NBHEA Spring 2013 New Brunswick Home Economics Association INVITATION NBHEA 95TH CONFERENCE MAY 4TH 2013 Creative Connections: Exploring the Possibilities The members of the Board of Directors and the NBHEA Conference Committee invite you to join them to the AGM to celebrate NBHEA’s 95th annual conference at the Centre communautaire Ste-Anne, 715 Priestman Street Fredericton (across from the Chalmers Hospital) on May 4th, 2013. As our theme, Creative Connections: Exploring Possibilities suggests, the president will take this opportunity to present Claudette Bradshaw with an Honorary NBHEA Membership at lunchtime. Let’s all come to show our appreciation of a person who has made creative connections with Home Economist in the early 70’s when she started to work at the Boys and Girls Club in Moncton and is still allowing our NBHEA members to explore numerous possibilities in 2013. A friendly reminder to those who will choose to stay overnight at the City Motel May 3rd, do not forget to mention that you are with the NBHEA when you make your reservation. If 10 rooms are confirmed for our group, this will allow the Board to have access to the meeting room free of charge. Come meet old friends, former classmates, colleagues and take the opportunity to make new friends as we get together for a day of educational activities. Looking forward to seeing you on May 4th in Fredericton. Keep this newsletter with the program of the day and all the annual reports and bring it with you at the Annual General Meeting. - 1 - 95th NBHEA Conference - May 4th, 2013 Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne 715 Priestman Street, Fredericton, NB Creating connections: Exploring the possibilities 8:30 – 9:15 Registration Enter main door of Centre communautaire (Continental Breakfast available) Salle du Bon temps 9:15 – 9:20 Opening remarks 9:20 - 10:00 CE D'ICI, New Directions for Cafeteria and Café Marc Allain, Executive Director of CE D'ICI 10:00 -10:30 IFHE 2012-Creativity, Research and Inspiration! Jeanne Godin, Ph.D., P.H.Ec., Université de Moncton 10:30-10:50 Nutrition break 10:50-11: 15 Association of Canadian Home Ec. Students (ACHES) Université de Moncton student - Stéphanie Arsenault 11:15 – 12:00 Home Economics teachers today: Choice of French or English presentation Patricia (Pat) Rogers, P.H.Ec., Leo Hayes High, Deborah Parsons-Giberson, P.H.Ec., Bathurst High OR Vicki Côté, Michaud, P.H.Ec., District 3 Dianne Beattie, l'École Sainte-Anne Kim LeBlanc, P.H.Ec., Polyvalente Louis J Robichaud Foyer 12:00 – 2:00 Lunch Presentation of Honorary membership to Claudette Bradshaw 2:00 – 3:30 AGM - 2 - SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHIE: Marc Allain is the Executive Director of the CÉ D’ICI (Collectif économique D’innovation culturelle et iDentitaire), a social entreprise initiative which operates the fooD services at the Centre communautaire Sainte-Anne (CCSA). Marc holDs a bachelor’s Degree of philosophy anD literature from l’Université De Moncton anD has been working in community Development most of his career. Before joining the CÉ D’ICI Marc was Director of community Development for the CCSA anD primarily responsible with the creation of the Youth Center “L’acADo”. Jeanne Godin, PHE anD PhD, is a professor at the École Des sciences Des aliments De nutrition et D’étuDes familiales at Université De Moncton. She taught Home Economics in Labrador City, at Népisiquit High School (Bathurst) anD in the Acadian Peninsula. She was also a school vice-principal for 6 years. She graduateD with a Doctorate of Philosophy (Major : Family anD Consumer Science EDucation) from Iowa State University in 2010. She has been a professor at l’École Des sciences des aliments De nutrition et D’étuDes familiales at Université De Moncton for the past 10 years. Last summer Jeanne presenteD the results of her research at the 2012 International FeDeration of Home Economics Conference in SyDney, Australia. With 30 photos in 30 minutes, you will Discover not only the creativity of the conference’s participants but also Melbourne’s own creativity where art is an everyDay occurrence. Some of the research results will be presenteD anD quotes from guest speakers will hopefully keep you inspireD until our next provincial conference! Stéphanie Arsenault graduateD from Nepisiguit High School in Bathurst. She has completeD her 3rD year in Family StuDies at l'Université De Moncton. Vicky Côté Michaud graduateD with a B.A. (major in family stuDies) from Université De Moncton in 1999. She works for the school District 3 in the GranD Falls area. Dianne Beattie graduateD from l’Université De Moncton with a Baccalauréat en enseignement Des sciences familiales (B. T. H. Ec.) in 1984. She teaches at l’École Ste-Anne in FreDericton. Kim LeBlanc graduateD from High School at Cité Des Jeunes A-M-Sormany in EDmunDston. In 2001, she graduateD with B.A., B.ED. (Major Family StuDies) anD in 2009 with a M. ED. from l’Université De Moncton. Deborah Parsons-Giberson is a Home Economics teacher at Bathurst High School. She graduateD at UNB in 1977 with a Bachelor of EDucation in Home Economics. Patricia (Pat) Rogers is a Home Economics teacher at Leo Hayes High School in FreDericton. She graduateD at UNB in 1982 with a Bachelor of EDucation in Home Economics. - 3 - Agenda NBHEA Annual General Meeting May 4th. 2013 Fredericton, N.B 1. Call meeting to order Barry Robertson 2. Roll call of officers 3. Adoption of the agenda 4. Minutes from the previous meeting Joline Gautreau 5. Business arising from the minutes Barry Robertson 6. President’s report Barry Robertson 7. Treasurer’s report Barry Robertson 8. Legislative Committee Reports 8.1 Committee of Examiners/Registrar’s Report Julie Caissie 8.2 Complaints Committee Margaret McCormack 8.3 Discipline Committee Paulette Robichaud 8.4 Scholarship and Investment Committee Jeanne Godin 8.5 Continuing Education Committee Marilyn F. Maillet 8.6 Public Relations Committee 8.7 Universite de Moncton Report Murielle Gaudet 9. Chapters’ Annual reports including financial statement 9.1 Moncton Chapter Jeanne Godin 9.2 Saint John chapter Marion McEachern 9.3 Bathurst Chapter Riba Riordon 10. Correspondence 11. Nomination and election Marilyne F. Maillet 12. 2014 Conference 13. New Business 13.1 Legal Fund of $ 20 480.82 Aline Landry 13.2 Special Project Fund over $ 68,000 Aline Landry 13.3 Proposed Budget 13.4 Other 14 Adjournment - 4 - 4. NBHEA 2012 Annual General Meeting April 28th 2012 Moncton, NB 1. Call to Order Barry Robertson, President, calls the meeting to order at 10:50 AM Nineteen members are present with two proxies. 2. Roll Call Present: Barry Robertson President Marilyne Ferguson-Mallet Past President Lisa Landry Registrar Mélanie Pinet Treasurer Jeanne Godin President-elect, Chair of Investment & Scholarship Comm. Lisa Landry Recording Secretary (replacing Angèle-Anne Rousselle - absent) Murielle Gaudet U de M representative, Jeanne Godin Moncton Chapter President Marilyn Upton Saint John Chapter President Marilyne Ferguson-Mallet Chair Continuing Education Absent: Angèle-Anne Rousselle and Riba Riordon 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by Aline Landry and seconded by Marilyn Upton that the agenda be approved with the addition under New Business 13.1 Canadian Home Economics Foundation 13.2 Funding to IFHE Conference in Melbourne 13.3 Honoring membership Motion carried. 4. Approval of May 28, 2011 AGM Minutes The following correction was noted to section 9.2 of the 2011 NBHEA minutes: ‘She also informed the members that the Saint John Chapter had also ‘offered’……’. Moved by Lisa Landry and seconded by Aline Landry that the minutes of 2011 AGM be approved. Motion carried. 5. Business Arising from Minutes of May 28, 2011 Meeting None 6. President’s Report Barry Robertson presented his written report (printed in the Spring 2012 Newsletter). Moved by Barry Roberton and seconded by Norma Beville. - 5 - 7. Treasurer’s Report Mélanie Pinet seconded by Murielle Gaudet moves the adoption of her written reports, Statement of revenue and expenses as well as the Proposed budget for 2012- 2013, printed in the Spring 2012 Newsletter. Motion carried. 8. Legislative Committee Reports 8.1 Committee of Examiners / Registrar Lisa Landry presents her written report (printed in the Spring 2012 Newsletter) with the most up to date information. We have 58 registered members with 15 active, 3 non- employed, 2 students and 38 retired members. 8.2 Complaints Committee No complaints. 8.3 Discipline Committee Paulette Robichaud reports that no complaints had to be studied. Standing Committee Reports 8.4 Scholarship & Investment Jeanne Godin presented her written report (printed in the Spring 2012 Newsletter). Marion MacEachern makes a motion that the NBHEA Executive develops a strategic plan on marketing and promoting the profession of Home Economics and bring the report back to the 2013 annual meeting for action. In order to cover expenses, a maximum of $500 can be taken from the special project fund. Seconded by Janice Slaney. Motion carried 8.5 Continuing Education Marilyne Ferguson-Mallet and Lisa Landry presents a verbal report. Active members are informed of the importance of the points system. 8.6 Public Relations Mélanie Pinet informed members that the membership list will be available on the Web Site only. It was also mentioned that we would send the list of the members by e-mail to all members. In addition, we are looking at the possibility of having a section for personnal development. 8.7 Université de Moncton Murielle Gaudet presented her written report printed in the Spring 2012 Newsletter. 9. Chapter’s Annual Reports, including financial report 9.1. Moncton Chapiter Jeanne Godin presented her written report printed in the Spring 2012 Newsletter. 9.2. Saint John Chapter Marilyn Upton did not have an official report but indicated that the Saint John Chapter meet 3 times during the year and celebreated the Home Economics Day.
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