DOCUMENT RESUME ED 036 997 EF 000 677 TITLE National Council on SchoolhouseConstruction. Proceedings of the NCSC 42nd AnnualMeeting, Lincoln, Nebraska (October 4-7,1965). INSTITUTION National Council on SchoolhouseConstruction. PUB DATE Oct 65 NOTE 178p. AVAILABLE FROM Council for Educational FacilityPlanners, 29 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus, Ohio43210 ($2.50) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$9.00 DESCRIPTORS Demography, EducationalSpecifications, *Facility Guidelines, *Facility Requirements,High Schools, Junior Colleges, *Meetings, Performance Specifications, Reports, Research,*School Construction, *School Design, SchoolPlanning ABSTRACT Discussions of education and therequirements of educational facilities are recordedin the minutes of these meetings. Highlights of the session are--(1) adiscussion of demographic factors in schoolhouseconstruction,(2) creativity rnd school design,(3) performance and educationalspecifications,(4) total energy systems,(5) research in school planning, (6) vocational and technical curriculum needs forhigh school and junior college building implications,(7) school construction systems,(8) reports of the executive session, standingcommittees, and liaison committee, and (9)the executive committeemeeting minutes. (TC) I` ON ON 4) NATIONALCOUNCIL ON teN 0 SCHOOLHOUSE CONSTRUCTION C3 us PROCEEDINGS OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING Lincoln, Nebraska October 4-7, 1965 Francis C. Darby, President OFFICERS-ELECT A. L. Beck President John L. Cameron President-Elect BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert J. Guild 1968 Frank E. Irwin 1967 N Richard F. Tonigan 1966 Francis C. Darby, ExOfficio SECRETARY-TREAS",'ZR Editor of Publications 43 Floyd G. Parker 0 Additional copies are available at $2.50each from the Council's Secretary: 0 411 Erickson Hall, MichiganState University, East Lansing,Michigan. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION &WELFARE I Lir OFFICE OF EDUCATION AS RECEIVED FROM THE THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY \I) OFVIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OFFICE OF EDUCATION STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL POSITION OR POLICY. 4 NATIONAL COUNCIL ONSCHOOLHOUSE CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDINGS, 1965 Construction Copyright 1966 by the NationalCouncil on Schoolhouse Printed in the UnitedStates of America Library of Congress CatalogCard Number: 65-65564 Published by the NationalCouncil on SchoolhouseConstruction "PERMISSION TOREPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEENGRANTED '(oScLealkoost GvStutxk- BYNatkiew.4441, Cot eicumtko) Cc.u.kcil G100344:3001 FogAz 6..cataik.64: TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONSOPERATING tax04,1 U.S. OFFICE OF ti UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTIONOUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRESPERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." For assistance in thepreparation and publication,of the 1965 Proceedings, Karl DuBois for coordi- the Secretary-Treasurerextends his appreciation to editorial services; to the College nating the production; toGeorge Kooistra for and facilities; and to Mrs. of Education, MichiganState University for space Mary Ann Barran for Helen Trowbridge, Mrs.Linda Oostmeyer and Mrs. secretarial services. ii COMMITTEES Research . Chahinan, Wallace A. Strevell, 1968 A. E. Wohlers, 1966 Basil Castaldi, 1967 W. 0. Wilson, 1969 William Chase, 1970 Publications Chairman, Carroll W. McGuffey, 1968 Ben H. Evans, 1966 Elven Duvall, 1967 Basil Hick, 1969 Thomas S. Gwynn, Jr., 1970 Professional Activities. Chairman, M. Ted Dixon, 1969 Henry Rissetto, 1966 James M. Thrasher, 1967 Donald 0. Bush, 1968 William Morton, 1970 AD HOC, 1965-66 Resolutions Chairman, Harold W. Boles David W. Hutcheson Hugh L. Jacobs Cleve 0. Westby W: Powers McElveeii Auditing . Chairman, John L'Hote C. Robert Muth Nominating . Chairman, Merle Stoneman Ross L. Neagley Arnold C. Tjomsland William J. Griffith W. D. McClurkin LIAISON American Institute of Architects. Cleve 0. Westby Association of School Business Officials . N. L. George of the U. S. and Canada . American Society of Heating,Refrigeration . John L'Hote and Air Conditioning Engineers i 1 The American Standards Association . John L. Cameron Association for Supervision andCurriculum Development Archibald Shaw Illuminating Engineering Society. Charles D. Gibson SPECIAL COMMITTEES SCHOOL OF THE MONTH 1 Aaron Cohodcs, Acting ChairmanJ. H. Hu lvey J. A. Anderson Ivan Luman ) Harold W. Boles George Reida Leo Buehring Edward Spare M. Gene Coffey Guy 0. Tollerud Charles Chick Lloyd L. Waite Shirley Cooper A. E. Wohlers Simeon J. Domas Floyd G. Parker, Ex Officio Charles D. Gibson A. L. Beck, Ex Officio LOCALARRANGEMENTSMembers Merle A. Stoneman, Chairman Harold Rowe David W. Hutcheson Harold Koch Melvin Boer Rex Englebretson LOCALARRANGEMENTSLadies Mrs. Merle Stoneman Mrs. David W. Hutcheson iv ( TABLE OF CONTENTS KEYNOTE ADDRESS "Some Demographic Factors in Schoolhouse Constxuction" WALTER K. BEGGS 1 CREATIVE IDEAS RICHARD F. TONIGAN 11 SECTION PRESENTATIONS "Performance and Educational Specifications" LLOYD WAITE 25 "Can the Computer Design a School Building?" CHARLES ROBERTS 32 "Total Energy Systems" BASIL L. HICK 37 "Adaptable Scheduling and Building Design" JAMES M. THRASHER 42 RESEARCH IN SCHOOL PLANNING "Research Stimulation Seminars" ARTHUR E. WOHLERS 47 "A Comprehensive Study of Hourly and Daily Sewage Mow Rates in Florida Public Schools" MILTON E. REEDER 49 "A Study of the Factors Involved in EstablishingGuidelines for Planning School Plants" NILE 0. MCCRARY 54 "The Educational and Experiential Backgrounds andPresent Positions of School Plant Specialists" THELBERT L. DRAKE 59 VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL CURRICULUM NEEDS FOR HIGH SCHOOL ANDJUNIOR COLLEGE-BUILDING IMPLICATIONS DONALD D. DAUWALDER AND GORDON F.SMITH 63 EAST ORANGE EDUCATIONALPLAZA ROBERT H. SEITZER 69 V SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECTA PROGRESS REPORT JOHN R. BOICE 75 SCHOOL OF THE YEAR AWARD 85 FIRST ANNUAL ARCHITECTURAL EXHIBIT 85 EXECUTIVE SESSIONBUSINESS MEETING Minutes of Annual Meeting 93 Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer 94 Annual Financial Report 96 Report of the Auditing Committee 99 Revised Policy Guide School Fallout Shelters 100 STANDING COMMITTEES Publications 107 Professional Activities 109 Research 111 Resolutions 113 School of the Month 115 LIAISON American Institute of Architects 121 American Standards Association 122 Association of School Business Officials of the U.S. and Canada 122 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers 123 Illuminating Engineering Society 124 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEBOARD OF DIRECTORS: MINUTES OF MEETINGS 127 APPENDICES Articles of Incorporation 155 Bylaws 159 Travel and Subsistence Rules 163 Members 165 Research Bibliography 180 Annual Meetings 187 vi NEBRASKA CENTER FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM 1965 MONDAY, OCTOBER 4TH 7:00 P.M.FIRST GENERAL SESSION Opening of the conferenceFrancis C. Darby, President, N.C.S.C. PresidingMerle A. Stoneman, Board of Directors, Past President, N.C.S.C. "Welcome to Nebraska"Floyd A. Miller, Commissioner of Education, State Department of Education, Lincoln "Some Demographic Factors in Schoolhouse Construction" Dean W. K.Beggs, TeachersCollege,University of Nebraska TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5TH 9:00 A.M. SECOND GENERAL SESSION "Creative Ideas"Richard F. Tonigan, Board of Directors, N.C.S.C. Group SessionsShared Summaries 1:30 P.M. THIRD GENERAL SESSION PresidingFrancis C. Darby, President, N.C.S.C. Publications CommitteeC. W. McGuffey Professional Activities CommitteeM. Ted Dixon Research CommitteeWallace H. Strevell Secretary-TreasurerFloyd G. Parker Auditing CommitteeHarold Boles Resolutions CommitteeG. W. Reida Nominating CommitteeJames C. Schooler Election of Officers 3:15 P.M.The Future of the Council Board of Directors Report and Recommendations Incorporation of N.C.S.C. Changes in Bylaws Other Business 6:00 P.M.Reception for New Members vii WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6TH 9:00 A.M. FOURTH GENERAL SESSION PresidingA. L. Beck, "resident-Elect, N.C.S.C. "Performance and Educational Specifications"Lloyd Waite, Director of School Plant, Shreveport, Louisiana "Influence of Computers on School Building Design"Charles T. Roberts, Program Specialist, Department of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare, Washington D.C., U. S. Office of Edu- cation "Total Energy System"Basil L. Hick, Educational Facilities Planning, State Department of Education, Albany, New York "Flexible Scheduling and School Design"James M. Thrasher, Dean, School of Education, Montana State University, Mis- soula, Montana 11:00 A.M. School VisitationsArrangements Committee Group IBellevue Public! Schools, Bellevue, Nebraska Group IILincoln Millard Leffler Junior High School and Clare McPhee Elementary School in Lincoln THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH 9:00 A.M. FIFTH GENERAL SESSION PresidingFrank E. Irwin, Board of Directors, N.C.S.C. Research Committee ReportWallace A. Strevell, Chairman, College of Education, University of Houston; and Arthur E. Wohlers, Bureau of Educational Research and Service, The Ohio State University Symposium: "Significant aesearch in School Planning and Building"Wallace A. Strevell, Moderator 12:00 Luncheon Meeting PresidingDavid W. Hutcheson, Director of School Plant Services, State Department of Education, Lincoln Progress Report: "School Construction Systems Development ProjectEducational Facilities Laboratories, Inc."John R. Boice, Project Director 2:00 P.M.SIXTH GENERAL SESSION Presiding--Cleve 0. Westby, Board of Directors, N.C.S.C. "Vocational and Technical Curriculum Needs for High School viii and Junior CollegeBuilding Implications"Donald D. Dauwalder,
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