A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript (BL MS Add 17,492) New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies Volume 5 Series edited by William R. Bowen and Raymond G. Siemens −∙− Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies Volume 465 A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript (BL MS Add 17,492) Raymond Siemens, University of Victoria Karin Armstrong, University of Victoria, & Constance Crompton, University of British Columbia, and The Devonshire MS Editorial Group Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance Toronto, Ontario in collaboration with ACMRS (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies) Tempe, Arizona 2014 A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript (BL MS Add 17,492) Raymond Siemens Karin Armstrong & Constance Crompton and The Devonshire MS Editorial Group Barbara Bond, Terra Dickson, Johanne Paquette, Jonathan Podracky, Ingrid Weber, Cara Leitch, Melanie Chernyk, Brett D. Hirsch, Daniel Powell, Alyssa Anne McLeod, Alyssa Arbuckle, Jonathan Gibson, Chris Gaudet, Eric Haswell, Arianna Ciula, Daniel Starza-Smith, James Cummings with Martin Holmes, Greg Newton, Paul Remley, Erik Kwakkel, and Aimie Shirkie. in conjunction with Partners Iter Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies Adam Matthew Digital Collaborators Implementing New Knowledge Environments Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory Advisory Group William R. Bowen (Chair) (Director, Iter; University of Toronto Scarborough) Robert E. Bjork (Director, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Arizona State University) Michael Ullyot (University of Calgary) Diane Jakacki (Georgia Institute of Technology) Jessica Murphy (University of Texas at Dallas) Jason Boyd (Ryerson University) Elizabeth Heale (University of Reading) Steven W. May (Georgetown College) Arthur F. Marotti (Wayne State University) Jennifer Summit (Stanford University) Jonathan Gibson (Queen Mary, University of London) John Lavignino (King’s College London) Katherine Rowe (Bryn Mawr College) © Copyright 2014 Iter Inc. and the Arizona Board of Regents for Arizona State University Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data ISBN 978-0-86698-517-8 (alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-86698-518-5 (online) A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript is dedicated to the editors’, compilers’, and editorial groups’ mothers, both literal and literary. With sincere gratitude we offer the present edition. This edition is a print version of a larger, evolving project of the same name hosted on Wikibooks at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/The_Devonshire_Manuscript. In the near future, A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript will also be hosted in the Iter Community space at http://community.itergateway.org. Contents Introduction: The First Sustained Example of Men and Women Writing Together in the English Tradition . 1 1. Textual Introduction and Editorial Principles . 1 Overview . 1 Textual Introduction . 3 Transcription . 4 Punctuation and Scribal Marks . 5 2. The Works of the Devonshire Manuscript . 7 3. Public and Private, Personal and Communal . 13 4. Current and Popular Contexts . 27 5. Bibliographic Materials and Analysis . 28 Paper and Watermarks . 28 Gatherings . 29 Collation . 29 Provenance . 31 Sigla of Manuscripts & Early Printed Books Associated with the Devonshire Manuscript . 35 1. Manuscripts . 35 2. Early Printed Books. 37 3. Witness Descriptions, Manuscript . 39 4. Witness Descriptions, Early Printed Books. 73 Poems . 79 Front Matter . 01r-v Take hede be tyme leste ye be spyede. 02r O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge. 02v My harte I gave the not to do it paine. 03r My pen take payn a lytyll space. 03v At last withdrawe yowre cruellte. 04r-v To wette yowr Iye withouten teare. 05r I lowe lovyd and so doithe she. 06r Suffryng in sorow in hope to attayn. 06v-07r My ferefull hope from me ys fledd . 07v Yowre ferefull hope cannot prevayle. 08r Bownd am I now & shall be styll . 08v-09r Farewell all my wellfare . 09v-10r May not thys hate from the estarte . 10v Yff I had sufferd thys to yow vnware . 11r The hart & servys to yow profferd . 11v At most myscheffe . 12r What menythe thys when I lye alone . 12v-13r Pacyence tho I have not . 13v ys yt possyble . 14r My lute awake performe the last labor . 14v-15r Alas poore man what hap have I . 15v-16r Marvell nomore Altho . 16v And wylt thow leve me thus . 17r That tyme that myrthe dyd stere my shypp . 17v The restfull place Revyver of my smarte . 18r All women have vertues noble & excelent . 18v What no perde ye may be sure . 19r Was neuer yet fyle half so well fylyd . 19v As power & wytt wyll me Assyst . 20r Sum tyme I syghe sumtyme I syng . 20v Pacyence of all my smart . 21r Who wold haue euer thowght . 21r In faythe methynkes yt ys no Ryght . 21v-22r The knot which fyrst my hart dyd strayn . .22v He Robyn gentyll robyn . 22v A wel I hawe at other lost . 22v The knot which fyrst my hart did strayn . 23r-v Hey Robyn Ioly Robyn tell me . 24r-v It was my choyse It Was my chaunce . 24v-25r Now may I morne as one off late . 26r Wyth sorowful syghes and wondes smart . 26v What thyng shold cawse me to be sad . 27r Alas that men be so vngent . 27v Who hath more cawse for to complayne . 28r I may well say with Ioyfull harte . 28v To yowr gentyll letters an answere to resyte . 29r And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte . 29v O very lord / o loue / o god alas . 29v O ye louers that hygh vpon the whele . 30r It was my choyse yt was no chaunce / . 30v Suche Wayn thowght / as wonted to myslede me / . 31r So vnwarely was never no man cawght / . 32r The knott whych ffyrst my hart dyd strayn /. 33r-v Yff fansy wuld favour . 34v The Wandryng gadlyng in the somer tyde / . 35v The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies / . 36v Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne / . 37v Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent / . 38v What deth ys worse then thys / . 39v thy promese was to loue me best . 40r I se the change ffrom that that was . 40v-41r ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd . 41r as ffor my part I know no thyng . 41r-v to my meshap alas I ffynd . 42r-v how shold I . 43r what nedythe lyff when I requyer . 43r-43v-44r and thys be thys ye may . 44r Too yoye In payne my will . 44v Yff reason govern fantasye . 45r-46r What helpythe hope of happy hape . 46v-47r This rotyd greff will not but growe . 47v Hartte aprest with dessperott thoughtes . .47v-48r So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye . 49r-50v ffull well yt maye be sene . 51r Syns loue ys suche that as ye wott . 51v-52r Lo how I seke & sew to haue . 52v My loue ys lyke vnto theternall fyre . 53r Syns so ye please to here me playn . 53r Yf in the worlde there be more woo . 53v Now must I lerne to lyue at rest . 54r fforget not yet the tryde entent . 54v o happy dames that may enbrayes . 55r-v My hope is yow for to obtaine, . ..
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