Ventura), 27/3:2, 20 Ayala, Francisco (Ventura), 27/3:9, 20 Ayala, [Francisco], (Ventura River Valley), 24/3:20 Bravo, Juan de Dios, 27/3:11, 13, 20 Broome Ranch, 1/3:13 Camarillo, Juan (Ventura), 10/2:19; 12/1:5, 21n5; 22/1:4, 24; 24/1:19; 27/3:9 Camarillo Ranch, 1/3:13; 10/2:19 Camulos (del Valle), 3/2:6; 9/3:15, 17- 18; 10/2:19 Cañada Larga, 26/3:22, 25n3 Carillo, (Sespe), 1/3:13 Casa de Jacinto (Lorenzana), see ADOBES, Conejo Area Casa Principal "old house," see ADOBES, Conejo Area Chateauneuf, Albert de, 27/3:9 Conejo Area, 2/2:15-16; 21/3:19, 23-24, 25 map, 26, 68 Constancia, (Don) Pedro, 27/3:9, 14 De la Guerra, (Conejo), 21/3:68 De la Guerra, (Tapo), 10/1:14; 13/4:8 De la Riva, Ramon Gonzales, 10/2:19, 15/4:10; 24/3:20 & ph. Del Valle, (near Castaic Jct.), 9/3:15, 17 Dominguez, José, (Conejo), 21/3:26 Dominguez Ranch, 1/3:13; 13/2:10 Dubbers, Henry, 22/1:20; 24/3:8; 27/3:5, 20 see also HOUSES-RESIDENCES, Ventura, Dubbers, Henry Edwards Ranch, 1/2:2-3, 6 ph., 8n1; 1/3:13; 13/2:12 Escandon, Angel G., 27/3:14 Figueroa, 14/3:17; 27/3:12 ph., 13 Fillmore, 27/3:15 Flores, Manuel Antonio, 27/3:13 Gonzales, (Colonia), 1/3:13 Gonzales, Leandro (Ventura), 27/3:9 Guadalasca, Rancho, 1/3:13 Guevara, Bautista, 27/3:20 Hoar, Charles, "Humming Bird’s Nest," 13/4:13 Lebouban, Carlos, 27/3:9 Lechler, see ADOBES, Piru Canyon Lopez, Rafael, 27/3:7, 9 Lorenzana, Jacinto, 21/3:25 map, see also ADOBES, Conejo Area Menchaca, Francisco, 27/3:9, 14 Moraga, 1/1:10 Obiols, Ysidro, 27/3:13 Olivas, Raimundo, 1/3:13, 14 ph.; 10/2:19; 12/1:6; 15/4:9 ph., 10; 17/2:OL; 26/2:17-18 Ortega, Alfreda, 27/3:9 5/12/2011 Museum of Ventura County Quarterly Subject Index 3 Ortega, (Don) Miguel Emidio, 15/4:7; 22/1:20; 27/3:1, 9, 15-25, 16 ph., 24 ill., fc-bc ill.; 29/3:11 Peralta, Pablo, 27/3:9, 20 Pico, (Simi), 10/1:2; 13/4:5, 6 Piru Canyon, 6/2:7; 17/1:23 Rancho Sespe, 4/3:14; 13/2:12 Reyes, (Cuyama), 11/4:19; 23/1:26 Rodriguez, (Mrs.) Ramon "Venado," 27/3:20 Ruiz, José Pedro (Rancho Calleguas), 12/1:11, 21n8 Ruiz, Saturnino (Ventura), 27/3:11, 13 San Buenaventura Mission Quadrangle, 4/4:20; 21/2:15, 45n5 San Francisco Rancho, 3/2:3 Sanchez, Juan, 22/1:4; 27/3:6-7 Sanchez, Pacifico, 27/3:6, 11 ph. Sanchez, Valencia, 27/3:11, 12 ph.; see also ADOBES, Ysoardy, Bautista building HOTELS, Ventura, Palace Hotel Santa Clara River Valley, 1/1:9 Santa Cruz Island, 27/4:9, 11, 12 phs., 13, 23 Santa Paula area, 1/3:13; 5/1:5; 13/2:10 Saticoy, 1/3:13 Sespe Lemon Company, 1/3:13 Strathearn, 1/3:13; 3/4:12; 13/1:3 Somis, 1/3:13; 10/2:19; 12/4:unp. map; 14/4:14 Tico, Fernando (Ojai), 16/3:3; 25/2:3 Tico, Fernando (Ventura), 22/1:20, 21 ph., 32n5; 27/3:9, 20 Ustusaustegui, Victor, 27/3:9 Valdez, Ramon, 27/3:7 Vanegas, Cosme, 24/3:4 Ventura, 3/4:14; 10/2:18-20; 12/1:5 ph; 12/2:7; 19/2:6; 22/1:4, 20, 24; 22/3:14; 27/2:20, 23n16; 27/3:2, 15 Ventura River Valley, 24/1:12 Willard, George, 15/1:18-19 Ysoardy, Bautista bldg., 27/3:10 ph., 12 ph. Agee, Eugene H., 12/3:37; 17/4:46 ph., 47 Aggeler, Maureen, 22/4:bc Aggeler, Maurice "Bud," 22/4:bc Aggeler, (Mrs.) Maurice (Jane Leonard McGrath), 22/4:bc Aggen, Alvin F., 25/3:1, 3 Aggen, Fred M., 12/3:37; 14/4:23; 17/4:46 ph., 47 AGRICULTURAL LABORERS, 1/2:12; 3/2:13; 12/1:27; 23/4:38; 24/3:17 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, 4/2:17; 20/3:35 Corn Planter, 14/4:11; 22/3:24 Sheller, 14/4:11 Grain Self binder, 2/1:16, 18n13 Threshing, 13/4:16 ph, 17; 21/3:46; 21/4:24 Hay, 21/3:phs. 81, 85, 87 Lima Beans, 12/1:35; 14/4: 12 ph., 18 ph., 22-23 & ph.; 25/3:2 ph., 3-16, phs. 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 ill., 12 ph., ills. 13, 14-15 Plows/cultivators, 13/3:10; 14/4:19 ph.; 19/1:35; 19/2:15; 21/3:41 5/12/2011 Museum of Ventura County Quarterly Subject Index 4 Sugar beets, 4/2:14; 23/4:45 Windmills, 20/3:38 AGRICULTURE Conejo, 1876, 21/3:84 Montalvo, 1899, 9/2:2-3, 5 Ojai Valley, 23/1:30, 31, 33, 34; 25/2:3 Santa Clara Valley, 3/2:13, 14; 5/1:9 Saticoy, 9/2:9, 10-11 Simi Valley, 13/4:2-33 Ventura County, general, 1/4:6; 4/2:13; 4/4:17-19; 9/1:1-24; 9/3:6; 10/2:35-36; 13/3:19-20; 14/3:2, 4, 6, 8; 15/3:9; 27/2:20, 23n15; 28/3:5 Agua Amarga, 21/3:28, 96n9 Agua Blanca, 14/4:5 Agua Escondida, 21/3:10 Aguirre, (Don) José Antonio, 10/2:5-6, 7 Ah Chang, 29/3:10 ph. Ah Charley, 21/3:66 Ah Chun, 29/3:11 Ah Gin, 15/1:32 Ah Ho, 4/2:9; 29/3:18 Ah Jo, 30/1:9 Ah Wy, 1/2:bc AIRPORTS Santa Paula, 16/2:24 Ventura, 28/3:10, 11 map, 12 Akers, (student, Sespe School), 3/2:13 Akers, (Ventura Ave.), 11/1:24n9 Akers, John, 17/2:OAT; 30/1:6 Akers, Luela, 4/4:13 Akers, Mary, 4/4:13; see Ransom, (Mrs.) Akers, Wilmer, 4/4:13; 9/4:19, 20 ph., 21, 23 Akroyd, 30/3:16 Akroyd, (Mrs.), 30/3:16 Alamo Mountain, 2/1:4; 17/2:ALA; 23/1:49; 30/1:16, 17 Alanis, Maximo, 21/3:19, 47 Albee, Paschal, 21/3:92 ill. Alberson, (Dr.) B. E., 21/3:83 Alberson, (Mrs.) B. E. (Anna Pederson), 21/3:83; 21/4:4 map Albertson, Ed, 19/4:20 Albertson, Frank, 9/4:14 Album of Memories, by Wendell Daily, 2/4:19 Alden, (Lt.) James Madison, 28/4:12, 13 Alderman, (Capt.) J. L., 21/3:40-41, 53, 56 Alemeda, Louis, 12/1:25 Alexander, (Rev.) George, 1/2:10 Alexander, Irene, 19/2:18 Alexander, Jennie M., see Willett, (Mrs.) George Alexander, John, 2/4:16; 19/2:20, 21 Alexander, Josiah Q., 2/4:16; 19/2:16, 18, 20, 24; 22/1:3: 30/2:22 Alexander, Mac, 19/2:14-16, 21, 24 Alexander, (Mrs.) Mac (Sara), 19/2:14, 18, 21, 24 Alexander, Mary, 19/2:14, 16, 18 5/12/2011 Museum of Ventura County Quarterly Subject Index 5 Alexander, S. J., 19/2:14-18, 20-25 ALFALFA, 5/1:2; 10/1:9 ph.; 20/3:42 Aliso Canyon, 9/3:7; 17/2:ALI "All Swimmers Welcome to the Reservoir," by Eugene Foster Percy, 23/2:17-24 Allen, Charles F., 12/3:22 ph.
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