WKATUBS AVEBAOB DAILT CIBOULATIOM Foreeaat af U. 8. Weatbar Rataao, for the Moalh of Hay, IMS Bartfnrd Fair and sUghtly warmer tonight: 6,153 Friday partly cloudy with aomewhat MaoilMr of tha Aodlt wanner In ttie Interior. ' Banau at CiTCulatkma MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VHXAGE CHARM MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LVIL, NO. 231 (CUaMfled AdvertlslDg on Pag* 10) They Singr a Song of Other Days i COMMONS, WAR 2 IN KENTUCKY LONG RANGE BUDGET ‘PUNISHED’ FOR .OFHCEINROW O V ER ^ ^ ET S WPA^OLITICS WILL BE BALANCED, Hopkins Says These Are Hoase Knocks Out Only Guilty Ones Out Of ^ ^ i l i t a r y Coart’s Effort To PRESIDENT DECLARES ~ Try Member For Getting 20 Cases Named In Re­ President Tells Educators Anti-Aircraft Gnn Data. cent Newspaper Articles. Here Is Complete Text Historians Will Base Their Washington. June 30 — (AP) — London, June 80 — fAP) — An Of Presidents Address army court called to investigate Harry Hopkins announced today Values On What Is Now leakage of secret anti-aircraft In­ that two WPA straw-bosses In Kentucky have been punished for New York, .lime .30,-—(AP) — J paid for them, Judged by that te.st, | Being Done For Nation; formation quickly bowed today to The test of President Roosevelt’s history’s'te.st - I yonture to say i the ancient House of Commons'ln a playing politics. The work-relief address to the National Education that the long-range budget of the | momentous conflict between Parlia­ administrator, replying to recent Asaoclatlon follows: present administration of our gov- | Defended Free Speech. ment and the War Office. The charges of political coercion In the If you have followed the' argu­ emmont has been In the black and contest raised the possibility that Kentucky WPA. said In- a state­ ments of financial experts over tho not In the red. the government of Prime . Minister last few years, you have guessed j For many years 1, like you, have ; ment: "iVe will deal swiftly and New York, June 30.— (A P ) Neville Chamberlain might stand or summarily with sny proven charge that they have aa many theories of been a pedagogue, striving to in­ fall on the outcome. keeping bonks ns there are ends to culcate In the youth of America a — President Roosevelt, gazing of political coercion, but we will be The court of three high army of­ equally prompt in exposing any ac- serve. They do not always agree greater knowledge of and Interest into the future today, predict­ ficers met briefly and then adjourn­ cu.satlons trumped up to serve the on the definition of capital, and In the face today. in these recent ed that history would say hia ed until after Commons completes political ends of those who are op- they even disagree in what Is an years we have taught the prudent its own Inquiry Into the affair In­ pcsed to thla administration. ’ asset and what Is a liability. That husbandry of our national estate— “ long-range budget” had been Is true both In private business and volving privileges of Its members Hopkins re.aponded speclflcally to our rivers, our soil, our fore.st, our balanced. under Britain's dread Official Se­ charges contained In a recent serlea in goveniment. phosphates, our oils, our minerals This calculation, the Presi­ But whatever differences book- : and our wild life along these lines crets Act. of newspaper articles. Tneae al- dent detlared, would be based It previously had cancelled a legatious mentioned partisans, of keepers and financiers may have , we have made mighty strides—come both Senator Allen W. Barkley, the over the rules of their professors, ' further than In all the years be­ on “ survival values for our summons against Duncan Sandys, Oooservatlve M. P.. whoso posees- - These )ialf dozen O. A. R. veterans punctuated their trip tO’ the 75th anniversary observance of the administration floor leader. and no man or woman of common sense fore In knowledge of how to grap­ population and for our demo­ ' battle of Gettysburg with this bit of lusty singing of oldtime sons ss they gathered In Chicago on the sion of secret data touched off the Governor A. B. Chandler, who are can forget, or allow government to ple with the problems of maintain­ cratic way of living, balanced way to Pennsylvania. Left to right: Joshua Henry, 95. Sabetha, Kas^ Homer S. Woodworth. 95, Chi­ .waging a hot cam pal^ for the forget, what are the tnie and ulti­ ing the estate that our forefathers struggle. Now the military tri­ cago; Mr. Barothy, 91, Omaha. Neb.: Jerry Witl^elm. 94, Lincoln, Neb.; J. R. Huddleston. 95, La Harpe, mate assets and liahllltles of a na­ against what we have paid for bunal will be idle until after a ee- Democratic Senatorial nomination handed down to us. 111.; Charles E. Scarlett, Atchison, Mo. \ In Kentucky. tion. With the dissemination of this them.” in addition to the usual lect committee of the House of The only real capital of a nation Commons makes It report. Two Ont of a Score knowledge, we have taken action. items of government income "Every charge In which a WPA Is Its natural resources and Its hu­ Few men begrudge what that action Sandys Not Present man beings. So long as we take and outgo. worker or official was named." Hop­ hoa cost, because It has been based Touches On Europe Although Sandya, son-ln-taw of kins said, "has been thoroughly In­ care of and make the most of both Winston Churchill and an officer of on operations physically large and Addressing the teachers who com. U.S.INREDINK vestigated, and documentary evl- of them, we shall survive as a spectacular, dramatic and easy to the Territorial army, was not pres­ EXCHANGE CALMS DOWN strong nation, a successful nation prise the national education asso­ (lence conclual' ely establishes that see. 1 am thankful that ! give In ent at the court sesalon, another and a progressive nation—whether ciation, Mr. Roosevelt also: but of more than a score of cases In an age of building, for It is far (l)-;-Spoke of countries where Territorial officer was underatood to which political activity wna alleged, or not .the bopkkeppers say other easier to dramatize to one's self the have been on hand to face charges FOR EIGHTH YEAR kinds of budgets are from time to libraries have been burned, learned A H E R A WILD OPENING only two instances of Improper con­ Importance of the object If you see people exiled, universities dispersed that be let out anti-aircraft data. duct could be found." time out of balance. It while It la going up, than If you The select committee was to be- This capital structure— natural and news, art and literature censor­ He said the two WPA workers In­ come along latar and see it only In ed as having turned back “the clock gln this afternoon, -after debate In volved were Lee Carden, chief resources and human beings— has Its completed stage. We are for­ of civilization." He did so without the House, to Investigate the situa­ Part Of Deficit Was Paid supervisor for the Edmonson county to be maintained at all times'. The tunate today In seeing the New tion created by Sandys' allegation Oyer Million Shares Change p' jit has to be kept up and new naming any country. ACCORD IS REACHED district, and Cleve Keeney, foreman York World’s fair in 1939 In the 12)—Admonished this country to that he was threatened with prose­ In the Newport district. capital put In year by year to meet construction stage. ThLs glimpse cution under the Official Secrets During The Year; Fiscal increasing needs. If we skimp on keep bright the fires of freedom and Hands In First Hour; Tick­ Evidence showed, Hopkins said, will make It mean more to us when civil liberties, to redouble efforts to Act. that Carden had distributed among that capital,' If we exhaust our nat­ we see It completed next year. ON WARSHIPS’ SIZE ural resources and weaken tho ca­ maintain a free press qpd to provliln Sandys charged that be was Year Starts Tomorrow. WPA workers registration cards de- America of Tomorrow a safe place for eternal truths. tu ’ tened by the attorney-general. er Trails Ten Minutes At signed to procure po'litical Informa­ pacity of our human beings, then we shall go the way of all weak The other half of the preserva­ (3) —Declared for state and local Sir Donald Bradley Somervell, on tion, tion of our national capital is like­ control of schools and their currt- the War Secretary Leslie Hore- "We have taken steps to see that nations. A Time; Exciting Scenes. Commons Is Told That 45,- Washington, Jime 30.— (AP) — Long Range Sheet. wise a problem of husbandry—the cu'a, with the Federal government Bellsha. this man minds his own business," conserving of health, energy, skill supplementing only the resources of A third committee—the House of The Treasury closed txx>ka today the WPA adiiilnistrator said. "He Before we can think str^gbt aa a nation we have to consider—In and morMe of our population, suii’d the poorer communltleal Commons standing committee on on Its eighth consecuUvs "red Ink waa told that 'any such activity on addition to the old kind—a new especially of that part of oUr popu­ (4) —Predicted that "the ultimata privileges— met with Chamberlain, n ™ T.rt, -Th. i Apo"! By fiscal year, but found It owed less his part In tha future would result lation which wUl be the America of victory of tomorrow le with In Ms being fired'," kind of government balance abaet meanwhile, to decide whether th.
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