Subregion 4 Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Project The Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor Neighborhood Conservation Report TOD Transit Oriented Development Neighbohood ConservationTOD Strategies The Maryland-naTional CapiTal park and planning CoMMission September 2011 prinCe george’s CounTy planning deparTMenT www.pgplanning.org TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW 3 INTRODuCTION 4 mapS Project Area Figure 1: Neighborhood Conservation Focus Area 4 Purpose of Neighborhood Conservation Element Figure 2: Seat Pleasant Neighborhood (2009 Aerial) 4 Neighborhood History Figure 3: Carmody Hills-Pepper Mill Village Neighborhood (2009 Aerial) 5 Figure 4: Capitol Heights Neighborhood (2009 Aerial) 5 DEmOgRaphICS 6 Figure 5: Walker Mill-Ritchie Neighborhood (2009 Aerial) 5 Population Figure 6: Existing Land Use 9 Education, Employment, and Income Figure 7: Existing Zoning 10 Housing Figure 8: Vacant Properties 11 LaDSE N u aND ZONINg 8 Figure 9: Publicly Owned Properties 12 14 Land Use Figure 10: Development Activity 16 Zoning Figure 11: Year of Construction 17 Vacant Land Figure 12: M-NCPPC Park and Recreation Facilities 18 Property Ownership Figure 13: Green Infrastructure Figure 14: Foreclosures in Zip Code 20743 20 develom p ENT aCTIVITy 13 Figure 15: Preliminary Conservation Areas 22 Development Activity Summary Figure 16: Sustainable Communities 24 Approved Residential Developments Approved Mixed-Use Projects NI R E ghbO hOOD CONDITIONS 15 Housing Sidewalks Street Lighting Roadways Parks and Recreation and Green Infrastructure Foreclosure Trends SbE u R gION 4 maSTER pLaN NEIghbORhOOD CONSERVaTION STRaTEgIES 21 Foreclosure Prevention Homeownership and Home Improvement Business and Neighborhood Development NEI R ghbO hOOD CONSERVaTION aREaS 22 STaTE pOLICIES aND LEgISLaTIVE pROgRamS 23 NEIghbORhOOD CONSERVaTION pROgRamS 23 State County OVERVIEW century as an important roadway for trade between rural • Existing and potential opportunities for creating safe The Subregion 4 Central Avenue Metro Blue Line Corridor Maryland and the District of Columbia. Its original streetcar pedestrian access to Metro stations. TOD Implementation Project will carry out the goals and rail line transported workers from their bedroom communities • Historic resources that connect residents to their cultural vision from the Subregion 4 Master Plan by facilitating and In 2010, the Prince George’s County Council approved the into downtown D.C. until the mid-twentieth century, and heritage. focusing community and economic development resources to Subregion 4 Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, today, the corridor features four Metro Blue Line stations, two promote mixed-use development around the corridor’s Metro which establishes the land use and development policies within of which opened within the past ten years. These investments Successful and equitable TOD along the Central Avenue-Metro stations, strengthen and support local businesses, improve the Subregion 4 Planning Area. The Subregion 4 Planning Area in transportation facilitated the development that exists along Blue Line Corridor can occur through the collaboration of pedestrian safety and Metro access, and conserve well-established covers a 29-square mile area that encompasses the communities the corridor today, which consists of traditional suburban community stakeholders, private sector, and public sector neighborhoods. Additionally, this project will pursue the goals located in the center of the county from the District of Columbia residential neighborhoods, auto-oriented commercial centers, partners, all of whom are dedicated to the vision for the area defined throughEnvision Prince George’s to ensure the long-term boundary on the west, the Capital Beltway on the east, US 50 and industrial development. and the future of Prince George’s County. success of the county. and the Metro Orange Line Corridor on the north, and Suitland Parkway on the south. At this moment, Prince George’s County is poised to benefit from the growth and investment potential that can be generated The goals and policies outlined in the Subregion 4 Master Plan by TOD around the four Metro rail stations: Capitol Heights, implement the vision and goals recommended by the 2002 Addison Road-Seat Pleasant, Morgan Boulevard, and Largo Approved Prince George’s County General Plan. The 2002 General Town Center. Given their distinct characteristics and the Plan designates Subregion 4 as an area located within the specific character and needs of the surrounding communities, Developed Tier, which places special emphasis on policies that each station has a unique opportunity to realize the county’s will strengthen neighborhoods, support economic development TOD goals. along corridors, capitalize on transportation investments, and encourage transit-supporting, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented The Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor presents a neighborhoods. number of distinct opportunities and advantages: The Subregion 4 Master Plan further highlights the 2002 • Four Metro Blue Line stations. General Plan’s goals by recognizing that the Central Avenue- • Commercial development potential due to neighborhoods Metro Blue Line Corridor presents significant transit-oriented underserved by retail establishments. development (TOD) and economic investment potential for • FedEx Field, which hosts corporate, social and sporting the county. Transit-oriented development locates a mix of events, concerts, and trade shows. uses (commercial, retail, institutional, and residential) around • Employment and residential proximity to the District of transit stations and creates a variety of economic, social, and Columbia. Capitol Heights Metro Station. Morgan Boulevard Metro Station. environmental benefits for established communities. • Walkable, urban character and street grid in Capitol Heights and Seat Pleasant. Creating TOD areas provides communities with long- term social, economic, and environmental benefits, such as • Traditional architectural design in residential neighborhoods. revitalizing aging commercial centers, increasing pedestrian • Convenient access to transportation connections to national mobility and public safety, reducing vehicle trips, providing and international destinations. a variety of housing choices, spurring job growth, and • Available vacant/undeveloped land. decreasing infrastructure costs. Through ongoing private and • Presence of public parks, recreational facilities, and wooded public partnerships, transit-oriented development will enable areas. neighborhood lifestyles; a mixture of shopping, restaurant, • The Chesapeake Beach Rail Trail currently in construction. recreational, and entertainment options; and diversified • Eight shopping centers. employment opportunities. • Potential for cultural and entertainment venues. The Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor, a major • An inventory of approximately 3.7 million square feet of transportation corridor within the heart of Prince George’s industrial and commercial office, leasable space. County, has played a significant role in the social and economic • Potential for quality commercial services. growth and physical transformation of the county for over one • Well-established, stable neighborhoods. Addison Road-Seat Pleasant Metro Station. Largo Town Center Metro Station. hundred years. Central Avenue opened in the late nineteenth Neighborhood Conservation Strategies 3 nΜ 62ND TULIP TREE COLUMBIA CAP BELT IL S STATE SHERIFF RD TILIA WOODVIEW REED CABIN BRANCH D R ANNAPOLIS REDSKINS HUSKWOOD D BELLE HAV MCCORMICK R O F Seat pleasant JERICHO CITY S FEDEX T T INTRODUCTION NYE CLA O NORTH ENGLEWOOD OATE L OOD YBRICK SEA PINES ELKWOOD N EN OME ARTIN LUTHER KING W TECHNOLOGY SEAT PLEASANT DR S LANDOVER M JAVA LWOOD ADDISON ELI INDO CEDARLEAFDATELEAF GONDAR BIRCHLEAF CHAPE MARTIN LUTHER KING CARMODY HILLS SEAT PLEASANT BISHOP PEEBLES CARAWAY FOOTE MANN FIELD 704 PEPPER MILL VILLAGE GLEN WILLOW FIJI APOLLO U MARBLEW ProCT jE aREa EASTERN AVE V NEIGHBORHOOD DUEL GOLDMINE ELSA Eads St LEE GARRETTA MORGAN NEIGHBORHOOD ASSET CAPITAL VIE 61ST 60th St60th YORKNOLLS 69TH SHERIFF LEE L LAKE ARBOR WY 68TH HILL OAKS Dix St HASTINGS WILLOW HILL K KOLB CAP BELT OLA WEST MILL 59th St 59th ARENA JAMES FARMER68TH KOLB CARRINGTON MICHELE Clay Pl PEPPER MILL ! ATLEE 67TH MINNA LIBERIA 70TH BLACKLOG GIDDINGS KOLB The Subregion 4 Central Avenue-Metro Blue Line Corridor TOD Implementation 70TH CANYON K K 69TH 56THPRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY KANO NALLEY BAIN SHOPPERS EADS DRYLOG CAPON K HERO VAUXHALL FINCH CYPRESSTREE Clay St CYPRESSTREE ZACHERY J BOOKER FALLS LAKE 57TH J 95 Largo CYPRESSTREECYPRESSTREE 62nd St 62nd DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA §¨¦ 58th St 58th CANYON 58TH J HILL RD TOLA 63rd St 61st St CINDY JOST 56th Pl WESTON H PICARD Project area is located in Prince George’s County, adjacent to the District of Columbia. 59TH JOPLIN EARLY MAHOGANY 57th St N WARLEY Town 69TH ARLENE JEFFERSON HEIGHTS PACER CAPITAL BELTWAYCAPITAL CENTER Blaine St ADEL HARRIS n 68TH ! GREIG JADE Μ 71ST ONYX READING Center CALMOS 65TH 69TH BALSAMTREE Central Avenue is a key gateway and major transportation corridor. The corridor is EAGLE BALTIC BALSAMTREE HYLTON G DADE CROWN AVON 60TH CRANE INGRID LIMERICK 57th Pl East Capitol St BALTIC BABB 60TH CHATSFIELD 64TH 64TH ESSLOG BISHOP GENTRY 61ST SWAN R Capitol CONGRESS D SOPER FIELD BIRCHLEAF approximately four miles long and includes properties on and near Central Avenue UREY 62ND FRESNO CEDARLEAF R G JADELEAF E n ASHLEAF T Heights Μ BURGUNDY YOST FOOTE YACHT
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