Apply for a primary school place for the school year 2013–2014 A guide for parents – how and when you need to apply If your child is 5 between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014 you need to apply for a school place by 15th January 2013. HE R T DE E A B D M L I E 15 N M E E January R 2013 A E PP IN LY ONL IIt’s easiest to apply online at www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions HE DE Contents T AD R L E I B N E M 15 Welcome 3 E Terms and abbreviations 4 M E January E R 2013 N Types of schools 5 I A L P N Important dates for your diary 6 PLY O How do I apply for a primary school place 7 Oversubscription criteria – primary education 11 Transfer from Infant to Junior school 12 Frequently asked questions 14 Appeals arrangements 19 Admissions during the school year (in year admissions) 21 Bristol primary schools location map 22 Bristol primary schools listings 23 Bristol primary schools 24 Primary specialist provision 97 Pupil referral units 101 Support with travel between home and school 102 Free School Meals 104 School attendance 106 Every effort has been made to Term and holiday dates 2013/2014 108 ensure the accuracy of the information in this booklet. Useful contacts 109 Some details may have changed since publication. 2 Apply online www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions Welcome Selecting the school you would prefer your child to attend is an important and sometimes difficult decision. This booklet provides you with information to help you make your decision and guides you to sources of further information. We have included details about the process to ensure that you can apply on-time, guidance on Important dates the admissions criteria used for over-subscribed for your diary schools, information about each school in Bristol with links to the school websites and guidance Early September 2012 on the types of things you should consider when The online application will be available applying for a place. for completion at We recommend that you visit the schools you www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions are interested in to find out more. You can also find out useful information from school Midnight 15th January 2013 prospectuses and websites. Closing date for applications. If you miss this date your application will be considered as ‘late’ and the likelihood of How to contact us being offered a place at one of your preferred schools will be reduced. You can always contact the school admissions team for advice or visit the website 19th April 2013 www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions Offers of a primary/infant school place School admissions, made to parents/carers resident in Bristol PO Box 57, will be sent by first class post. If you Bristol BS99 7EB applied online you will also be sent an t 0117 903 7694 f 0117 903 7710 email on the 19th April 2013 e [email protected] 2nd May 2013 Please note: Parents and carers must reply to offers by The educational landscape of Bristol’s this date. schools is changing fast. For the most up to date status of a school we recommend The table on page 6 gives more details of checking the individual schools website. the process. Apply online www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions 3 Terms and Abreviations The terms and abbreviations used in this booklet can be unfamiliar to those not previously involved in the education system. These explanations may help. Term Description Parent/carer This includes all those people who have parental responsibility for a child who fall under the definition of “parent” as set out in Section 576 of the Education Act 1996. Child’s home This is the child’s permanent address where he or she resides with a address person with parental responsibility or with a parent (as defined in Section 576 of the Education Act 1996). Admission The admission number is the number of places that must be offered in number each year group if there is sufficient demand for places. The number is calculated according to the physical capacity of the school. Once the admission number is reached, any further admissions would normally be by appeal. Oversubscribed This means that there have been more applications than there are schools available places. Undersubscribed This means that there have been fewer applications than there are schools available places within the admission number. Oversubscription These are the policies that decide which children will be given priority criteria where there are more applications than places. Local Authority Bristol City Council is the LA. (LA) “Home” LA This is the LA in which the child lives. Applications should be made on the home LA common application form regardless of the school(s) applied for. Children in Care/ This means children who are in public care. The School Admissions Code Looked after has now been amended to include previously looked after children. children These are defined as children who were previously in care but immediately after being in care became subject to an adoption order or special guardianship order. The school Admissions Code now gives both catagories of children the highest priority. 4 Apply online www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions Types of School School Description Admission authority Academies/ These schools are independent The Board of Trustees is the admission Free schools from the LA and are funded authority and is responsible for directly by Central Government. determining the admission arrangements. These may differ from those used by the LA. Academies/Free schools participate in coordinated admission arrangements within the area of their home LA. Community These schools are maintained The LA is the admission authority and it schools fully by the LA. is responsible for determining the admission arrangements and for allocating school places. Voluntary Sometimes referred to as As with community schools, the LA is the controlled controlled schools, management admission authority and it is responsible schools is shared between the LA and the for determining the admission Church of England. arrangements and for allocating school places. Voluntary Sometimes referred to as aided The governing body is the admission aided schools, these schools are either authority and it is responsible for schools Church of England or Catholic, determining the admission arrangements. and responsibility for These will be different from those used management is shared between by the LA. The governors are also the LA and the church but with responsible for allocating school places. the church playing a greater role. Trust schools/ These are state funded The school’s governing body is responsible Foundation Foundation schools supported for setting their own admission schools by a charitable trust. It is made arrangements and allocating places. up of the school partners, working together for the benefit of the school. Infant These schools cover the Reception to Year 2 age groups. Many will also take schools younger children into designated nursery classes. Children from these schools normally transfer to the paired junior school, but may transfer to another junior school or the junior department of a primary school. Junior These schools cover the Year 3 to Year 6 age groups. schools Primary These schools cover the Reception to Year 6 age groups. Many will also schools take younger children into designated nursery classes. The term primary is also used to include infant, junior and primary schools. Apply online www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions 5 Important dates for your diary Date Key dates for parents What the council is doing Beginning of September Admissions systems open Beginning of September Publicise the admissions deadline and who needs to apply September/October Schools hold open days Council receive applications Midnight 15 January 2013 Closing date for reception applications By 25 January 2013 LA sends a report of applications received to other authorities By 8 February 2013 LA sends a report of applications received to Academies, Voluntary Aided and Foundation schools By 8 March 2013 Academies, Voluntary Aided and Foundation schools send a list of pupils offered/refused a place to LA By 29 March 2013 Bristol LA informs other LAs of the initial outcome of applications made by their residents for schools in Bristol, and other LAs will give the outcome of Bristol residents being offered places in schools in their area By 15 April 2013 All schools informed by LA of all final offers up to admission number and of refusals for oversubscribed schools 19 April 2013 Results of all on-time applications sent to parent/carers by 1st class post, and email 2 May 2013 Deadline for parents to respond to offer By 13 May – 28 May 2013 LA exchanges info with Academies, Aided and Foundation schools and other LAs on late applications, on- time applications still seeking a place and places not accepted Early June 2013 Parents hear about re-allocated places Places which become available are re-allocated to children still From June onwards Appeals are heard seeking a place 6 Apply online www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions How do I apply for a primary school place? Please read the information in this guide carefully before submitting an application. If your child was born between 1st September 2008 to 31st August 2009 you must make an application for a reception school place by 15th January 2013. If your child has a statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) then the application How do I apply? must be made through the LA’s Special Online Educational Needs team. Applications can be made online by visiting www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions.
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