INDEX 149 INDEX Bevan, Archdeacon William Boyle family 46 Latham 32, 41, 46, 52, 53, Boyle, James 27, 47 121; (memorial to) 64 BOZ BOOKS 70, 72, 82–83 All booksellers are in capitals; major sights are in bold capitals. Bevington, organmakers 40, Braose, Eleanor de (see Where many references are listed, the main or explanatory one 42 Bohun) is shown in bold. Numbers in italics are picture references. Bingley, the Rev. William 62 Braose, Giles de 23 Black Lion Green 59, 61, 90 Braose, Reginald de 23 A B Black Lion Inn 125, 131 Braose, William the Elder 19 Abergavenny, massacre of 19 BACKFOLD BOOKS 80 Black Lion Well 90 Braose, William de 7, 19–21, Abergwyngregyn (Aber Garth Bailey (see Motte) BLACK MOUNTAINS 98, 99, 21–23 Celyn) 24 Bailey, Crawshay 93 106 Braose, William de (last of ADDYMAN ANNEXE, THE 79 Bailey, Sir Joseph (1st Black Mountains, Old Lady the line) 23–24 ADDYMAN BOOKS 76 Baronet) 32, 50, 93 of 96 Brecknock Battalion 52–53 Addyman, Derek 76 Bailey, Sir Joseph (2nd Bleddyn, King of Wales 17 Brecon, Battle of 17 Ahmad Baba Institute 88 Baronet, Baron Glanusk) Blue Boar, pub 124 Brecon Jazz 136 Allen, the Rev. Humphrey 32, 92, 93 Boatside Farm 14, 110, 136, BREDwaRDINE 110, 112–14, 41, 46 BAILEY WALK 92–93 136 113 Aneirin, poet 15 Baldwin of Exeter, Bohun, Eleanor de (Eleanor Brichto, Anne 76 Anselot, Noël 88 Archbishop 21 de Braose) 24 Brito, Richard de 115 ARDEN, C., bookseller 83 Baptists 29, 67, 102 Bohun, Eleanor de 26 BROAD STREET BOOK CENTRE Armstrong, Major Herbert Bara Brith 138 Bohun, Humphrey de 24, 25 80–81 Rowse 55–57, 76 Baskerville Hall Hotel 109, Bohun, Mary de 26 Brown, Captain 53 Armstrong, Janice 44 132 Bohun, Maud de 24, 25 Brut y Tywysogion 16 Armstrong, Katherine 55, 56 Baskerville, Sir Ralph 113 Bonfiglioli, Kyril 70 Buckingham, dukes of Arthur, Prince of Brittany Baskerville, Sir Thomas BOOKENDS 79 26–27, 45 20–21 Mynors 109 BOOKSHOP, THE 74 Bull’s Head, pub 130 ARTHUR’S STONE 114, 114 Baskerville, Walter 113 Booktowns 88–89 BUTTER MARKET 50–51, 51 ASHBROOK GARAGE, bookseller Beales, Martin 76 Boorde, Andrew 137–38 84 Becket, Sir Thomas 115 Booth, Richard 8–9, 46, 69– C Ashbrook House 109, 141 Bertha, daughter of Miles of 73, 76, 79, 87, 88, 139 Calvinistic Methodists 29, Ashley, April 8, 54, 72, 123 Gloucester 19 Borderlines Film Festival 135 62–63, 66 Asser, biographer of King Bethesda Evangelical Church Borrow, George 15 Camden, William 32–34 Alfred 14 67 Boycott, Dr A.E. 95 CAPEL-Y-FFIN 101–04, 103 150 INDEX INDEX 151 Caroe, W.D. 50 Dix, Arthur 42 (see also Guardian Hay 80 Castell Dinas 21 Dixon, Lanty 64–65 Festival) Griffiths, the Rev. David 52, Castle (see Hay Castle) DORSTONE 114–15 Fineron, Edward 69, 70 128, 129 Catholics in Hay 65–66 Drill Hall 85, 124 Fish and Chip Shop 127–28 Gruffydd ap Llywelyn Cawl 138 Dulas Brook 90, 91–92, 95 Fitzpeter, Geoffrey 19 138–39 CEMETERY 64–65 Florence, Norman 9, 85 GUARDIAN HAY FESTIVAL Chatwin, Bruce 8, 99–101, E Florence, Peter 9, 85, 86, 87 85–87, 87 142 Ebenezer United Reformed Folkard, Edward 52 Guild Chapel (see St John) Cheese, Captain Arthur 85 Church (see Globe Gallery) Fowler, H.W. 137 Guinness family 46 Chester, the Rev. Grenville Edward I, King 25, 25, 26 Gwernyfed, Old 47, 132 113 EDWARDS, FRANCIS, G Gwynn family 27–28, 46 CHILDREN’S BOOKSHOP, THE 84 booksellers 83 Gates, Bill 88, 89 Gwynn Almshouses 31 Church Evan (see St John) Eigon, St 97–98, 142 Gates, sites of 11, 92 Gwynn, Elizabeth 27; Clare, Gilbert de 25 Eleanor of Aquitaine 116, Gee, Sue 79 (memorial to) 44 CLIFFORD 117–18 117–18 Gerald of Wales 18, 21–23, Clifford, Rosamund 116, Elfael, men of 72 107 H 117–18 Elfael, rulers of 23 Gethyn-Jones, E. 113 Haddon, J.C., architect 53 Clinton, Bill 7, 85 Enoch, William 50 Gill, Eric 101, 104, 105, 132, HANCOCK & MONKS, CLOCK TOWER 6, 53–55, 54 Erskine, Barbara 142 140 booksellers 81 Clun Forest sheep 37–39 Eutropius, Roman historian Gladys (Gwladus), Princess Harley Almshouses 29, 31 CLYRO 109–10 15 24 Harley family 28–29 Colt-Hoare, Sir Richard 107 Eva, widow of the last de Glanusk, Baron 46 (see also Harper, Roger 65 Conan-Doyle, Sir Arthur 109 Braose 24 Bailey) Harries, Peter 9, 72, 82, 83 Convulsionists 62 Evans, Christmas 63 Globe Gallery 128–29 Haslam, Richard 53 Craswall 130 Evesham, Battle of 24 Glyndwr, Owain 7, 26, 33, HAY BLUFF 99 Cromwell, Oliver 120 Ewan ap David 27 107 HAY BOOK COMPANY 77 Curtis, Tony 86 Ewyas, Vale of 99, 105, 106 Goad, Christine 64, 65 HAY CASTLE 45–50, 47 CUSOP 95–96, 97 Gododdin, Y 15 HAY CASTLE BOOKS 48, 79–80 Cusop Dingle 69, 95–96 F Golden Valley 115 HAY CINEMA BOOKSHOP 70, Fairs, Geoffrey 10, 45, 139 Granary, restaurant 126 83, 84 D Felgate, Steve 52 Grant, John 65 Haycock, Edward 41 Denny, Maggie 44 Felinfach 130–31 Greatbatch, Paul 75 Haycox, Elizabeth 75 Dineley, Thomas 47 Festivals, general 86, 135; GREENWAYS CORNER BOOKSHOP HAY FESTIVAL 85–87, 87 152 INDEX INDEX 153 Hay Foresters 121 K Lord Hereford’s Knob 98, 99 Morgan, John 3, 79 HAY-ON-WYE BOOKSELLERS Kerry Hill sheep 37–39, 38 Lyne, Joseph (see Ignatius) Morse-Boycott, Desmond 77, 84 Keyne, St 90 104 Hay-on-Wye Cemetery (see Kilpeck 146 M Mortimer, Roger 24, 25 Cemetery) Kilvert, the Rev. Francis 13, Mabinogion, The 142 MOSTLY MAPS 77 Hay Poisoner (see Armstrong) 97, 101, 102, 109, 110–12, MAESYRONNEN CHAPEL 120, MOTTE 35–36, 36 Henry II, King 117 112, 124, 141 132 Much Marcle 118 Henry VIII, King 27, 46 KILVERT GALLERY 109 Mahael (see Neufmarché) MURDER AND MAYHEM, Hincks, Dr Thomas 56, 57 Kilvert’s Hotel 55, 123–24, Marcher Lords 16, 24 booksellers 76 HONESTY BOOKSHOP, THE 48, 131, 140 Margam Abbey 20 69, 81 MARKETS N Howard, David 82 L Butter 50–51, 51 Nesta, wife of Bernard of Howell, Raymond 13 Lacy, William de 107 Livestock 36–37 Neufmarché 18 Howells, Thomas 28, 29, Landmark Trust, The 120 Cheese 51–52 Neufmarché, Bernard of 17, 29–31, 91 Landor, Walter Savage 108 Thursday 53, 137 35 Howells, W.D. 8, 29 Lawson, Hilary 9, 87, 129 Marshall, G. 113 Neufmarché, Mahael of Hughes, Ted 86 Le Quesne, A.L. 109, 141 Martin, Oswald 56 17–18 Leather, Ella Mary 96, 141, Marwood, Cyril 55, 139–40 Neufmarché, Sibyl of 18 I 142 Masefield, John 7 Nicholson, Thomas 109 Ice House, The 76, 77 Letton 113 Maud (see Bohun; St Valery) Nonconformists 29, 31, Ignatius, Father 102–04, 108 Limited, The 71 (see also Maurice, Henry 120 59–63, 67, 120 Innes, William 48 Richard Booth’s Bookshop) MEMORIAL SQUARE 52–53 NORMAN MOTTE 35–36, 36 LIVESTOCK MARKET 36–37 Methodists 29, 67 (see also Normans 13, 16, 17ff J LLANIGON 97–98 Calvinistic; Nonconformists) Jacobson, Howard 7 LLANTHONY (Prima) 102, Miles of Gloucester 18 O Joan, wife of Llywelyn the 105–08, 106, 108, 130 Miles, John 67 Odell, Robin 76 Great 23 Llanthony Secunda 102, 107 Miles, Jonathan 140 Offa, King of Mercia 14, 16 John of Salisbury 18 Llanthony Tertia 102 Miller, Arthur 85 Offa’s Dyke 12, 14–15 John, King 20–21, 23 Llowes 19 Monaghan, Sgt George 85 OFFA’S DYKE PATH 11, 14, Johnson, Samuel 49 Llywelyn the Great (Llywelyn Montfort, Simon de 24, 25 15, 99 Jones, the Rev. Edmund 96 ap Iorwerth) 23, 24 Moravian Baptist Chapel 102 Old Black Lion (see Black Jones, Lavender 142 Llywelyn ap Gruffydd 24, 26 Morelli, Leon 9, 87 Lion) ‘Jumpers’, the 58, 62–63 Llywelyn ap Seisyll 138 Morgan, Evelyn de 116, 117 Old Fire Station 70, 70 154 INDEX INDEX 155 Old Gwernyfed 47, 132 Reade, Compton 115 15 WARREN, THE 13, 94 Old Lady (see Black Rechabites 121 Seward, William 59–61, 60, Warren Club, The 51 Mountains) Redu 88 96 Washington, George 30 Oldcastle, Sir John 7 Revel, William 17, 35, 97 Sheers, Owen 142 Wellington family 28, 46, 57 Open House 128 RHYDSPENCE 118, 119, 130 Showler, Karl 140 Wellington, Henry 32, 58 OUTCAST BOOKS 82 RICHARD BOOTH’S BOOKSHOP Silures 13, 16, 33–34, 110 Wells, town 90, 92, 93 OXFORD HOUSE BOOKS 80 74–76, 74, 75, 129 Skyrne, Henry 95 Welsh Rarebit 137–38 Richard III, King 26 Soldat, Robert 90, 133, 139, Wesley, John 58, 59, 59–60, P Roman Catholics (see 140 62 Painscastle, Battle of 19 Catholics) South Wales Borderers 52–53 Wheatsheaf, pub 123 Paisley, the Rev. Ian 66 Romans 13, 14, 16, 34, 110, Spilsbury, Sir Bernard 56 WHITNEY-ON-WYE 118 Pantycelyn (see Williams) 117 Stretch, Joe 7 Willersley 114 Parsons, Huw 140 Rosamund (see Clifford) Swan at Hay, The 125, 131 William II (Rufus), King 17 PEMBERTONS, booksellers 84 ROSE’S BOOKS 82 Williams, Edward Mark 127 Peter, St 115 T Williams, Henry 57 PETERCHURCH 115–17 S Tacitus 13, 33, 110 Williams, Fr Richard, vicar of Pinter, Sir Harold 86 Sabatini, Rafael 64 Tait, Jack and Rita 140 Hay 41, 95, 140 Pius IX, Pope 53, 65–66 ST JOHN, GUILD CHAPEL OF Three Tuns, pub 123 Williams, Robert & Sons 75 Plomer, William 111, 141 57–59, 62 Timbuktu 88 Williams, William POETRY BOOKSHOP, THE 76–77 ST JOSEPH’S 65–67 Trinity Chapel 67 (Pantycelyn) 63, 97 Poisoner, Hay (see Armstrong) St Mary’s, Capel-y-ffin 101– Tump, The 53, 65 Wilson, B., sculptor 58 Powell, Lucy 123 02, 103 Turner, J.M.W.
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