6 THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1951 the Missionaries of the Sacred Has Cross from Csar Evening Masses Permitted Slate Holy Year Heart. Yetr Pastor Welcomed ---------------God Love You-------------- LISBON—(NC)—The Holy See Father Dollbaum also conducted LISBON—(NC) — Bishop Fulton Novena, Triduum a retreat this week for the high J. Sheen told the international Fa has given permission for evening One Day's Salary Would Aid school students at St. Francis.’ tima congress here that he wears a and afternoon Masses in the Beja At Newark Church ------------- o------------------- pectoral cross originally given by diocese on Sundays and Holy Day* Home and Foreign Missions the Russian czar to the Orthodox NEWARK — A novena of Holy Schools Increase 245% metropolitan of Petersburg in 1797. because of the shortage of priests. Hours on Sunday evenings began -----------------by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen------------------“The cross eventually came to me The diocese, located in southern this month at St. Francis de Sales' LOS ANGELES—(NC)—Catholic If you shoot GOD LOVE YOU to M.K.S., who and I wear it as a symbol of the Portugal, has only 48 priests to church in honor of the Blessed school enrollmeni here jumped to constant need of prayer for the tend to 114 parishes. Mother, and will continue until the an arrow at a sends the Holy Father’s Missions a new high with 78.422 pupils in conversion of Russia." Bishop ------------o------------------------- feast of her Immaculate Concep­ target, you aim five dollars every month she elementary apd high schools of the slightly above drives her car without an acci­ Sheen said. tion, Dec. R. ------------------ 0------------------- The ignorant are always sweep­ First of the weekly services took Archdiocese of Los Angeles. it because dent: her motto is Spiritual safe­ ing in their condemnations, for place on the Feast of the Holy Ten years ago the total enroll­ gra v i t a t i o n ty First. PATRONIZE THE CATHOLIC they condemn everything they do Rosary Oct. 7. Each Sunday night ment for high and elementary pulls it down. TIMES ADVERTISERS not understand. Aim higher there will be a sermon. Rosary, schools here was only 32,054. The You’ll never miss it if you than common Litany of the Blessed Mother, oth­ increase in the past decade has mail a check to the Missions. ideals if you OAK RIDGE SANATORIUM er novena prayers, and Benedic­ been 245 per cent. Some hard-pressed missioner tion. would achieve may miss his dinner if you GREEN SPRINGS, OHIO, for Also scheduled at St. Francis de your salvation. don’t! Diagnosis—TUBERCULOSIS—Treatment Sales’ church is a Holy Yeai . GOD LOVE YOU to Mary REASONABLE RATES—GRADUATE NURSES Enters Novitiate THE REV. FATHER LEO I. DONAHOE IN ATTENDANCE triduum for those who wish to gain Jane who baby-sits almost ev­ A defiant group of young Chi- Miss Colleen Stokes, daughter of PAUL M. HOLMES, M.D., Mrdira! Director: JOHN J. GEDERT. M.D. the Jubilee Year indulgence, begin ery evening to help the Holy nese Catholics recovered the Reaident Physirian : ALEX O. JOHNSON. Pm. and Gen’l. Mgr. Full Information on Request ni Friday, 3ct. 19. at 7:30 p. m , Mr. and Mrs. R -hard Stokes of Father’s Missions. "They also statue which Communist vandals • nd closing Sunday, Oct. 21. vsth Blessed Sacrament parish, New­ serve who only sit and wait.” had damaged inside their Holy Hour devotions at 7 p. m. ark. entered the Dominican Sis­ ... In Canton. China, the Com­ church, and had it repaired. Sermons at the triduum will be ters Novitiate of St. Mary of the munists have organized a special Then, to bear witness to the preached by the Rev John J Doll Springs. Columbus, on Rosary Sun­ telephone service: people can Faith, they carried it back in Mattresses Made Into Innerspringt ring up and give the names of public procession, chanting the baum of Youngstown, a member of day, Oct. 7. Mattresses Made to CALL those they would like to see Salve Regina past crowds of GA. ■U63 executed . GOD LOVE YOU scowling Reds . GOD LOVE Order & Rebuilt to S.K.V., who inherited a silver YOU to J.P.L., the seminarian Feather Renovating tea service, sold $1 chances on who wrung one dollar for the & Upholstering. TRENOR MOTOR SALES it to her friends and collected Missions out of the tiny allot­ $116 for the Holy Father’s Mis­ ment he receives—and promises sions before raffling it off. OHIO BEDDING CO ,4'^5 Dodge — Plymouth — Used Cars a far more princely gift of pray­ That’s pouring it on! ... A small ers . WARNING: The only Trucks Chinese boy in Hong Kong authentic Mission Rosary is in a comes to the Catholic Center box stamped with the name of 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 1115 there for a few pennies for food The Society for the Propaga­ from time to time. When he tion of the Faith. It may be ob­ was asked for his address, he tained from your Diocesan Of­ The Barkley and Son Company said, “Boys as poor as I am have fice or the National Office, If Tha Rev. Paul J. Barnier, recently appointed pastor of St. Patrick's no address. We sleep in some­ you buy a rosary without the one’s doorway.” Five dollars a PERPETUAL NOVENA church, London, greets Mrs. Frank Farquhar, one of hi* parishioners, case, a merchant profits—the at a reception in his honor at St. Patrick's school on Sunday, Oct. 7. month would give him shelter missions do not . EVERY Our Lady of Perpetual Help Father Bernier was officially installed in hi* new post by the Very against the rain and cold. Catholic church in the Philippine INSURANCE AND BONDS Rev. Msgr. William J. Spickerman, Dean of the Western Deanery, Island Diocese of Tuguegarao Sinca 1897 Diocese of Columbus. was destroyed during the war. 7:30 p.m. CHINA: Communists are par- ^lu'ay* at your service ticularly bitter against the Le- Money for temporary bamboo chapels is needed, still, in many 145 N. High St. parishes. $450 will provide a 21: Columbus, Ohio St. Christopher’s Crowd of 100,000 Pilgrimsl1^^^^ shed in which Mass can be said. - f ri • Ci • I <’*ve one day’s salarv to the poor AD. 3288 lakes Part In ratima Services]I the world that God m His Mercy A ’ South American mission Church --------- I may save us from what the Holy chapel needs a $45 communion Grandview & Ida FATIMA. Portugal—Over 100.- Peter’s Basilica, was greeted atl Father calls a “fatal and final rail—a South Pacific jungle mis­ 000 pilgrims received Communion the sanctuary by four Cardinals, 92l clash” . GOD LOVE YOU to sion needs church bells for $85 here at ceremonies marking the Bishops and a vast crowd of peoplel W.M.B., who is on relief, but —a priest on the borders of Chi­ formal closing of the Holy Year which increased hourly. Thousands! gives generously to the Missions na lost all his possessions when outside Rome and the 34th anni­ of peasants had walked for daysl by going to Holy Communion ev- he fled the Reds and needs $150 versary of Mary’s final apparition from distant villages to attend thel ery morning and offering her for new clothing—a chapel in MACHINERY here. Seventy priests, each accom­ ceremonies. I intentions to this Society’s suc- Kenya needs $25 worth of altar MONTROSE BRAND panied by two acolytes, distributed That night Cardinal Cerejeiral cess ... At a Seminary in South linens. But do not give your Woodworking . Metal Working . Sheet the Sacred Hosts. and Bishop Jose Alves Correia dal India the seminarians are sup- money to any of these; there Silva of Leiria, in whose diocesel ported by offerings from abroad: are other needs, too long for Beef Pork . .. Veal . Sausages Metal Working . Contractors’ Homecraft The celebration attracted a crowd estimated at 600,000 to a Fatima lies, accompanied a candle-1 *he First Mass of every priest listing. Let the Holy Father de­ Machinery Equipment . Full line of Motors. million people, the largest crowd light procession wnicn turned Fa-1 here is offered to bring the cide. Pin your alms to this col­ J. FRED SCHMIDT PACKING CO tima into a sea of lights. At 111 Graces of God to those who help­ umn and send it to the Most ever gathered here. All listened in SINCE 1886 deep, attentive silence as loud­ o’clock, four Cardinals, including! ed him complete his education. Reverend Fulton J. Sheen, Na­ Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. speakers brought the radio mes­ His Eminence Enrique CardinalF A $150 gift will support a semin­ tional Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, N. Fourth A Russell Sts. MA. 5203 sage of His Holiness Pope Pius XH. PJa y Demel, Archbishop of Toledo, arian for a year. No affection for COLUMBUS 14, OHIO He told the crowd that our Lady of Spain, began the all night adora­ anything, whether it be for alco­ 109 East 38th Street, New York Fatima “points out to us the sure tion of the Blessed Sacrament at| hol, money or flesh can ever be- 16x, New York, or your Diocesan Custom Built path to peace and the means of ob­ ap open-air altar. overcome except by the substitu- Director. Reverend James Kulp, 246 East Town Street, Columbus taining it from Heaven.’’ He spoke Throughout the adoration ser-| ,lon a higher affection. How Jan-1 *bout the love of Missions? .
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