English Assignment 1- Third Week Flamingo – Ch 2 The lost Spring (Part -1) Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words . 1. What does Saheb do for a living ? 2. What was Saheb’s full name? Was it suitable for him and what is ironic about it? 3. What did garbage mean to the children of Seemapuri and to their parents? 4. Why did the rag picking children not wear shoes? 5. “Seemapuri is on the periphery of Delhi, yet miles away from it metaphorically”. Explain what the author means by this ? 6. What did the author promise Saheb? What explanation did she later give for not fulfilling it ? English Assignment 2- Vistas – Ch 2The Tiger King Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words . 1. Who is the tiger King? Why does he get that name? 2. What did the royal infant grow up to be? 3. What did the astrologer predict when the tiger king was born? What was the miracle that occurred 10 days after the birth of the tiger king? 4. Why was the Tiger King in danger of losing his throne? 5. How did the Tiger king make up the shortfall of tigers in his kingdom ? How was the Tiger King provided the hundredth tiger? 6. What was the fate of the Hundredth Tiger? 7. How did the King finally meet his death? HISTORY ASSIGNMENT- (WEEK 3) Topic : Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Section A MCQ’s Q.1 The earliest religious text, the Rigveda was compiled between- a) 1000-500 BCE b) 2000-1500 BCE c) 1500-1000 BCE d) Before 2000 BCE Q.2 Buddha was born at: a) Kusinagara b) Lumbini c) Sarnath d) Bodh Gaya Q.3 Who was the favourite disciple of Budha? a) Ananda b) Maya c) Gotami d) Gajalakshmi Q.4 The stupa at Shah Ji ki Deri is situated in: a) Peshawar b) Lumbini c) Lahre d) Bodh Gaya Q.5 Two groups emerged in Buddhism from first century onwards. They are: a) Mahayana & Hinayana b) Protestant & Catholics c) Shwetambar & Digambar d) Shia & Shunni Q.6 Ashokavadana is a: a) Jaina text b) Puranic text c) Buddhist text d) Vedic text Q.7 Who were Theris? a)Women in sangh b)Bhikkuni c)Common householder d)respected women who had attained nibbana Q.8 In Vaishnavism how many incarnations of Vishnu is conceptualised? a)7 b) 8 c)9 d) 10 Q.9 Vasudeva Krishna was an important deity in which area? a) Allahabad b) Gaya c) Mathura d) Benaras Q.10 Art historian James Ferguson called Sanchi as the centre of: a) Theri worship b) serpent worship c) Vishnu worship d) Elephant worship True/False Q.11 AnandawasthediscipleofBuddhawhopersuadedhimtoincludewomeninSanghas. Q.12 Yajurveda is the collection of hymns in praise of deities like Agni, Indra and Soma Q.13 Buddha was born at Bodh Gaya. Q.14 The Begums of Bhopal were responsible for the preservation of Amravati stupa. Q.15 Stupas contained bodily remains or objects used by Buddha. Q.16 Abalcony like structure built over a stupa is known as yasti. Q.17 Buddha declared that the world is transient and continuously changing Q.18 Buddha asked his followers to follow the Middle Path to attain Nirvana. Q.19 The two sects of Buddhism were Hinayana and Mahayana. Q.20 The last words of Buddha to his followers were "Be lamp unto yourselves". Fill in the blanks : Q.1 Begums of provided money for the preservation of Sanchi Stupa. Q.2 John Marshall dedicated his important volumes on to Sultan Jehan. Q.3 Between c. 500 and 1000 BCE first written book was compiled. Q.4 From 1000-500 BCE kings performed two elabortae sacrifices& Q.5 A hut with a pointed roof where travelling mendicants halted and debates conducted was known as Q.6 Siddhartha was the birth name of. Q.7 The first sermon was given by Buddha at. Q.8 The stupa originated as a simple semi-circular mound of earth called. Q.9 AstoryaboutagenerousprincewhogaveeverythingtoBrahmansandwenttoliveintheforest with his wife and children is written in Q.10 Buddha attained Nirvana at. Very short answer type questions : Q.1 Mention the historical sources related with 600 BC -600 CE. Give one example also. Q.2 Mention name of any four places where we find stupas in the sub-continent. Q.3 State the name of regions and countries where message of Buddha spread. Q.4 Write the meaning of Ahimsa. Q.5 Write the meaning of term Dhamma. Q.6 Mention two teachings of Buddha. Q.7 Mention two teachings of Mahavira. Q.8 State two similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism. Q.9 State two differences between Buddhism and Jainism. Short Answer type questions : Q.I Write a short note on sacrifices performed by the ancient Indian. Why were these rituals considered important? Q.2 Write the main characteristics of literary works recorded and produced by the Jains scholars. Q.3 Discuss how and why stupas were built? Q.4How do we know about Buddha's teachings? Q.5 How did Sanchi survive but not Amaravati? Q.6How was the caste system responsible for the rise of new religions? Q.7Whydidthepeoplereadilyaccept Buddhismandjainism? Q.8 Do you think the ideas of the fatalists and meteoriticist were different from there of Upanishadic thinkers? Give reasons for you answer. Q.9 What were the central teachings of Jainism. Q.10 Why do you think the Buddhas advised his followers to be lamps unto yourself? Long Answer type questions : Q.1 To what extent does knowledge of Buddhist literature help in understanding the sculpture at Sanchi? Q.2 Why did the people begin to oppose the Brahmanical religion. Q.3 BuddhismhadoriginatedinIndiabutithadnotspreadaslikeJainismhasspreadinIndia.Why? Q.4 DescribethecontributionofJainismandBuddhimstoIndianliteratureandart. Section C Source based questions : Fatalists and Materialists? Here is an excerpt from the Sutta Pitaka, describing conversation between king Ajatasattu, the ruler of Magadha, and the Buddha : On one occasion King Ajatasattu visited the Buddha and described what another teacher, named Makkhali Gosala, hadtoldhim: "Though the wise shouldhope, by this virtue...by this penance I will gain karma.... and the fool should by the same means hope to gradually rid himself of his karma, neither of the mcando it. Pleasure and pain, measure doutas it were, cannot bealtered in the course of samsara (transmigration). It can neither be lesseneed or increased just as a ball of string will whenthrown unwind to its full length, so fool and wise alike will take their course and make an end of sorrow." And this is what a philosopher named Ajita Kesakambalin taught: "There is no such thing, O king, asalmsorsacrifice,or offerings ...there is no such thing as this world or the next.... A human being is made up of the four elements. When he dies the earthy in him returns to the earth, the fluid to water, the heat to fire, the windy to air, and his senses pass into space.... The talkofgifts isadoctrineoffools,anempty liefoolsandwisealikearecutoffandperish. They do not survive after death." The first teacher belonged to the tradition of the Ajivikas. They have oftenbeendescribedasfatalists:thosewhobelievethateverything ispredetermined.Thesecond teacher belonged to the tradition of the Lokayatas, usually described as materialists. Texts from thesetraditionshavenotsurvived,soweknowaboutthemonlyfromtheworksofothertraditions. Questions: i. Who was Ajatasattu? ii. What did Makkhali Gosala believe in? iii. What were the veins of Ajita Kesakambalin? iv. Who were fatalists? How were they different from Materialists? POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSIGNMENT (week-4) Topic: contemporary South Asia Section A 0.1 Very-very short answer type questions : I. Till 2006, Nepal was a a. Democracy b. Autocracy c. onstitutional Monarchy d. Dictatorship ii. Name two countries that have had both civitian and military rulers. iii. Who led the non-violent movement for demooracy in Nepal? iv. What is the full form of LTTE? v. Name any two member nations of SAARC. vi. Name the 2 landlocked SAARC member countries. vii. In which year did a new nation named Bangladesh emerge? viii. Bangladesh was e part of Pakistan from the year to Ix. In the year fierce demonstrations took place in Nepal in support of democracy, x. What is the full form of SAFTA? Section B Q.2 Very short answer type questions : i. Mention any one effort on the part of Government of India and Pakistan to create an atrmosphere of friendship. ii. What was the promise made with the signing of SAFTA? iii. Describe the ideology of Maoists. Iv. Give one consequene of Indo-Pakistan confict of 1971. v. Give one reason for the popular struggle in East Pakistan (Now Bangaladesh) against West Pakistan during 1971. Section C Q.3 Short answer type questions : i. Discuss relations between India and Maldives. ii. What kind of relationship does India enjoy with Bhutan? iii. How can peace and cooperation be enhanced in the South Asian region? Give your opinion. iv. "Democracy is becoming the first choice of the people of South Asia'. Justify the statement. V. How is demoaratisation going on in Nepal since 1990? vi. Explain the politicla system of Bhutan. Section D Q.4 Read the passage given below and answer Question : Not all contlicts in South Asia are between India and its neighbours. Nepal and Bhutan, as Bangladesh and Myanmar. have had disagreements in the past over the migration Nepalese into Bhutan and the Rohingyas into Myanmar respectively. Bangladesh and had some differences over the future of the Himalayan river waters. The major conflicts and differences, though, are between India and the others,' partly because of the geography of the region" in which India is located centrally and is therefore the only country that borders the others 1.
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