***l********************5-DI6IT 02906 2239 11/30/94 ** 61 R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC I ATION 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Rhode Island Jewish Spring Fashion SPECIAL SECTION INSIDE Home & Garden HERALD SPECIAL INSERT The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIV, NUMBER 16 ADAR 27, 5754 / THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1994 35¢ PER COPY N. Y.C. Police Charge Lebanese Citizen in Lubavitcher Shooting by Pamela Druckerrnan the Crown Heights section of on a student visa. and Susan Birnbaum Brooklyn from successful eye Members of the Chasidic NEW YORK (JT A) - Police surgery in Manhattan. community and other visitors have charged a 28-year-old maintained a prayer vigil at St. Lebanese national in the recent Vincent's Hospital, where the shooting of four Lubavitcher The suspect was "not victims were taken. students on the Brooklyn Bridge. A spokesman for the The man, Brooklyn resident going deer hunting." Lubavitch community said Rashad Baz, has been charged Manhattan District Attornei; President Clinton had tele­ with 15countsofattempted mur­ Robert Morge11 thau phoned the Halberstam family der, various assault charges and to express his anguish over the numerous weapons violations. The van, ca rrying 15 people, incident and to promise to pur­ Police have impounded the was shot at by a gunman in a car sue justice vigorously. suspect's ca r, a 1978 Chevrolet as it approached the Brooklyn Yaakov Schapiro, a third vic­ Impala, as well as a cache of Bridge on the Manhattan side. tim, was treated at the same President Clinton (pictured above with Vice President Albert weapons that included a The car pursued the van and hospital in Manhattan for mi­ Gore) relayed his sympathies to the family of the slain Lubavitcher submachine pistol, a semi-auto­ fired at it two more times. nor wounds to the head and student. P/roto courtesy of tire Wlrite House matic shotgun and 50 rounds of One victim, Aaron Halber­ hands and released. ammunition. stam, 16, died after being on life A fourth s tude nt, Levi Police Commissioner Will­ support systems for four days. Wilhelm, was in stable condi­ Message from the President iam Bratton said in a news con­ Nachum Sossonk.in, 18, was re­ tion at Caledonian Hospital in ference that preliminary ballis­ ported in critical condition from Brooklyn with a bullet wound "I spoke with the family of Aaron Halberstam, the Lubavitcher tic tests have linked the weap­ gunshot wounds to the head. to the buttocks. student who was critically wounded by gunfire in Brooklyn. My ons, which were found in the The alleged gunman was ap­ Jewishleadersmetinaclosed prayers are with them, with their son, and with all of those affected suspect's car, to the shooting. prehended by police after he left session with Giuliani to discuss by this spasm of brutal violence. It is an outrage that this crime, Police would not comment his car in a Brooklyn body shop what is being done on the case which has overtones of a hate crime, could occur in our American on a possible motive for the to have its window repaired. and what the Jewish commu­ community. And it is a tragedy that such a tender, intelligent boy shootings, including whether Reports say someone from nity can do to assist the police could be the victim of such brutality and immutable violence. there are links to the recent kill­ the body shop tipped off police and protect itself from possible For American Jewry, as for all of us, our country's unique ing of at least 40 Muslims by a that a vehicle, fitting the police further attacks. tradition of tolerance and religious freedom makes us a refuge Jewish settler in Israel's West description of a blue car with a The Mayor's Office has es­ from the hatred and inhumanity that divides so many other Bank. shattered window, had been left tablished a hot line for informa­ cultures in this world. We respect the humanity we find in each Manhattan District Attorney in the shop. tion connected to the case, as other, and anything which attacks the bonds of community which Robert Morgenthau said it was The window was apparently well as a $30,000 reward. unite us is an attack on us all. clear the suspect was "not going shattered when the suspect fired Police say security has been I commend the New York City Police Department for its deer hunting." through it !Ind into the van dur­ beefed up at Jewish schools and swift and apparently successful investigation of this crime, and I The four Chasidic victims ing the attack. synagogues, and news reports would appeal to all men and women of good will-shocked as we of the attack were passengers in The police apparently appre­ say 500 additional police were are by this violence - to be cairn and respectful of our system of a white van that had been part hended the suspect within sent to Crown heights, where justice. Those of us fighting for the safety and security of our of a convoy accompanying the 24 hours of the attack. The the Lubavitch movement is neighborhoods, and for America's religious and cultural free­ Lubavitcher rebbe back to suspect was in the United States based. doms, will prevail." Rabin Hoping-to Bring PLO Back to Peace Negotiations by David Landau, less, innocent Arabs at prayer, by pressing forward with the Deborah Kalb and Rabin said, but also all chances work of peacemaking. Hugh Orgel for peace. The Clinton administration JERUSALEM (JT A)- "Con­ Rabin -with one eye on the has spent the days following the gratulations, Baruch Goldstein, seething Arab protests sweep­ killing spree trying to ensure in whatever part of hell you are. ing the country, and the other that the murder of dozens of You've achieved your purpose." on Israel's battered image in the Palestinian worshippers by a Thus, writing on the front court of world opinion - de­ Jewish settler will not derail the page of Israel's largest circula­ clared that Goldstein and his ilk Middle East peace process. tion newspaper, did Yediot were "just a weed" in the fur­ In a series of phone calls and Aharonof columnis t Nahum row of the state and the nation. meetings, theadministrationhas Barnea, responding to the bitter He reiterated his and his sought to bring the Palestine news that as a result of the re­ government's commitment to Liberation Organization and Is­ A Palestinian Youngster cent massacre at Hebron, the the peace process and to what rael back to the negotiating table Recounts a Vision of Peace had already been agreed upon to conclude the talks on Pales­ delegations of Syria, Lebanon Undergoing treatment for leukemia at Hadassah-Hebrew between Israel and the Pales­ tinian self-rule that had shown and Jordan had announced the University Hospital in Jerusalem, Nae! Zael (11) sees how suspension of the bilateral ne­ tine Liberation Organization such promise in recent weeks. peace can work between Arabs and Israelis. Nael's father, gotiations in Washington. during their negotiations. After months of staying at Abdel, and Ronit Medber-Halperin, a Hadassah oncology Dr. Baruch Goldstein had Rabin urged the Arab side to arm's length from the talks, nurse, share a story with Nael. wanted to kill not only defense- respond to the terrible outrage (Continued on Page 4) 2 - THE RHODE IS.LAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH JO , 1994 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE recycling and source reduction. Program to Help Shoppers We're delighted that the RISO Noon Concerts students have taken such a Select Recyclable Products keen interest and leadership The Rhode Island Philhar­ ~"N s~ role in recycling." monic's Concerts at Noon se­ :::}NEWS~ An innovative pilot program which will appear on all prod­ The program evolved from a ries is offering a two-concert designed to assist shoppers in ucts which are packaged in re­ class project at RISO which package for anyone with a dis­ c:> BRIEFS t-x-J selecting grocery store products cyclable material. later developed into an inde­ count coupon available from ~ which are recyclable was "The purpose of the pro­ pendent study pilot undertaken any participating Brooks Drug launched this month at the gram, which we hope to con­ by industrial design students Store in Rhode Island and March 10 - 30, Free hear­ Eastside Marketplace on Pit­ tinue long after the May pilot Charles Bajnai, a RISO senior southeastern Massachusetts, or ing testing at URI's Speech man Street in Providence. program concludes, is to edu­ from Richmond, Va., and Dicie from a Brooks Pharmacy flyer. and Hearing Clinic. Call 'Shopping for Recyclability" cate consumers about the recy­ Carlson, a junior from Sag Har­ With the Brooks Drug 792-4292 or 792-5969 for is a cooperative effort between clability of the products they bor, N.Y. coupon people may attend the Rhode Island School of De­ buy, said Thomas Wright, exec­ The " Phil the Bin" character both concerts for the discount appointment. sign, the Rhode Island utive director of the SWMC. was designed by senior illustra­ price of$ 15 per person. Solid Waste Management Cor­ He continued, "It's our hope tor, Elliot Clapp of Newton Up­ The concerts will take place that this program will become March 11, 7 p.m., a poration and the Eastside Mar­ per Falls, Mass. "Educating at noon, March 11 and May 6. Seafood Spectacular ketplace. an important component of our consumers at their point of pur­ Convenient and affordable, overall educational program Gourmet Dinner at Bristol It features a blue recycling chase is the first step in making the Philharmonic's Concerts at Community College's designed to promote statewide recycling time- and cost-effec­ character named "Phil the Bin" Noon offer concertgoers an ex­ Commonwealth College tive," said Mr.
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