J"''" • \ . 7b ^ 9 0 2 1 j / 0 1 / 9 5 WHSTERN MICflCfiOGRAPH ICS ST& 2 0 Q . 45 55 S .COf'^'E^ e r c e d r salt ua<e- cic i t y - ut iAlC7 ' H^BEI13E03 i l 1 ________ G ood mnorning B a t t h i n t s i n u c l (e a r w d e a l nl e a r Today’s forecastast: m ste ( llie Associated Press polls show Portly cloudy withth widely^ scattered af- A- oppose were openedd inii other states os ihe govenem- ments." ihe governor3r said.« temoon thundershowiowers. Highs neor 85 more rodioacii'Clive wosic ment hod longng promised. But the "Navy, which JDAHO FALLS — Amikmid inlensifying hich claims national se- degrees^ Light southwh w est winds. Lows 48 - bcingstoredatI at the Ida- And Bott rc(recently wort- extension o f thett curily is being eroded .congressional pressure to> resumere dumping led eacht day the ban re- to 55,dcgrccs. ■ J N aiional EiEngineer- two-year-oldd courtci ban on oil bui 27 wasiostc m ains in efTect, is sle nuclcar waste m Idahoi Gov.iov. Phil B alt con- | i ^ ' ^ steadily building con- PageA2 | ...jy ing LaboratoryJ r y . shipments pen.)cnding judicial review o f ththe gressional suppon to v tinucd paving ihe way Fridiriday for what he 1 ^ ^ ^ lo void Ihot order. And ^ After beingng sharply govcmmem’s’s conclusion< ihot more wosliste while Idaho’s senior s hopes will be widespreadad public accep- or senator. Republican criticizcd durluring his could besofelyely dumped. Larry Craig, said thislis weekv top Navy brass lancc o f a deal resolvinglg thet seven-year first monlh inir o ffic e “ I think thele attacka is going wrong." Dielick know that ploy will no confrontation wilh lhc federaleral govem m ent. I I not succ«<d,«thers in tia-,. for not vehememenily op- Kenney, a forrbrmer chairmon of ihc chamim- and out of Idaho conce “I think we’re going; tot( accomplish ^ mceded privately lhal if* posing more5 ddumping ber’s INEL coicommiltee. lold the govemoi something that you're going lor. pushed to a vole, thehe congressionali over-! A passion fo r performancepe ^ ing to be satisfied A 1 it pandering to the emotioni: with and most of the resider at INEL. Rcpicpublican I!"'' “J' ju*' P nal ride o f the court bon1 wi:will pass easily, Young danccrs fronrom Idaho and neigh- ' idents o f the stale ■ ------< hing nuclcar." will bc too," Batt told lh< akcn the of anythin The House Appropr'opriations Committee; boring stales are gathiQthered in Tw in Falls ! the Idaho Falls BBatt 'ever, pointed out in his prc Chamber of Commerce. some hard-nos(oscd — if ®““’ irc- did nol get to thai recirecommendation from:. , for two weeks off a Summer Dance fic remarksIcs tthai the farther he gets fror B ut w hile he m ade his coi inflammatory — posilion os retired Pjjjjg om its notional security/ subcommitteesu Friday" ; W orkshop. commcnls in the md INEL the louder the oppo center of the limited Idaho10 support$ for re- Democn:ralic Gov. Cecil Andrus, po- but is expccted to act:t onor it next week, PageBI ‘ . _ sition grow s tto o wasle ' storage, sumed nuclear waste shiphipments, it ap- Andrurus began the confrontation i: Faced with that prosirospect, Balt has spo- n m Octo- "People whoho are otherwise calm and ra-ra ken wilh renewed optin pcared the governor w as speispeaking as much ber I98J'88 by refusing to acccpt anany more ,fo„„i gc |,ig||i ptimism lhat a deal can : B u U p r i ^ t retires. tir ___________ J ^ ghiy agitated and almost irraTa- be w orked'out in whick'hich w aste shipm ents' to the other 90 pcrccnt oftheof state that waste atai INEL until permanent nt dumps lionnlwhcnil,it comes to radioactive ship : Father Perry Dodds3ds of the Church of 'P" PiBiPlease see BATT/A2 ; the Immaculate Concqiception in Buhl end* ; cd 37 years o f ministryitry in Id a ^ F ri(ta ^ . C l a s s (o f ’2 0 ir e c a l l s I school•ling of yesterjy e a r Twin FallsIs High m ; Us vs. them ; Twin Falls and Min4inico faced ouuof- grads of lor^ngago H ; town guests at 4he RBRBI Legion baseball ■ tournament Thursday.y- Page B5 gather, remninisce' H ' Adios,Amie at annual[ event€ Golfing legend Am(i^mold Palm er made . bis final (our o f the Brit:British Open links. By Julie M. McKinnon Page BS Tim es-N ew s w riter ; Broncos bustin’ci’ out ' ‘t w i n FALLS - Erie JonesJo and Frank Beer remember taking stud;tudents to schoo! I Big Sky football coachescot pick Bpise in w agons - an early versicTsion o f busing - I State to repeat as confer iference champs. and leaving the horses ai 1 PagoBS at Bickel School before going lo class at thehe high1 school. • Marie Lecce Fuller rect‘ecalls sharing a small Twin Falls apartmenteni during her se- nior year ai Twin Falls HighHij School bc- cause her hom etow n's schoi:hool didn’t have I West to Seattle a 12th grade. Her parentsts would^ drive a ; This group of Presbyl;byierian teens from Model-T from Hollisler intoIm Twin Falls ! Jerome just ret'umed frofrom a mission trip on Fridays and take her homeho: for week- I to remember. ends. R a g e d A nd R obert D o u g las remembersre: hiS; first crush in sixth grade oron Fuller. “She - - i Wliat’s-role ofthelie church? . , didn’t like m e then," he said;aid w ith a laugh, .. The four members of Tw in Falls' H igh . I Colutmiist Clark Mot;[orphew talks about School’s Class of 1920 wenvcre in town Fri- : m inistering to people wiiw ilh AIDS. PageC I |day, celebrating their 75thh highhi school re- union wilh nearly 300 othc>thcr Tw in Falls alumni who graduaied at 1<least 50 years ago. 'T h a t 1 w as able to graduaduate, I guess, is uBcesALSoun t the only remarkable thinging about me," Celebrttrating their 75th high sclschool reunion are, from>m left, Erie Jones, Frankik Beer, Robert DouglasIS ande Marie . River looking bettetter jjoked 94-year-old Jones oif f Kent,K Wash. LeeceJ Fuller.I As the four classmates:s gatheredj and High Spring flows inn thetl: Middle Snake reminisced before a length;gthy lunch-andr “Thererc wasn’t very many blocl River have made it lookook better but il is ^ ocks of "I don’t thinkik everybodyi would have missed occasionol olumni-iini-association re­ :nt in 1920." said 93-yeai still sick, oflicials say. gab session at the Westonton Plaza, they pavemen ear-old thought it wouldlid have lasted more than unions. Fuller of Twinin FallsF said Ihe were greeted by a few “youroungsters" from' Beer, orTwin fl Falls, who thinks thetic town th re e to fo u r yeiyears,” said 93-ycar-old gatherings have becomee crowdedci - Fri- 21 classes between 1921 onand 1945. The has growivn loo fast. B eer o f T w in Falls.Fai Beer has served as day’s bunch was lhc lorgesigesi yet - but fig- reunion continues today withrflhabreakto <^5;?longed more in the past 100 years; president and treareasurer of the Twin Falls ures if 93-ycar-oId Dougl)uglas can come hink oil the time before lhat Some of Friday’s attend<ndees bro w sed ' iial," he H igh School Alurrlumni Association, from C alifomia. she shoulduld attend loo. throughti yearbooks, includin]ding'ThcCoy- Since Rebeccacca Boncwell Parker of “I’m sure I would havcvc' dropped< out a las, of Napa, Calif., said he and B oise recently dicidied. 10 o f 83 members o f Ilong time ago" otherwise, ! Good ol’ boys on t ote” from 1920, while othersim ln,^ton:c- olhcr niun sc, said 92-yeor- n the spot ^ um ni who had celebraied 50-50-ycar the Class of 192020 arei still living. Douglas < ognize fellow revelers. AllI] caughtc up on reunions old Fuller, who left latercr Fridayf for her ! Congress launches anin Inquiryi into the ® IS decided in 1972 they wouldwi keeps track of alloil of them ond sends re- oldesti daughter’s 50th wedivcdding anniver- the lives of their fornier schoolmatesscb or ^ meet as a ' racially abhorrent gathcihcrings of federal ' “ a group the third Friday ofeif every union reminders.s. <sary party. "Whot can yotyou do to moke talked o f Twin Falls past andmd present. July. officers dubbed “go“good or boys The 1920.gradraduotes said they have you] feel old besides all otfihai?" f ih roundups.” P . „ « I Abortions continuiiue M.Panel grirills Benitsen abrout IVeeasury rrole at V ; In Russia, abortions coi Waco continue lo be the m ost com m on form of birthbi control, al- ^ ^ I DallasMonlo m ingN ew s to Ity to end a 51-day; stan d o ff With o tear-tei jloubis that Altorncney General Jancl Reno ; though a debate is growi )wing over use of . gos-and-tank assassault. would approve the totear gas plan, othei’methods. ■UNGTON — Republican It lowmak- “I took caree ofo my responsibilities inn mn y "T he risks o f o tratragedy are there. And. if igated fo rm e r T re a su ry SciJccreiary jurisdiction,",hehe said. the FBI waits indeflnInitcly, Koresh eventually I sntsen Friday for his failure: tou aci on Bcnisen saidd hhe did not recall receiving t igthe will concede,” Alliliman concluded in his ’s warning that a planned FFBI tear one-page memomorandum by former Depuspuly memo, written fourr daysc before the tear gos ■ H i ' U :k on the Branch Davidiansns posed Treasury Secretretory Robert Altman.
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