SINCE 1966 EWSPAP R September 18, 2006 , ,-- \,Olllt\lr 10. ISSIJE "')2 By PAUL HACKBARTH roommate in south ' St Louis Saturday Quick Read morning. ''I didn't get out of here until Design Editor Residents of Oak Hall had a rude awak­ 3:45 this morning," she said. ening early Saturday morning, when Jeremy Pearce, commercial manager An estimated' 200 student residents in the whole building was evacuated after for Stanley Steemer, was helping four Oak Hall were evacuated early Saturday the sprinkler sy.;tem malfunctioned, other cleaners Saturday soak up the morning after sprinklers malfunctioned flooding several rooms. This is the third water with vacuums, dehumidifiers and for a third time, flooding several donn sprinkler break in a little over a month. fans. Improvisation rooms and hallways in the south wing. 'The first and sixth floors are the troupe brings higb Students living in Oak Hall awoke to worst because the water started on the the sounds of alanns and sirens at about Villa Hall. sixth floor and it all ended up ori the first energy,act to 2:30 a.m. Saturday. The internal sprin­ Amanda DePung, junior, nursing, floor," Pearce said, adding certain spots kler system depressurized in Room 621 was one of the stUdents who had to evac­ had three to six. inches of water. UM-St Louis of the south wing, the same room where uate her room in the north wing, where Pearce said things should be back to sprinklers malfunction Aug, 12 during rooms had no water damage. DePung nonnal in about two to three days, but all Comedy group hailing the first flood. recalled her experience Saturday morn­ of the carpet on the sixth floor will have from Chicago brings act Students were not allowed to spend ing during the evacuation. to be replaced. to the Pilot House. the night in Oak Hall and had to find "AIanns were going off and lights Klein said the majority of students places to stay elsewhere on campus. were flashing. We were all standing out­ living in the north wing were able to See page 6 "We offered to move students into side and fire trucks and campus security return Saturday, while certain students Villa North, but most went to lounges went in. We were told we couldn't stay living in the south wing were able to and stayed in friends' dorms," said here because the sixth floor was flood­ return to their rooms by 1:30 p.m. Jonathan Lidgus, student services coor­ ed," DePung said. Saturday. Matt Johnson • Pharo Ed/lo,. dinator for Student Life. She said residents were allowed to Twenty-four students will still have to Ricardo Garcia, senior, physics, enters his room on the third floor of John Klein, director of Residential get certain valuables from their rooms stay in temporary housing, but they will Oak Hall on Saturday afternoon. Garcia's room has water damage Life, said about 95 students stayed in before they left DePung stayed with her be able to return sometime this week. because of the sprinkler malfunction above the sixth floor. Facebook I Home Chancellor: .MAc Amazon day Yahoo' New$'" DictJonary.com IR FKtbook UMSL sees • Women's volleyball progress m loses heartbreaker Riverwomen volleyball Facebook at drops a close game to many areas Missouri Baptist a glance By P AUL HACKBARTH See page 10 Overall users Design Editor Progress at the Expres. Scripts con­ Facebook has over stmction 'te, iinan ial adjustment gaps 9.5 million users in for the campus, the University's Action its database, Plan and more are cau ing everyone to notice UM-SI. Louis, according to 'News Feed' prompts backlash from thousands of users Chancellor Thomas George, George provided an update of this UMS l users past year at UM·St Louis during his STORY BY MELISSA S, HAYDEN • NEWS EDITOR annual State of the University address Facebook.com only last Thursday. ever has so much negative feedback been released the new features in the beginning," said One area of development is construc­ Wayne Brady brings shows that UM-St. · heard "this loudly" about added Facebook Hughes. ''What our users were saying was absolutely tion on the $60 million Express Scripts Louis has" 500+" comic stylings to . Nfeatures, said Chris Hughes, co-founder and reasonable, so we looked to act as quickly as possible headquarters located on the new busi­ users, although the spokesperson of Facebook. to make the situation better." ness, technology and the Touhill PAC number may be Hughes and .Facebook's CEO and founder Mark In addition to the feedback from users, the features research park on the Quick Read much higher. Zuckerberg participated in an online conference that sparked the creation of several Facebook groups north side of cam- At the annual See page 8 took place fast Thursday on College Publisher's against those features, including the groups pus. Construction is State of the Newslink (cpnewslink.com). ''Facebook feed has just killed privacy" and "Students about 65 percent Web traffic University add ress, ONlHEWEB In the. conference, they discussed the recently against Facebook News Feed (Official Petition to complete on the Chancellor George added "News Feed" and ''Mini-feed'' features and the Facebook)." 330,opo-square-foot said the campus new privacy settings that were added after the features The latter, which was created by Ben Parr of building, George Fqcebook,com is the has improved in caused an outpour of feedback from Facebook users. Chicago, lll., accumulated over 730,000 members said. the past year, with seventh most visited "We expected a lot of people to write to us. and has had over 57,000 messages posted on its "I flew in from increased external site on the Internet. Whenever we change anything on the site we always ''Wall.'' [Washington,] D.C. Web poll results: funding and rising get a lot of feedback, and ~ was an especially big After Mark Zuckerberg posted an open letter, in yesterday afternoon enrollment What do you think of evolution in the product so we expected even more which he stated he was trying to correct errors, the and all the people on the UMSl shuttle General info though," Zuckerberg stated in the conference. group officially responded to it the left side of the plane were' asking, Hughes said adding the features was a 10gical We never believed Mark Zuckerberg was out to 'What's that? What's that? What's that?' I service? Facebook.com was extension of what Facebook already does on the site. hurt people and that his corporation had nothing but said it was Express Sclipts and a few founded Feb., 2004, However, Zuckerberg said, ''We definitely should good intentions when they launched news feed and people who work in St Louis were have given more granular controls before launching rnini-feed," the group members stated in their explaining what Express Scripts was, anything." response. how it's one of the largest companies, "We realized pretty quickly that we messed up in how last year, they made $17 billion and not offering essential privacy controls when we see FACEBOOK, page 14 they chose to put their headquarters light here on campus," George said. The chancellor hopes to interest other businesses in the park, but he noted potential tenants must have academic interests and be able to integrate into the campus, He said the University has leads for possible occupants, but currently It's great. there are no specifics, "We're very picky about the kind of new tenants that we're going to put into It's okay. the park," he said . "We're not going to New Oak Hall office aims to·make students' lives easier put any warehouses there." The chancellor also addressed the li lt'S awful. campus' funding gap issues during hi s By JASON GRANGER Welsh said he is pleased with the speech, Quick Read feedback from students who have "When talking about our funding gap StajJWriter stopped in to make use of the services, adjustments, so far I can talk success," I never use the South Campus students have a new avenue to receive vital services. The Student he said. shuttle, Sometimes, going from South Solution office opened in Oak Hall this year. It offers services ranging from financial but added some students may not yet Campus at UM-SI. Louis to North aid to academic advising. The Student Solution office is located on the second floor know the office exists. Despite the fact that the UM-St. This week's question: . Campus can be a hassle since so many of Oak Hall, "Students and residents are just get­ Louis campus has grown quickly in size What do you think ofthe vi tal services, from financial aid to ting to know we are here," he said. and student population, funding has not new Facebook.com news registration, are located on the north The office is open Monday through increased proportionally. feed? .side . It is a trek IIlany students living The new office offers a variety of minds . Thursday, from 8 am. to 7 p.m. and "Fortunately, [UM] President Elson on South Campus have had to make, services, according to Coonrod, mak­ "Our goal is to extend our services Friday from 8 am. to 2 p.m. Floyd has recognized that and, fortunate­ In an effort to make these services ing it easier for South Campus stu­ and guide students," Coonrod said. Welsh said the office is trying to ly, other people have recognized that," INDEX more readily available to South dents to avoid time-constiming trips to "We want to get them hooked up with organize a series of guests to come in George said.
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