USSVI Thresher Base News Thresher victim’s remembered on 49th annual anniversary Jack Gill on Eternal Patrol memorial service in Kittery By Patrick Archambault, Foster’s Daily Democrat KITTERY, Maine — It was April 10, Pledge of Allegiance and the national 1963 when Secretary to the Design anthem, had Vice Admiral Kevin M. Superintendent Rose Marie Dough- McCoy, USN, as the keynote speaker. erty received the ominous message The ceremony contained a bell from the USS Skylark, an above sea tolling where the 129 crewmen were service vessel. remembered, prayers, a wreath laying USS Thresher submarine was con- and a gun salute for the crew mem- ducting sea trails off the coast of New bers. England this day and the two ships Dougherty, a seacoast resident for were in communication by means of 46 years, has been to nearly all of the underwater sound telephone. About ceremonies and was present this one. John C. “Jack” Gill, 68, a Vietnam an hour after the USS Thresher made “The Portsmouth Shipyard was so era veteran and retiree of Verizon, its deep sea decent, the USS Skylark proud of the Thresher because of how died Friday morning, April 20, at the forwarded a message from the depths advanced it was,” she said. Parkland Medical Center in Derry, of the Atlantic Ocean to Dougherty, Joy MacMillian, a speaker during after being striken at his home Satur- “We are experiencing minor difficul- the ceremony, is the daughter of USS day afternoon. He was the beloved and ties.” Thresher’s Chief Radioman Walter J. devoted husband of Audrey (Kliska) After some garbled messages and Noonis who was present at the time of Gill, with whom he celebrated 42 years difficulties in communicating, it was the sinking. of marriage last September. clear that the USS Thresher fell below “I was 6 years old on April 10, 1963. He was born and raised in Lawrence, the fatal crush depth and thus sank. As I grew, so did my perception that MA, son of the late John C. and Marguerite Gill. Upon graduation The 129 crew members aboard the continued on page 2 Portsmouth Naval Shipyard-built from Central Catholic High School he USS Thresher when the submarine enlisted in the U.S. Navy, Submari- sank now rest in peace, with the ners Corps. He qualified and received ocean as their graves. 49 years later, his dolphins aboard the USS Diablo. about 250 former crew members, He also served on the USS Agler, and shipyard workers, families members the USS Dogfish, and was honorably and community members gather at discharged as an EM3 SS. He was a the R.W. Traip Academy gymna- member of Sub Veterans club Thresh- sium at 1 p.m. Saturday for the 49th er Base, Portsmouth, NH, the Groton, Anniversary Memorial Service to CT, sub veterans club and National honor their loved ones aboard the USSVI USS Thresher that day. The cer- He began his 43 year career with emony, which began with both the New England Telephone and Tele- continued on page 2 USS Thresher Service ............. 1 Member Birthdays ................... 3 Lobsterbake/Holland Club ... 6 Table Jack Gill on Eternal Patrol .... 1 Groton Boat Tour .................... 3 Thresher Service Photos ........ 7 of Commander’s Message .......... 2 Eagle Scouts ................................ 4 Calendar of Events ................... 8 Memorial Day ........................... 2 Patriot’s Day Parade ............... 4 USSVI Conventions ................ 8 Contents Meeting Minutes ...................... 3 To Perpetuate the Memory .. 5 Next Meeting ............................ 8 Volume 2012 IssuePage 13 Base Happenings Base Commander’s Message Jack Gill (continued from page 1) Shipmates, Service that will held at Albacore graph and stayed with the company Park. Join us in remembering all those as it changed to Verizon. He retired in The 49th USS who gave their lives for our great na- 2007 as a rated line and cableman, and Thresher Memo- tion. Contract Work Inspector. Jack was a rial Service was Please join us in honoring our member of IBEW Union Local 2321. a moving trib- WWII SubVets and Holland Club He enjoyed travelling and they had ute to the men Inductees at the July joint WWII just returned from wintering in North lost aboard USS SubVets & Thresher Base Lobster Fest Myrtle Beach last week where he was Thresher., as well and Holland Club Ceremony. a member of the Grand Strand, Pal- as an appropriate segway to the 50th. Our prayers go out to Audrey, wife metto Route Train Club. Jack devoted Thank you to all who assisted with of Thresher Base member John (Jack) his life to his family, and was a con- making this service heart felt to those Gill, EM3(SS) who departed on silent stant companion to the many pets he in attendance. patrol. Sailor rest your oar - your had over the years. Planning is underway for the 50th. wonderful presence will be missed. He is survived by his wife Audrey, his Vice Admiral McCoy notified me that sons, Sean of Durham, NH, and Jay he hand carried the invitation to the At your service, and his wife Kristen of Medford, MA, CNO. Former Thresher Base Com- Kevin and several cousins. mander Gary Hildreth is leading an exploratory search for a suitable loca- tion that will hold the estimated 1000 Thresher Service (continued from page 1) attendees. daddy was not ever coming back. Over saying, “I hold my rose proudly and Kudos to Former Base Com- the last 49 years of these ceremonies, remember you daddy Jack.” mander Tom Young, Secretary Robert roses are the central flower that comes Kevin Galeaz, who served in the McAlpine and Eagle Scout Coordina- to mind. Roses were given to survivors Navy from 1975 to 1982 as a Ballistic tor Al Page for representing Thresher as symbols of our strength,” she said in Missile Fire Control Technician, is a Base by joining up with Marblehead her attention grabbing speech. member of the United States Subma- Base at the Lexington Patriots Day She went on to read a poem about rine Veterans Inc. for the Thresher Parade. the tragic beauty between roses and Base in Portsmouth and was reader Our next event after the May meet- their thorns and closed the speech by during the bell tolling. ing is Thresher Base’s Memorial Day He said his involvement in the or- ganization is to facilitate its purpose, Thresher Base Charter Newsletter Information “to perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the USSVI Thresher Base was chartered The base newsletter, Thresher Base pursuit of their duties.” on 15 November 1989 in the memory of News, is published 6 times a year to those 129 gallant men who at 9:17 AM inform the membership and com- Next year will be the 50th anniversa- on 10 April 1963 lost their lives in the munity about meeting happenings ry for which Galeaz is expecting 1,000 performance of their duties aboard USS and upcoming events. All members people to be present. THRESHER (SSN 593). are welcome to submit non-political Our mission is “to perpetuate the articles for inclusion in an upcom- memory of our shipmates who gave their ing issue. Send submissions to Kevin lives in the pursuit of their duties while Galeaz, Editor, 1465 Hooksett Road Memorial Day Service serving their country. That their dedica- #239, Hooksett, NH 03106 or Albacore Park tion, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a [email protected]. constant source of motivation toward Monday, May 28 greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States 1000 Government.” Page 2 March 2012 Meeting Minutes Call meeting to order by Maine Base Reading of the last meeting minutes: presented the Memorial Circle Project Commander, Larry Ferrell, followed This was difficult under the condi- to the Maine Base and Thresher Base by the reading of the Creed of USSVI tions and ended up being short. A members. then the by Pledge of Allegiance was motion was made to accept the min- Note: The environment didn’t lend performed utes, Seconded and passed. itself to a formal meeting and was hard to conduct business as usual. Moment of Silence Tolling of the Bell Treasures Report: for Boats on Eternal Patrol in: Balance 1/21/12 $4,134.38 Tom Shannon, Eastern USSVI Dis- February and March Deposits $450.70 trict Commander, officially swore in Expenses $160.00 the Maine Base Officers and Thresher Prayer Lead by: Balance 3/17/12 $4,425.08 Base Officers to their respective offices Maine Base Chaplin, Terry Schmidt in a group format. Old Business - Sound Off and Introduction of Base Commander Galeaz went over Thresher Base Officers: Guests: Several Members of Rhode preparations for the upcoming 49th Base Commander - Kevin Galeaz Island Base, members of the Will Rod- Thresher Memorial Service. Vice Commander - Richard Cecchetti gers crew working on their reunion Secretary - Robert McAlpine to take place April 2013 were intro- New Business Treasurer - Dennis O’Keefe duced. Base Commander spoke w/ regards Gerry Mylroie and Don Kerr (Kit- to planning for the 50th Thresher Motion to adjourn by Maine Base tery Memorial Circle Committee) Memorial Service. Commander, Larry Ferrell were introduced. After individual base meetings, the Kittery Planning Committee reps Member Birthdays Groton Boat Tour May 11 - Michael Gaughan The Marblehead Base had such 5 - Snow Snow 12 - Stanley Thurston 6 - Bob Anderson overwhelming positive feedback 13 - Dick Blachford 6 - Roy Pierce about these boat tours that they 13 - Charles Manes 24 - John Trubee will be conducting them on all 3 17 - Donald Baker 26 - Donald Scanlon Saturdays: April 28, May 19 and 21 - George Horne 31 Bob Miller June 9. It was decided at the January 22 - Tom Nalway meeting that Thresher Base will put 24 - Errol Chase June together a group for June 9.
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