5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 2ND BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - SEPTEMBER 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2175 CD: 22 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07903170• 0805/165 Al2 Scr00894•G8 t\0\i 12 \953 -""' ~-- .. TFIRD ENDCRSEi-cENT em CO 2dBn 5tlli"!ar 1 tr ser 0013 of 2 Oct 1953 Fro:,1: Coai,11anCliilg G<::JJor·al, Fleet Har·ine Force, Pacific To: Co!·J~(HJ.t!'1ant of t;llo MD.r·5.ne Cor-ps SubJ: Co:v>anc1 DLu·:,' for- September 1953 1. For·1··ar·ded. 2. Tll~.s oHdor·sem8nt is dc,·:Hf::'l·aded. to uncl~1.ssif:tcd upon detacllmur;t from the basic document. Copy to: CG 1utMar·Div ., (~1.'''1 II·. -~ f ,,~_.• J I ;;\I .._,.:-L-·V.I· · . '0 -- . ''~·' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07903171• • 231/wmg A1.2 Sari t o () 92 44 rI ' Sl!:CRE'l' SECURITY INFORMATION SECOND ENDOR8f!a.IEN'I' on CO 2dBn 5thMar 1 tr ser 0013 ot 2 Oct 1953 J'roml Commanding General, let Marine Division (l'leint), FMI' 'l'o: Commandant ot the Marine Corps Vial Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific 1. J'orwarded. 2. '!'be security classification of this endorsement is removed w~n detached rrom the basic document. (Le___/~ ALAN SHAPLEY I I By direction Copy to: CMC (1) MCS (2) PMFPac (1) ru ::;gi: HJ Pacific Fleet Evaluation Group (CinCPac) (1) MCB. C.amn Pendleton (1) , 1st· Prov ~ M~1ne- Ali Ground Task Force (l) S&C Files (1) · SECRET BI:CURITY INFORMATION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07903172 / . --~....---- - , I • • 1/rej A6-5 Ser: 0 0 (, 'l (. SECRET SECURITY,, INFORMATION fiRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 2ndBn 5thMar ltr ser 0013 of 2 OLt 195.) trom: COIII!ll3.nding Officer 1 5th Harines To: Commandant of the Marine Corps Via: (l) Cottii.andir~ General, 1st lwia.rine Div::.sion, r"l'll'­ {2) Col!VMnding C'.eneral, Fleet l'Le.rine Force, Pacific SubjJ COIII!land Diary for the month or S "ptember 1953 ....• •~~~ R. McC. '"!DMPKINS ' SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07903173 Headquarters 1 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines 2/gar let ~rine Division, FMF A6-5 o/o Fleet Post Office Ser: 0013 San Francisco, California 2 October 1953 SECEET SECURITY INFORU.ATION From: Commanding Officer To: Commandant of the Marine Corns Via: (lj Commanding Officer, 5th Me.r1nee (2) Comman~ing General, let Hal"ine Division, FMF (3) Commanding Generel, Fleet Uarine Fr>rce, Pacific SubJ: Comma.nd Diary tor the m'lnth of Sentember- Ret: tat Para 11401, MCH fb, FMF~ao General Order 21 (Rev) of 11 March 1952 \C) Map of Korea, 1:25,000 AMS L851 Sheets 6527-IV-NE, 6527-IV-~# 1 652?-IV~SE, 652?-I-SW SUMMARY: 1. This summary covers the activities o'f' the Second Battaliozt. Fltth Ms.rines First l'larine Division, Fleet Marine torce, Pacitlo, during the ~eriod 1 Sentember to 30 September, both dates in­ clusive. 2. As this period oegan, the battalion remained in the same seotor with the Battalion command Post at CS 010961. 3. Durin5 the first six (6) days of' this period, membel"e of tl;'Ont lino ooill!>anies worked on trench lines, tignting holes, bunkers ahd otner fortifications across the battalion tront, 4. On 7 September and c•:>nt 1nuing through 12 September e.ll forti'f'ication construction wae 1nterr-wpteCI. 1n an all out e:rrort to salvage all material remaining in the Demilitarized Zone. 5. On 14 September and continuing through 30 Se9tember, the bat­ talion continued the construction of fortifications on the OPL. Work was also started on the Defens1ve Bridgehead Line and c~n­ tinued thrr>ughout the month. S. Under the sunervieion of S-3, exten~ive reconnaissance 9atrol1 were ma<'l.e by each line c0m'l1my throughout this entire neriod, with the m1ee1on of patrolling the Demiliterized Zone wire in search of violators of the ~oat armistice and a'>'>rehcndi~ all unauthorized personnel in the area. Howsvar, all patrols returns~ with negative results. DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED f • Korean War Project USMC-07903174 . -~ . ~- rt, li SECRET ~·. SECURITY INFORMATION I! 7. At 0800, 8 September one (1) North Korean soldier surrendered to the guard at Crossing Station 6, BS 993974. He was armed with i PPSH and hand grenades, ~- During the early morning hours of 11 September five (5) North Korean o1v111ane were appraner~ed upon entering friendly linea trom the Demilitarized zone at Crossing Station 1, BS. 986934. •t 0100, 13 Seutembor, one (l) North Korean o1v1l1an was r apprehended by the ~uaro at Crossin'S Station 4, BS 987935. At 0920, the s-3 officer a~;>rehended one {l) North Korean r soldier at CS 013973. Th1e man had oroesed the main 11ne and was headin~ tor the rear when a~~rehended, I· · At 1140, 17 Sept(;mb~;r two (2) North Korean c!vil!ens were apprehended·u~on (!nterino; Crosein~ Station 1 trpo the· Den111ta­ r1zed z~no at BS 986934, I . .t.ll nf the f!~r:>V() N'lrth Koreans were questioned and released to hi"her euthr:>rity, 8, Cathnlio Mas!', Je'>rish and Protestant Sel"vices were> held re­ !?Uarly within the battelion twotor throu<>;hout the neriod. All I services WPre well 6ttf·nded, I g= Battle c-aeualtiee for th(: month of Seutember 1953 wert; ne;;,:a­ t1ve. One (l) accidental d1achar~e from a small arms "toreauon { ocourre"-, wound.ine>; one (1) oornsman. Five (5) of'fiocl"e and seventeen (17) enlisted nen '>rere tre.nsferred fror: this battalion and out of the division durin~ the nPriod, Two (2) Pnl1fltPI'l men joined the battalion Irorn. out of' the ttivlsifln nu,-.1nt'! the ner1od. NinP (9) officcre and two hunil.red fifty-five (255) (> enlisted men ohoe0n in rcoo~n1 t1on of mer! tor!oue duty pi:'r:forr~u~d. in the battalion, w•·re Rent to Ja~an for five (5) days rtst anil. recreation leave durin~ the ~criod. SECJlE'l' ~- \\ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07903175 -•• ,· • SECRET SECURITY INFORHATION CHRONOLOGICAL N.l~~RA;TIV"E: . 1, Sentembcr Ae thiA n~riod be'l;on, the batt!3lion remainf><'l in thl' same Aeotor, with the Battvllon CommnncT Post at CS 01.096l. Under tht." eupt:r­ vision at S-3, each front lin<· eor:rrmny sen~ out t'l\•o (2) r"'oon­ nslesnnoe patr0ls 1 dU1""in-1; the h~'":·ure o:!:' clcrkncf33: wi. th the mission ot natrollin:l; the Df'm~.J.itar:\ ze<'l zone w3 re l.n se .,roh of v ioletors of' the nost ar~1istio" Hnd an')i'ehor,<1:1.n<>: all unaut;horizen nersonnel 1n tile arer.. .i>ll ))·9't.L'OlS rotur:1ed \vith ne•J;IJtive results·. 2. Septcnber All front line compa.ntes <'luo.; trench lines, built bunkers, fight­ ing positions and. o t"ttJr :rortit\c-at .lone dur~.ng this nerlod. .;.11 companies sent out thel.r two (2) :natrcl!l to screen the battalion 'front~ .All ret.u.rned. with ·nc.:;at:\,ve r-esul te. :S. September Work was continue~ on f'ront line pol!itione during thiR neriod, All comnv.n1r:a d.1t:natcher:1 Y'lf'trolR durinP-: the houre of ~-arkneee. hll returnen with ne~otive results, 4. Se!)tember All rront L1ne comnaniea worke0 on fortificetio~B durir~ the ·t'l.aylig;ht hours, AB ni;,;ht fall came, eBoh comn».ny t'l.illnatohen t••rO (2) reoonnrisaance -nntrols. ."~1 returned. y;ith nec~~tlve rcBulta .. 5, Scntembcr Work aut'l 1mnrovcmcnt of front line "Oeitione wae continued thrcu~hou'G th!s ne.riofl. ~;.11 nr~.trols that were sent out rt'turnP...,_ with ne~otive results. 6, Scntembcr Holiday rc;ut1ne w"e observed by members of th<: battelion through­ out the day. Church services ui.re held in the battalion eec:;'>r and were well attenn.en~ Each oom"t")any sent cut t·{.;o (2) Datr:-:;.ta to Bf'reen the front line Rector, all returnin.o; with ne•;ative results, ?, September On thle date~ s11 fort1r!cnt!one conat~"ct1on was interrupted in an all out effort to salvao:e all materlal remainin'> in the De­ militarized Zone, Duri~ the ·hours of darknoel! the usual patrols ·ae:Nened the area with ne11:etive results. SECRET -:s- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07903176 ·.. •. .. ,. ........, •.:-. I SECF~'!' ' SECURITY HTFORH;.TDN I 8, Sentf'mber ~:-·.·..· t. At osoo, one (1) N"rth Kor>enn eol"li<'r eur>rende:red to the c:uarn '....'l at aroe!linn: Station 6, BS 993974. He ····a a:<med '!orith PP"lH ant!. hand 1::' grenades~ He WD.B rt1snrrtcn ~nr!. turner'_ nv~r tn h1g;ht:r authority. Salve"e of materials remainen ton nr1ority thro~hout this ".·I period, All natrols sent out, returned with ne~Ative rPeulte, I 9, September TrooTJI! in front line comnnniet'l continuf'<'l. the eelva~e oneratione -. :.' durin~ th1e ncr1nrt. The ueuel n~trols eorPenPd th~ f<?r..vari..,. area 1~.·.,. with nc~Ptive results, 11.1 "~:,.. 1' Salva?ln~ ot mater1e.le in the Dew1litar1ze·_,_ Znne was oon-,;1nuet1 throU>7;hout this neriod, TNo (2) natrole f:ror1 each onmnany f!creen­ e<l the batt'llion front r1.Urinfl' the h-:>urA of r1arkneee, All returned I with ne~ative reAultA, ·.·.
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